Source Control : Should local source tree mirror server source tree? - version-control

Is it a best practice to have my local source tree mirror the server source tree? It seems to me that it should, however my department at work does not do it that way and I find it very confusing. If not, what are scenarios where it makes sense to deviate from the server source tree?
EDIT: To clarify what I mean - say the source directory we want to map on the local machine is here on the server:
On our local machine, that directory would be mapped like this:
instead of:

I don't know if it's a best practice but I prefer mirroring the source tree too. It's one less "gotcha" in terms of getting a new developer up and running. Not mirroring the source tree can eventually come back to bite you when it comes to relative paths.
Someone probably made a mistake when they set things up originally and it never got corrected. IMHO it's a minor annoyance; just one of the side effects of not living in a perfect world ;)

If your local tree needs to be at the same path as it is on the server, then you can't have multiple copies checked out. At the last two places I've worked, it was common for me to have several copies of (parts of) the tree checked out at any given time, depending on how many different bugs or features I was working on, and how many branches of the product the bugs or features were in.
Personally, I have no idea where the source trees were stored on the servers, and I didn't need to. I just ran cvs co or svn co to get a copy of the tree in my working directory. As long as I ran make or ant somewhere in the source tree, everything below it would compile.

I prefer to have individual project/release pairs in their own directories as close to root as reasonably possible. It's a horrible PITA to go clickety-click on directory tree or having to type the "c:\project\releases\2008" -part for the umpteenth time.
I also think checking out sources to different path tends to flush out bugged assumptions about project locations (we have postbuild events that do some nasty things).

There is one reason not to do this: When you have access to the production machine. In this case, I prefer to have different paths. This makes it more likely that I notice my "rm -rf" is on the wrong box...

i think mirrowing is a good practise and i like to do it so too, however i have an extra temp folder for the case i need to checkout a fresh version for e.g. to test something with the current version or to fix a bug which has a high priority then what im doing atm.

The most important thing is to understand why the choice was made and use the team to determine if this is something that you would want to change. Team buying is important for these kind of decisions - and the team is more than just the developers. Source control trees contain things such as documentation, tests, resources, etc., so there is a legitimate chance that the structure was determined by multiple parties to find a common ground.
We use TFS where I work, as well. We do have a common root folder called C:\Source Control that is the main folder that all Team Projects live under. This choice was made because of the extreme dislike, by all parties, that the drive would get cluttered with various folders.
With TFS, you have the option to map multiple workspaces, so what you do on your local machine is not dictated by the structure on the server. My personal preference, and my team's preference, as well, is to use a single workspace mapping to the source control root. Given the shelving functionality in TFS, there is not a concern about having multiple copies checked out, since they can be shelved if something else needs to be worked on.
The build server has the same mapping, as well. This in no way, however, matches the deployment structure. Builds are dropped based upon the criteria of the project. The only time this presents a problem is when absolute paths are used, in configuration files, for example. Since we are not using absolute paths (by definition in our developer guidelines) this is a non-issue.

People have different opinions on how to organize their hard disks, why should you enforce a particular layout?
One should be able to check out multiple working copies of the same project in the repository - impossible if you insist using the same hierarchy.
In one large project I worked on, literally thousands of files assumed that the working copy was in a fixed absolute hard-coded path (\projectname). To work with several branches of the project, we had to resort to using different drive letters (on Windows), meaning that we had to divide our hard disks into many partitons (6 or more were common). This was very inconvenient.
Eventually we had to integrate the project as a sub-project of a larger project. This meant changing all those absolute paths, a tedious and time-consuming task.
Using relative paths gives you much more flexibility; however, if everybody has the project root at the exact same location, you won't notice if someone adds an absolute path somewhere by accident.


