Calling an blocking Actor from within an Actor - scala

Given I invoke an Actor from inside react does this block the calling Actor or is it still processing other requests?
class worker extends Actor()
def act() = {
loop {
react {
msg =>
var foo = another_actor !? 'bar' //Block here?

!? always blocks the calling thread. if it is invoke in middle of actor react block, the calling actor is blocked as well.
The main idea of actors is a single thread of execution. An actor will not proceed to the next message until the current one is finished processing. this way, the developers do not need to worry about concurrency as long as the messages are immuatable.

See this question about the fact that actors cannot process messages simulatneously (i.e. each actor processes its inbox sequentially).
I certainly don't think that this is very clear from the explanations in Programming in Scala. You can (sort of) achieve what you want by creating an on-the-fly actor:
loop {
react {
case Command(args) =>
val f = other !! Request(args) //create a Future
//now create inline actor
val _this = self
actor { //this creates an on-the-fly actor
_this ! Result(args, f.get) //f.get is a blocking call
case Result(args, result) =>
//now process this
Of course, the on-the-fly actor will block, but it does leave your original actor able to process new messages. The actors subsystem will create new threads up to actors.maxPoolSize (default is 256) if all current pooled worker threads are busy.


Non-blocking updates of mutable state with Akka Actors

EDIT: clarification of intent:
I have a (5-10 second) scala computation that aggregates some data from many AWS S3 objects at a given point in time. I want to make this information available through a REST API. I'd also like to update this information every minute or so for new objects that have been written to this bucket in the interim. The summary itself will be a large JSON blob, and can save a bunch of AWS calls if I cache the results of my S3 API calls from the previous updates (since these objects are immutable).
I'm currently writing this based REST service in Scala. I'd like the REST server to continue serving 'stale' data even if a computation is currently taking place. Then once the computation is finished, I'd like to atomically start serving requests of the new data snapshot.
My initial idea was to have two actors, one doing the Spray routing and serving, and the other handling the long running computation and feeding the most recent cached result to the routing actor:
class MyCompute extends Actor {
var myvar = 1.0 // will eventually be several megabytes of state
import context.dispatcher
// def compute() = this.synchronized { Thread.sleep(3000); myvar += 1.0 }
// def compute() = { Thread.sleep(3000); this.synchronized { myvar += 1.0 }}
def compute() = { Thread.sleep(3000); myvar += 1.0 }
def receive = {
case "compute" => {
compute() // BAD: blocks this thread!
// [FUTURE]:
Future(compute()) // BAD: Not threadsafe
case "retrieve" => {
sender ! myvar
// sender ! this.synchronized { myvar }
class MyHttpService(val dataService:ActorRef) extends HttpServiceActor {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
import context.dispatcher
def receive = runRoute {
path("ping") {
get {
complete {
(dataService ? "retrieve").map(_.toString).mapTo[String]
} ~
path("compute") {
post {
complete {
dataService ! "compute"
object Boot extends App {
implicit val system = ActorSystem("spray-sample-system")
implicit val timeout = Timeout(1 seconds)
val dataService = system.actorOf(Props[MyCompute], name="MyCompute")
val httpService = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[MyHttpService], dataService), name="MyRouter")
val cancellable = system.scheduler.schedule(0 milliseconds, 5000 milliseconds, dataService, "compute")
IO(Http) ? Http.Bind(httpService, system.settings.config.getString("app.interface"), system.settings.config.getInt("app.port"))
As things are written, everything is safe, but when passed a "compute" message, the MyCompute actor will block the thread, and not be able to serve requests to the MyHttpService actor.
Some alternatives:
The akka.agent.Agent looks like it is designed to handle this problem nicely (replacing the MyCompute actor with an Agent), except that it seems to be designed for simpler updates of state:: In reality, MyCompute will have multiple bits of state (some of which are several megabyte datastructures), and using the sendOff functionality would seemingly rewrite all of that state every time which would seemingly apply a lot of GC pressure unnecessarily.
The [Future] code above solves the blocking problem, but as if I'm reading the Akka docs correctly, this would not be threadsafe. Would adding a synchronize block in [ALTERNATIVE A] solve this? I would also imagine that I only have to synchronize the actual update to the state in [ALTERNATIVE B] as well. I would seemingly also have to do the same for the reading of the state as in [ALTERNATIVE C] as well?
The spray-cache pattern seems to be built with a web serving use case in mind (small cached objects available with a key), so I'm not sure if it applies here.
Futures with pipeTo
I've seen examples of wrapping a long running computation in a Future and then piping that back to the same actor with pipeTo to update internal state.
The problem with this is: what if I want to update the mutable internal state of my actor during the long running computation?
Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions for this use case?
I want my actor to update internal, mutable state during a long running computation without blocking. Ideas?
So let the MyCompute actor create a Worker actor for each computation:
A "compute" comes to MyCompute
It remembers the sender and spawns the Worker actor. It stores the Worker and the Sender in Map[Worker, Sender]
Worker does the computation. On finish, Worker sends the result to MyCompute
MyCompute updates the result, retrieves the orderer of it from the Map[Worker, Sender] using the completed Worker as the key. Then it sends the result to the orderer, and then it terminates the Worker.
Whenever you have blocking in an Actor, you spawn a dedicated actor to handle it. Whenever you need to use another thread or Future in Actor, you spawn a dedicated actor. Whenever you need to abstract any complexity in Actor, you spawn another actor.

