Best practices for combining Lucene.NET and a relational database? -

I'm working on a project where I will have a LOT of data, and it will be searchable by several forms that are very efficiently expressed as SQL Queries, but it also needs to be searched via natural language processing.
My plan is to build an index using Lucene for this form of search.
My question is that if I do this, and perform a search, Lucene will then return the ID's of matching documents in the index, I then have to lookup these entities from the relational database.
This could be done in two ways (That I can think of so far):
N amount of queries (Horrible)
Pass all the ID's to a stored procedure at once (Perhaps as a comma delimited parameter). This has the downside of being limited to the max parameter size, and the slow performance of a UDF to split the string into a temporary table.
I'm almost tempted to mirror everything into lucenes index, so that I can periodicly generate the index from the backing store, but only need to access it for the frontend.

I would store the 'frontend' data inside the index itself, avoiding any db interaction. The db would be queried only when you want more information on the specific record.

When I encountered this problem I went with a relational database that has full-text search capabilities (I used PostgreSQL 8.3, which has built in ft support, with stemming and thesaurus support). This way the database can query using both SQL and ft commands. The downside is that you need a DB that has full-text-search capabilities, and these capabilities might be inferior to what lucene can do.

I guess the answer depends on what you are going to do with the results, if you are going to display the results in a grid and let the user choose the exact document he wants to access then you may want to add to the index enough text to help the user identify the document, like a blurb of say 200 characters and then once the member selects a document hit the DB to retrieve the whole thing.
This will impact the size of your index for sure, so that is another consideration you need to keep in mind. I would also put a cache between the DB and the front end so that the most used items will not incur the full cost of a DB access every time.

Probably not an option depending on how much stuff is in your database, but what I have done is store the db id's in the search index along with the properties I wanted indexed. Then in my service classes I cache all the data needed to display search results for all the objects (e.g., name, db id, image url's, description blurbs, social media info). The service class returns a Dictionary that can look up objects by db id, and I use the id's returned by Lucene.NET to pull data from the in-memory cache.
You could also forego the in-memory cache and store all the necessary properties for displaying a search result in the search index. I didn't do this because the in-memory cache is also used in scenarios other than search.
The in-memory cache is always fresh to within a few hours, and the only time I have to hit the db is if I need to pull more detailed data for a single object (if the user clicks on the link for a specific object to go to the page for that object).


NoSQL how to lookup id in a collection

NoSQL noob here. I'm building an app using Firestore NoSQL. I'm looping through items where every item has a owner id (creator user id).
I want to display owner's name on the listing page. In traditional SQL, i have foreign key so I can just make reference to say, Item.Owner.FirstName
What's the best practice in NoSQL? Should I be saving owner name as a field at the time of saving the item? or do a lookup of each owner id to get user object whilst i'm looping through items?
Second option sounds expensive so i'm assuming 1st way is the way to go. Unless there's a better, more accepted way?
Both will work. You either reference the data in the other document in whatever way you see fit, or you duplicate information into the document that you intend to query to build the display. You just have to decide what which problem you want to deal with:
If you duplicate data among documents (known as "denormalization"), then you'll have to put effort into keeping them all up to date with each other, if that's what you require. So, writing one document might actually turn into writing multiple documents.
If you normalize your data with no duplication, then each of your queries will require more queries to get the related data from other documents. This could result in a drop in performance and an increase in cost for apps with heavy read loads.
Since we don't know the performance requirements and usage behavior of your app, there is no way to give specific advice. You will have to think carefully about which problem you want to have, perhaps based on complexity, performance, and overall cost.

Can I store data that won't affect query performance in MongoDB?

We have an application which requires saving of data that should be in documents, for querying and sorting purposes. The data should be schema less, as some of the fields would be known only via usage. For this, MongoDB is a great solution and it works great for us.
Part of the data in each document, is for displaying purposes. Meaning the data can be objects (let's say json) that the client side uses in order to plot diagrams.
I tried to save this data using gridfs, but the use cases makes it not responsive enough. Also, the documents won't exceed the 16 MB limits even with the diagram data inside them. And in fact, while trying to save this data directly within the documents, we got better results.
This data is used only for client side responses, meaning we should never query it. So my question is, can I insert this data to MongoDB, and set it as a 'not for query' data? Meaning, can I insert this data without affecting Mongo's performance? The data is strict and once a document is inserted, there might be only updating of existing fields, not adding new ones.
I've noticed there is a Binary Data type in Mongo, and I am wondering if I should use this type for objects that are not binary. Can this give me what I'm looking for?
Also, I would love to know what is the advantage in using this type inside my documents. Can it save me disk space?
As at MongoDB 3.4, read and write operations are atomic on the level of a single document from the storage/memory point of view. If the MongoDB server needs to fetch a document from memory or disk (even when projecting a subset of fields to return) the full document generally has to be loaded into memory on a mongod. The only exception is if you can take advantage of covered queries where all of the fields returned are also included in the index used.
This data is used only for client side responses, meaning we should never query it.
Data fields which aren't queried directly do not need to be in any indexes. However, there is currently no concept like "not for query" fields in MongoDB. You can query or project any field (with or without an index).
Meaning, can I insert this data without affecting Mongo's performance?
Data with very different access or growth patterns (such as your infrequently requested client data) is a recommended candidate for storing separately from a parent document with frequently accessed data. This will improve the efficiency of memory usage for mongod by avoiding unnecessary retrieval of data when working with documents in the parent collection.
I've noticed there is a Binary Data type in Mongo, and I am wondering if I should use this type for objects that are not binary. Can this give me what I'm looking for? Also, I would love to know what is the advantage in using this type inside my documents. Can it save me disk space?
You should use a type that is most appropriate for the data that you are storing. Storing text data as binary will not gain you any obvious efficiencies in server storage. However, storing a complex object as a single value (for example, a JSON document serialized as a string) could save some serialization overhead if that object will only be interpreted via your client-side code. Binary data stored in MongoDB will be an opaque blob as far as indexing or querying, which sounds fine for your purposes.