Website may have up to 10 files with same name/purpose, no version control

I am new at working for a large company with various people working on the same files. Sadly we don’t have version control and I often find myself cross eyed. For lack of better terminology, we have a dev site, quality-assurance site, and the live site. We have most files in two languages. Since the network connected drives have an average transfer rate of 15kb/sec we often copy the files locally before working on them. Also contractors send us new versions of files, but we may have made changes on our side and everything gets screwed up.
Basically I’m working with 6-10 files with the same name and same purpose. Does anyone have any tips on how I can keep them straight? I use Beyond Compare 2 to see the differences but if there’s a program that compares all files time stamps to see which is most current may help.
1) Get version control system (Git), otherwise you will continue to have more and more pain.
2) Create a includes/lib folder and reduce that 6-10 files down (to 1).
I'll suggest, take a lead and put your code in version control and push your team to move to new repository. It'll make everybody's life easier and most important reduce chances of any merge error.
Assuming you cannot convince the powers that be to actually use source code control, why not try using Mercurial purely locally. Hopefully you can insulate yourself from some of the noise. You could even make fake users for the contractors and commit & push those changes as though they were actually doing it.
It shouldn't be too hard to get a bureaucrat to see how nice a good gatekeeper like Mercurial or Git would be. Its kind of like helpful red tape!

Starting to version an already medium size project

I am about to start participating in the development of a medium-sized project (~50k lines) that was until now written by a single person, and not versioned; as a result folders are cluttered with different versions of the same file (named file1, file2, file3, etc.).
I proposed to start using a VCS for it (a priori Mercurial, which is the only one I've ever used -- for my personal projects --, but I'm open to suggestions), so I'm taking any good ideas as to how to "start" the repository. E.g., should I make an initial commit with all the existing files, and immediately make a new commit with the unused files removed? Or something else?
(constructive remarks on mercurial vs bazaar vs git vs whatever are also welcome.)
Thanks for your tips.
E.g., should I make an initial commit with all the existing files, and immediately make a new commit with the unused files removed?
If the size of the repository is not a concern, then yes, that is a good starting point. Otherwise you can just commit what's actually used, and go from there.
As for which system, all DVCSes stick to the same core principles. Which one you pick is entirely subjective — the only way to truly know which one you like is to try each one.
I would say use what you are the most comfortable with and meets your needs. As far as where to start, I personally would seed the repo with the current source as is, that way you can verify that everything builds and runs as expected. you can make this initial seed a branch. That way you can always go back to your starting point before refactoring.
My approach to this was:
create a Mercurial repository in the existing project folder ("existing")
commit all project files to "existing"
create an empty repository in what a different location ("new")
As files are tested and QA'd (this was necessary because there was so much dross in "existing") pull them from "everything" to "new".
Once files had been pulled into "new"; delete the corresponding files from "existing". If access is needed to these files while the migration is under way, push them back from "new" to "existing".
This gave me the advantage of putting everything under some sort of control for recovery purposes, control over introducing the project to the DVCS. Eventually the existing project folder became completely tested and approved for the project moving forward. At this point the "everything" directory could be deleted or changed into a working folder; and "new" became the actual project folder.
I think Mercurial is a good choice. Lightweight, fast, very simple to use and well-integrated with Windows (if that's the platform you're dealing with).
I would probably get rid of all the clutter before the first commit. Delete everything you don't care about, run all the necessary tests and only then do the commit.
Yes, I'm dead set against the 0-day cluttering of repos.
Granted, a 50K SLOC project isn't very big, but if you commit files you already know you won't need, they will make your repo slightly bigger.
Also, remember to check that the tree doesn't contain large binary files. If it does, get rid of them if at all possible.

Project files under version control?

