Can a single Subversion repository managed as multiple projects in Eclipse? - eclipse

I have a Helpdesk application that contains modules that can be downloaded and installed separately as required / preferred by the users. The structure is very similar to many software such as Drupal, which modules can be loaded/unloaded easily.
I'm using a single SVN repository for this Helpdesk application and create different tags for each module. And on my Eclipse I have everything as a single project.
My question is, can a single Subversion repository managed as multiple projects in Eclipse?
Can I create one Eclipse project for the whole application and at the same time for each module?
Another requirement is that by splitting each module as a different project would make Eclipse builds faster.
The reason is, I want to delegate programming work of each module to another person without the need to expose everything. The person would only see & work on the module only but commit to the main repository.
I know that Eclipse will have configuration files for every project, would there be any conflict.

I've had good look storing multiple Eclipse projects in one repository. Each of the projects is stored in a separate folder under the repository's root. Then, I use Subclipse to check out each of those folders as a separate Eclipse project.

I do not think that you should nest Eclipse projects (so that a master project contains many sub-projects).
Instead of the master project, you could group the individual projects into what Eclipse calls a Team Project Set (found in the Export/Import menus). This is an XML file that defines where all the projects are. You can put that file into Subversion as well.
So, you would have all the module's projects, and that XML file (which is not a project itself), all in Subversion (could be the same repository, could be spread over several).

I don't believe this is strictly possible. Personally, I would split the modules up into different projects entirely, and I would probably use Eclipse's plugin structure to resolve dependencies between them and the main project. If you ship the plugins as jars, they're still modular. Then, you can control each plugin as a separate project in Eclipse, and a separate folder in SVN.

That is no problem at all! Just create your trunk/tags/branches structure on your svn repo. Create your differen projects and then check thos projects into your trunc folder on your svn system. Finished!


Sharing an Eclipse workspace between two computers

What is a "safe" way to share an Eclipse workspace between two computers? I've had problems using Dropbox and I've had problems using Github. I am looking for a best practice that will "just work".
I read below and many other places that sharing a workspace doesn't work. But my collection includes 50 projects, are you saying that I need to create 50 github repos? There's no way to put them all in one repo to save the repetition?
Solution (imperfect, but still improving)
My collection of projects is in a github repo called projects/ which includes 50 subdirectories, each structured appropriately as they would be for an eclipse project.The /projects directory doesn't have meta-data or any other eclipse info (AFAIK)
Separately, in ~ I create a brand new Eclipse workspace. And then I "manually" import each one with Eclipse. I do this on each machine that needs to access those projects via Eclipse.
No, the workspace will contain machine-specific information and locations. Share the projects themselves, preferably through a source code management system like git. If anything in the project refers to something outside the workspace, you'll want it changed to refer to that resource in a portable way (e.g. pick the JRE using an Execution Environment instead by name).
Look at the thread at They describe how to share a workspace and configurations between machines. Otherwise you'll always have problems with absolute paths.

What's the Purpose of Workspaces in Eclipse

Eclipse has projects, what's the purpose of the Workspace that appears to group projects? Projects could live in the directory tree isn't that a more natural way of organizing different projects?
When you first start up Eclipse not knowing much about it, it feels like an unnecessary layer of bloat that new users have to get accustomed to first. You're forced to set up some organizing structure that, although specific to Eclipse, wants to live in the rather general-sounding place ~/Workspace.
The workspace is a collection of projects and the metadata that cannot be included in a project because it's not portable (references paths and resources on a specific system) or because it pertains to Eclipse as a whole.
Without the workspace concept, opening a project in Eclipse would be followed by multiple steps of getting things configured. This information would be lost when Eclipse is closed or all projects you ever work on would have to share the same configuration.
Examples of metadata stored in workspace:
Locations of available JDK's and JRE's. The project references a JRE by name, the workspace metadata is needed to resolve that reference.
Locations of application servers.
Path variables.
Open perspectives, layout of views, etc. Consider one application where you need Git and app server vs another application where you need SVN and Android development tools. The views you'd want to keep open and how you'd arrange these views would be very different for two applications.

When commiting projects should I include .project & .classpath?

