Highlight some text in a Jasper Reports viewer - jasper-reports

I want to highlight some parts of the reports i'm generating for display.
I don't want to change the report definition. I want to highlight the output at runtime.
But the JRViewer i'm using doesn't really have much of an API.
And manipulating the JasperPrint object with setForecolor/setBackcolor before displaying it, didn't seem to change the output.
Any ideas? Or do i have to overload/reimplement the viewer? Wouldn't be much of a problem since it's open source, but i'd like to prevent reinventing the wheel.

Looks like i have to answer my questions myself... again.
I overloaded the JRViewer class (actually copied the code of JRViewer because none of the interesting panels were accessible) and added some highlighting methods to do the following:
Template based JasperPrint data uses - like the name suggests - templates. Meaning the text objects don't have a style of their own, they use their template's style.
That is the reason why setForecolor didn't do anything - the JRTemplatePrintElement implementation is plain empty.
But if i would set the highlight on the text template i would end up with a full column of highlighted texts, since they share the template instance.
Instead i create a new template as a copy of the original with highlighting and use that in the highlighted print elements. Btw, those jasper elements could really use a clone() method.
Feels like a hack, but i don't see a better way.
However this has a nasty sideeffect for file based (virtualized) reports.
These apparently save any changes you make to the elements while you walk the pages.
If however the viewer in the meantime causes the virtualizer to discard the elements you reference (for example by flipping pages), your further changes won't be saved...
So that made me reconsider and now i'm just drawing my highlighting on top of the Graphics object painted by Jasper's PageRenderer.
Much simpler and cleaner. Only highlighting the background won't work this way.


Is it possible to use data frame in r-exams?

I would like to paste the data-frame from the R environment to the latex part (question or solution part) when creating exercises in r-exams. Later the exercises will be imported into Moodle. Is that possible in r-exams? We saw it is possible when the object is matrix object via $\Sexpr{toLatex(matrix_obj)}$. But a similar way does not seem to work with the data-frames. Thank you!
A data.frame would usually be included as a {tabular} in LaTeX and there are various packages for automatic conversion like xtable or using the function kable() in knitr. For PDF output this also works nicely including all vertical and/or horizontal lines included in the table. However, for HTML-based output (as for Moodle) the table as such is converted correctly but without any lines.
An overview of a couple of solutions is available as:
Different copies of question with table for Moodle with R-Exams
Moreover, Kenji Sato has proposed to inject some dedicated CSS code to handle the table formatting in HTML. We are currently working on some automated way of including this in R/exams:

How do you get around Cloned Templates losing Element References?

I noticed that hyperHTML preserves references I make to elements:
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.textContent = "Before Update";
hyperHTML.bind(document.body)`static1 - ${div} - static2`;
div.textContent = "After Update";
Above will produce a page that says:
static1 - After Update - static2
It is my understanding that hyperHTML ultimately clones an HTML <tempate> element to render the final output. However, don't you typical lose references when cloning an HTML template (like the variable "div" in the example above)?
Therefore, on the initial render, does hyperHTML somehow replace cloned elements with their originals after cloning the HTML template?
Here's how I think it works:
Create an HTML Template of the original template literal while
replacing all interpolations with comments.
Clone the html template with comments left in.
Make elements or document fragments out of each interpolation originally recieved
Replace each comment in the clone with its processed interpolation.
Is this correct?
I am not sure what is the question here, but there is a documentation page, and various examples too to understand how to use hyperHTML, which is not exactly in the way you are using it.
In fact, there's no need to have any reference there because hyperHTML is declarative, so you'd rather write:
function update(text) {
var render = hyperHTML.bind(document.body);
render`static1 - <div>${text}</div> - static2`;
and call update("any text") any time you need.
Here's how I think it works ... Is this correct?
No, it's not. hyperHTML doesn't clone anything the way you described, it associates once per unique template tag a sanitized version to the output and finds out all interpolated holes in it.
The part of the library that does this is called domtagger, and the mapping per template literal is based on the standard fact that these are unique per scope:
const templates = [];
function addTemplate(template, value) {
return template.join(value);
function asTemplate(value) {
return addTemplate`number ${value}!`;
templates[0] === templates[1]; // true
templates[1] === templates[2]; // true
// it is always the same template object!
After that, any other element using once that very same tag template will have a clone of that fragment with a map to find holes once and some complex logic to avoid replacing anything that's already known, being that text, attributes, events, or any other kind of node.
hyperHTML never removes comments, it uses these as pin and then uses domdiff to eventually update nodes related to these pins whenever there's a need to update anything.
Domdiff is a vDOM-less implementation of the petit-dom algorithm, which in turns is based on E.W Myers' "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations" paper.
Whenever you have DOM nodes in the holes, hyperHTML understand that and fill these holes with those nodes. If you pass repeatedly the same node, hyperHTML won't do anything 'cause it's full of algorithm and smart decisions, all described in the documentation, to obtain best performance out of its abstraction.
All these things, and much more, normalized for any browser out there, makes hyperHTML weight roughly 7K once minified and gzipped, bit it also offers:
Custom Elements like hooks through onconnected/disconnected listeners
lightweight components through hyperHTML.Component
SVG manipulation as content or via wire
easy Custom Elements definition through HyperHTMLElement class
As summary, if you need these simplifications and you don't want to reinvent the wheel, I suggest you give it a better try.
If you instead are just trying to understand how it works, there's no need to assume anything because the project is fully open source.
So far, all I've read from your questions here and there, is that you just believe to understand how it works so I hope in this reply I've put together all the missing pieces you need to fully understand it.
Do you want to write your own lit/hyperHTML library? Go ahead, feel free to use the domtagger or the domdiff library too, few others are already doing the same.

