Character conversion in SAXParser - character

I have a problem … a very peculiar one could you please guide.
Original message: Kevätsunnuntaisin lentää
The flow of data is HttpConnector -> WSDLConnector -> to the underlying system
The following is the encoding of the first 7 characters
4b 65 76 c3 a4 74 73 75 – In Http Connector – the request XML has UTF-8 encoding
4b 65 76 a3 74 73 75 – in WSDL Connector -
InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(myInputStream);
The original string gets converted to Kev£tsunnuntaisin lent££.Also, there is a loss of a byte.
Could you please guide me where I am going wrong? What must I do to avoid this character conversion?
Thanks for your help!!!

This is very simple: The data in myInputStream is not encoded as UTF-8, hence the decoding fails.
My guess is that you save the output of the HTML connector as a string and then use that as the input for the WSDL connector. In the string, the data is unicode, not UTF-8. Use String.getBytes('UTF-8') to get an array of bytes with the correct encoding.
As for all encoding issues: Always tell the computer with which encoding it should work instead of hoping that it will guess correctly. Bytes have no encoding and the computer is not telepathic :) And I hope it never will be ...


How to Read MessagePack Response on Charles or Mitmproxy?

Is there a way to convert MessagePack response on Charles/MITM to JSON?
I have a response from https://[...]/application/x-msgpack
Raw mode reads it:
xdd\xb8\xbd\xc9? \x03\xa2Xe\xccO\xc2O\xd6"\x06\x91\xcfB\x9c\xed\x0fl
Hex mode reads it:
0000000010 06 91 cf 42 9c ed 0f 6c 2e 14 ae f1 da 2d 34 e9 ...B...l.....-4.
Hex mode contains contains nonsense at the end of every line.
Other modes could not parse and fall back to Raw mode.
If I fail to give you any other info, let me know.
If you can decode it in Python (e.g. using Kaitai Struct), you can implement a mitmproxy contentview to display it in a human-readable way:
(if you go the kaitai struct route - we'd also be more than happy for a PR!)

How to identify encoding from hex values?

I have text on a website that displays like that: o¨ instead of ö
I extracted the text out of the CMS and analysed it's hex values:
the ö's that are displays correctly have c3 b6 - UTF-8
the ö's that are displayed incorrect have 6f cc 88
I couldn't find out what encoding this is. What's a good way to identify the encoding?
6F is the UTF-8 (ASCII) encoding of "o", nothing spectacular.
CC 88 is the UTF-8 encoding of U+0308, COMBINING DIAERESIS.
You're simply looking at the decomposed form of the o-umlaut. A combining diaereses character should visually be rendered, well, combined with the previous character. If your system doesn't do that, it means it doesn't treat Unicode correctly, and/or the font you have chosen is somewhat broken. Perhaps you have to normalise your strings into the composed Unicode form instead for your system to handle it correctly.

Determine the encoding from byte array

I was wondering if there's any solution to get the encoding of a byte array? I have an application which accepts one parameter and returns an array of bytes, suppose I have this array of bytes:
ED 3F 3F 3F ED 15 3F 3F
And also I know that it's the byte array of string سلام, but I don't know how that application encoded the string and I need to know which ending is the application uses for converting the string to byte array.
Is there any solutions?
Reverse-Engineering the application which is encoding the string to byte array, to find out the encoding scheme is the only solution,I can think of (if that is an option).
Generic method for doing such, is highly unrealistic in my opinion.