When I commit a web appliction to source control should I also include the .project & .classpath files ? I don't think it should make any difference either way as other users who use the project should have the same project settings ?
This is the sort of question that gets people bent out of shape in a debate that never ends. You basically have two camps:
Only put source code into the source control system. Each developer chooses their own IDE and manages their own project configuration. Setting up your IDE after getting source code from the repository will be tricky. If one dev changes project dependencies, they have to explicitly communicate that so that all other devs update their project configurations. There are some tools that try to address this problem, like a Maven plugin that will attempt to generate Eclipse project metadata from pom.xml, but all have their limitations. Groups that go this way favor the purity of not restricting developer choice in IDE over the convenience of having Eclipse projects across the team that just work.
Standardize on Eclipse. Put all Eclipse project metadata into source control. This includes .project, .classpath and the entire contents of .settings. Basically, the only thing that you don't want in your source control repository is content marked as derived in Eclipse. You can check that in right-click->properties. Taking this approach ensures that developers can get started coding immediately after getting the project from source control. No additional configuration required. Also, when one dev changes project configuration, the rest of the team will see the same change on next sync.
Choose the approach that makes the most sense for your team.
For ClearCase, including the .project and .classpath can make a difference when you are using the IBM ClearCase plugin for Eclipse.
That plugin will work better if it can rely on those (versioned) files being there, right next to the sources (as opposed as being in the Eclipse workspace, which doesn't necessarily contains said sources).
In general, nothing generated should go into repository. Those files are generally generated by IDE or maven. However, sometimes you may need to click a button or execute a command to get those generated.
i would include them.
The .project file have plugin info (e.g. maven, ant, pdt, wst, aspectj, findbug..). It is essential if it is not a plain java project.
.classpath contain the classpath. it is needed if you use jar files.
I would say that all files - including .project and .classpath - should go to source control, to ensure that everyone in the team has the exact same setup.

Eclipse + Subversion (subclipse) + Maven (m2eclipse) multi-module project

I have some related legacy projects that are a mess and I would like to mavenize them as a multi-module project shared on subversion (first multi-module project, we've always had them separate). There are a few key parts 1) webservice, 2) various swing clients, 3) model (w/ persistence from hibernate), 4) core JSE tasks.
I've been messing around for a few days trying to correctly set it up using Eclipse (Helios), Maven (2.2.1), m2eclipse (0.10.0) and Subversion (1.6) for our team. I keep stumping myself or having random errors that force me to backtrack. I'm hoping someone can help me out with some best practices.
Here are some of the questions:
m2eclipse requires a "flat" eclipse project structure. Does that mean I should create a subversion repository for each module? If I do one repository and try to check in from the parent project I'm having a difficult time setting the svn:ignore property on the nested project target (and other) directories.
If I do a module per repository, I seem to be able to check them in ok. The question then is what is the best way to check out via subclipse? Is there a best order? Parent or child project(s) first? Do I need to checkout the parent project and modify the checkout path of the children project to be nested in the file directory that will allow me to then "clean install" from the parent project?
Or, should I abandon subclipse and m2eclipse and checkout and run my maven goals from the command line.
Or, should I just be using the SCM integration with Maven. Or, maybe just not even try to get a multi-module project setup.
What do others do? Does anyone have some documentation (I missed) or some links (Google didn't recommend)?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
m2eclipse requires a "flat" eclipse project structure.
Hmm, m2eclipse supports nested projects AFAIK (or at least importing a nested project structure). I don't use Eclipse wizards to create my projects though so maybe I'm not aware of something.
Does that mean I should create a subversion repository for each module?
No, no, absolutely not and I wouldn't do that (this will be hard to maintain). However, depending on your projects release cycles, you might have to think about the layout of your repository (single vs multiple trunk/tags/branches), especially if you plan to use the maven release plugin. If some pieces have independent release cycles, then I'd go for several trunk/tags/branches. If you always release them all together (as a single product), then a single trunk/tags/branches should do it. I wrote several answers on the topic that may be of interest:
Migrating to maven from an unusual svn directory structure?
Maven parent pom vs modules pom
How to handle maven versions in a multi module project?
If I do one repository and try to check in from the parent project I'm having a difficult time setting the svn:ignore property on the nested project target (and other) directories.
What is the particular problem?
If I do a module per repository, I seem to be able to check them in ok. The question then is what is the best way to check out via subclipse? Is there a best order? Parent or child project(s) first? Do I need to checkout the parent project and modify the checkout path of the children project to be nested in the file directory that will allow me to then "clean install" from the parent project?
Whatever choice you'll make (multiple repositories or not, multiple trunk/tags/branches or not), it should be possible to checkout the whole project structure in one time (using svn:externals if required). At least, you should try to make it possible (and it is, see the links posted above).
But I repeat, I do not recommend using multiple repositories (unless you want independent revision numbers) and nothing forces you to do that.
Or, should I abandon subclipse and m2eclipse and checkout and run my maven goals from the command line.
I use Eclipse, m2eclipse, subclipse successfully, all well integrated (at least for the build and "check in" part). But I do the initial import and the initial checkout on the command line and then imported
Or, should I just being using the SCM integration with Maven.
I don't use it, I don't have the need for it.
Or, maybe just not even try to get a multi-module project setup.
There is no reason to forbid the use of a multi-modules project setup, multi-modules builds are one of the key part of Maven.
What do others do? Does anyone have some documentation (I missed) or some links (Google didn't recommend)?
Have a look at the links I posted :)
It is a bit tricky at first. The way I've typically seen it setup is like so:
In subversion:
- Parent Project
-- Module A
--- pom.xml (module A)
-- Module B
--- pom.xml (module B)
-- Module c
--- pom.xml (module C)
-- pom.xml (parent project)
Some things to note (you already know):
You have to have the child projects
listed as modules in your parent
You have to list the parent project
in your child pom's (as the parent
group, artifact, version)
When you check out the project from
svn, you need to do 'check out as
maven project' instead of the
standard 'check out' (this one can be
a gotcha)
I hope this helps.

