Safari Cache size for iPhone 3.0 - iphone

Various sites on the internet claims that Safari cache on iPhone 2.2 is 25k and 19 objects. Does anyone know what is the cache size for Safari/webview on iPhone 3.0.

specially if you use the client side storage or a cache manifest, you can store much more data
Client application storage is different than the Safari's own cache, to which the original poster was referring. We know that in 2.2, Safari can store 19 objects each up to 25K in size. What are the new numbers for 3.0+? The posted link/pdf doesn't seem to have the answer.

hmm... as far as i'm aware of, the cache size since version 2.2 is much larger.
specially if you use the client side storage or a cache manifest, you can store much more data.
how to store values clientside can be read here
Apple developer Connection
PDF version


Best way to store large data clientside in an gwt offline application?

We have written an Vaadin7/GWT application where the user can select multiple images and upload them. The application works offline, so we want to store the images clientside and only upload them when the user is pressing the sync button. The clue is that we want to keep the selected images, even when the user is closing the Tab/Browser. The clientside storage should also work with mobile browsers (Android and iOS)
We have found the following possibilities to store data on the client
Session Storage is killed when the tab/browser is closed. Not suited for our case.
Local Storage is limited to 5MB which is not enough. Is there a way to extend that limit?
IndexedDB does not work on IOS devices (
WebSQL does work on IOS and Android devices ( but is deprecated
So the question are. Does anyone know a good Frameworks in conjunction with gwt? Which storage type/DB would you prefer and why? Or even more general, how would you solve the Problem?
Thanks for any advice, suggestion or experiences you had.
Unfortunately, there is no magic solution for all operating systems/browsers. I believe that you your only option for large objects is to build native apps for each platform that use a web browser for their client.

Physical memory size limit on a iPhone device - per application

Is there any limit on the physical memory size (file system) one can utilize in a iPhone application. My concern is what if someone keeps on writing some data files in the Documents folders and do not purge it. And the data can be of any size.
The only hard storage limit is that of the total available space on the iOS device.
The scenario you have described is likely reality... there is a feature in the upcoming version of iOS that will assist in managing this issue, but it's still under NDA so cannot be discussed here. (yet)
EDIT: And in iOS 5, on your device you can now go to Settings -> Usage to get a list of all installed apps on your phone/pad/pod and see how much extra space they are consuming. :)
You can use ASL or GTMLogger to manage your log files.
Some links that might be handy for you:
Best Practices for Error Logging and/or reporting for iPhone
objective-c logging best practices

database in iphone apps

I am new to iphone development. I am currently doing a restaurant app which takes data from a database. How can we store the data in a DB on iphone through our app so that it would even work offline?
You should use SQLite. Since the database is just a file, you can add the 50 MB file to your application, and that's it. SQLite's performance on the iPhone is good, in my experience, although YMMV depending on your exact table layout and indexes.
Just remember to keep a keen eye on how much data you fill it with:
Although 50 MB is way below the limit, be aware that a 50 MB application will take some time to download for people, and people cannot install it from the AppStore without either a WiFi connection or iTunes.
Also, applications that "grow" in size too rapidly after you install them can become unpopular on the smaller devices.
Here is a tutorial
Yes, SQLite is your best bet. Apple uses SQLite a lot in iOS 'internally' (DB for text messages.etc), so Apple must've put a lot of effort into optimising SQLite on iOS.
For Restaurant app, you can also use plist as a database. This is because you will only have a primitive datatypes and will be easy to handle with plist.

How can I store more that 5MB in HTML 5 local storage

I need to write an app to run on iPhone, iPad, Android phones & tablets. WinPhone 7 and desktop browsers would also be nice, but not necessary. I'm a desktop/Silverlight developer, but it seems this is a job for HTML 5 & javascript. Right?
I'm looking at Sencha touch, jquery, and amplify.js to simplify my life. My app has to be available in app stores, so I'm looking at PhoneGap to help with that.
The app needs to work offline which means I have need for local storage of about 10 megs. I don't know how to deal with this requirement because all the local storage options seem to top off at 5 megs.
Any ideas about how to deal with this? (Or any suggestions as to a better approach or libraries?)
I would try your best to get your app down to less than 5 Mb. This means perhaps compression of some sort before locally storing, perhaps only having the essential features available offline, and optimizing your data such that you can reduce any redundancy. Even after all of this, you are still dependent on whether or not the user's browser allows local storage, and whether it allows 5 Mb of it.
As per an answer on a question earlier today, the Web SQL Database spec is your friend here, at least on iOS 4.3

How can I store more than 5 MB on an iPhone web app?

I am working on a magazine/portfolio application that is intended to be readable offline, saved as an icon on the home page.
This is using a lot of images, but while I can keep the images down to a respectable size (200 KB or less, with alterations for iPhone vs iPad) the amount for the page surpasses the 5 MB limit for a web app cache.
I have tried the cache manifest, but if the device is turned off or I clear the cache (which I do a lot while developing) the information is gone forever (and does not get resaved if I visit the bookmarked site while online again).
I am exploring the use of base64 to store the smaller icons in a CSS file, but am not sure about how to build a local storage database for the other information (backgrounds, images, text, etc) that will be persistent without being tied to the Safari cache.
Is this even possible?
(The project is intended to be an open source publishing engine, so more people can create digital 'zines for the iPad.)
you can't...
if you are limiting your application to a web application on the iphone, then your options are limited to what is provided on the device. I believe sqlitedb with mobile safari is limited to 5MB.
You can look into technology like PhoneGap which provides a wrapper around HTML5 web based applications on multiple platforms. This wrapper will give you access to the native device and then you could store additional data on the device in flat files on the native database without the 5MB limit