How to programmatically replace UIToolBar items built in IB - iphone

I have a toolbar with various image buttons, created in Interface Builder.
I'd like to be able to programmatically replace one of the buttons with an activity indicator when pressed, and then put back the original button but change its color from white to yellow when the activity completes.
Is this possible with an IB built toolbar or must I look at building the whole toolbar programmatically and custom views?

Here is an example of what I did in a similar situation. I wanted to build the toolbar using Interface Builder but toggle one of the BarButtonItems based on whether or not it was "checked". In this example, there are a few key things to note. The following 2 member variables are defined for the class in the header file:
NSMutableArray *toolbarItems;
IBOutlet UIToolbar *toolbar;
NSUInteger checkUncheckIndex;
When I want to update the checked status, I call this function... Please note that there is a selector defined called checkUncheckClicked that is called when the particular button in the UIToolbar is clicked. And the UIToolbar is set up as an IBOutlet to toolbar. Alternately, you could hook up the UIBarButtonItem as an outlet itself and use that as your logic to identify the index of the button, or for that matter, you could hard-code the index of the button if things won't change over time. Finally, there is a checked.png and unchecked.png to alternate between that is included in the project.
- (void)updateBarButtonItemChecked:(BOOL)checked {
if (toolbarItems == nil) {
toolbarItems = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:toolbar.items] retain];
checkUncheckIndex = -1;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [toolbarItems count]; i++) {
UIBarButtonItem *barButtonItem = [toolbarItems objectAtIndex:i];
if (barButtonItem.action == #selector(checkUncheckClicked)) {
favoriteIndex = i;
if (checkUncheckIndex != -1) {
UIBarButtonItem *barButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:checked ? #"checked.png" : #"unchecked.png"]
style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(checkUncheckClicked)] autorelease];
[toolbarItems replaceObjectAtIndex:checkUncheckIndex withObject:barButtonItem];
toolbar.items = toolbarItems;
And, of course toolbarItems and toolbar should be released in your dealloc for the class.
Hope this helps!

Here is the approach I used
It seemed to be much simpler to manage the toolbar entirely programatically so ....
In your view controller declare 1 or more sets of UIBarButtonItem items as property items also declare and hookup the toolbar as a UIToolbar property. Also declare 1 or more arrays to hold the items.
In the implementation
In viewDidLoad alloc and set your UIBarButtonItems for example
playButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
Flexible buttons (for alignment etc) are declared like this
flexButton1 =[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
target:nil action:nil];
There are several initMethods to handle the different types of buttons toolbars support. All follow a syntax similar to the above. Worth noting is the target and action settings. Target: would normally be self, action is the name of the function that button should trigger.
After alloc'ng your UIBarButtons add them to an array using initWithObjects.
Then to assign the buttons to the toolbar you would call
[toolbar setItems:<array name>];
Dont forget to dealloc your UIBarButtons and arrays at the end of your code.
Hope this helps. If you need more code let me know.
Rich D.

Much has changed since these answers have been posted. Here is a Swift 2.0 solution.
It matters not how the original UIBarButtonItem you are replacing has been created programmatically. All you need is the UIToolbar outlet. To replace, say, the 2nd item from the left, do this:
var toolbarItems = self.toolbar.items
let newItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Play, target: self, action: "play")
toolbarItems![1] = newItem
self.toolbar.setItems(toolbarItems, animated: true)

Swift has a much easier way. In my case, I am switching the play button with the pause button every touch.
#IBAction func playandPause(sender: UIBarButtonItem) { // Here we are creating an outlet. Hook this up to the bar button item.
for (index, button) in toolbarItems!.enumerate() { // Enumerating through all the buttons
if button === sender { // === operator is used to check if the two objects are the exact same instance in memory.
var barButtonItem: UIBarButtonItem!
if mediaplayer.playing {
barButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem.init(barButtonSystemItem: .Play, target: self, action: #selector(playandPause(_:)))
}else {
barButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem.init(barButtonSystemItem: .Pause, target: self, action: #selector(playandPause(_:)))
toolbarItems![index] = barButtonItem // Replace the old item with the new item.
break // Break once we have found the button as it is unnecessary to complete the rest of the loop

I think it should be possible. You might either try creating an IBOutlet for that specific button in your ViewController class, and connect the button from IB to that outlet, or you can use the items property of that UIToolbar instance (you do have a reference to that, don't you?) and find the appropriate item in there, create a new NSArray with modified items, and set it back on that toolbar.items property.

