install application for all users using vs2005 setup project - deployment

How do i install application for all users using vs2005 setup project, i have enabled install all users property in setup project to true, but there is no impact after installation. my application not loaded in other user accounts (shows an error message).

May be! you will find some useful information from this thread - VS2008 Setup Project: Shared (By All Users) Application Data Files?


Best way to deploy a Click Once application on a network

I am trying to install an Outlook 365 Add In that I have developed. I have published the application as a click once which can be installed by running the setup file.
I need the application to be installed on all company computers, so the best place to host the application would be the company network.
How can I deploy my application to all users and allow the application to automatically update every time there is a new version published?
I greatly appreciate any help with this issue. This is the first large application deployment that I have undertaken.
I can't advise on the specific mechanism for deploying an "installed" version of your solution - I imagine you can accomplish that with most application deployment systems. Otherwise users will have to run the setup.exe from your network deployment. When you do have an update you simply copy the new files to a new versioned folder and existing installations will detect the change of version number in the deployed manifest and auto-update. See also:

Restoring WAS7.0 CAR file to WAS 8.5

My current application setup is running with WAS 7.0 and we are planning to migrate with WAS 8.5.
Since my application is having lot of complex console setup like Queues , Activation Spec, multiple data sources , security configs, work manager etc...
So, I thought of using a WAS 7.0 CAR file in WAS 8.5 to restore the profile configuration.
Is it possible to do that or do we have to configure manually in WAS 8.5?
To be honest I've never tried that, but you have some other supported migration paths:
Use migration wizard/migration tools - see Migrating product configurations for details - this will scan your v7.0 profile configuration and create v 8.5.5 profile. Probably the easiest, if you have lots of customized changes and dont have any scripts relating to them.
Use WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool - this tool is installed as plugin to Eclipse. Reads exported configuration and creates jython script. Tool migrates most common resources (like JDBC), but not all. See above page for limitations.
Use AdminTask which exports configuration as property file, change it according to your needs and update on target environment.
wsadmin(.sh/.bat) –lang jython –c “AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])”
See Managing environment configurations with properties files using wsadmin scripting

Class Loader order not able to change

I am using IBM RSA 7.5 and Websphere Server 6.1 as a application server.
I am not able to change Class Loader Order dropdown box. It has disable state.
How to enable that. I need to change the item "Classes Loaded with parent class loader first" to "Classes Loaded with application class loader first".
"The classloader options are disabled in the admininstrative console because the application was published in a "loose configuration" manner. What this means is that your application binaries and descriptor files do not reside in the WAS application repository. Since you published them via RAD (which is most likely configured to 'Run with resources in the workspace') then the application binaries exist in the output folders of your various projects and WAS is instructed to read the binaries/descriptor files from that location. As a result, the WAS admin console is not able to make changes to these files so the functionality is disabled.
Here is a document which describes how to can accomplish the task you want when using this publishing mechanism via RAD:
Using this manner to change the classloader settings results in this information being stored with the application (in the EAR project) so you will no longer need to change it when the application is published to any WAS runtime (i.e. in development or production)."
From the IBM developer help website
I struggled with this one a lot, and even bumped on your question being desperate.
Although i had a different setup,publishing my application from Eclipse, unchecking "Minimize application files copied to the server" in eclipse server config solved the issue for me.

Error when updating p2 enabled RCP application in multiuser environment

Is that possible to implement the update of my own p2 enabled RCP application in a way that it will function in multiuser environment. What I want to do is identical to eclipse, I want to have my application installed in a location that is read-only to the user. When the user runs, he gets his own writable location, usually under his home directory. The user can install additional features that are stored under this writable location. How is that possible to do. I tested my application and it doesn't work this way by default, my application tries to download updates fails and keep restarting.
Thank you in advance.
When you deploy your RCP app, follow the steps in Eclipse multi-user installs to create a configuration area that you can make read-only and then run as another user.
In theory it should be something like:
rcp.exe -initialize
make RCP application directory read-only

Deploying Websphere Portals onto a 6.1 Server

Any time I try to publish my Portal project on a Websphere Portal 6.1 Server, I get the following error message:
Portal project publishing is not supported on WebSphere Portal v6.1 Server
Is that really true or have I done something wrong?
I'm trying to deploy a portal project, with the underlying goal of publishing a new theme.
Unfortunately, any time I try to deploy, I get the error message listed above from the IDE and no errors in the console.
The RAD version is
Not sure this will help, but:
Limitation: Although the WebSphere
Portal installer contains an advanced
option to install an empty portal,
Portal Designer relies on
administration portlets for setting
access control; therefore, publishing
a portal project to an empty portal is
not supported.
Are you trying to deploy a portlet or an entire portal project? What version of RAD are you using? Any other information in the error log? (Both within RAD & on WP server) Is the error message posted verbatim?
It is possible to deploy such a project to a WebSphere Portal. I use v6.2 and deploy portlets, which are parts of a big Portal project, every day. I'm only a starter in such a stuff, but I can say that WebSphere is really buggy. You know, it is a big difference to run a deployed app "locally, in a workspace" or "on a server". I suggest you to work out with server options - administrative console.