I work on a large project where all the source files are stored in a version control except the project files. This was the lead developer's decision. His reasoning was:
Its to time consuming to reconcile the differences among developers' working directories.
It allows developers to work independently until their changes are stable
Instead, a developer initially gets a copy of a fellow developer's project files. Then when new files are added each developer notifies all the rest about the change. This strikes me as far more time consuming in the long run.
In my opinion the supposed benefits of not tracking changes to the project files are outweighed by the danger. In addition to references to its needed source files each project file has configuration settings that would be very time consuming and error prone to reproduce if it became corrupted or there was a hardware failure. Some of them have source code embedded in them that would be nearly impossible to recover.
I tried to convince the lead that both of his reasons can be accomplished by:
Agreeing on a standard folder structure
Using relative paths in the project files
Using the version control system more effectively
But so far he's unwilling to heed my suggestions. I checked the svn log and discovered that each major version's history begins with an Add. I have a feeling he doesn't know how to use the branching feature at all.
Am I worrying about nothing or are my concerns valid?
Your concerns are valid. There's no good reason to exclude project files from the repository. They should absolutely be under version control. You'll need to standardize on a directory structure for automated builds as well, so your lead is just postponing the inevitable.
Here are some reasons to check project (*.*proj) files into version control:
Avoid unnecessary build breaks. Relying on individual developers to notify the rest of the team every time the add, remove or rename a source file is not a sustainable practice. There will be mistakes and you will end up with broken builds and your team will waste valuable time trying to determine why the build broke.
Maintain an authoritative source configuration. If there are no project files in the repository, you don't have enough information there to reliably build the solution. Is your team planning to deliver a build from one of your developer's machines? If so, which one? The whole point of having a source control repository is to maintain an authoritative source configuration from which you build and deliver releases.
Simplify management of your projects. Having each team member independently updating their individual copies of your various project files gets more complicated when you introduce project types that not everyone is familiar with. What happens if you need to introduce a WiX project to generate an MSI package or a Database project?
I'd also argue that the two points made in defense of this strategy of not checking in project files are easily refuted. Let's take a look at each:
Its to time consuming to reconcile the differences among developers' working directories.
Source configurations should always be setup with relative paths. If you have hard coded paths in your source configuration (project files, resource files, etc.) then you're doing it wrong. Choosing to ignore the problem is not going to make it go away.
It allows developers to work independently until their changes are stable
No, using version control lets developers work in isolation until their changes are stable. If you each continue to maintain your own separate copies of the project files, as soon as someone checks in a change that references a class in a new source file, you've broken everyone on the team until they stop what they're doing and carefully update their project files. Compare that experience with just "getting latest" from source control.
Generally, a project checked out of SVN should be working, or there should be tools included to make it work (e.g. If the project file is missing or you need knowledge about which files should be in the project, there is something missing.
Automatically generated files should not be in SVN, as it is pointless to track the changes to these.
Project files with relative path belong under source control.
Files that don't: For example in .Net, I would not put the .suo (user options) web.config (or app.config under source control. You may have developers using different connection strings, etc.
In the case of web.config, I like to put a web.config.example in. That way you copy the file to web.config upon initial checkout and tweak what settings you'd like. If you add something that needs to be added to all web.config, you merge those lines into the .example version and notify the team to merge that into their local version.
I think it depends on the IDE and configuration of the project. Some IDEs have hard-coded absolute paths and that's a real problem with multiple developers working on the same code with different local copies and configurations. Avoid absolute path references to libraries, for example, if you can.
In Eclipse (and Java), it's fine to commit .project and .classpath files (so long as the classpath doesn't have absolute references). However, you may find that using tools like Maven can help having some independence from the IDE and individual settings (in which case you wouldn't need to commit .project, .settings and .classpath in Eclipse since m2eclipse would re-create them for you automatically). This might not apply as well to other languages/environments.
In addition, if I need to reference something really specific to my machine (either configuration or file location), it tend to have my own local branch in Git which I rebase when necessary, committing only the common parts to the remote repository. Git diff/rebase works well: it tends to be able to work out the diffs even if the local changes affect files that have been modified remotely, except when those changes conflict, in which case you get the opportunity to merge the changes manually.
That's just retarded. With a set up like that, I can have a perfectly working project containing files that are subtly different from everyone else. Imagine the havoc this would cause if someone accidentally propagates this mess into QA and everyone is trying to figure out what's going on. Imagine the catastrophe that would ensue if it ever got released to the production environment...!

When to start to use source control in early stages of development?

