Environment.CurrentDirectory with NUnit GUI differs to the TeamCity value, how can I sync them? - nunit

As above really, I have some integration tests that use files from a relative file path. To help picture it here is the file structure:
The GUI is running the tests from the root, however when TeamCity runs the tests it is running the tests from each test dlls bin directory. Now I don't mind which one I can get to follow the other but I do need them to be the same otherwise my relative paths just won't work!
Any ideas?
P.S. Using TeamCity 5.0 and NUnit 2.5.

You probably don't want to rely on CurrentDirectory. I'd suggest reading the doc, but the main point you'll want to take away is that the CurrentDirectory is where the .exe was started from: it could be any path in the system. For example, let's assume your users add your .exe (or whatever .exe uses your DLLs) to their path. They could then navigate to c:\foo\bar and start the .exe from there, which would set the CurrentDirectory to "C:\foo\bar" and you may not be able to deal with that.
I think it would be preferable for you to rework whatever you're doing so you don't rely on CurrentDirectory. What problems are you encountering by relying on CurrentDirectory right now?

Have you made sure that both TeamCity and NUnit are using the same working directory when starting the application?
And if they aren't, you could adjust the current directory in the test code.


With Unity version 2020 and onwards, how to build for Windows to a single file?

I'm struggling to find any method that works with current Unity.
This for a conventional Windows build (not a Windows Universal via VS).
So, there's the separate data, dll, etc files of a build: how to create a civilian-usable "single exe" for Windows, with current Unity??
As said afaik this was actually always the case.
See e.g. Windows standalone Player build binaries to see a list of resulting output of a build. It exists back until version 2017.2.
So the short answer is:
It is how it is. You will always get multiple files and the data folder as output.
What you can do however is using a pack tool which simply packs all your folder content into one single exe file.
One example is Appacker
BUT unfortunately there is one known issue: Windows Defender recognizes it and every exe created with it as malware. The reason for that is actually mentioned by the author in the link
Spoiler: A self-extracting .exe file? Windows Defender hates that trick!
So either with this tool or any similar one there is no real way around that except you need to trust the tool and your users need to trust you ^^
(The icon is also only used for the process window, not for the exe file itself ^^)
The long and correct way would probably be to create an actual installer for your final app which is then allowed to extract all the files to a certain location.
So in the end the user anyway will again have an exe and according data and dll files e.g. in the Programs folder but get a registered shortcut to the Start Menu which is just how any other application on Windows usually works like.
Just to add to the answer.
In 2020 if it's a game you should just use Steam. Making auto-update way easier for your users.

How do I use a Github program where the .exe does not exists?

I try to use programs or scripts on github form time to time, and several times I find myself incapable of executing the program and that is generally because the tutorial points towards a .exe or that does not exists on the github repository (folder containing all the gihub project files).
This is the perfect example :
This indicates that for using it you put
alishop.exe -ProductId=32704963843
alishop.exe -ProductUrl=https://pt.aliexpress.com/store/product/Original-Meizu-MEILAN-E-5-5-inch-2-5D-FHD-1080P-MTK-Helio-P10-Octa-Core/103919_32712980451.html?detailNewVersion=&categoryId=5090301&spm=a2g03.8047714.2169898.2.6F0m5X
As command line.
But there is no such file as 'alishop.exe' in this repo !
The only other .exe file that there is is NuGet.exe, so I tried to use
NuGet.exe -ProductId=32704963843
Result : the command '-ProductId=32704963843' is said to be 'unknown' (command launched in the folder containing NuGet.exe of course)
Any idea of what do I do wrong ?
Source code must typically be built or compiled. In this case, it's a C# project, and expects you to have Visual Studio.
In other cases, Github projects may simply be scripts, documents, or plugins. They may not be standalone executables, and you will need other tools to make use of them.

Is it possible to save settings and load resources when compiling to just one standalone exe?

If I compile a script for distribution as a standalone exe, is there any way I can store settings within the exe itself, to save having to write to an external file? The main incentive for this is to save having to develop an installation process. I only need to store a few bytes.
Also, can resources such as images be compiled into the exe?
Using alternate data streams opens up a can of worms so i wouldn't go that way. Writing back config data into the exe itself won't work as the file is locked for write access during execution.
What i usually do is to store config data under %A_AppData%\%A_ScriptName%\%A_ScriptName%.ini
When the script starts i use IniRead which also provides a default value if the key isn't found - which is the case the script is executing for the first time.
The complementing IniWrite's in a OnExit subroutine/function will create the ini file if necessary.
This way no installation is needed and the config is stored in the proper, familiar place.
The autohotkey forum has dealt with this question before.
In that case, the user didn't want extra files -- period.
The method was to use the file system to save alternate data.
Unfortunately I can't find the post.
A simpler method is to use fileinstall command.
When the script is compiled, the external file is stored within the exe.
When the script executes the same command as an exe, the file is copied to the same
directory as the running script. It is a simple yet effective 'install'.
With a little testing for the config file, the fileinstall command can be skipped.
Skipping the fileinstall could allow changes to be made to the configuration after 'installation'
I have not tried saving settings within the compiled exe file, but I have included resources. I'm not sure which version of AHK you're using or how you are compiling, but I can right-click my scripts to compile. There's an option to compile with options, where you can include resources in your compiled exe.Compile with options

How to distribute my Java program so that it is runnable by double-clicking a single file?

