Google simultaneous connections - sockets

Does Google cap the number of connections a server can make to Google IMAP servers? I'm looking for overall limit rather than per account limit (which is 10 connections by the way). Does anyone have an experience with that?

There is a cap indeed, but I'm not sure how many sockets it is, nor if it is documented.
See here for information, or look for imapsync forums, where people complains about it.


My website is almost finished, how to proceed

I have a social networking site which is almost ready. On the site people would upload images and put information about themselves for their profile and would also post messages (which can include images). I am wondering exactly how to proceed (hosting, servers etc.), I am a relative beginner at all this stuff so I am not sure exactly what route to take. I am thinking of maybe hosting from home initially from my Personal Computer and maybe expand by acquiring servers to stack (which I am not exactly sure how to do honestly) if we grow. Since the site is aimed at a small proportion of the population, I am not expecting huge growth in traffic but I want to be prepared for spikes, albeit small ones. I was wondering if maybe it is possible to just host it off my computer and store the the database (MySQL) in a removable disk along with the images. I was also thinking about cloud hosting, which seems to be the most common, but I was wondering if that really is the best thing to do, given this is a social networking site. I know this question is very vague and broad, but since I am a beginner I really have no clue how to proceed. What is the best thing to do? Thank you so much!
Hosting from personal computers is a bad idea for few reasons - your internet bandwidth limits the speed of the website, you need to maintain 24/7 interest connectivity/ power and all the resources.
I suggest you to start with AWS, get a free account of AWS, which comes with a basic level machine free for 12 months, more details here (
Deploy a machine in EC2,
Install the webserver and MySQL tools into the machine
Host your files in this machine.
Refer this machine public ip to your domain service provider(where you bought your domain. Example: Godaddy)
Deploying a machine and configuring the server takes a while, but its worth, it and the best part is its FREE for 12 months, so you need not worry about the pricing, connectivity and bandwidth.
Also when you think the traffic is more, you can upgrade your server with few clicks with no config changes.

How do I set up an IRC server that connects to a big IRC network?

I would like to connect my IRC server to the hackint network so all chats and channels that are hold on my IRC server are also mirrored in the
How can I set up that connection?
I am a bit unlucky in searching for it, cause I seem not to find the right keywords (peering???)
You don't automatically connect your ircd to a big irc network.
A big irc network has linking procedures and doesnt accept links from just anyone. You need to join the queue along with many others who want the same, you have to build trust and friendships with other server administrators and above all you must be altrustic and not want to just become an irc operator/admin.
Did you know that a lot of big irc servers (e.g. on efnet, freenode etc) are donated for free by businesses etc, and the donators don't even have any access beyond that of a user?
You may want to read on the linking policies of big networks to get an idea of the requirements, they expect servers with some level of performance, resilience to DDoS, good routing, and not a simple VPS:
You can use a bit of another Concept:
set up a Matrix synapse node and an IRC-Bridge
All chats and users will be stored locally in your homeserver and whenever possible mirrored in the IRC-Chat and back.
This is what I ended up with, so I'll set this as accepted answer, although the other hints are good to know and also valid.
IRCD-Hybrid -- High Performance Internet Relay Chat:
apt-get install ircd-hybrid
Then you have to adapt the configuration file to Connect Multiple IRC Servers
In the IRC world it's called "linking a server"

Load balancing of ADFS 2.0. How many users does stand-alone server support?

I want to figure out how many users can ADFS 2.0 stand-alone server support. I mean load of the server. My customers said that it supports just 100 users (seems strange for a server and so simple operations) and they have 700 users at the same time.
So he recomended to have a federation farm instead of stand-alone server. But I prefere to check first.
So, can you share info about load limitations of stand-alon SSO server VS server farms?
Any docs, articles with numbers, experts ideas or so on...
We have standalone servers that support WAY more than 100 users - easily over 1000.
Not sure what the upper limit is?
A farm is only going to help if you have a load balancer in front of them
I also found an article about this problem.
The auther writes that they use 2 ADFS servers for 10 000 users.
And there is a calculator to get number of servers depending on the load and users
There is no such restriction and it solely depends on how often users login to your system.
We have few deployments of the adfs, one of them supports like 50000 users and only TWO servers are enough. I even suspect one would do however this is, as always, not a good idea to have just one server (at least two servers = failover, you wouldn't want the whole environment to be inaccessible just because your login server just died).
The idea would be then to start with two servers and monitor the infrastructure. Add other instances only when necessary.

Peer-to-peer chat with the iPhone

I am aware of how many times this has been asked based on searching StackOverflow, but I am still hoping someone could tell me whether I am wrong...
I am creating a peer-to-peer chat app for the iPhone. My initial idea was to avoid using a server, so Bonjour came to mind. I was happy coding for quite a while and implemented a lot of fancy features, but two days ago I started testing with two clients from different subnets and found that the clients couldn't connect to each other! I suddenly realized that Bonjour is meant for local networks and that a DNS server is necessary for wide area service broadcasting. Do I really need a server for Internet peer-to-peer chat? Are there any other options that do not involve using a server on the iOS platform?
I am wondering how you can do a chat app without using a server. There are many cheap solutions out there, Amazon has its own service, Google does as well. You can try first without even having to pay a cent.
I found the following from apple developer guide. This should answer your question -
Does Bonjour work between multiple subnets?
Yes. The first release of DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD) for Mac OS X concentrated on Multicast DNS (mDNS) for single-link networks because this was the environment worst served by IP software. Starting in Mac OS X 10.4, Bonjour now uses Dynamic DNS Update (RFC 2316) and unicast DNS queries to enable wide-area service discovery.
To answer the question, the only way is for you to carry a list of all possible participants, and their current IP address, and for each possible participant to report to all others each time their IP Address changes. So, if you have 100 possible participants, then you must tell 99 others when your IP Address changes, and those 99 must tell you when their IP Address changes.
Bonjour may work on a LAN, a WAN or even a WAN, but it will never work on the internet.
The role of the server is so that each end point only need to tell one end point (the server) when it changes. My advice is get a cheap internet host, with a basic PHP / MySQL capabilities, and write yourself a very simple script to post and get user identities.

Horizontal scalability for distributed apps, how to achieve that?

I would like to disregard web applications here, because to scale them horizontally, ie to use multiple server instances together, it is "sufficient" to just duplicate the server software over the machines and just use a sort of router that forwards requests to the "less busy" server machine.
But what if my server application allows users to engage together in realtime ?
If the response to the request of a certain client X depends on the context of a client Y whose connection is managed by another machine then "inter machines" communication is needed.
I'd like to know the kind of "design solutions" that people has used in such cases.
For example, the people at Facebook must have already encountered such situation when enabling the chat feature of their social app.
Thank you in advance for any advise.
One solution to achive that is to use distibuted caches like memcache (Facebook also uses that aproach).
Then all the information which is needed on all nodes is stored in that cache (and a database if it needs to be permanent) an so all nodes can access that information (with a very small latency between the nodes).
You should consider some solutions that provide transparent horizontal database scalability and guarantee ACID semantics. There are many solutions that offer this at various levels. People at Facebook which you reference have solved the problem by accepting eventual consistency but your question leads me to believe that you can't accept eventual consistency.