Drools with Netbeans 6.1 - eclipse

I've downloaded and started to use Drools on a pilot project via it's "default" platform Eclipse. However, I would like to use it in Netbeans just the way plug-in works in Eclipse.
Any ideas/shot-cuts to do that?

There are quite a lot of features in the eclipse plugin, but there is (as yet) no plugin for eclipse.
You can of course use drools with netbeans just fine - just means that the IDE features that are rule specific won't be available, but it will work, its Just Another Library then !
(I use drools with intelliJ IDEA and I just created a little syntax definition to give me basic highlighting etc... but no other features. If I want them, I jump into eclipse).


ANTLR and Eclipse (or any decent IDE)

I have been using ANTLR with Eclipse for some time using the ANTLRv3IDE plugin. While it is not perfect, and a bit outdated, it does its job reasonably well.
Now I am looking to switch to ANTLRv4 for another DSL that I am creating. However, Eclipse support seems to be extremely thin. I decided to try out ANTLRWorks, which is a NetBeans plugin, but I could not get it to install (it seems to be locked to specific dated versions (201302132200 while I have something newer, still 7.3 as docs say) of dependencies).
So, the question: Has anyone set up any Java IDE (preferably Eclipse, but I could be persuaded to switch if support is good for something else) to integrate with ANTLR? With integrate, I mean: code generate on save/keyboard shortcut and syntax coloring (at the very least). Code completion and other features are of course nice to have, but I could live without them for now.
I am well aware of Xtext and I have had great success using it for some projects, but unfortunately it does not fit the needs here (need no IDE support, need my own DSL model not based on ECore, etc).
I know ANTLRWorks can be run as a standalone application without a Java IDE, but that I consider to be a last-resort solution as it is extremely cumbersome to work this way (switch between application, files out of sync, no VCS support etc). I tried the other way around: to install the Java parts into ANTLRworks (which itself is a NetBeans distro), but it did not end well (it seems basic project support etc was stripped out of ANTLRworks).
Antlr4 plugin for Eclipse is here:
ANTLRWorks 2 uses many non-public interfaces from NetBeans, which means it will always be bound to a particular version. The standalone download will always work because it bundles the dependencies itself.
The standalone build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 is available. This build includes support for ANTLR 4.1.
A new plugin build of ANTLRWorks 2.1 will be available once NetBeans 7.4 is released.
Moving forward, the code for ANTLRWorks post-2.1 is open-source under an LGPL license.
I think you have downloaded Netbeans 7.3.1.
Try download 7.3 from https://netbeans.org/downloads/7.3/ and install the ANTLRworks plugin there. (Link to the ANTLRworks Update Center: http://tunnelvisionlabs.com/downloads/nbupdates/nb73/aw2/updates.xml ).
Note that ANTLRworks v2 contains ANTLR v4.0, which is not the current version of ANTLR (4.1). So also download ANTLR v4.0 from the ANTLR download folder (The antlr-4.0-complete.jar file) and use it as library for compilation.
Now you can use nearly all things you wanted.
ANTLRv3IDE was opensourced. It should be compile-able for Juno. For stringtemplate (ST4) look at the Hastee plugin. It supports some of ST4 constructs.

Play framework 2.0, Eclipse Helios, Scala IDE 2.0 plugin - Getting build errors out of the box

I'm trying out 'Play Framework 2.0' on Scala IDE plugin 2.0, for Eclipse Helios (fully supported by Scala IDE plugin).
When I create a play application and choose Scala template, it does work. That is,"play run".
When running 'play eclipsify' and then importing the project into Eclipse, I am getting errors. Any ideas?
The screenshot reveals that you're in the Java Perspective. Go to Window - Open Perspective - Other... and pick Scala.
When you create a new Scala project, eclipse asks you to switch perspective. If you import an existing project however, it doesn't. I filed an enhancement request.
On the Scala IDE website there is a tutorial on how to configure the Scala IDE to do development with play2.0:
Follow the steps there and if it doesn't work please report issues to the tutorial's author or in the scala-ide-user ML.
By the way, I don't believe that changing Perspective will make any difference. The Eclipse perspectives are purely UI changes, the underlying behavior should not be affected.
I was waiting, hoping someone more knowledgeable would answer...
I'd look at the .project file for your messed-up project, compare it with a correct one, and hack the messed-up one as appropriate. I wish I could be more specific. I'd guess that the problem is in the <buildSpec> or <natures> section of the file.
You may want to back up the .project file up first. Make sure the project isn't open in Eclipse while you're editing it.
Right click your project, Configure > Add Scala Nature
I installed Eclipse Java-EE edition instead of standard Java Edition, and all works now.
I haven't gone back to repeat with standard Java Edition to confirm, but seems to only work with EE edition.

