Set First Responder in MFMailComposeViewController? - iphone

I'm using Apple's MailComposer example application to send email from within my application (OS 3.0 functionality). Is it possible to set the To, Subject, or Body fields as first responder with MFMailComposeViewController?
In other words, the behavior would be: the user presses a button which presents the mail view (presentModalViewController). When the mail view is presented, the cursor is placed in one of the fields and the keyboard opens.
I notice the MFMailComposeViewController documentation says:
"Important: The mail composition interface itself is not customizable and must not be modified by your application. In addition, after presenting the interface, your application is not allowed to make further changes to the email content. The user may still edit the content using the interface, but programmatic changes are ignored. Thus, you must set the values of content fields before presenting the interface."
However, I don't care about customizing the interface. I just want to set that firstResponder. Any ideas?

You are able to make these fields become the first responder.
if you add the following method to your class...
//Returns true if the ToAddress field was found any of the sub views and made first responder
//passing in #"MFComposeSubjectView" as the value for field makes the subject become first responder
//passing in #"MFComposeTextContentView" as the value for field makes the body become first responder
//passing in #"RecipientTextField" as the value for field makes the to address field become first responder
- (BOOL) setMFMailFieldAsFirstResponder:(UIView*)view mfMailField:(NSString*)field{
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
NSString *className = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [subview class]];
if ([className isEqualToString:field])
//Found the sub view we need to set as first responder
[subview becomeFirstResponder];
return YES;
if ([subview.subviews count] > 0) {
if ([self setMFMailFieldAsFirstResponder:subview mfMailField:field]){
//Field was found and made first responder in a subview
return YES;
//field not found in this view.
return NO;
Then, after you present the MFMailComposeViewController, pass the MFMailComposeViewController's view into the function along with the field you want to become first responder.
MFMailComposeViewController *mailComposer = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
mailComposer.mailComposeDelegate = self;
/*Set up the mail composer*/
[self presentModalViewController:mailComposer animated:YES];
[self setMFMailFieldAsFirstResponder:mailComposer.view mfMailField:#"RecipientTextField"];
[mailComposer release];

In iOS 6, it is no longer possible to set first responder on any of the text fields AFAICT. Navigating the view hierarchy eventually reveals a UIRemoteView and the subviews within here are obfuscated away.

You can try just calling becomeFirstResponder on the controller itself. If that doesn't work, you can try in the debugger getting the list of subviews of the mail compose view until you find a familiar textfield or textview which you can then code specifically to set the responder status in code, which might look something like this (i don't know if this will work but it's an example):
[[[[mailcomposer.view.subviews objectAtIndex:3] subviews] objectAtIndex:2] becomeFirstResponder]

I like to simplify the code and make it easy to understand.
Just put the follow code after:
[self presentModalViewController:mailComposer animated:YES];
for (UIView *subview in mailComposer.view.subviews) {
NSString *className = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [subview class]];
//NSLog(#"%#", className); // list the views - Use this to find another view
//The view I want to set as first responder: "_MFMailRecipientTextField"
if ([className isEqualToString:#"_MFMailRecipientTextField"]){
[subview becomeFirstResponder];
break; // Stop search.


How to use Custom Picker View with search bar in ios

I am beginner in iOS In one of my activity I have created custom picker view with search bar .....Actually I am using YHCPicker class for custom picker view and search bar and apply this on TextField Code here.....
UITextField* StateId;
StateId=[[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(150,540,150,30)];
StateId.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:12.0];
StateId.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleLine;
StateId.delegate = self;
StateId.tag = 4;
[scrollview addSubview:StateId];
and I am using this delegate for this textfield....
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
if (textField.tag==4)
View_StateID = [[NSMutable Array]allocinitWithArray:#"Delhi", #"Rajasthan"......, nil];
NSLog(#"dict is %#",View_StateID);
PickerView* objYHCPickerView = [[PickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480) ];
objYHCPickerView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:objYHCPickerView];
[objYHCPickerView showPicker:View_StateID];
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
then call method ShowPicker in YHCPickerView and I show this picker with search bar on my as image
Now in this image when we search in search bar first time then get desired state successfully and click on done or search button(from keybord) then get value on StateID textfield but when we again tap on text field then my image as well as but tap on searchbar then get error like this....
-[CALayer keyboardWillShowNotification:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xaad8950
So I don't know what problem solve this problem...
Errors like this can be caused by non properly retaining objects:
The object is released and freed.
Its memory is reused for some random other object.
Then, when a selector is called on the original object -> boom.
One thing to check is if all your #properties that hold objects in your class are strong and not assign.
What's also smart to do is setting an exception breakpoint
Finally, try to find out to which object this pointer 0xaad8950 (did) belong(s): Place breakpoints further and further, before the app crashes and look around at the objects' address you're having.
Good luck!