A note on this - the toolbar will strip out any color in your icons, so you still won't be able to make it yellow. You'll need to change the image shape to indicate "on" instead.
Alternatively you'll need to load your BarButtonItems with UIButtons (use the initWithCustomView) and set the image of the button appropriately.

- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)title forItem:(int)item ofToolbar:(UIToolbar *)tb {
NSMutableArray *newItems = [tb.items mutableCopy];
UIBarButtonItem *old = [newItems objectAtIndex:1],
*titled = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:title action:old.action];
[newItems replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:titled];
tb.items = newItems;
[titled release];

For the entire toolbar that you created in IB (that is to say, not the individual toolbar items), create an IBOutlet:
#IBOutlet weak var toolbarThatYouMade: UIToolbar!
This is an array of individual toolbar items, so you would access the leftmost member (for example) with a [0] index:
toolbarThatYouMade.items![0].image = UIImage(named: "New Image")
This code assumes that you have an image named "New Image" in your assets.
You can then trigger an image change for a toolbar item without having to access that specific item itself; for example, if you were using this for something like a media player, you could toggle pause/play images from:
a) the Pause/Play button itself,
b) the Stop button,
c) when you are notified of a change of player state,
d) something else entirely. (Be brave! Be bold! Be something else that begins with 'b'!)


How to get a search bar into an NSToolbar in a Catalyst app?

I've seen some Catalyst apps add a search bar to the NSToolbar and was wondering how I could do the same. Would I have to import AppKit/Cocoa to get an NSSearchField and the actual NSToolbar? Or is there some way with UISearchBars that I am just not seeing? Any help would be great, thanks.
I have tried importing AppKit and Cocoa (Using a bundle loader), but I don't think I had done it right. If anyone has a solid guide on how to do this, please link it.
I also tried creating a UIBarButtonItem with a custom view of a UISearchBar, which doesn't end up rendering anything. (that can be found below)
This is found in a switch case on itemIdentifier.rawValue (in the toolbar itemForIdentifier function)
let search = UISearchBar()
let button = UIBarButtonItem(customView: search)
button.width = 100
let toolbarItem = NSToolbarItem(itemIdentifier: itemIdentifier, barButtonItem: button)
toolbarItem.isBordered = true
toolbarItem.isEnabled = true
return toolbarItem
Thanks to mmackh, the search bar can be added in just as easily as any other toolbar item. Thank all of you who looked into this.
Swift Example
Once you add the files to your project (and in this case your bridging header), just return this as you would any other toolbar item.
let item = NSToolbarItem_Catalyst.searchItem(withItemIdentifier: "searchBar", textDidChangeHandler: { string in
I found a soulution that works for me, maybe it will be good enough for you too.
While I can't create a search bar in toolbar, I can create the button that looks pretty much as a search bar. That button then toggles the visibility of search bar in Catalyst application.
Here's the (obj-c) code for it:
UIImageSymbolConfiguration *conf = [UIImageSymbolConfiguration configurationWithPointSize:32 weight:UIImageSymbolWeightRegular];
UIImage *backImage = [UIImage systemImageNamed:#"magnifyingglass" withConfiguration:conf];
UIBarButtonItem *buttonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:backImage style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:#selector(searchButtonAction)];
NSToolbarItem *item = [NSToolbarItem itemWithItemIdentifier:itemIdentifier barButtonItem:buttonItem];
item.title = #"Search";
return item;
And here are the images of how this looks in app:
As a bonus, you could use some non trimmable space character (like this one) to add space after "Search" string, making the button look even more like a proper search bar.
Here's how that looks:

Replace or extend UIBarButtonItem selector

I'm trying to make a custom UIToolbar which handles rotation and custom arrangement. When it's in portrait mode some of the barbuttonitems will not be visible, so I add a "more" button from which pops up a little view with these items. My problem is that when my current orientation is portrait and when I select a visible barbuttonitem ( which is not in popup ) I want to close the popup if it's open. I want the smae behavior for the uibarbuttons in the popupview to close the popup after tap.
So I'm trying to replace somehow the UIBarButtonItem's selector with my own, in which I call the already defined actions, like this :
-(SEL)extendOriginal:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb
if (popup) popup.hidden = YES;
[ performSelector:uibb.action];
// return ?? do what ??
But how do I replace the original selector to call this custom method with my custom UIToolbar as its target ? Or how could I "extend" the original selector with this call ? Sorry if question is lame :)
Edit: In other words, I want 2 actions with 2 separate targets to be executed when UIBarButtonItem is tapped.
This -(SEL)extendOriginal:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb doesn't make any sense.
I assume your are setting the target and the action of the bar button item somewhere. There you can set any method with one argument id or UIBarButtonItem* as the selector.
Therefore try to change your code to
- (void)myMethod:(UIBarButtonItem *) uibb
if (popup) popup.hidden = YES;
// do cool stuff here
and set the target as
[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: #"Blabla" style: UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target: self action: #selector(myMethod:)];
Finally, I found a way to do it, not the prettiest, but it works.
In the custom toolbar class I created in its layout method a UITapGestureRecognizer to handle taps. I've set the cancelsTouchesInView to false and in the
-(BOOL)gestureRecognizer:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer shouldReceiveTouch:(UITouch *)touch
method I'm returning true only for my toolbar's subviews.
This way the original target and action of each UIBarButtonItem remains the same and the supplementary code to handle my popup is the action of the UIGestureRecognizer.
Another problem was to distinguish between the tapped items on the toolbar (the tapped view in touch.view is some undocumented view, yay), eventually I did it with some BOOL iVars.
I hope this will help somebody with the same problem.