Can Lucene store more than 100Gb original's documents in index?

I'm writing application what will be manipulate with more than 100Gb text documents. The size of each document is 2Kb-100Kb.
At first I supposed to use DBMS such as MySQL or Firebird to store raw documents with storing index in lucene's index. This approach have some disadvantages. For example, database transactions know nothing about lucene index and vice versa. So I need to synchronize them.
Then I supposed what Lucene can store entire documents in index. So I need regulary create index's backups. But it so easy: I can copy entire catalog with index. I use some kind of No SQL storage (i.e. Lucene). And I may don't use DBMS.
What is the best practice: to store original documents in index or not? I'm really don't want use DBMS to such purpose. Is it possible?
You would not want to store the raw document in a Lucene index, especially the size that you are talking about. I have done this a couple ways, but both ONLY store the indexed fields in the Lucene index and you have an ID/pointer to the raw document. I have dealt with indexes well over 100 million records and they work fine on a single server.
The reason this is important is that the build time of the index and manageability of the index dramatically drops if you don't need to store an additional 100 gig of data.
Basically, you need to index all the fields you need for searching/satisfying search queries. If a user clicks on the item in a grid, I assume you want to show the raw text (the UI pattern is that most of the time you will access a lot of the Lucene fields, but RARELY need to pull down the full binary text file).
The raw access I have used in conjunction with Lucene is:
SQL Server FILESTREAM, which is optimized for large binary file storage. It is really fast too. Not sure if MySQL has this (never worked with it)
Azure Table Storage, which is a key-value NoSQL cloud database. That was used to store the binary blobs.
It really doesn't matter what the persisted storage is, as long as it is optimized for larger binary files that can be accessed/streamed fast based off of a key. You could use an in-memory cache like Redis too as long as Lucene has the ID pointer to access the binary text file.

What is the fundmental difference between MongoDB / NoSQL which allows faster aggregation (MapReduce) compared to MySQL