Creating a custom view in Interfacebuilder and using that in code

I have made a view in the application that shows a UITableView. It will be full of results (obviously) almost all the time, however when it does not have any results I want to show another view that inform the user about how he/she could populate the table.
I want to design that view in the interfacebuilder. I will have to check in the code whether the datasource is empty or not to toggle between the two different nibs. How do I instantiate and configure a view made in Interfacebuilder?
The easies way to do this is by adding the view in xib normally and make it visible
Design your both views, the table view and the other view, give the tableView a tag of 111 for example and give the otherview another tag 222 for example
Now in viewDidLoad
Get both the views
UIView *noDataView = [self.view viewWithTag:222];
UITableView *tableView = [self.view viewWithTag:111];
//Hide both of them or only the noDataView until you know if you have data from the dataSource or not
Check for your data source
//hasElements do you have any element to show?
noDatView.hidden = YES;
tableView.hidden = NO;
noDatView.hidden = NO;
tableView.hidden = YES;
You can load nib file based on condition.You can write category as follows:
self.view = (UIView *)[self loadNib:#"SecondView" inPlaceholder:self.view];
- (UIView *)viewFromNib:(NSString *)nibName
NSArray *xib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:nibName owner:self options:nil];
for (id view in xib) { // have to iterate; index varies
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIView class]]) return view;
return nil;
- (UIView *)loadNib:(NSString *)nibName inPlaceholder:(UIView *)placeholder
UIView *nibView = [self viewFromNib:nibName];
[nibView setFrame:placeholder.frame];
self.view = nibView;
//[self.view insertSubview:nibView aboveSubview:placeholder];
//[placeholder removeFromSuperview];
return nibView;
The other answers give you possible technical solutions but I would propose that if you are using the standard Apple design guidelines, you probably don't even need to worry about it. For instance, somewhere on your screen you should have a bar button item with the identifier "Add" (which shows the plus icon). Then rather than giving a long (often poorly localised) description of how to add items, just have a header for an empty section which says "No items" replacing items with whatever pluralised noun is appropriate for your table's items. For example, for an Archery related app I am working on:
Notice how the Edit button is currently disabled too, thus no explanation is needed as the only thing they can do at this point is tap the Add button (screenshots on the Appstore will have shown them what they can expect to see after this point).

Changing the title of a MFMailComposeViewController

Although i know changing MFMailComposeViewController is fround upon, i'm taking a risk.
I found some ideas such as
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES]; // Existing line
[[[[controller viewControllers] lastObject] navigationItem] setTitle:#"SomethingElse"];
[[[[(MFMailComposeViewController*)vc navigationBar] items] objectAtIndex:0] setTitle:#" SomethingElse"];
but the odd thing is that the title is "SomethingElse" for like 2 seconds and after that it returns to the subject that is set. I've tried other solutions as well but the same output.
I am using SHK (ShareKit) to connect to social. Here is the code from showViewController :
if ([vc respondsToSelector:#selector(modalPresentationStyle)])
vc.modalPresentationStyle = [SHK modalPresentationStyle];
if ([vc respondsToSelector:#selector(modalTransitionStyle)])
vc.modalTransitionStyle = [SHK modalTransitionStyle];
[topViewController presentModalViewController:vc animated:YES];
[[[[(MFMailComposeViewController*)vc navigationBar] items] objectAtIndex:0] setTitle:#" "];
[(UINavigationController *)vc navigationBar].barStyle =
[(UINavigationController *)vc toolbar].barStyle = [SHK barStyle];
self.currentView = vc;
I believe this is some kind of protection came with iOS4.
It is clearly stated here that you MUST NOT change the interface provided by Apple.
Important: The mail composition interface itself is not customizable and must not be modified by your application. In addition, after presenting the interface, your application is not allowed to make further changes to the email content. The user may still edit the content using the interface, but programmatic changes are ignored. Thus, you must set the values of content fields before presenting the interface.
I knew some people being rejected because of this. I just wanted to warn you about this.
You just need to set the mail subject. Means [MFMailComposeViewController setsubject:#"yourTitle"]. Then this will be shown as a titile .but if you do not write anything in MFMailComposeViewController subject then by default it can show "New Message".