Added custom styles(style_formats) to tinyMCE. Classes are appended and not replaced as intended

Followed several tutorials and have added custom classes in the formats section of the tinyMCE. The classes used are being appended and not replaced as I had intended. Is there a way to have them overwrite the existing style if there is one instead of adding to the class tag?
My use case is this: The user select a piece of text and select a class from the formats dropdown I have added. They dont like the color of the link and decide to change it by going back up to the formats tab and selecting a different value. Behind the scenes, TinyMCe replaces the class. I realize I could use the styles key in the json array, but that would produce inline-styles, which I'd like to avoid.
Maybe use exact: true for your style?
fixed the issue by using inline css rather than using the classes

Labels formatting (via tags) in locallang.xlf

Whenever a part of a language label needs to be somehow highlighted, what is considered as best practice here?
I'm usually trying to avoid html tags in language labels as far as possible by splitting label into a parts and wrapping into corresponding tags in Fluid.
In worst case label is wrapped with CDATA:
<trans-unit id="my.label">
<source><![CDATA[Here comes a <strong>bold text</strong> and then <em>italic</em> and now <span class="fancy">fancy styled</span> stop]]></source>
But this mixes content and presentation, which can bring pain afterwards, when CSS is refactored and some classes are renamed.
Another solution, coming into my mind, is to move all the texts, that may contain html tags, out of XLF to either plugin's FlexForm RTE field or some configuration record with RTE fields. But it also looks rather like hack.
How do you solve such an issue usually?
For me there are some possible options, depending on the kind of text.
1.) Avoid HTML as much as possible
2.) If this HTML is wrapped around any arguments, move the HTML out and use it as argument for the <f:translate /> ViewHelper.
3.) Sometimes it is hard to use arguments as the translation is just different and I then use different partials/sections for the different languages and don't use any language file.
4.) I use the CDATA approach.
An addition to Georg Ringer's answer (whose point 1 is definitely the way to go, if at all possible):
5.) Use what XLIFF offers. XLIFF 1.2 has elements to mark tags inside translatable content - to be precise, it has too many such elements. One possible representation of your example would be
<trans-unit id="my.label">
<source>Here comes a <bpt id="1"><strong></bpt>bold text<ept id="1"></strong></ept> and then <bpt id="2"><em></bpt>italic<ept id="2"></em></ept> and now <bpt id="3"><span class="fancy"></bpt>fancy styled<ept id="3"><span></ept> stop</source>
This looks messy in code, but it has the advantage that an XLIFF aware translation editor will present this to your translators in a way that is easy for them to work with, like this:
The translator will be able to move these tags if the text order needs to be changed in the target language, and they can delete these purple tags in whole if they don't make sense in the target language: for example some complex Chinese characters look awful in bold face. They will not be able to delete parts of tags either.
One possible solution could be the use of parameters in the translation strings. Those parameters could be filled with translated strings which are wrapped in tags (by TS or fluid). This might result in a very complex translation handling as the strings are broken down to multiple strings (which might partially loose context).
Another solution could be the use of markers (like ###B### for <b>and ###_B### for </b>) for the tags which are replaced at the end (and which could vary for different devices). This also is complex and needs a good configuration and invents something like a further markup.

Can I use Eclipse templates to insert methods and also call them?

I'm doing some competitions on a website called topcoder.com where the objective is to solve algorithmic problems. I'm using Eclipse for this purpose, and I code in Java, it would be help me to have some predefined templates or macros that I can use for common coding tasks. For example I would like to write methods to be able to find the max value in and int[] array, or the longest sequence in an int[] array, and so on (there should be quite many of these). Note I can't write these methods as libraries because as part of the competition I need to submit everything in one file.
Therefore ideally, I would like to have some shortcut available to generate code both as a method and as a calling statement at once. Any ideas if this is possible?
Sure you can - I think that's a nifty way to auto-insert boilerplate or helper code. To the point of commenters, you probably want to group the code as a helper class, but the general idea sounds good to me:
You can see it listed in your available templates:
Then as you code your solution, you can Control+Space, type the first few characters of the name you gave your template, and you can preview it:
And then you can insert it. Be sure if you use a class structure to position it as an inner class:
Lastly - if you want to have a template inserts a call to method from a template, I think you would just use two templates. One like shown above (to print the helper code) and another that might look like this, which calls a util method and drops the cursor after it (or between the parentheses if you'd like, etc):