I have a Java rich client desktop app. that I want to distribute on some computers at work, but I've never done something like this before. People aren't too computer-savy at my workplace and since it is a student job, I won't be there for much longer and I'd like it if I could make my program easy to run by making it runnable when people double-click on it.
I also don't want to have to manually install a JRE to have it run. Basically, what I'd like to know is how to make my java application runnable easily by double-clicking (even if it's only on windows, it's okay). I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to package the correct JRE version alongside, but I don't know what's the correct way of doing this.
I read on some sites that you should not package a JRE along with your program because it makes people have multiple different versions, some of which are outdated, and it causes security issues, but this is not a problem in this case since the computers that are going to run my application are not connected to the internet and are only used to run this program anyway.
Somewhat related question: Since my application is currently an Eclipse project, I get my resources such as icons, images, SQLite database (for read and write), etc. using relative paths (e.g.: img/test.png).
Am I going to have to change any of those paths to have them keep working even while packaged?
What you're looking for is a JAR file. In eclipse, it's quite easy to make a Jar file. Specifically, you'll want to right click on your project, go to Export, and then select "Runnable Jar." Be careful with paths to folders. You may need to keep a resources folder next to the Jar file. You may need to provide some more specifics to get an exact answer on that. Typically, a Resources folder is located in the same spot as the JAR file (in the same folder on your computer).
A better option for easy install of a Java app. with a GUI is to launch it using Java Web Start. For the user, JWS is the 'one click' installation option that can (install & launch the app. then) add desktop shortcuts and menu items. A JWS launch would mean some more work for you, but it is a breeze for the end user.
To ensure a suitable JRE is present to run the app., use deployJava.js (see the JWS link for more details). The script would need to be reconfigured to get the JRE installer from your local network - the default is to get it from Oracle.
Most of the resources should be packaged in Jar files and supplied along with the app., but for the DB, use the JNLP ExtensionInstallerService to call the DB installer.
..Java Web Start is kind of a link (or I can make it a shortcut on the desktop) that the users will click to either install the JRE and run the program if the JRE isn't installed, or just run the program if the JRE is present on the computer.
The way it would work is to have a web page on the local intranet. When the user visits the page, the script checks for a suitable JRE.
If it is present, it writes the link to the launch file.
If there is no JRE, or the version is too low, it will guide the user through installing it (just a matter of them clicking 'OK' when prompted). Then it will put the link to the app.
I can then configure the link to grab the JRE from the server on our network.
That's the part where you need to reconfigure the script. AFAIR the script exposes an URL at which to look for JREs - that can be changed to point to a place on the intranet.
..So "Web" is only just in the name, the computers don't have to be connected to the internet to have this work, right?
Yes. JWS is a great launch technology for Java rich clients, but is a poorly chosen name.
To make the problem run by double clicking it you can distribute it as a jar file or a batch file to call the jar file.
For the installation part you can make a batch file that checks if java is present and then call the installer if it isn't.
The batch code:
GOTO end
If you are finding it tough to implement the above mentioned methods. You can proceed with this simple approach.
Create a folder lib at a location. Place all the jars that your application uses into this. If you are able to create a jar for your application, you can very well place your application.jar into the lib folder too. Create a batch file at the same location that will contain the java command for your main class in it. The text within your batch might look something similiar to this :
set path="\lib\"
java -cp %path% package1.package2.MainClass
If you have any other dependencies, for ex: if you use images in your code under img/icon.jpg. Then you just have to shift the img folder to this location too.
Just zip these files using winrar and share it across. Running the batch file after extracting the zip would launch your java MainClass irrespective of the location in which it is placed in the client system.
PS : If you are unable to create a jar for your application and placing it in lib folder, just copy your bin folder with class files and paste it in the location and change the batch file accordingly to look for classes inside bin.

Synchronise files between Eclipse and FTP Site

I am currently coding with Eclipse PDT, and I need to synchronise the files on my workstation with the files on the FTP server.
I've installed RSE, but I can only download and edit files as far as I can see it. What I want to happen is when I hit save, the file is saved locally, and the file to be updated on the FTP site.
Any ideas of how I can achieve this?
Create an ant builder on your project. See this article about how to do that. The important things you should know after you read the article:
You can use Ant FTP task to
transfer the files.
You can define properties given by
the Eclipse platform to get project
root, list of changed files, change
type (add, modify, delete) and so on.
Use them wisely. You will need
project_loc, resource_loc and so on.
See picture at end to see how to get
other available variables that can be
passed to the script.
Tune your Ant script, since if it run
for each file update, then it can be
slow. If it is slow anyway, then you can create a builder plugin for eclipse, which is not so complicated. I created some before.
Be prepared, that ant script can get
not only one file as changed, but a