Is it possible to select a row in a **previous** UITableview

Is it possible to select a row in a previous UITableview.
I provided image samples to get a more clear picture of what is happening exactly.
At the morning workout screen , one can select a row and behind it so it will play a Movie.
If the movie plays you can press the secondbutton and it will take you to the final table.
If you press the backbutton you will simply return to the previous screen.
Now here is where my problem lies.
If i'm in my final screen after pressing the secondbutton and I press on the backbutton it would be great if it could play the previous video( in other words the video connected to the previously selected cell)
So if it's possible for me to create a function or some sort of action that can actually select the previously selected row from the first field ( for instance Lunge Forward in this example ).
perhaps with some like
previousRow = [ self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
[self tableView:[self tableView] didSelectRowAtIndexPath:previousRow];
just doing something there
Even if it's not possible I would appreciate it if someone would let me know.
Here is some code behind the cell when it's going to play a video
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
//Get the dictionary of the selected data source.
NSDictionary *dictionary = [self.tableDataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
//check to see if video must be played
NSString *playVids = [dictionary objectForKey:#"playVids"];
finalscreen = [dictionary objectForKey:#"finalScreen"];
if(playVids == nil )
if(CurrentLevel != 0 )
if( finalscreen == nil )
NSString *movies = [dictionary objectForKey:#"movieID"];
NSURL *movie = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:movies ofType:#"m4v"]];
theMovie = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:movie];
[theMovie setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait animated:NO];
[theMovie setScalingMode:MPMovieScalingModeAspectFit];
theMovie.backgroundColor = [ UIColor whiteColor];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
[theMovie play];
[self getToolBarStuff];
lblTitle.text = [dictionary objectForKey:#"Title"];
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication]keyWindow]addSubview:toolbar2];
[[[UIApplication sharedApplication]keyWindow]addSubview:imageView];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]keyWindow]addSubview:lblTitle];
WebViewController *web = [[WebViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"WebView" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:web animated:YES];
[web release];
else {
//Prepare to tableview.
rvController = [[RootViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"RootViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
//Increment the Current View
rvController.CurrentLevel += 1;
//Set the title;
rvController.CurrentTitle = [dictionary objectForKey:#"Title"];
//Push the new table view on the stack
[self.navigationController pushViewController:rvController animated:YES];
rvController.tableDataSource = Children;
[rvController release];
I get my info/feeds from a dictionaryfile and also different tags in my dictionary tell my tableview when to play the video and when not( playVids ).
so to be exact I have a start screen which brings you to a second screen and that one brings you to the morning workout screen and from there if you click a cell it will play a (different with every cell) video. I can't use the standard design from apple(with the backbutton above) since this assignment specifically asks to use their own design.
That's the reason why i created my own tabbar and backbutton.
My backbutton looks like this
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
switch( CurrentLevel ) {
case 0;
[toolbar removeFromSuperView];
So if I'm in the last screen I just pop that screen to return to my previous one( the morning workout). And what actually has to be done is pop that screen and play the last video. I thought I could do that by popping the last screen and then selecting the previously clicked cell in morning workout.
Any thoughts on that.
I am not sure I understand your problem exactly here. Can you show a bit more code? You have 3 view controllers, right? Are you using a standard navigation controller pattern with push/pop to get from one to the other? It looks like maybe you aren't since the buttons are in an odd layout.
If you are then pressing the back button can just pop view 3 and go back to view 2 naturally (it will still be there, so the video should still be playable) so I don't see why you need to mess with the table in view 1 in order to find that and make it show again. You should just be able to hook into viewWillAppear and do the same thing you did when coming from view 1.
And if you aren't using a standard navigation controller pattern then maybe this is the problem. From a UI perspective you probably should do that anyway - people will expect a standard back button in the title bar.
I am pretty sure your problem is soluble anyhow - you can always pass object references from one view to the other when creating them for example - but I don't think you need to resort to the method you have in mind.
edit: reading the additional detail I see you are indeed using push/pop. So you have a stack of views, and when one is popped it uncovers the one beneath it, right? It should therefore be possible to do what you want by implementing the viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear methods in your controller. When your final screen is popped, if I understand correctly it will uncover the view which is able to play the movie. Your viewcontroller will get the viewWillAppear / viewDidAppear messages in that case - by maintaining state and receiving those messages you can then implement logic to decide whether or not you need to play the movie. Rather than call the didSelectRow. method again you could perhaps put the movie play stuff in its own method so you can call from either viewDidAppear or didSelectRow...
I also am not sure that I fully understand your question either but it sounds similar to a problem I was working on recently. Check out this post on using up down arrows to move through the parent table while in a detail view. My app was based on the same sample code so you should be able to get this to work without much trouble.
Up/down arrows in nav bar of detail view to page through objects in parent table

Can I hook into UISearchBar's Clear Button?