Convert Unicode code point to UTF-8 sequence

I am not sure I've got my nomenclature right, so please correct me :)
I've received a text file representing a Pāli dictionary: a list of words separated by newline \n (0x0a) characters. Supposedly, some of the special letters are encoded using UTF-8, but I doubt that.
Loading this text file into any of my editors (vim, Notepad, TextEdit, ..) shows quite scrambled text, for example
A closer look at the actual bytes then reveal the following (using hexdump -C)
0a 0a 1e 6d 68 69 74 69 0a 0a ...mhiti..
which seems to me the Unicode code point U+1E6D ("ṭ" or LATIN SMALL LETTER T WITH DOT BELOW). That particular letter has UTF-8 encoding e1 b9 ad.
My question: is there a tool which helps me convert this particular file into actual UTF-8 encoding? I tried iconv but without success; I looked briefly into a Python script but would think there's an easier way to get this done. It seems that this is a useful link for this problem, but isn't there a tool that can get this done? Am I missing something?
EDIT: Just to make things a little bit more entertaining, there seem to be actual UTF-8 encoded characters scattered throughout as well. For example, the word "ākiñcaññāyatana" has the following sequence of bytes
01 01 6b 69 c3 b1 63 61 c3 b1 c3 b1 01 01 79 61 74 61 6e 61
ā k i ñ c a ñ ñ ā y a t a n a
where the "ā" is encoded by its Unicode code point U-0101, and the "ñ" is encoded by the UTF-8 sequence \xc3b1 which has Unicode code point U-00F1.
EDIT: Here's one that I can't quite figure out what it's supposed to be:
01 1e 37 01 01 76 61 6b 61
? ā v a k a
I can only guess, but that too doesn't make sense. The Unicode code point U+011e is a "Ğ" (UTF-8 \xc49e) but that's not a Pāli character AFAIK; then a "7" follows which doesn't make sense in a word. Then the Unicode code point U+1E37 is a "ḷ" (UTF-8 \xe1b8b7) which is a valid Pāli character. But that would leave the first byte \x01 by itself. If I had to guess I would think this is the name "Jīvaka" but that would not match the bytes. LATER: According to the author, this is "Āḷāvaka" — so assuming the heuristics of character encoding from above, again a \x00 is missing. Adding it back in
01 00 1e 37 01 01 76 61 6b 61
Ā ḷ ā v a k a
Are there "compressions" that remove \x00 bytes from UTF-16 encoded Unicode files?
I'm assuming in this context that "ṭhiti" makes sense as the contents of that file.
From your description, it looks like that file encodes characters < U+0080 as a single byte and characters > U+0100 as two-byte big-endian. That's not decodable, in general; two linefeeds (U+000A, U+000A) would have the same encoding as GURMUKHI LETTER UU (U+0A0A).
There's no invocation of iconv that'll decode it for you; you'll either need to take the heuristics you know, either based on character ranges or ordering in the file, to write a custom decoder (or ask for another copy in a standard encoding).
I think in the end this was my own fault, somehow. Browsing to this file showed a very mangled and broken version of the original UTF-16 encoded file; the "Save as" menu from the browser then saved that broken file which created the initial question for this thread.
It seems that a web browser tries to display that UTF-16 encoded file, removes non-printable characters like \x00 and converts some others to UTF-8, thus completely mangling the original file.
Using wget to fetch the file fixed the problem, and I could convert it nicely into UTF-8 and use it further.

Different encoding results when using writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: vs. createFileAtPath:contents:attributes:

In my iPhone App I have the capability to export data to an .txt file and send it via Mail – but have currently problems regarding the encoding.
To attach the file to mail I simply create a NSData instance from a NSString instance as followed:
NSData *dataToExport = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:[myExportString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:pathToExportFile contents:dataToExport attributes:nil];
But this finally results in a file with content like that (wrong encoding):
Instead using
[myExportString writeToFile:pathToExportFile atomically:NO encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
... creates a file with the correct enconding:
Any ideas, how I'm able to get the right encoding with the first way?
Thank you,
NSString's writeToFile:atomically:encoding:error: method sets an extended attribute on the output file identifying the encoding. TextEdit checks for this attribute and uses that encoding when it's present.
Since you don't (and can't) tell NSFileManager's method what encoding to use (since it's for plain data, not necessarily text encoded as data), it won't set this attribute. Without it, TextEdit will guess, and it does so quite poorly.
I don't know whether MobileMail will preserve the extended attribute somehow. Try it both ways, and when you receive the messages, check their raw contents and see whether one of them specifies the file's encoding. At any rate, your hex dumps prove that the text is being encoded correctly either way.
More generally, when you want to write out text to a file, NSString's methods are the correct solution.
That's strange. Here ist the hexdump -C output.
"Wrong" encoding:
00000000 c3 9c 62 65 72 72 61 73 63 68 75 6e 67 |..berraschung|
"Right" encoding:
00000000 c3 9c 62 65 72 72 61 73 63 68 75 6e 67 |..berraschung|
I'm also trying different applications to view the documents:
TextEdit: wrong
Excel: wrong
SubEthaEdit: right
Numbers: right
Very strange,right?