What I'm looking for is this function:
def maybe[A, B](a: Option[A])(f: A => B)(g: () => B): B = a match
case Some(x) => f(x)
case None => g()
It's in the Haskell prelude so I'm thinking it might be in the Scala standard library somewhere and I've just missed it. I hate having to recode it in projects so I'm wondering if anyone knows where it is, or if it's definitively not there. Or is there a better method for getting this functionality?
Other answers have given the map + getOrElse composition. Just for the record, you can "add" a maybe function to Option in the following way:
implicit def optionWithMaybe[A](opt: Option[A]) = new {
def maybe[B](f: A=>B)(g: =>B) = opt map f getOrElse g
It's worth noting that the syntax of higher-order functions in Scala is usually nicer when the function parameter comes last. Thus, a better way to organize maybe would be as follows:
def maybe[B](g: =>B)(f: A=>B) = opt map f getOrElse g
This could be used as follows:
val opt: Option[String] = ...
opt.maybe("") { _.toUpperCase }
You could do
val opt:Option[A] = // ...
val result:B = opt.map(f).getOrElse(g());
getOrElse takes a by-name parameter, so g will only be evaluated if opt is None.
The method would be called fold if it were to adhere to convention (see Either.fold which is the catamorphism for Either).
You can use scalaz, and then you have an implicit conversion to OptionW which has fold, or you can use Scala 2.10.0-M3 and use the builtin Option.fold
scala> Some(1).fold(5)(_ * 2)
res5: Int = 2
scala> (None: Option[Int]).fold(5)(_ * 2)
res7: Int = 5
Note that the scalaz fold signature is fold[X](some: A => X, none: => X), while the builtin seems to be fold[X](none: => X)(some: A => X).
I don't think there is. The best I could come up with is to chain Option's "map" and "getOrElse" together:
scala> var a: Option[String] = Some("hello")
a: Option[String] = Some(hello)
scala> a.map(_.toUpperCase).getOrElse("empty")
res19: java.lang.String = HELLO
scala> a = None
a: Option[String] = None
scala> a.map(_.toUpperCase).getOrElse("empty")
res21: java.lang.String = empty
I don't think there is. However, I'd write it to take g by name:
def maybe[A, B](a: Option[A])(f: A => B)(g: => B): B = a.map(f).getOrElse(g)
This is more Scala- and Haskell-like and a bit nicer to use.
I'd use Option.fold for this:
Note that g is by-name, just like getOrElse. Also note the inversion of the cases.
Say I have a function that can take an optional parameter, and I want to return a Some if the argument is None and a None if the argument is Some:
def foo(a: Option[A]): Option[B] = a match {
case Some(_) => None
case None => Some(makeB())
So what I want to do is kind of the inverse of map. The variants of orElse are not applicable, because they retain the value of a if it's present.
Is there a more concise way to do this than if (a.isDefined) None else Some(makeB())?
fold is more concise than pattern matching
val op:Option[B] = ...
val inv = op.fold(Option(makeB()))(_ => None)
Overview of this answer:
One-liner solution using fold
Little demo with the fold
Discussion of why the fold-solution could be just as "obvious" as the if-else-solution.
You can always use fold to transform Option[A] into whatever you want:
a.fold(Option(makeB())){_ => Option.empty[B]}
Here is a complete runnable example with all the necessary type definitions:
class A
class B
def makeB(): B = new B
def foo(a: Option[A]): Option[B] = a match {
case Some(_) => None
case None => Some(makeB())
def foo2(a: Option[A]): Option[B] =
a.fold(Option(makeB())){_ => Option.empty[B]}
println(foo(Some(new A)))
println(foo2(Some(new A)))
This outputs:
Why fold only seems less intuitive
In the comments, #TheArchetypalPaul has commented that fold seems "lot less obvious" than the if-else solution. I agree, but I still think that it might be interesting to reflect on the reasons why that is.
I think that this is mostly an artifact resulting from the presence of special if-else syntax for booleans.
If there were something like a standard
def ifNone[A, B](opt: Option[A])(e: => B) = new {
def otherwise[C >: B](f: A => C): C = opt.fold((e: C))(f)
syntax that can be used like this:
val optStr: Option[String] = Some("hello")
val reversed = ifNone(optStr) {
} otherwise {
str => None
and, more importantly, if this syntax was mentioned on the first page of every introduction to every programming language invented in the past half-century, then the ifNone-otherwise solution (that is, fold), would look much more natural to most people.
Indeed, the Option.fold method is the eliminator of the Option[T] type: whenever we have an Option[T] and want to get an A out of it, the most obvious thing to expect should be a fold(a)(b) with a: A and b: T => A. In contrast to the special treatment of booleans with the if-else-syntax (which is a mere convention), the fold method is very fundamental, the fact that it must be there can be derived from the first principles.