Task focused interface for Netbeans (or something similar)

When you come from the Eclipse world you surely miss Mylyn (a task focused interface). As I have to use Netbeans at the moment I am looking for something similiar. I would even be satisfied with some little helper to associate some files to a task, so that I can switch my working files at once to work on another project.
I know of Cubeon, but it doesn't seem to work with files that are not Java (like Ruby files in my case). It also doesn't seem to be worked on anymore.
Is there another little plugin that will do the job?
Task focused features like Mylyn are not available for NetBeans IDE as of version 6.9.1. They may become available after some time due to some community contributions. Cubeon used to work for NetBeans IDE 6.5.1 but I have not tested it on NetBeans IDE 6.9.1 yet, it may work.
Cubeon have initial task focused way of working but need many more features to be compared with Mylyn. So the answer for you is there is no plugin available for NetBeans IDE yet to match Mylyn like features in Eclipse.
UPDATE (11 Oct 2011): There is a NetBeans module for Task Focused Interface in NetBeans IDE hosted at java.net named NBTaskFocus. This module will work for NetBeans IDE version 7.0.x and onwards.

Make Custom Project template in Eclipse IDE

I have been using Eclipse IDE for a long time. Its a really great IDE for Java/C/C++ (and other languages with its THOUSANDS of plugins). Every once in a while, I get the need for creating a Javax interface. To do this normally, I would setup the new java project then add what I need. But, wouldn't it be nice if I could just make a template project to automatically include the code for the files. How would I go about doing this? It it even possible? The Eclipse CDT can make a new project type. So can the Google ADT and Google App engine. So I would imagine it is possible. But how?
You must write your Eclipse plug-in that implements org.eclipse.ui.newWizards extension point. You can extend an existing "New Java Project" wizard, and provide your custom project layout implementation (see the API).
Regarding java projects you might be familiar with maven. Maven offers of project template mechanism called archetypes. I never created an own archetype but the explanation to do this (Guide to Creating Archetypes) does not seems to be so complicated.
So although this is not a special eclipse solution it might be helpful for you. Together with the m2eclipse plugin it also works nice together with eclipse.

grails plugin for eclipse and netbeans 6.1

Has anyone been successful in getting the grails plugin for eclipse to work? How about grails plugin with netbeans?
If you use the NetBeans 6.5 Beta you'll see the Grails functionality is promising, but still buggy(minor). The good thing is in 6.5 Groovy and Grails support is standard, you don't have to install the plugins.
Unfortunately, there hasn't been much progress on the Eclipse plugin for Grails, we have started using IntelliJ IDEA for Grails development, the JetGroovy plugin is excellent and keeps getting better!
Netbeans 6.5 is pretty good for Grails and allows for debugging, though the code completion is just barely there.
Well, here's a quick update. The Eclipse plugin works, and has refactoring support. But, for some reason I can't get it to recognize the Grails plugins in the Eclipse project.
It's starting to come along though.
I haven't had any problems getting the Eclipse grails plugin "to work" insofar as it's installed and providing all the features advertised. The problem is that this set of features is minimal, and light years behind IntelliJ. I understand that switching from a free IDE to a commercial IDE isn't at all possible, but if it is, do it! Although Netbeans is better than Eclipse, it's still quite a distance behind IntelliJ.
Just for future documentation:
Netbeans 6.8 is available with a very nice Grails/Groovy Plugin that works like a charme.
Additionally you can use a new Code Coverage Plugin.
Really nice build.
Netbeans Homepage
But you have to keep in mind that Grails now belongs to Spring Source. Spring Source is known for developing their own Tool Suite based on Eclipse. Maybe we will see a better grails plugin implementation for Eclipse.