Shutting down an Akka Actor system from an Actor

I know I can use system.shutdown() outside of an actor system to stop the actor system and make system.awaitTermination() stop blocking execution on its thread.
I want to trigger the actor system shutdown from within one of my Actors. I thought I should be able to call context.system.shutdown() from within an Actor's receive method, however when I do this nothing seems to happen, system.awaitTermination() (on the main thread) just keeps on blocking.
Any ideas?
How to program an Actor to kill self
class WatchActor extends Actor {
val child = context.actorOf(Props.empty, "child") // <-- this is the only call needed for registration
var lastSender = system.deadLetters
def receive = {
case "kill" =>
context.stop(child); lastSender = sender()
case Terminated(`child`) => lastSender ! "finished"
At this url there is a good explain.
You should not do that: it is like a snake biting its own tail.
system.awaitTermination() will keep blocking because you are precisely waiting for it to end!
You can perfectly call context.system.shutdown() within an actor, but you cannot call system.awaitTermination() in the actor system context. And also it does not make a lot of sense: why would you wait since there is anyway nothing to execute afterwards, the system being down?
Blocking on the system to shut down makes sense outside of it only, if you want to execute further instructions after it has been stopped.
Main Thread:
val l = new CountDownLatch(1)
val s = ActorSystem("system", config)
//create some actors and send some messages to them
Some where in def receive: Actor.Receive:

Puzzled by the spawned actor from a Spray route

I am doing some Http request processing using Spray. For a request I spin up an actor and send the payload to the actor for processing and after the actor is done working on the payload, I call context.stop(self) on the actor to wind the actor down.The idea is to prevent oversaturation of actors on the physical machine.
This is how I have things set up..
In httphandler.scala, I have the route set up as follows:
requestContext => {
val userWorker = actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props(new UserWorker(userservice,requestContext)))
userWorker ! getusers //get user is a case object
} ~ path("users"){
requestContext => {
userInfo => {
val userWorker = actorRefFactory.actorOf(Props(new UserWorker(userservice,requestContext)))
userWorker ! userInfo
My UserWorker actor is defined as follows:
trait RouteServiceActor extends Actor{
implicit val system = context.system
import system.dispatcher
def processRequest[responseModel:ToResponseMarshaller](requestContex:RequestContext)(processFunc: => responseModel):Unit = {
} onComplete {
case Success(result) => {
case Failure(error) => requestContext.complete(error)
class UserWorker(userservice: UserServiceComponent#UserService,requestContext:RequestContext) extends RouteServiceActor{
def receive = {
case getusers => processRequest(requestContext){
case userInfo:UserInfo => {
My first question is, am I handling the request in a true asynchronous fashion? What are some of the pitfalls with my code?
My second question is how does the requestContext.complete work? Since the original request processing thread is no longer there, how does the requestContext send the result of the computation back to the client.
My third question is that since I am calling context.stop(self) after each of my partial methods, is it possible that I terminate the worker while it is in the midst of processing a different message.
What I mean is that while the Actor receives a message to process getusers, the same actor is done processing UserInfo and terminates the Actor before it can get to the "getusers" message. I am creating new actors upon every request, but is it possible that under the covers, the actorRefFactory provides a reference to a previously created actor, instead of a new one?
I am pretty confused by all the abstractions and it would be great if somebody could break it down for me.
1) Is the request handled asynchronously? Yes, it is. However, you don't gain much with your per-request actors if you immediately delegate the actual processing to a future. In this simple case a cleaner way would be to write your route just as
path("users") {
get {
def getUsers(): Future[Users] = // ... invoke userservice
Per-request-actors make more sense if you also want to make route-processing logic run in parallel or if handling the request has more complex requirements, e.g. if you need to query things from multiple service in parallel or need to keep per-request state while some background services are processing the request. See for some information about this general topic.
2) How does requestContext.complete work? Behind the scenes it sends the HTTP response to the spray-can HTTP connection actor as a normal actor message "tell". So, basically the RequestContext just wraps an ActorRef to the HTTP connection which is safe to use concurrently.
3) Is it possible that "the worker" is terminated by context.stop(self)? I think there's some confusion about how things are scheduled behind the scenes. Of course, you are terminating the actor with context.stop but that just stops the actor but not any threads (as threads are managed completely independently from actor instances in Akka). As you didn't really make use of an actor's advantages, i.e. encapsulating and synchronizing access to mutable state, everything should work (but as said in 1) is needlessly complex for this use case). The akka documentation has lots of information about how actors, futures, dispatchers, and ExecutionContexts work together to make everything work.
In addition to jrudolph answer your spray routing structure shouldn't even compile, cause in your post branch you don't explicitly specify a requestContext. This structure can be simplified a bit to this:
def spawnWorker(implicit ctx: RequestContext): ActorRef = {
actorRefFactory actorOf Props(new UserWorker(userservice, ctx))
lazy val route: Route = {
path("users") { implicit ctx =>
get {
spawnWorker ! getUsers
} ~
(post & entity(as[UserInfo])) {
info => spawnWorker ! info
The line info => spawnWorker ! info can be also simplified to spawnWorker ! _.
Also there is an important point concerning explicit ctx declaration and complete directive. If you explicitly declared ctx in your route, you can't use complete directive, you have to explicitly write ctx.complete(...), link on this issue

