Uncompress OpenOffice files for better storage in version control - version-control

I've heard discussion about how OpenOffice (ODF) files are compressed zip files of XML and other data. So making a tiny change to the file can potentially totally change the data, so delta compression doesn't work well in version control systems.
I've done basic testing on an OpenOffice file, unzipping it and then rezipping it with zero compression. I used the Linux zip utility for my testing. OpenOffice will still happily open it.
So I'm wondering if it's worth developing a small utility to run on ODF files each time just before I commit to version control. Any thoughts on this idea? Possible better alternatives?
Secondly, what would be a good and robust way to implement this little utility? Bash shell that calls zip (probably Linux only)? Python? Any gotchas you can think of? Obviously I don't want to accidentally mangle a file, and there are several ways that could happen.
Possible gotchas I can think of:
Insufficient disk space
Some other permissions issue that prevents writing the file or temporary files
ODF document is encrypted (probably should just leave these alone; the encryption probably also causes large file changes and thus prevents efficient delta compression)

First, version control system you want to use should support hooks which are invoked to transform file from version in repository to the one in working area, like for example clean / smudge filters in Git from gitattributes.
Second, you can find such filter, instead of writing one yourself, for example rezip from "Management of opendocument (openoffice.org) files in git" thread on git mailing list (but see warning in "Followup: management of OO files - warning about "rezip" approach"),
You can also browse answers in "Tracking OpenOffice files/other compressed files with Git" thread, or try to find the answer inside "[PATCH 2/2] Add keyword unexpansion support to convert.c" thread.
Hope That Helps

You may consider to store documents in FODT-format - flat XML format.
This is relatively new alternative solution available.
Document is just stored unzipped.
More info is available at https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Libreoffice_and_subversion.

I've modified the python program in Craig McQueen's answer just a bit. Changes include:
Actually checking the return of testZip (according to the docs, it appears that the original program will happily proceed with a corrupt zip file past the checkzip step).
Rewrite the for-loop to check for already-uncompressed files to be a single if-statement.
Here is the new program:
# Note, written for Python 2.6
import sys
import shutil
import zipfile
# Get a single command-line argument containing filename
commandlineFileName = sys.argv[1]
backupFileName = commandlineFileName + ".bak"
inFileName = backupFileName
outFileName = commandlineFileName
checkFilename = commandlineFileName
# Check input file
# First, check it is valid (not corrupted)
checkZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(checkFilename)
if checkZipFile.testzip() is not None:
raise Exception("Zip file is corrupted")
# Second, check that it's not already uncompressed
if all(f.compress_type==zipfile.ZIP_STORED for f in checkZipFile.infolist()):
raise Exception("File is already uncompressed")
# Copy to "backup" file and use that as the input
shutil.copy(commandlineFileName, backupFileName)
inputZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(inFileName)
outputZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(outFileName, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
# Copy each input file's data to output, making sure it's uncompressed
for fileObject in inputZipFile.infolist():
fileData = inputZipFile.read(fileObject)
outFileObject = fileObject
outFileObject.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
outputZipFile.writestr(outFileObject, fileData)

Here's another program I stumbled across: store_zippies_uncompressed by Mirko Friedenhagen.
The wiki also shows how to integrate it with Mercurial.

Here is a Python script that I've put together. It's had minimal testing so far. I've done basic testing in Python 2.6. But I prefer the idea of Python in general because it should abort with an exception if any error occurs, whereas a bash script may not.
This first checks that the input file is valid and not already uncompressed. Then it copies the input file to a "backup" file with ".bak" extension. Then it uncompresses the original file, overwriting it.
I'm sure there are things I've overlooked. Please feel free to give feedback.
# Note, written for Python 2.6
import sys
import shutil
import zipfile
# Get a single command-line argument containing filename
commandlineFileName = sys.argv[1]
backupFileName = commandlineFileName + ".bak"
inFileName = backupFileName
outFileName = commandlineFileName
checkFilename = commandlineFileName
# Check input file
# First, check it is valid (not corrupted)
checkZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(checkFilename)
# Second, check that it's not already uncompressed
isCompressed = False
for fileObject in checkZipFile.infolist():
if fileObject.compress_type != zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
isCompressed = True
if isCompressed == False:
raise Exception("File is already uncompressed")
# Copy to "backup" file and use that as the input
shutil.copy(commandlineFileName, backupFileName)
inputZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(inFileName)
outputZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile(outFileName, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
# Copy each input file's data to output, making sure it's uncompressed
for fileObject in inputZipFile.infolist():
fileData = inputZipFile.read(fileObject)
outFileObject = fileObject
outFileObject.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
outputZipFile.writestr(outFileObject, fileData)
This is in a Mercurial repository in BitBucket.