We have 2 kinds of people at my shop:
The ones that starts to check-in the code since the first successful compilation.
The others that only checks-in the code when the project is almost done.
I am part of group 1, and trying to convince people of group 2 to act like me. Their arguments are like the following:
I'm the solo developer of this project.
It's just a prototype, maybe I'll have to rewrite from scratch again.
I don't want to pollute the Source Control with incomplete versions.
If I am right, please help me to raise arguments to convince them. If you agree with them tell me why.
When someone asked for good excuses not to use version control, they got 75 answers and 45 upvotes.
And when they asked Why should my team adopt source control, they got 26 answers.
Maybe you'll find something helpful there.
You don't need "arguments to convince them." Discourse is not a game, and you should not use your work as a debating platform. That's what your spouse is for :) Seriously, though, you need to explain why you care how other devs work on solo projects in which other people are not involved. What are you missing because they don't use source control? Do you need to see their early ideas to understand their later code? If you can sucessfully do that, you may be able to convince them.
I personally use version control at all times, but only because I don't walk a tightrope without a net. Other people have more courage, less time to spend on infrastructure, etc. Note that in 2009, in my opinion, hard disks rarely fail and rewritten code is often better than the code that it replaces.
While I'm answering a question with a question, let me ask another one: does your code need to compile/work/not-break-the-build to be checked in? I like my branches to get good and broken, then fixed, working, debugged, etc. At the same time, I like other devs to use source control however they want. Branches were invented for just that reason: so that people who can't get along do not have to cohabitate.
Here's my view to your points.
1) Even solo developers need somewhere to keep their code when their PC fails. What happens if they accidentally delete a file without source control?
2/3) Prototypes belong in source control so other team members can look at the code. We put our prototype code in a seperate location to the mainline branch. We call it Spike. Here's a great article on why you should keep Spike code-
If I'm the sole developer on a project (in other words, the repository, or part of it, is under my complete control), then I start committing source code as soon as it's written, and I tend to check in after every incremental change, whether or not it works or represents any kind of milestone.
If I'm working in a repository on a project with others, then I tend to try and make my commits such that they don't break the mainline development, pass any tests, etc.
Whether or not it's a prototype, it deserves to go into source control; prototypes represent a lot of work, and lessons learned from them are valuable. Plus, prototypes have an awful habit of becoming production code, which you'll want in source control.
I try to only write code that compiles (everything else is commented out with a TODO/FIXME tag)... and also add everything to source control.
Argument 1: Even as a single dev it's nice to roll back to a running version, to track your progress, etc.
Argument 2: Who cares if it's just a prototype? You might stumble upon a similar problem in six months or so, and then just start looking for this other code...
Argument 3: Why not use more than one repo? I like to file misc stuff to my personal repo.
Start using source control about 20 minutes before you write your first line of your first artifact. There is never a good time to start after you're begun writing things.
some people can only learn from experience.
like a hard drive failure. or coding yourself into a dead-end after deleting code that actually worked
now, i'm not saying that you should erase their hard drive and then taunt them with "if only you had used source control"...but if something like were to happen, hopefully there would be a backup done first ;-)
Early and Often. As the Pragmatic Programmers say, source control is like a time machine, and you never know when you'll want to go back.
I would say to them...
I'm the solo developer of this project.
And when you leave or hand it off we'll have 0 developers. All the more reason to use source control.
The code belongs to the company not you and the company would like some accountability. Checking in code doesn't require too much effort:
svn ci <files> -m " implement ajax support for grid control
Next time someone new wants to make some changes on the grid control or do something related, they will have a great starting point. All projects start off with one or two people. Source control is easier now than it ever was--have they arranged a 30 minute demo of Tortoise SVN with them?
It's just a prototype, maybe I'll have to rewrite from scratch again.
Are they concerned about storage? Storage is cheap. Are they concerned about time wasted on versioning? It takes less time then the cursory email checks. If they are re-writing bits then source control is even more important to be able to reference old bits.
I don't want to pollute the Source Control with incomplete versions.
That's actually a good concern. I used to think the same thing at one point and avoided checking in code until it was nice and clean which is not a bad thing in and of itself but many times I just wanted to goof around. At this point learning about branching helps. Though I wish wish SVN had full support for purging folders like Perforce.
Let see their arguments:
I'm the solo developer of this project.
It's just a prototype, maybe I'll have to rewrite from scratch again.