I've got a UISearchBar in my interface and I want to customise the behaviour of the the small clear button that appears in the search bar after some text has been entered (it's a small grey circle with a cross in it, appears on the right side of the search field).
Basically, I want it to not only clear the text of the search bar (which is the default implementation) but to also clear some other stuff from my interface, but calling one of my own methods.
I can't find anything in the docs for the UISearchBar class or the UISearchBarDelegate protocol - it doesn't look like you can directly get access to this behaviour.
The one thing I did note was that the docs explained that the delegate method:
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText;
is called after the clear button is tapped.
I initially wrote some code in that method that checked the search bar's text property, and if it was empty, then it had been cleared and to do all my other stuff.
Two problems which this though:
Firstly, for some reason I cannot fathom, even though I tell the search bar to resignFirstResponder at the end of my method, something, somewhere is setting it back to becomeFirstResponder. Really annoying...
Secondly, if the user doesn't use the clear button, and simply deletes the text in the bar using the delete button on the keyboard, this method is fired off and their search results go away. Not good.
Any advice or pointers in the right direction would be great!
Found the better solution for this problem :)
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText{
if ([searchText length] == 0) {
[self performSelector:#selector(hideKeyboardWithSearchBar:) withObject:searchBar afterDelay:0];
- (void)hideKeyboardWithSearchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar{
[searchBar resignFirstResponder];
The answer which was accepted is incorrect. This can be done, I just figured it out and posted it in another question:
UISearchbar clearButton forces the keyboard to appear
I've got this code in my app. Difference is that I don't support 'live search', but instead start searching when the user touches the search button on the keyboard:
- (void)searchBarTextDidBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar {
if ([searchBar.text isEqualToString:#""]) {
//Clear stuff here
Swift version handling close keyboard on clear button click :
func searchBar(searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {
if searchText.characters.count == 0 {
performSelector("hideKeyboardWithSearchBar:", withObject:searchBar, afterDelay:0)
func hideKeyboardWithSearchBar(bar:UISearchBar) {
You could try this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
for (UIView *view in searchBar.subviews){
for (UITextField *tf in view.subviews) {
if ([tf isKindOfClass: [UITextField class]]) {
tf.delegate = self;
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldClear:(UITextField *)textField {
// your code
return YES;
I would suggest using the rightView and rightViewMode methods of UITextField to create your own clear button that uses the same image. I'm assuming of course that UISearchBar will let you access the UITextField within it. I think it will.
Be aware of this from the iPhone OS Reference Library:
If an overlay view overlaps the clear button, however, the clear button always takes precedence in receiving events. By default, the right overlay view does overlap the clear button.
So you'll probably also need to disable the original clear button.
Since this comes up first, and far as I can see the question wasn't really adequately addressed, I thought I'd post my solution.
1) You need to get a reference to the textField inside the searchBar
2) You need to catch that textField's clear when it fires.
This is pretty simple. Here's one way.
a) Make sure you make your class a , since you will be using the delegate method of the textField inside the searchBar.
b) Also, connect your searchBar to an Outlet in your class. I just called mine searchBar.
c) from viewDidLoad you want to get ahold of the textField inside the searchBar. I did it like this.
UITextField *textField = [self.searchBar valueForKey:#"_searchField"];
if (textField) {
textField.delegate = self;
textField.tag = 1000;
Notice, I assigned a tag to that textField so that I can grab it again, and I made it a textField delegate. You could have created a property and assigned this textField to that property to grab it later, but I used a tag.
From here you just need to call the delegate method:
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldClear:(UITextField *)textField {
if (textField.tag == 1000) {
// do something
return YES;
return NO;
That's it. Since you are referring to a private valueForKey I can't guarantee that it will not get you into trouble.
Best solution from my experience is just to put a UIButton (with clear background and no text) above the system clear button and than connect an IBAction
- (IBAction)searchCancelButtonPressed:(id)sender {
[self.searchBar resignFirstResponder];
self.searchBar.text = #"";
// some of my stuff
self.model.fastSearchText = nil;
[self.model fetchData];
[self reloadTableViewAnimated:NO];
Wasn't able to find a solution here that didn't use a private API or wasn't upgrade proof incase Apple changes the view structure of the UISearchBar. Here is what I wrote that works:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
UITextField* textfield = [self findTextFieldInside:self.searchBar];
[textfield setDelegate:self];
- (UITextField*)findTextFieldInside:(id)mainView {
for (id view in [mainView subviews]) {
if ([view isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
return view;
id subview = [self findTextFieldInside:view];
if (subview != nil) {
return subview;
return nil;
Then implement the UITextFieldDelegate protocol into your class and overwrite the textFieldShouldClear: method.
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldClear:(UITextField*)textField {
// Put your code in here.
return YES;
Edit: Setting the delegate on the textfield of a search bar in iOS8 will produce a crash. However it looks like the searchBar:textDidChange: method will get called on iOS8 on clear.