If you don't need the storage savings, but just want to be able to diff OpenOffice.org files stored in your version control system, you can use the instructions on the oodiff page, which tells how to make oodiff the default diff for OpenDocument formats under git and mercurial. (It also mentions SVN, but it's been so long since I used SVN regularly I'm not sure if those are instructions or limitations.)
(I found this using Mirko Friedenhagen's page (cited by Craig McQueen above))


ipython notebook and leaking file descriptors

I'm having problems with leaking file descriptors in code I have running in ipython notebook. I'm downloading lots of files with urllib2 and saving them locally. Apparently, urllib2 has a history of leaking file descriptors, which I suspect is causing problem. In the end, I get an IoError: Too many open files.
As a workaround, I periodically close a bunch of sockets using os.close. Unfortunately, ipython notebook has lots of sockets running which I don't want to close.
Is there a way that I can identify which file descriptors/sockets/etc.. belong to ipython?
This isn't really an answer, but a couple of workarounds in case others find themselves here with leaking file descriptor problems.
The first workaround, which is probably better, is to use subprocess.call() to download the files I want with wget. It's been about 4 times as fast as the method below.
The second workaround is to use a couple of handy functions I found on SO (which I can't find at the moment - if you find it, edit this or let me know and I'll link):
import resource
import fcntl
import os
def get_open_fds():
fds = []
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
for fd in range(0, soft):
flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD)
except IOError:
return fds
def get_file_names_from_file_number(fds):
names = []
for fd in fds:
names.append(os.readlink('/proc/self/fd/%d' % fd))
return names
With these, I store the active file descriptors and corresponding names before I start downloading files. I then periodically test the number of open file descriptors, and if it's getting dangerously large, use os.close() on all the ones that aren't in the original list (I check the names too - descriptors themselves get recycled).
It's ugly, and occasionally ipython notebook complains with things like "can't save history" (presumably I've clobbered something it was using), but it is working pretty well otherwise.

Which source control uses a "s." prefix on its filenames?

I found what appears to be an old source repository for some source code that I need to resurrect. But I have no idea what source control tools were used to generate and manage this source repository. In the directory, all of the files have a "s." prefixed to the file name. Without knowing the format in these files, I cannot manually extract the source code with any degree of accuracy. And even if I did, manually extracting the source code would be very time consuming and error prone.
What source/version control system prefixes its source files with "s." when it stores the source file in its repository directory?
How can I effectively extract the latest source code from this repository directory?
The s. prefix is characteristic of SCCS, the Source Code Control System. The code for that is probably still proprietary, but GNU has the CSSC project which can manipulate SCCS files. It tracks changes per-file in revisions, known as 'deltas'.
SCCS is the official revision control system for POSIX; you can find the commands documented on the Open Group site (but the file format is not specified there, AFAICT):
The file format is not specified by POSIX. The manual page for get says:
The SCCS files shall be files of an unspecified format.
The original SCCS command set included some extras not recorded by POSIX:
cdc — change delta commentary (for changing the checkin comments for a delta)
comb — combine, effectively for merging deltas
help — no prefix; the wasn't any other help program at the time. Commands generate error codes such as cm3 and help interpreted them.
sccsdiff — difference between two deltas of a file
Most systems now have a single command, sccs, which takes the operation name and then options. Often, the files were placed into an ./SCCS/ subdirectory and extracted from that as required, and the sccs front-end would handle name expansion, adding s. or SCCS/s. to the start of the file names.
For extracting the latest version of the source code, use get.
get s.*
sccs get s.*
These will get the default version of each file, and the default default is the latest version of the file.
If you need to make changes, use:
get -e s.filename.c
...make changes...
delta -y'Why you made the changes' s.filename.c
get s.filename.c
Note that the files 'lose' the s. prefix for the working file names, rather like RCS (Revision Control System) files lose the ,v suffix for the working file names. If you've not come across that, accept that it was different when SCCS and RCS were created, back in the late 70s or early 80s.
SCCS uses an s. prefix. But it might not be the only one!
I never knew this knowledge would come in useful some day!

