Finding a legacy firebird/Interbase database password - firebird

I have a customer that has an old non-existant application; he had a problem with the company that made the application and they won't disclose his database password. He realized that he signed a contract (back then) where it said that he was sort of "renting" the application and they had no right to disclose anything. This customer found out that he's not the only one with the same problem with that company. He's a Dentist and other dentists with the same old application experienced the same problems when trying to buy a new software and attempted to migrate their patients to the new system.
In either case, he wants to open his little firebird database, so we can at least extract some data to our SQL Servers. I have tried with the default 'masterkey' (which is, in fact, 'masterke' due to the 8 char limit) to no avail.
Now I know he could go legal and try to force the company to release his information, but I want to do it the short way. Does anybody know an app that can brute force/crack a legacy Firebird password?
EDIT: The legacy software is "STOMA-W", I cannot even find it on Internet. They are located in Asturias, Spain.

Firebird does not (yet) store passwords inside the database file.
With this in mind, move the database file to another server where the sysdba password is known.

Old Interbase and Firebird had hardcoded backdoor password you might want to try:
user: politically pass: correct

Provided not for the SYSDBA account, you may reset forgotten passwords for users with FlameRobin. After registering the database server on your localhost, use the Manage users... function in the context menu:
Here you get a list of users with options to delete or view/modify properties. If you click on the properties icon, you enter this dialogue where you simply enter the new password twice:
There is also IBConsole which comes packaged with the InterBase/Firebird SDK. It has similar functions.


PostgreSQL only clear user password

I am having a big problem, quite difficult to find/search.
I have a server in Ubuntu, where inside that server I have installed:
GITLAB (have all proyect)
POSTGRESSQL (Independent gitlab database is used for a personal project)
TOMCAT with APP WEB (Springboot, this use postgres)
This server is still for testing, it is used for specific specific things (I mean, its use and access is limited and controlled)
I am having various problems:
This server is still for testing, it is used for specific specific things (I mean, its use and access is limited and controlled)
Very frequently, almost every day, the user postgres from the postgresql server "erases" the password. Without anyone doing it manually, "it happens exponentially". I notice why the application stops responding, and then I access postgresql and note that the postgres user has no password.
I looked for many places, and I can't find anything. I really don't know where else to look. If someone passed it to you or has information about it, I would be grateful if you could provide it to me.
------More information added----------
I was looking at the postgres logs, before I have no authentication and I see this.
There are times when no one could have been using the springboot server,
--2020-01-17 00:30:21.286
And also the two log that show before that moment. Could it be something that is deleting my password?
Thank you.
PostgreSQL does not randomly delete its own passwords, and I really doubt Tomcat or Gitlab do either. Indeed they shouldn't even have access to the server as the 'postgres' user or any other superuser, and so shouldn't be able to even if they wanted.
It seems like that there is an intruder in your system. After gaining access they create their own user with their own password. Then disabling your normal superuser from logging on is a common way to try to prevent you from regaining control and kicking them out. Do any users exist that you do not recognize?
The bit of the log file you posted clearly shows someone trying to guess your password, starting at 2:58. You aren't logging IP addresses (%h) so it doesn't show where they are coming from. It doesn't show that they succeed, but unless you have log_connections = on, it wouldn't show successes.

DB2 user delete at OS level

If the DB2 uses OS authentication and I delete a DB2 user at the OS level, what will be the impact? Will the DB2 still work fine, and will those privileges that I granted to the user still available after the user is created back?
When asking for help with Db2 please mention your Db2-server platform (Z/os , i-series, Linux/Unix/Windows). The reason is that the answer be different per platform. There are also special tags for your question that you can use to indicate the Db2-platform (db2-zos, db2-400, db2-luw).
If you remove the operating system user the impact is that user can no longer connect to the Db2-database(s) . But any GRANTS that were previously created and stored inside the database(s) will remain unchanged (unless something REVOKES them), even if they will not be used after all pre-existing connections by that removed-operating-system-user are terminated.
For Db2-Linux/Unix/Windows, if you recreate the user in the operating system the previous GRANTS will reapply only if they are still present inside the database and the user successfully reconnects. This behaviour may be different on other platforms.
If the Db2-server is configured with special plugins for security, or uses LDAP or other external tooling then the answer can also be different.

Drupal core - SQL injection aftermath procedures

Our production site we run has potentially been compromised as we saw a big spike in network traffic, which brought down the site.
Since theft has potentially already happen before our patching, what steps should we go through informing our client. Do they need to make any password changes for the admin login, etc. Anything else that is relevant? Do we need to change the db password on our server etc.
Basically yes, all of the above.
There is a flow chart on the [Drupalgeddon project page] ( that you can follow to help ensure you are dealing with a clean site.
Good luck

How can I implement password recovery in an iPhone app?

I would like to add simple password protection in an iPhone App that I am working on. I will probably use crypt() to store the password in my database which in in CoreData / sqlite format.
I think I have a pretty good understanding of how to create and store the password, but in case the user forgets their password, I would like to add a password recovery ability
This is the part that I'm struggling with in iOS. I want everything to be local, so I can't think of a way to use a link to reset a password.
I had thought about emailing the password, but in iOS there is no way to send emails without the person holding the device seeing the contents of the email.
The only way that I can think of is to have one or two "backup passwords" which is basically the answer to a question of the user's choice (or maybe even just storing a reminder question along with the password).
Neither of these are really that secure, although the data being protected in my app is not that critical, so I'm not looking for the most robust solution (just a decent solution that is not too hard to implement, not too inconvenient for the user, and not too hard for a hacker to break).
Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Instead of recovering a password, you can prompt to reset a password using criteria that is set up when they initially create their account -- such as mothers maiden name, last-4, etc. This way, you don't need to worry about decrypting a password or sending it to the user. Once they answer enough security questions correctly, they are prompted to reset their password. You can store this data encrypted locally. You'll never need to send a password to the user.
The easiest way is probably to make "password protection" optional and display a warning ("if you forget your password, your data may be irrecoverable!").
It's not going to be that secure: The data is probably going to appear unencrypted in a phone backup, unless you encrypt it yourself. The upshot is that determined users can ask you for help, and you can write them a tool that digs through the unencrypted backup and resets the password.
Avoid the built-in crypt(), which is probably DES-based and limited to 8 ASCII characters. Storing the plaintext password in the keychain is not too terrible an option.

password protect core data persistent store

Is there a way to password protect the SQL Lite db core data uses for it's persistent store? I want to make the DB available via iTunes but I want to be password protected so only I can open it.
CoreData doesnt have any built in password protection so you are going to have to roll your own encryption or obfuscation mechanism.
Alternatives could be obscure mechanisms (press the invisible button three times?) to send the file by email for returning the data-store to you rather than exposing the Documents folder in iTunes.
I guess the question is there a genuine need for password protection (i.e personal/medical records) or is this just the usual Corporate paranoia. If its the latter I wouldn't put too much effort in. IMHO.