Apple Push Notification Service - iphone

how to know my iphone device is registered or not for applepushnotification service?

Are you asking from a development perspective? Push notification can be enabled on a per-app basis in the iPhone Developer Program Portal under the App ID section. You need a valid and universally unique App ID.
If you're speaking from an accessibility standpoint for getting push notifications to your phone from a third party app, that is built into your phone and can be enabled/disabled from Settings on your iPhone.


Inactive device token, urbanairship, cordova, ios

I am developing an app using cordova. For push notification, I am integration urbanairship. The device is getting registered successfully but the status of device token gets inactive.
I have created both development and production profiles but am unable to get device registered as active.
Can anyone help me out plz?
There are times during development or perhaps you’ve launched your app to the app store and you see either your token or messages of inactive tokens in your UA application. Device token as inactive when one of three things happen:
Apple tells us that the application has been uninstalled via the feedback service, which we check on a regular basis.
Apple rejected the device token for your app upon receipt of the notification at their servers
explicit delete call on the device token, which marks it as inactive and clears the alias and any associated tags.
If the device token was created when iOS 6 was installed, and the device has since updated to iOS 7, the old device token is eventually
rejected by Apple because the device now has a new, app-specific iOS 7
device token.
In any case, applications should expect and handle inactive device tokens properly. do one of the following:
Register the device token every time the application is opened,
Use feedback API regularly, store inactivated device tokens in your own database, and send registrations when the device token becomes
active again
Thank you. Hope it will help you.
If the device token is immediately inactive then it's a good sign that you've mixed your development and production environments. Remember, production certificates need to line up with production applications, from Apple all the way to Urban Airship. Likewise with development. If a development device token attempts to register as a production application, Apple will reject it and Urban Airship will mark it as inactive.
Here's another UA support article on how to create the appropriate type of application:

Can we send push notifications to apps that use our SDK?

Lets suppose some app developers use our SDK. Can we send push notifications to devices that use our SDK independently, without the help of hosted app?
I know that push is unique to every app , multiple push keys , settings can't be made.
But I just like to know if any other options are available.
Our goal is to send push for devices that use our SDK.
This is not possible using Apple Push Notifications. Sending an Apple Push Notification to an iOS Application requires a certificate that is unique for each application. You would need to receive the certificates from the developers of those apps.
In addition, the apps would have to register to APNS and send the device token to your server. This part can be done as part of your SDK, assuming the users of your SDK call some SDK method that performs the registration and sends the token.

Flurry appcircle :how does it work under the hood?

Appcircle is a cross selling solution: it lets a publisher to seel an application within its own Iphone application. When such a purchase is done the publisher earns a commission. To do so appcircle should be able to associate the click on the buy button to a successful selling transaction on the app-market. I wonder how this is done and if it is possible at all.
I don't know for sure, and I'm only going by what I know of the iOS platform rather than any internal knowledge of AppCircle.
I imagine that it works by UDID. Something like this:
User downloads app with AppCircle integrated
AppCircle informs flurry server of the iOS device UDID and makes a note that it own's this app
User clicks a link to buy an app via AppCircle banner - the link will likely be a redirect which first informs the flurry server that the banner was clicked and that this user may purchase a particular app
User purchases and downloads advertised app from app store
Advertised app (also has AppCircle integrated) informs flurry server of UDID
The link is made that this user now has both apps associated with the UDID and the note that was made when the AppCircle banner was pressed
Assumption is made that the user purchased the app via AppCircle.
Of course, this could be entirely wrong. The first problem is what if a user clicks the AppCircle banner, but doesn't make a purchase, and then some time later purchases the app directly? The assumption could still be made that the user bought and downloaded the app because they saw it on AppCircle, but the inverse is true that they could have just purchased it independently, yet the developers still get the cross-selling revenue...
Other people's views will be interesting to read.

Want to check Apple push notification Service on my device?

I have created iphone application which support Apple push notification service.
I also configured the server on windows which sends my device id to apple server.
I gets device ID whenever I launch application. But still i wont get any notification from
apple server, where notifications were also send to apple server from my local windows
How should I check where my APN application is going wrong? Bcoz on server side, server didnt get any error message during sending messages to APN server, also on my iphone application I have properly registered for remote notifications. But still I dont get any notifications. Please help
If your application is not working for you, iron out you problems before letting third parties test your application. If your having trouble receiving notifications it won't be any better for the testers.
As how to actually beta test your app. Go to a commercial outfit or ad hoc by:
Have all testers submit their devices UDID as listed on the "Summary" tab from the device page in the iTunes application (click "serial number" to display the UDID).
Enter all UDID's into the device list on your iTunes Connect account.
Create a new provisioning profile with all your testers devices enabled.
Export your new app provisioning profile to xCode and rebuild.
Send the provisioning profile and fresh app to your testers instruction them to drop both on iTunes to install it on their iPhone.
Really, really thank your testers for their hard work.

iphone- is it true that an app with push notification service needs to be on the app store?

If i wanted to test an app with push notification service, does it have to be approved in the app store?
No. You can use push notifications without ever submitting to the App Store via development or "Ad-Hoc" builds. You will however need a signed certificate from Apple, as push messages are routed through their network. Certs can be acquired with a paid Apple developer account.