Pipe multiple files into a zip file

I have several files in a GridFS Document Store and what I'd like to do is to pipe this data into a zip file via stdin in NodeJS. So that I will end up with a zip file containing all these files.
Now my question is how can I give the files a valid filename inside of the zip file. I think I need to emulate/fake a file header containing the filename?
Any help is appreciated!
I had problems when writing zip files with Node.js not long ago. I ended up doing something similar to what is described in Zip archives in node.js
I can't help you directly with your problem, but at least I hope I can point out some things:
Don't try to use node-archive. Even if the description says it allows to create zip files, the moment I read the source code (since documentation is unexistant) I realized that's just a lie. It only exposes methods for reading.
Using zip by spawning a process, like recommended on the provided link, seems to be the best way. Something that would work is copying the files to a local folder with whatever name you desire and then calling the zip command, just to delete the files afterwards.
The other option, which seems ok, is to use zipper (https://github.com/rubenv/zipper, although better just use npm). The reason I'm not really wishing to use it is because there's not that much flexibility, it seems to have been done in a day and it hasn't been modified since the first commit, so I'm not sure it will receive maintenance (sure, you could just fork it...).
I swear the day I have an entire free weekend with no work I will write a freaking module that does this as complete as possible. It's silly that there isn't and it shouldn't be that much struggle. blablablarant.
Not sure if it was there before, but now I've been using the node-compress module (also using gzippo). It works fine.

Version control for DOCX and PDF?

I've been playing around with git and hg lately and then suddenly it occurred to me that this kind of thing will be great for documents.
I've a document which I edit in DOCX and export as PDF. I tried using both git and hg to version control it and turns out with hg you end up tracking only binary and diff-ing isn't meaningful. Although with git I can meaningfully diff DOCX (haven't tried on PDF yet) I was wondering if there is a better way to do it than I'm doing it right now. (Ideally, not having to leave Word to diff will be the best solution.)
There are two different concepts here - one is "can the version control system make some intelligent judgements about the contents of files?" - so that it can store just delta information between revisions (and do things like assign responsibility to individual parts of a file).
The other is 'do I have a file comparison tool which is useful for the types of files I have in the version control system'. Version control systems tend to come with file comparison tools which are inferior to dedicated alternatives. But they can pretty much always be linked to better diff programs - either for all file types or specific ones.
So it's common to use, for example, Beyond Compare as a general compare tool, with Word as a dedicated Word document comparer.
Different version control systems differ as to how good people perceive them to be at handling 'binaries', but that's often as much to do with handling huge files and providing exclusive locking as it is to do with file comparison.
http://tortoisehg.bitbucket.io/ includes a plugin called docdiff that integrates Word and Excel diff'ing.
You can use Beyond Compare as external diff tool for hg. Add to/change your user mercurial.ini as:
cmd.vdiff = c:/path/to/BCompare.exe
Then get Beyond Compare file viewer rule for docx.
Now you should be able to compare two versions of docx in Beyond Compare.
This article outlines the solution for Docx using Pandoc
While this post outlines solution for PDF using pdf2html.
Only for docx, I compiled instructions for multiple places here: https://gist.github.com/nachocab/6429893
# download docx2txt by Sandeep Kumar
wget -O docx2txt.pl http://www.cs.indiana.edu/~kinzler/home/binp/docx2txt
# make a wrapper
echo '#!/bin/bash
docx2txt.pl $1 -' > docx2txt
chmod +x docx2txt
# make sure docx2txt.pl and docx2txt are your current PATH. Here's a guide
mv docx2txt docx2txt.pl ~/bin/
# set .gitattributes (unfortunately I don't this can't be set by default, you have to create it for every project)
echo "*.docx diff=word" > .git/info/attributes
# add the following to ~/.gitconfig
[diff "word"]
binary = true
textconv = docx2txt
# add a new alias
wdiff = diff --color-words
# try it
git init
# create my_file.docx, add some content
git add my_file.docx
git commit -m "Initial commit"
# change something in my_file.docx
git wdiff my_file.docx
# awesome!
It works great on OSX
If you happen to use a Mac, I wrote a git merge driver that can use Microsoft Word and tracked changes to merge and show conflicts between any file types Word can read & write.
I say 'if you happen to use a Mac' because the driver I wrote uses AppleScript, primarily to accomplish this task.
It'd be nice to add a vbscript version to the project, but at the moment I don't have a Windows environment for testing. Anyone with some basic scripting knowledge should be able to take a look at what I'm doing and duplicate it in vbscript, powershell or whatever on Windows.
I used SVN (yes, in 2020 :-)) with TortoiseSVN on Windows. It has a built-in function to compare DOCX files (it opens Microsoft Word in a mode where your screen is divided into four parts: the file after the changes, before the changes, with changes highlighted and a list of changes). Screenshot below (sorry for the Polish version of MS Word). I also checked TortoiseGIT and it also has this functionality. I've read that TortoiseHG has it as well.

