How do I parse the PLS playlist format in an iPhone app? - iphone

I'm developing an iPhone application for a radio station. I'm in need of parsing playlist.pls and playlist.qtl, to get the stream audio url present in it. I'm stuck with that.

Since pls uses ini format, you can parse it using Properties. qtl is an xml format, you can find a lot of examples of parsing xml.


How to convert audio binary on server from iPhone POST request?

I have a working POST request that will send a CAF audio file (recorded on the iPhone with AVAudioRecorder) to a web server -- the request itself is structured similarly to Send an audio FILE and JSON string in iOS.
The server correctly receives the file, but I'm having trouble converting it into a format that will play directly in a browser. In addition to every audio/iPhone/server post I could find on stack overflow, I've looked into ffmpeg and HTML5 audio as well, but couldn't find clear instructions on how to convert the received audio binary to a browser-playable format. Essentially, I need to understand how to accomplish Arun's server-side suggestion here.
I know that Audacity, Soundbooth, etc. will allow you to use the raw data and save it as another format, but I need this to be done programmatically on the server. If there are any suggestions they would be very much appreciated! Thank you.

Where to start for making a program to convert MP3 files to iphone audiobook (M4B) format?

I'm new to programming and want to find something that I can work on to help learn more about it. I want to do this is C++ if possible. What i want to do is start working on developing a program that has a user interface and will convert an mp3 into an m4b (the format iphone uses for audiobooks. I have been looking for some source code examples but have had no luck. If anyone can give me some places to start that would be great. Thanks
This is really trivial with the Audio Converter Services that are part of Core Audio.
I know it is not cool to just post a book reference but I really highly recommend Learning Core Audio: A Hands-on Guide to Audio Programming for Mac and iOS if you want to do Core Audio stuff.
Chapter 6 is all about audio conversion from one format to another.
M4B simply is a MP4 file (AAC encoded) with the extension M4B. So it basically is an MP4 file with a renamed file extension.
Perhaps consider using an encoding library such as ffmpeg.

Get Lyrics iPhone

I was wondering if there was a class available that can retrieve lyrics for a song title? Is there any iPhone compatible API available?
Says it has a XML response as well. You can very well parse XML efficiently with the NSXML parser

Is it possible at all to record audio in AAC/MP4 format on the iPhone?

In this link it says it does:
However I have searched for an example that works on the web and can only see people complaining they can't get it to work. I have a working AudioQueue example for PCM but the very moment I switch this to AAC initialization fails. SpeakHere example also only uses PCM.
Has anyone ever managed to make this work or has a link to a code snippet that works?
Basically iPhone only record PCM. To get an AAC encoded file the original PCM stream should be stored into a AudioFile and then this AudioFile should be converted to AAC.
There's no way to record and convert on the fly on iPhone unless you include a third-party library that will do this for you.

.epub on iPhone

Seeking your help to get off .epub(s) sea in iPhone world...
I am trying to make an iPhone application which can read .epub(s). So, I'm in search of a good method, API, Webservices, etc. which help me to render .epub(s) on iPhone's screen. Please let me know once you got any information about .epub(s) on iPhone.
=> My application would be like, Stanza/Calibri, which can read .epub(s).
Thanking You...
Paresh Thakor
EPUB is just XHTML stored in a zipfile with an XML manifest. Get a zip library and you can use a WebView to display the actual content.