How to disable MyEclipse visual HTML designer - eclipse

My computer lags for several seconds when I open an HTML file in MyEclipse, or make a major change to a file that's already open. I suspect that the WYSIWYG part of the visual HTML designer is responsible; is there a way to turn that off but retain the color-coded text editor/formatter? I also don't care about the "preview" feature, if that makes a difference.

I have faced the same issue. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and pick the file extension for which you would like to disable/enable the designer. Hope that works for you.

Make Default MyEclipse Jsp Editor for opening jsp files without Visual Designer
Go to
WIndow > Prefs > General > Text Editors > File Associations
1-Click on File Associations -
2-select file type for whom you want to change Editor-
3-Select Myeclipse Jsp Editor as default
Same way you can adjust any files types Editors
adjust the default editor for the file types like .jsp, .jspf, .jspx and so on to use the non-visual editor.


eclipse: spaces instead of tabs, .project file

It's our policy to use spaces instead of tabs. There are quite some postings for this topic but the following hasn't been answered yet. I use the following settings:
General > Editors > Text Editors. Check “Insert spaces for tabs”
Java > Code Style > Formatter. Create a new profile. Go to the Indentation tab and set “Tab policy” to “Spaces only”
Ant > Editor > Formatter. Uncheck "Use tab character instead of spaces"
Yet, Eclipse still uses tabs in .project files. If that can be prevented, how?
The .project file is in internal Eclipse file which you should not be editing. Because it is an internal file it does not use any of the preference settings.
The file is actually written using the org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.XMLWriter class. This is hard coded to use tabs.

Disable visual editors in MyEclipse

What is the best way to disable all visual editors in MyEclipse?
Every time I open an HTML file, it spends a few seconds to render the HTML file in a wysiwyg editor and fails at it.
Every time I open a properties files, it opens it in a excel-like table that completely ignores the comments in the properties files.
The first thing I do is to hide the visual panel to revert to the source code.
I never use a wysiwyg editor or any design wizard. But I can only change file associations one type at a time. For HTML I have to change the assotiation for .html, .htm and .xhtml. Same for the various .xml files.
Isn't there a way to remove or disable all visual editors for good, so that MyEclipse doesn't spend time and memory on it? Maybe even uninstall them?
Right clic on File > Open With > text editor
After doing that for a file, eclipse keep this as default for the file
or in preferences, in General > Editors > File Associations set for every extension the text editor associate to it (but like you said, you have to do it for every extension, but it doesn't take so much time to do it and once you've set it, it's remembered)

.scss.erb extension syntax highlighting for scss in aptana/eclipse

If I have some eRuby in a scss file, I need to make the extension *.scss.erb. However, doing so causes the sytax highlighting for *.erb rather than *.scss. Is there any way to get eclipse to determine the syntax highlighting more intelligently or at least allow manual syntax assignment like in notepad++?
The only workaround I've found so far is to rename the file *.scss, open it, then rename it back to *.erb so it gets processed correctly later on.
There should be.
What you would do is go to Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations and set the default editor for your *.scss.erb extensions, however there's a bug in Eclipse that prevents file associations with more than one period:
The way I get around the issue is by right clicking the source file in Project Explorer and going to Open With > Other... and selecting Sass Source Editor from there.

how to add taglibs and jar files in eclipse for autosuggest?

I do not know how do i do this?
If I press ctrl + spacebar in eclipse editor , I was able to see jsf tag attributes, .XHTML Attributes and all - now they are gone.
How do I enable them?
So, you're using Facelets? Go to Window > Preferences > General > Content Types > Text > JSP and then add *.xhtml and set default encoding to UTF-8.
With this you'll get assistance for the JSF core f and html h taglibs, but not for Facelets ui yet. You can find another solution here.

disable eclipse auto completion

I love Eclipse but I HATE auto-completion with a vengeance! I swear though, no matter how hard I look in prefs or Google I can't find where I turn this off!
I'm having the problem with both CFEclipse and the PHP editor.
How do I completely disable all "smart" quotes/tags/braces auto-inserting. Not some of it.. ALL of it. No matter how many options I untick both editors keep trying to finish my code for me.. usually with irritating results. Like this one (PHP editor):
<img alt="banner" src="/images/banner.jpg"></img>
This is HTML, not XHTML - I don't want, or need, my img tags closed.
Anyway this is still happening after I've gone to Preferences | PHP | Editor | Typing and Preferences | PHP | Editor | Code Assist and unchecked every option.
I can't be the only one having this issue but I can't find any howtos or help on this.
Well I found how to stop the tags auto-closing. For some reason it's under the Web | HTML Files preferences (even for a PHP file). I realise PHP is embedded in HTML but it seems odd the way the Editor options cross over like this. You need to restart Eclipse for this change to work.
I don't know how to find the Web | HTML Files Preferences section of cfeclipse configuration. The best I could find for this utterly infuriating so-called feature is this:
Go to Window -> Preferences -> CFEclipse -> Editor Then set Insight Delay to 9999. This won't turn it off but as good as. (Thank you House of Fusion for confirming my action).
You can find the HTML content assist in:
Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Editor > Content Assist
and uncheck the "Automatically Make Suggestions" checkbox in the "Auto Activation" Panel
(used Linux Version of Eclipse Juno)
Found it (it IS hard to find, I know). It's:
Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Editor > Typing (a LOT of steps, I know), then you can uncheck the boxes :).
Same issue, a slightly different location : looks like this is to be unplugged for each different programming language we use.
For Java, I had to look in :
(window / preferences) Java > Editor > Content Assist, frame "Auto Activation", uncheck "Enable auto activation"
For Linux version of Eclipse Juno, find it in:
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist. then uncheck "Enable auto activation" from the "Auto Activation" Panel
Then Eclipse and I can work together...
Yes, code completion and it's family are VERY irritating and it's hard to find the right checkbox.
Windows->Preferences. And then look at all the choices for editors. You will find the place.
I'm using Flash Builder and encounter the same annoyance with the Actionscript editor.
I was trying to disable this for Javascript, and my environment was not set up the way the other answers were describing. I had to go to:
Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Editors > JavaScript > Content Assist
There I had to empty the textboxes for:
display proposals
display contextual info
insert proposal
Now it shows me suggestions, which is great, but no longer forces its favorite suggestion on me when it thinks it's appropriate. It was turning:
THISTORY? What on earth is THISTORY? I'm glad that annoyance is over.
To disable autoclosing for brackets and HTML tags you shall go:
Preferences -> PHP / Web -> Editor -> Typing
then unchek all you need :)
I tried unchecking AutoActivation in ContentAssist for the Java Editor in hopes of disabling SmartInsert. But that failed. Best I could do was to go to Windows>Preferences>Java>Editor>Typing. Then uncheck both the Indentation boxes and Adjust Indentation in When pasting. That disabled the parts of SmartInsert that annoyed me the most. Should work the same for other editors. It is a shame there seems to be no way to disable it altogether.