How to check scala actors status from main process?

I am relatively new Scala actors. I have huge map,that is grouped into smaller blocks and executed through actors. Based on map size,the number of actors created vary. The actors work well and the process is completed. But how to check the status of the generated actors? In java i am familiar with use of thread-pool executor services. In Scala how this is done?
There are multiple ways to do what you want:
Have the worker actor send a message back to the sender to inform it that an operation completed. Each actor has a reference to the sender actor (the one that sent the message), which you can use to send back a completion message. The sender can then handle that message.
Instead of sending a message via a tell (e.g. actor ! msg), use ask, which returns a Future. You can setup a callback on the Future that runs upon completion.
If the worker actors are launched for a one-time operation, have it terminate itself by stopping it once the operation finishes. The parent actor (the one which created the worker actor) can monitor the worker via a DeathWatch mechanism that informs the parent when the child actor is terminated. In this approach, termination means the operation has been completed. However, you will need to keep track of how many terminations the parent receives in order to determine when all the worker actors have finished.
Which approach to use depends on your use case and nature of the operations. Most common and flexible approach is #1. Example (not tested):
case class PerformWork(i: Int)
case object WorkDone
class ParentActor(size: Int) extends Actor {
for (i <- 1 to size) {
val actor = context.actorOf(Props[Worker], s"worker$i")
actor ! PerformWork(i)
var result = 0
def receive = {
case WorkDone => {
result += 1
if (result == size) {
// work is done
class Worker extends Actor {
def receive = {
case m: PerformWork => {
// do some work
// ...
sender ! WorkDone

How can I add scala actors to an existing program without interfering with the normal termination behavior?

This program, after executing main(), does not exit.
object Main
def main(args: Array[String]) {
... // existing code
... // existing code
def f() {
import scala.actors.Actor._
val a = actor {
loop {
react {
case msg: String => System.out.println(msg)
a ! "hello world"
Because of this unexpected side-effect, using actors can be viewed as intrusive.
Assuming the actors must continue to run until program termination, how would you do to preserve original behavior in all cases of termination?
In 2.8 there's a DaemonActor class that allows this. In 2.7.x I you could hack in a custom scheduler that doesn't prevent shutdown even if there are still live actors, or if you want an easy way you could call System.exit() at the end of main.
If you think of an actor as kind of a light-weight thread, much of the time you want a live actor to prevent program termination. Otherwise if you have a program that does all of its work in actors, you'd need to have something on the main thread just to keep it alive until all the actors finish.
After the main thread in the above example completed, the program still had a non-daemon thread running the actor. It is usually a bad idea to brutally terminate running threads using Thread.destroy() or System.exit() for results may be very bad for your program including, but not limited to, data corruption and deadlocks. That is why Thread.destroy() and alike methods were deprecated in Java for the first place. The right way would be to explicitly implement termination logic in your threads. In case of Scala actors that boils down to sending a Stop message to all running actors and make them quit when they get it. With this approach your eample would look like this:
object Main
case object Stop
def main(args: Array[String]) {
... // existing code
val a = f()
a ! "hello world"
... // existing code
a ! Stop
def f() = {
import scala.actors.Actor._
actor {
loop {
react {
case msg: String => System.out.println(msg)
case Stop => exit()