Anyone have more details on a XBox 360 Console History Export Project? - facebook

Recently, at the Charlotte 2009 Code Camp someone was telling me about a project/product that would export the history of a XBox 360 Console and then create some kind of diary or journal for the XBox.
He didn't really know the details, but he thought it would take the Xbox Console history and then convert it into one of the social networking sites like FaceBook.
So it might look like this:
Chris played "Halo Wars" for 3 hours today... more specific details like score etc.
I didn't see Chris at all today. Hope he stops by soon.
Chris played "Galaxy Wars" for 2 hours today... again even more details.
I don't know for sure it would make it FaceBook content. It could have been a blog, or Twitter, or anything else.
I thought it was a great idea, and I was wanting to check it out, and hoping that it is open source because then I have some ideas of my own.
Either way first I need to find it. And so far all my searching has been for vain.
If you know any more details please share, because I'm sure there are others who are curious now too. :D

Something like what the 360 voice is doing?


how can i get a sign in/ Register plug in like's on WordPress

Please have a look on's page. they have sign in/register buttons that pop up and darkens the page behind it.
Any suggestions for this functionality on Wordpress? I'd be happy to pay for a good plug in!
Just as a reference - I do not use WordPress, but I am almost certain this functionality is in it somewhere. To answer at the heart of your question though using other means...
You can absolutely do this using CSS/jQuery/PHP. Here is a link to get you started on a tutorial. There is also a number of other tutorials for this with simple google searches.
As for darkening the background, you should be able to do that using CSS/jQuery for the on-click/open events.
For a specific wordpress solution, I believe this might be what you are looking for but to be frank, I have very little experience with WP so can't confirm it is correct.
Best of luck!

Adding Like button to Tumblr blog

Can anyone spare a few minutes to walk me through the Facebook instructions for adding a Like button to my tumblr blog? Once I get to the Open Graph Tags section my lack of knowledge of HTML really hinders me. I would really love to get this done soon!
If you are currently unemployed and looking for help in preparing for interviews or a second pair of eyes on your resume, I can pay you in kind in return. If you are not I'd be willing to pay a small amount via paypal to someone who can spend time with me to fix this.
Thank you!
This tutorial looks recent and has very detailed instructions: that look ok based on my development experience.

Script that refreshes a website on all devices at the same time while developing

Some weeks ago I red about a script at github that will refresh a websites on all devices in the network at the same time while developing on it but I just can't remember the name.
I hope this answer doesn't count to the "this is not a research center forum" category but more I hope that someone might remember it we can share the answer for users that might looking for it too.
Before I get a thousand downvotes, please tell me if this a question at the wrong place (but where else then?)
Meteor has been getting a lot of attention lately, but if all you need is a full page refresh, you could use any pub/sub framework, like Faye, and a few lines of javascript.
Ok, I finally found it again:

How do I make an google calendar feed in an iphone app?

I Want to implement a calendar in my TabBar application, it is supposed to show a google-calendar that updates it self (or already contains the feed at that moment) on a "new tab".
I couldn't find anything that really helped me so I'm asking it now instead and please give a beginners kind of answer to me.
You've got a fair amount of research ahead of you. You couldn't find anything? Hmm. Search stackoverflow for "google calendar iphone" and check out the first page of hits. After reading up a bit, try coming back with specific questions. It's going to depend a lot on how much control you want over the calendar info.

Best examples of data visualisation?

I love data visualisation and to spread that love I thought we could share our favourite examples of data visualisation:
Chess moves
Chris Harrison's Visualisations
I especially like the bible and Wikipedia visualisations.
If you're interested in creating your own visualisations a good place to start would be to check out processing.js (
Information Aesthetics's feed is on my home page and has been the source of many interesting visualizations since I've placed it there.
glTail.rb - real time log info, Linux only.
This is a recent favorite The Ebb and Flow of Movies: Box Office Receipts 1986 — 2008.
Blew my mind is college Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812.
And always check out Tufte.
I always found Gource to be pretty interesting; check out some of the samples. Histories of git projects.
I find codeswarm really amazing. Check out the video of eclipse.
I just came across the JavaScript lib called Raphael, haven't tried it but the demos impressed me:
-- pete
I'm surprised no one has suggested d3 yet. Check out the website, its awesome:
For a large collection of manually selected information visualizations, please see -- some of the online collections that I drew from no longer exist!
I show or link some examples in my blog post here:
There is also a terrific selection of examples on this thread in Quora:
A friend of mine did this and got it exposed at MOMA in NY
It represents the trafic in lisbon over time, it was done with processing and there is no map behind it, just the coordinates of cars with public gps moving around