I don't want to pollute the Source Control with incomplete versions.
First, the 3rd one. I can see the reasoning, but it is based on a bad assumption.
At work, we use Perforce, a centralized VCS, and indeed we only check in source that compile successfully and doesn't break anything (in theory, of course!), after peer review.
So when I start a non trivial change, I feel the need to intermediary commits. For example, recently I started to make some changes (somehow, in solo for this particular task, so I address point 1) on a Java code using JDom (XML parsing). Then I was stuck and wanted to use Java 1.6's built in XML parsing. It was obviously time to keep a trace of the current work, in case my attempt was failed and wanted to go back. Note this case somehow addresses the point 2.
The solution I chose is simple: I use an alternative SCM! Although some centralized VCS like SVN are usable in local (on the developer's computer), I was seduced by distributed VCS and after briefly testing Mercurial (which is good), I found Bazaar better suited to my needs and taste.
DVCS are well suited for this task because they are lightweight, flexible, allow alternative branches, doesn't "pollute" the source directory (all data is in one directory at the root of the project), etc.
By making a parallel source management, you don't pollute the source of other developers, while keeping the possibility to go back or quickly try alternative solutions.
At the end, by committing the final version to the official SCM, the result is the same, but with added security at the level of the developer.
I'd like to add two things. With version control you can:
Revert to last version that worked, or at least check how it looked like. For that you would need SCM which supports changesets / uses whole-tree commits.
Use it to find bugs, by using so called 'diff debugging' by finding commit in history that introduced the bug. You would want SCM which support it in automated or semi-automated fashion.
Personally, I often start version control after the first sucessful compile.
I just wonder why nobody mentioned distributed version control systems in this context: If you could manage to switch over to a distributed system (git, bazaar, mercury), most arguments of your second group would become pointless since they can just start their repository locally and push it to the server when they want (and they can also just remove it, if they want to restart from scratch).
For me, it's about having a consistent process. If you are writing code, it should follow the same source control process that your production code does. That helps build and enforce good development practices across the development team.
Categorizing the code as a prototype or other non-production type of project should just be used to determine where in the source control tree you put it.
We use both CVS (for non .NET projects) and TFS (for .NET projects) where I work, and the TFS repository has a Developer Sandbox folder where developers can check in personal experimental projects (prototypes).
If and when a project starts to get used in production, the code is moved out of the Developer Sandbox folder into it's own folder in the main tree.
I would say you should start adding the source and checking in before you even build the first time. It is then much easier to avoid checking in generated artifacts. I always use some source control, even for my small hobby hacks, just because it automatically filters the relevant from the noise.
So when I start prototyping I might create a project and then before building it I do "git init, git add ., git commit -a -m ..." just so that when I want to move the interesting parts I just clone over using git and then I can add it to the subversion repository or whatever is used where I am working at the moment.
It's called branching people try to get with the program :p Prototyping? Work in a branch. Experimenting? Work in a branch. New feature? Work in a branch.
Merge your branches into the main trunk when it makes sense.
I guess people tend to be laid back when it comes to setting up source control initially if the code may never be used. I have projects I coded belonging to both groups and the ones outside source control are not less important. It is one of those things that gets postponed everyday when it really should not.
On the other hand I sometimes commit too seldom complicating a revert once I screw up some CSS code and not knowing what I changed e.g. to make the footer of the site end up behind the header.
I check-in the project in source control before I start coding.
The first thing I do is create and organize the projects and support files (such as .sln files in .NET development) with the necessary support libraries and tools (usually in a lib folder) I know I will use in my project.
If I already have some code written, then I add it too, even if it is an incomplete application. Then I check-in everything. From there, everything is as usual, write some code, compile it, test it, check-in it...
You probably won't need to branch from this point or revert your changes, but I think it is a good practice to have everything under source control since the beginning, even if you don't have anything to compile.
I create a directory in source control before I start writing code for a project. I do the first commit after creating the project skeleton.
i'm drunk and and i do first git -init and then vim foo.cpp.
Any decent modern source control platform (of which VSS is not one) should not in any way be polluted by putting source code files into it. I am of the opinion that anything that has a life expectancy of more than about 1/2 an hour should be in source control as early as possible. Solo develpment is no longer a valid excuse for not using source control. It is not about security it is about bugs and long term history.