iPhone - call UISwitch that is generated in a UIView when a button is pressed

To clarify my question, my program has three lightbulb on the screen (Customized UIButton)
when any lightbulb is pressed, I programatically generate a UIView with a switch on it
when I turn on the switch, corresponding lightbulb will light up (change its background image)
However, I have trouble accessing this UISwitch since I can't declare it publicly
My code goes something like this:
#property buttonA;
#synthesize buttonA;//all three buttons have their background image set to 'off.png'
- (IBAction)lightBulbPressed:(UIButton *)sender
UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(1,1, 64, 64)];
UISwitch *mySwitch = [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,64,64)];
[mySwitch addTarget:self action:#selector(onOrOff) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
[myView addSubview:mySwitch]
[self.view addSubview:myView];
So what troubles me is how to program the selector onOrOff, so that it knows which switch is being touched and change the background image of corresponding button accordingly.
Think about your method:
- (IBAction)lightBulbPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
// your method
You already know who called it. This piece of information is stored in sender.
So you can save it and use later in onOrOff
By the way, if you are using UISwitch you have to check
and not UIControlEventTouchUpInside.
EDIT: To pass your sender you can store its value to a NSString *buttonTapped declared in your .h file
- (IBAction)lightBulbPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
if (sender == bttOne) {
buttonTapped = #"ButtonOneTapped";
} else if (sender == bttTwo) {
buttonTapped = #"ButtonTwoTapped";
} else if (sender == bttThree) {
buttonTapped = #"ButtonThreeTapped";
// your method
- (void)onOrOff {
if ([buttonTapped isEqualToString:#"ButtonOneTapped"]) {
// Button One
} else if ([buttonTapped isEqualToString:#"ButtonTwoTapped"]) {
// Button Two
} else if ([buttonTapped isEqualToString:#"ButtonThreeTapped"]) {
// Button Three
One way to do so, is taht you give them distinct tag numbers in IB, and in - (IBAction)lightBulbPressed:(UIButton *)sender method, get their tag. e.g. NSInteger pressedButtonTag = [sender tag];, and go from there.
Also, instead of alloc/init myView every time user presses a button, you can add that view in IB, add the switch to it, put in the hierarchy of the owner but not the view, and set an outlet to it in .h. Call it whenever you need it, and again, access the switch by tag e.g. ( UISwitch *mySwitch = (UISwitch *)[myView viewWithTag:kSwitchTag]; ) and do whatever you want to do (on or off), add it to the subview and remove it later. This is more efficient.