Managing dependencies with Eclipse and CVS

I have a bit of code for a dll that is needed by two or more projects in eclipse. Currently each project has a copy of the code and builds the DLL separately. I want to separate the dll code into a separate eclipse project so there is a common location. But I want to avoid the situation where we have to build the dll in the one project, then copy the dll back to the other projects and check the dll to each respective project. This will create a dll for each project that isn't traceable to the exact code that it was built with.
Is there a way to somehow symbolically link the dlls to another eclipse project that is using CVS as the version control system so that it is possible to tell which version of the code was used to create the dll? Am I making this too complicated or missing something obvious?
I thought about working sets in the package manager for eclipse, but I have to investigate more on how to use them with CVS to avoid making it a nightmare for the next person who checks it out and can't figure out why their project won't compile.
What about creating a new folder in a separate project. In the advanced section of creating a new folder there is an option to link to another location on the file system.
Or you could also create a container project that makes use of a projectset.psf file. Have the projectset file link to the different projects in your repository. When you want to check out that project, check out the container instead and right click on the projectset file and select Import Project Set...
If you are working with one workspace, you end up with three projects, each mirrored in CVS: One is the dll, the others are the projects using the dll (configured as a project dependency of these projects upon the dll project).
With three projects I wouldn't aim for working sets - they are good for managing a lot of projects within one workspace, for three projects, I'd consider them overkill. I usually tend to aim for several workspaces instead of working sets.
Regarding the next person working with these projects: You need to keep some kind of documentation about how to setup your projects. You might say that your eclipse project files do just that (as they define a project dependency upon another project) but this is for the machine - humans tend to like other communication means.
If you are worried about changes to the dll being incompatible to one project (because the person applying these changes doesn't care about the other project), aim for a build server. This will build all projects and dependent projects whenever something under version control changes, run all tests, provide a build number and package it all ready for use. This way you can be sure that - whatever is in your deliverable - can be reproduced, because the buildserver is not able to make local (uncommitted) changes to the code. Also a buildserver will signal failure (either broken API or broken tests) at the moment of the last commit (well - a few minutes later) and place the burden of repairing the damage on the one causing the damage.