What is the best solution for maintaining backup and revision control on live websites?

What is the best solution for maintaining backup and revision control on live websites?
As part of my job I work with several live websites. We need an efficient means of maintaining backups of the live folders over time. Additionally, updating these sites can be a pain, especially if a change happens to break in the live environment for whatever reason.
What would be ideal would be hassle-free source control. I implemented SVN for a while which was great as a semi-solution for backup as well as revision control (easy reversion of temporary or breaking changes) etc.
Unfortunately SVN places .SVN hidden directories everywhere which cause problems, especially when other developers make folder structure changes or copy/move website directories. I've heard the argument that this is a matter of education etc. but the approach taken by SVN is simply not a practical solution for us.
I am thinking that maybe an incremental backup solution may be better.
Other possibilities include:
SVK, which is command-line only which becomes a problem. Besides, I am unsure on how appropriate this would be.
Mercurial, perhaps with some triggers to hide the distributed component which is not required in this case and would be unnecessarily complicated for other developers.
I experimented briefly with Mercurial but couldn't find a nice way to have the repository seperate and kept constantly in-sync with the live folder working copy. Maybe as a source control solution (making repository and live folder the same place) combined with another backup solution this could be the way to go.
One downside of Mercurial is that it doesn't place empty folders under source control which is problematic for websites which often have empty folders as placeholder locations for file uploads etc.
Rsync, which I haven't really investigated.
I'd really appreciate your advice on the best way to maintain backups of live websites, ideally with an easy means of retrieving past versions quickly.
Answer replies:
It's not so much about education as no familiarity with anything but VSS and a lack of time/effort to learn anything else.
The xcopy/7-zip approach sounds reasonable I guess but it would quickly take up a lot of room right?
As far as source control, I think I'd like the source control to just say that "this is the state of the folder now, I'll deal with that and if I can't match stuff up that's your fault, I'll just start new histories" rather than fail hard.
#Steve M:
Yeah that's a nicer way of doing it but would require a significant cultural change. Having said that I very much like this approach.
Nice, I didn't think about using Rsync to deploy. Does this only upload the differences? Overwriting the entire live directory everytime we make a change would be problematic due to site downtime.
I am still curious to see if there are any more traditional options
You can still use SVN, but instead of doing a checkout on your live environment, do an export, that way no .svn directories will be created. The downside, of course, is that no code changes on your live environment can take place. This is a good thing.
As a general rule, code changes on production systems should never be allowed. The change should be made and tested in a development/test/UAT environment, then once confirmed as OK, you can tag that code in SVN with something like RELEASE-x-x-x. Then, on the live system, export the code with that tag.
We use option 3. Rsync. I wrote a bash script to do this along with some extra checking, but here are the basics of what it does.
Make a tag for pushing to live.
Run svn export on that tag.
rsync to live.
So far it has been working out. We don't have to worry about user conflicts or have a separate user for running svn up on the production machine.
Any source control solution you pick is going to have problems if people are moving, deleting, or adding files and not telling the source control system about it. I'm not aware of any source control item that could solve this problem.
In the case where you just can't educate the people working on the project[1], then you may just have to go with daily snapshots. Something as simple as batch file using xcopy to a network drive, and possibly 7-zip on the command line to compress it so it doesn't take up too much space would probably be the simplest solution.
[1] I would highly disbelieve this, probably just more a case of people being too stubborn and not willing to learn, or do "extra work". Nevermind how much time source control could save them when they have to go back to previous versions, or 2 people have edited the same file.
rsync will only upload the differences. I haven't personally used it, but Mark Pilgrim wrote a long time ago about how it even handles binary diffs brilliantly.
svn+rsync sounds like a fantastic solution. I'll have to try that in the future.