Is it possible for a MATLAB script to behave differently depending on the OS it is being executed on?

I run MATLAB on both Linux and Windows XP. My files are synced among all of the computers I use, but because of the differences in directory structure between Linux and Windows I have to have separate import and export lines for the different operating systems. At the moment I just comment out the line for the wrong OS, but I am wondering if it is possible to write something like:
if OS == Windows
datafile = csvread('C:\Documents and Settings\Me\MyPath\inputfile.csv');
datafile = csvread('/home/Me/MyPath/inputfile.csv');
This is also a more general question that applies in cases where one wants to execute system commands from within MATLAB using system('command').
You can use ispc/isunix/ismac functions to determine the platform or even use the computer function for more information about the machine
if ispc
datafile = csvread('C:\Documents and Settings\Me\MyPath\inputfile.csv');
datafile = csvread('/home/Me/MyPath/inputfile.csv');
To follow up on Amro's answer, I was going to just make a comment but struggled with the formatting for the code.
I'd prefer to split the OS selection from the file read.
if ispc
strFile = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Me\MyPath\inputfile.csv';
strFile = '/home/Me/MyPath/inputfile.csv';
datafile = csvread(strFile);
% setup any error handling
error(['Error reading file : ',strFile]);
That way if I need to change the way the file is read, perhaps with another function, it's only one line to change. Also it keeps the error handling simple and local, one error statement can handle either format.
Just to add a minor point to the existing good answers, I tend to use fileparts and fullfile when building paths that need to work on both UNIX and Windows variants, as those know how to deal with slashes correctly.
In addition to using the various techniques here for dealing with path and file separator differences, you should consider simply trying to avoid coding in absolute paths into your scripts. If you must use them, try to put them in as few files as possible. This will make your porting effort simplest.
Some ideas:
Set a fileRoot variable at some early entry point or config file. Use fullfile or any of the other techniques for constructing a full path.
Always use relative paths, relative to where the user is operating. This can make it easy for the user to put the input/output wherever is desired.
Parameterize the input and output paths at your function entries (e.g., via a system specific context object).
If the directory structures are within your home directory you could try building a single path that can be used on both platforms as follows (my Matlab is a bit rough so some of the syntax may not be 100%):
See here for how to get the home directory for the user
Create the path as follows (filesep is a function that returns the file separator for the platform you are running on)
filepath = [userdir filesep 'MyPath' filesep 'inputfile.csv']
Read the file
datafile = csvread(filepath)
Otherwise go with Amros answer. It is simpler.