I've come up with this definition a.map(_ => None).getOrElse(Some(makeB())):
scala> def f[A](a: Option[A]) = a.map(_ => None).getOrElse(Some(makeB()))
f: [A](a: Option[A])Option[makeB]
scala> f(Some(44))
res104: Option[makeB] = None
scala> f(None)
res105: Option[makeB] = Some(makeB())
I think the most concise and clearest might be Option.when(a.isEmpty)(makeB)
With Scalaz, a function can be mapped over another function. When would I want to use map over andThen? Is there a clear advantage using map? Thanks
For example,
val f: Int => Int = (a) => a + 10
val g: Int => Int = (a) => a * 100
(f map g map {_*3})(10) == (f andThen g andThen {_*3})(10) // true
Setting aside implementation details for a moment, map is andThen for functions (under the functor instance for A => ?), and it doesn't really make a lot of sense to talk about preferring one over the other if we're talking about functions specifically and not some higher level of abstraction.
What methods like map (and type classes like Functor more generally) allow us to do is abstract over specific types or type constructors. Suppose we want to write a incrementResult method that works on both A => Int or Kleisli[Option, A, Int], for example. These types don't have anything in common in terms of inheritance (short of AnyRef, which is useless), but A => ? and Kleisli[Option, A, ?] are both functors, so we could write this:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def incrementResult[F[_]: Functor](f: F[Int]): F[Int] = f.map(_ + 1)
And then use it like this (note that I'm using kind-projector to simplify the type syntax a bit):
scala> val plainOldFuncTriple: Int => Int = _ * 3
plainOldFuncTriple: Int => Int = <function1>
scala> val optionKleisliTriple: Kleisli[Option, Int, Int] = Kleisli(i => Some(i * 3))
optionKleisliTriple: scalaz.Kleisli[Option,Int,Int] = Kleisli(<function1>)
scala> val f = incrementResult[Int => ?](plainOldFuncTriple)
f: Int => Int = <function1>
scala> val k = incrementResult[Kleisli[Option, Int, ?]](optionKleisliTriple)
k: scalaz.Kleisli[Option,Int,Int] = Kleisli(<function1>)
scala> f(10)
res0: Int = 31
scala> k(10)
res1: Option[Int] = Some(31)
In this case specifically there are better ways to implement this operation, but it shows the general idea—we couldn't write a single method that works for both ordinary functions and Kleisli arrows using andThen, but we can with the extra level of abstraction that map gives us.
So to answer your question—you'd use map if you want to abstract over all type constructors that have a functor instance, but if you're working specifically with functions, map is andThen, and—as long as we're still setting aside implementation details—it doesn't matter which you choose.
Footnote: the map that Scalaz's syntax package gives you for values of types that have functor instances is implemented as an extension method, so there's a tiny bit of overhead (both at compile time and runtime) involved in using map instead of andThen on a function. If you're only working with functions and don't need the extra abstraction, then, you might as well go with andThen.
I have a function in a context, (in a Maybe / Option) and I want to pass it a value and get back the return value, directly out of the context.
Let's take an example in Scala :
scala> Some((x:Int) => x * x)
res0: Some[Int => Int] = Some(<function1>)
Of course, I can do
to execute the function, but the result is wrapped in the context.
Ok, I could do :
but I'm copy/pasting this everywhere in my code (I have a lot of functions wrapped in Option, or worst, in Either...).
I need a better form, something like :
res0.applyOrElse(5, ...)
Does this concept of 'applying a function in a concept to a value and immediatly returning the result out of the context' exists in FP with a specific name (I'm lost in all those Functor, Monad and Applicatives...) ?
You can use andThen to move the default from the place where you call the function to the place where you define it:
val foo: String => Option[Int] = s => Some(s.size)
val bar: String => Int = foo.andThen(_.getOrElse(100))
This only works for Function1, but if you want a more generic version, Scalaz provides functor instances for FunctionN:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
val foo: (String, Int) => Option[Int] = (s, i) => Some(s.size + i)
val bar: (String, Int) => Int = foo.map(_.getOrElse(100))
This also works for Function1—just replace andThen above with map.
More generally, as I mention above, this looks a little like unliftId on Kleisli, which takes a wrapped function A => F[B] and collapses the F using a comonad instance for F. If you wanted something that worked generically for Option, Either[E, ?], etc., you could write something similar that would take a Optional instance for F and a default value.
You could write something like applyOrElse using Option.fold.
fold[B](ifEmpty: ⇒ B)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B
val squared = Some((x:Int) => x * x)
squared.fold {
// or else = ifEmpty
math.pow(5, 2).toInt
// execute function
Using Travis Browns recent answer on another question, I was able to puzzle together the following applyOrElse function. It depends on Shapeless and you need to pass the arguments as an HList so it might not be exactly what you want.
def applyOrElse[F, I <: HList, O](
optionFun: Option[F],
input: I,
orElse: => O
ftp: FnToProduct.Aux[F, I => O]
): O = optionFun.fold(orElse)(f => ftp(f)(input))
Which can be used as :
val squared = Some((x:Int) => x * x)
applyOrElse(squared, 2 :: HNil, 10)
// res0: Int = 4
applyOrElse(None, 2 :: HNil, 10)
// res1: Int = 10
val concat = Some((a: String, b: String) => s"$a $b")
applyOrElse(concat, "hello" :: "world" :: HNil, "not" + "executed")
// res2: String = hello world
The getOrElse is most logical way to do it. In regards to copy/pasting it all over the place - you might not be dividing your logic up on the best way. Generally, you want to defer resolving your Options (or Futures/etc) in your code until the point you need to have it unwrapped. In this case, it seems more sensible that your function takes in an an Int and returns an Int, and you map your option where you need the result of that function.
Piping things in Scala is often very simple - think map for collections, composeand andThen for function composition.
However, I don't seem to find a way to combine the two. I have a function that returns an Option[Double]. I'd like to filter the Double value (reduce its precision) if it's there. andThen is close but needs me to handle the option thingy.
Is there a nice built-in way to deal with this in Scala 2.11?
class Temp( ff: (Object) => Option[Double] )
object Temp {
def apply( f: (Object) => Option[Double] ) = {
def cutTo5Digits(v: Double): Double = {
v - (v % 1e-5)
// call 'f', then pipe its output (if some) via 'cutTo5Digits'?
//new Temp( f map cutTo5Digits ) // nope
//new Temp( f _ andThen cutTo5Digits _ ) // would need option unwrapping
new Temp((o: Object) => f(o) map ((v: Double) => cutTo5Digits(v))) // compiles
I think that the best solution would be new Temp(f(_) map cutTo5Digits), what's wrong with it?
But if you want syntax like this: f map cutTo5Digits, then you can use Kleisli from scalaz, where f would be of type Kleisli[Option, Object, Double], i.e:
def apply( f: (Object) => Option[Double] ) = {
def cutTo5Digits(v: Double): Double = v - (v % 1e-5)
val ff = Kleisli(f)
new Temp(ff map cutTo5Digits) // or inline Kleisli(f) map ...
Or you can also make cutTo5Digits of type Double => Option[Double], such functions can be chained with Kliesli >=> method and you case can be rewritten as ff >=> cutTo5Digits.
If you want to use the andThen syntax, you can lift your function into a functor, for instance like this:
def liftOption[A, B](f: A => B): Option[A] => Option[B] = _.map(f(_))
To highlight the function composition, you can now write:
(f _) andThen liftOption(cutTo5Digits _)
If you make this conversion implicit, you can even use your original f _ andThen cutTo5Digits _. If you are using Scalaz, you should be able to lift your function via cutTo5Digits.lift[Option].
Besides using match, is there an Option-like way to getOrElse the actual content of the Right or Left value?
scala> val x: Either[String,Int] = Right(5)
scala> val a: String = x match {
case Right(x) => x.toString
case Left(x) => "left"
a: String = 5
Nicolas Rinaudo's answer regarding calling getOrElse on either the left or right projection is probably the closest to Option.getOrElse.
Alternatively, you can fold the either:
scala> val x: Either[String,Int] = Right(5)
x: Either[String,Int] = Right(5)
scala> val a: String = x.fold(l => "left", r => r.toString)
a: String = 5
As l is not used in the above fold, you could also write x.fold(_ => "left", r => r.toString)
Actually, you can literally have Option.getOrElse by calling toOption on the left or right projection of the either, eg,
scala> val o: Option[Int] = x.right.toOption
o: Option[Int] = Some(5)
scala> val a: String = o.map(_.toString).getOrElse("left")
a: String = 5
I don't particularly like Either and as a result I'm not terribly familiar with it, but I believe you're looking for projections: either.left.getOrElse or either.right.getOrElse.
Note that projections can be used in for-comprehensions as well. This is an example straight from the documentation:
def interactWithDB(x: Query): Either[Exception, Result] =
try {
} catch {
case ex => Left(ex)
// this will only be executed if interactWithDB returns a Right
val report =
for (r <- interactWithDB(someQuery).right) yield generateReport(r)
if (report.isRight)
log("report not generated, reason was " + report.left.get)
Given type A on both sides, that is, Either[A, A], we can use Either.merge
...to extract values from Either instances regardless of whether they are
Left or Right.
Note if left and right types differ then result is least upper bound of the two types which may become in worst case Any:
val e: Either[Int, String] = Right("hello")
e.merge // hello: Any
In Scala 2.12 there is a getOrElse method for getting the "right" value but you cannot use it for the "left" value directly. However, you can do it like this: e.swap.getOrElse(42).