I have the following problem. I have a table with huge number of rows which I need to search and then group search results by many parameters. Let's say the table is
id, big_text, price, country, field1, field2, ..., fieldX
And we run a request like this
[use FULLTEXT index to MATCH() big_text] AND
[use some random clauses that anyway render indexes useless,
like: country IN (1,2,65,69) and price<100]
This we be displayed as search results and then we need to take these search results and group them by a number of fields to generate search filters
(results) GROUP BY field1
(results) GROUP BY field2
(results) GROUP BY field3
(results) GROUP BY field4
This is a simplified case of what I need, the actual task at hand is even more problematic, for example sometimes the first results query does also its own GROUP BY. And example of such functionality would be this site
(search results plus filters on the left)
I've done and still doing a deep research on how MySQL functions and at this point I totally don't see this possible in MySQL. Roughly speaking MySQL table is just a heap of rows lying on HDD and indexes are tiny versions of these tables sorted by the index field(s) and pointing to the actual rows. That's a super oversimplification of course but the point is I don't see how it is possible to fix this at all, i.e. how to use more than one index, be able to do fast GROUP BY-s (by the time query reaches GROUP BY index is completely useless because of range searches and other things). I know that MySQL (or similar databases) have various helpful things such index merges, loose index scans and so on but this is simply not adequate - the queries above will still take forever to execute.
I was told that the problem can be solved by NoSQL which makes use of some radically new ways of storing and dealing with data, including aggregation tasks. What I want to know is some quick schematic explanation of how it does this. I mean I just want to have a quick glimpse at it so that I could really see that it does that because at the moment I can't understand how it is possible to do that at all. I mean data is still data and has to be placed in memory and indexes are still indexes with all their limitation. If this is indeed possible, I'll then start studying NoSQL in detail.
PS. Please don't tell me to go and read a big book on NoSQL. I've already done this for MySQL only to find out that it is not usable in my case :) So I wanted to have some preliminary understanding of the technology before getting a big book.
There are essentially 4 types of "NoSQL", but three of the four are actually similar enough that an SQL syntax could be written on top of it (including MongoDB and it's crazy query syntax [and I say that even though Javascript is one of my favorite languages]).
Key-Value Storage
These are simple NoSQL systems like Redis, that are basically a really fancy hash table. You have a value you want to get later, so you assign it a key and stuff it into the database, you can only query a single object at a time and only by a single key.
You definitely don't want this.
Document Storage
This is one step up above Key-Value Storage and is what most people talk about when they say NoSQL (such as MongoDB).
Basically, these are objects with a hierarchical structure (like XML files, JSON files, and any other sort of tree structure in computer science), but the values of different nodes on the tree can be indexed. They have a higher "speed" relative to traditional row-based SQL databases on lookup because they sacrifice performance on joining.
If you're looking up data in your MySQL database from a single table with tons of columns (assuming it's not a view/virtual table), and assuming you have it indexed properly for your query (that may be you real problem, here), Document Databases like MongoDB won't give you any Big-O benefit over MySQL, so you probably don't want to migrate over for just this reason.
Columnar Storage
These are the most like SQL databases. In fact, some (like Sybase) implement an SQL syntax while others (Cassandra) do not. They store the data in columns rather than rows, so adding and updating are expensive, but most queries are cheap because each column is essentially implicitly indexed.
But, if your query can't use an index, you're in no better shape with a Columnar Store than a regular SQL database.
Graph Storage
Graph Databases expand beyond SQL. Anything that can be represented by Graph theory, including Key-Value, Document Database, and SQL database can be represented by a Graph Database, like neo4j.
Graph Databases make joins as cheap as possible (as opposed to Document Databases) to do this, but they have to, because even a simple "row" query would require many joins to retrieve.
A table-scan type query would probably be slower than a standard SQL database because of all of the extra joins to retrieve the data (which is stored in a disjointed fashion).
So what's the solution?
You've probably noticed that I haven't answered your question, exactly. I'm not saying "you're finished," but the real problem is how the query is being performed.
Are you absolutely sure you can't better index your data? There are things such as Multiple Column Keys that could improve the performance of your particular query. Microsoft's SQL Server has a full text key type that would be applicable to the example you provided, and PostgreSQL can emulate it.
The real advantage most NoSQL databases have over SQL databases is Map-Reduce -- specifically, the integration of a full Turing-complete language that runs at high speed that query constraints can be written in. The querying function can be written to quickly "fail out" of non-matching queries or quickly return with a success on records that meet "priority" requirements, while doing the same in SQL is a bit more cumbersome.
Finally, however, the exact problem you're trying to solve: text search with optional filtering parameters, is more generally known as a search engine, and there are very specialized engines to handle this particular problem. I'd recommend Apache Solr to perform these queries.
Basically, dump the text field, the "filter" fields, and the primary key of the table into Solr, let it index the text field, run the queries through it, and if you need the full record after that, query your SQL database for the specific index you got from Solr. It uses some more memory and requires a second process, but will probably best suite your needs, here.
Why all of this text to get to this answer?
Because the title of your question doesn't really have anything to do with the content of your question, so I answered both. :)

Zend: index generation and the pros and cons of Zend_Search_Lucene

I've never came across an app/class like Zend Search Lucene before, as I've always queried my database.
Zend_Search_Lucene operates with
documents as atomic objects for
indexing. A document is divided into
named fields, and fields have content
that can be searched.
A document is represented by the
Zend_Search_Lucene_Document class, and
this objects of this class contain
instances of Zend_Search_Lucene_Field
that represent the fields on the
It is important to note that any
information can be added to the index.
Application-specific information or
metadata can be stored in the document
fields, and later retrieved with the
document during search.
So this is basically saying that I can apply this to anything including databases, the key thing here is making indexes for searching.
What I'm trying to grasp is where exactly should I store the indexes in my application, let's take for example we have phones stored in a database, a manufacturers, models - how should I categorize the indexes?
If I'm making indexes of users with say, addresses I obviously wouldn't want them to be publically viewable, I'm just confused on how it all works out together, if there are known disadvantages, any gotchas I should know while using it.
A Lucene index is stored outside the database. I'd store it in a "data" directory as a sister to your controllers, models, and views. But you can store it anywhere; you just need to specify the path when you open the index for querying.
It's basically a redundant copy of the documents stored in your database, and you have to keep them in sync yourself. That's one of the disadvantages: you have to write code to populate the Lucene index based on results of a query against your database. As you add data to the database, you have to update your Lucene index as well.
An advantage of using an external full-text index solution is that you can reduce the workload on your RDBMS. To find a document, you execute a search using the Lucene API. The result should include a field containing the primary key value (as part of the document but no need to make it analyzed for FT search). You get this field back when you do a Lucene search, so you can look up the respective row in the database.
Does that help answer your question?
I gave a presentation recently for MySQL University comparing full-text search solutions:
I also publish my slides at