Toggle UIButton on the iPhone

How can I make a button that says "Show Picture" and when it's clicked it changes to "Hide Picture". I'm new to objective C, I know how to make a button in interface builder but don't know how to switch the button's text and function. Can someone help me out?
Don't abuse the tag property. It is advise only to be used as a button identifier (for example when you have few buttons in your view you set their tags as 0, 1, 2... so can identify which button is a sender). You could set some global int i variable and change it's value accordingly.
abuse the .tag property of the button. Hook up the touch down action to this function:
if ( sender.tag )
sender.tag = 0;
sender.text = #"Show Picture";
// do actions when "hide" is clicked
} else {
sender.tag = 1;
sender.text = #"Hide Picture";
// do actions when "show" is clicked
Instead of (ab)using the tag property, you could also simply toggle the button between selected and not selected, like so:
- (IBAction)myButtonAction:(id)sender
[sender setSelected:![sender isSelected]];
// or in Objective-C 2.0 if you're so inclined
sender.selected = !sender.selected;
In IB, you could then set the text for the normal and the selected state of the button directly in the inspector (or programmatically through the setTitle:forState: method).
The tricky thing with this one is that a UIButton doesn't have an "official" text properly - see the docs here:
because it's designed to have multiple, separate sets of texts, displayed according to the button's current state; i.e., whether it's currently enabled or disabled, highlighted, etc. So there's not one, simple property you can set to make this work.
So, you want to declare your button like this, as both an action and an outlet:
from button.h:
// inside the class declaration
BOOL pictureShown ; // initializer not required, defaults to 0 (NO)
UIButton * sampleButton ;
// skip irrelevant lines here
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton * sampleButton ;
- (IBAction) doSampleButton ;
Hook both of those up in Interface Builder, and then change the text using the setTitle:forState: method (and in this case, I've specified all the states, so the title stays the same across all of them). For example:
from button.m:
#synthesize sampleButton ;
- (IBAction) doSampleButton {
if (pictureShown == YES) {
// hide the picture, and then...
[sampleButton setTitle: #"Show Picture" forState: (UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted | UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateDisabled)] ;
pictureShown = NO ;
} else {
// show the picture, and then...
[sampleButton setTitle: #"Hide Picture" forState: (UIControlStateNormal | UIControlStateHighlighted | UIControlStateSelected | UIControlStateDisabled)] ;
pictureShown = YES ;
You'll also note that I've declared an instance variable, "pictureShown", in the view controller for the view with the button, to track the current "mode" of the button, and that I'm essentially using an if statement inside the button's action to determine which function is carried out according to the current mode of the button, and to toggle the button text accordingly.
(I'm using this to track the current mode of the button rather than, for example, examining the current title of the button directly, or other ways of storing state on the button, because MVC-wise, this sort of state belongs in the controller class.)
(If the function required a lot of code, I'd use messages to self, i.e.:
[self showPicture] ;
[self hidePicture] ;
to avoid having to cram it all inside doSampleButton, but that's purely stylistic, rather than technically required.

Hiding UINavigationItem's bar button

I have added a BarButton item to the left of the through Interface Builder and in the code I want this only to show in my table view's edit mode. But I didn't find any hidden property to set the leftBarButtonItem (like: self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.hidden = YES).
I can only set enabled property. Anybody know how to control the hide and show property of the leftBarButtonItem, please help.
This works I tried it myself
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES;
I'm pretty sure the only way to "hide" it is to nil it out.
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;
Though it's not a perfect answer to your question, since that basically gets rid of your button instead of hiding it. You'll either have to recreate it or keep your original button around and simply set the leftBarButtonItem back to your UIBarButtonItem.
I have a easy function to make this.
I have a navigation like this.
It comes form Interface Builder, it has a background image.
#IBOutlet weak var memberBtn: UIBarButtonItem!
you can hide/show it by:
func hideMemberBtn() {
memberBtn.isEnabled = false
memberBtn.tintColor = UIColor.clear
func showMemberBtn() {
memberBtn.isEnabled = true
memberBtn.tintColor = UIColor.white
It's easy but it work for me. You can change tintColor as you needed.
Hope for help :]
You can use
// Hide
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;
// Show
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.myBarButtonItem
The key is making sure that you have a strong reference to the button item before nilling leftBarButtonItem.
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *myBarButtonItem;
I just created my own "hide" function show below:
- (void)hideClearButton:(BOOL)hide {
if (hide) {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;
else {
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]
initWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(#"Clear", #"Recents")
target:self action:#selector(clearAll:)];
You can just call it like:
[self hideClearButton:YES]; //hide it
[self hideClearButton:NO]; //show it
There's nothing in the documentation to suggest bar items have a hidden property.
Why not set
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;
when the user isn't editing, then set
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = whateverBarButtonItem;
when the user is editing? This requires either re-creating the button each time or storing it for the duration of the view's lifecycle. Neither is terribly painful, but no, not nearly as easy as a .hidden property.
You can use
[self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setEnabled:TRUE];
as there is no other way to hide it. so just disable it.
To hide/disable
[self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setEnabled:FALSE];
To show/enable
[self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setEnabled:TRUE];
Well making it nil was not a option because i wanted to show it again and didnt want to create a button again.
so what i did was
UIBarButtonItem *barButton = (UIBarButtonItem *)self.navBar.topItem.leftBarButtonItem;
barButton.customView.hidden = true;//Hide
barButton.customView.hidden = false;//Show
Works for me. (my leftBarButtonItem was created using customView)
Hope it helps.
This solution work for me
UIView *myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 30)];
UIBarButtonItem *btnL = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithCustomView:myView];
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = btnL;
func showOrHideButton() {
isEnabled ? showButton() : hideButton()
func showButton() {
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .compose, target: self, action: #selector(action))
func hideButton() {
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil