iPhone Tile View - iphone

Does anyone know how to create an icon tile layout similar to that of the Application tile view, where I can hold down an icon and sort them. This is also similar to the home screen of the Facebook application.
Is there a special UI control that I can use, or will I have to create this manually? If so, how would I do that?
Help is very appreciated!

Joe Hewitt's Three20 library has a "Launcher View" that does exactly what you need.

You could also use MyLauncher, if you prefer something other then the Three20 giant.


Iphone - grid of pictures using scroll view and ad UIImageViews to it

Can someone give me one source file working ?
Alternatively you can look at my AQGridView, which can display anything in a grid, using an API similar to that of UITableView.
You might want to take a look at Facebook's Three20, specifically their TTPhotoViewController class.
Update: Other options (possibly more modular and easier to integrate in your project):
http://github.com/alanQuatermain/AQGridView (as suggested by Jim)

iPhone settings screen

I want to design a screen like settings screen. Like in grouped uitableview I want to place the controls.
Can any one please provide me any application sample or code ?
Thanks in advance.
The open source InAppSettingsKit will let you do this easily.
Take a look at Apple's TableViewSuite and their other sample projects.

How to make my app more shiny?

im writing a litte iPhone App and are now searching for some styling Guides to make my App a little more shiny :)
For example add rounded rectangles to group Informations.
Style my cells, e.g. add a little border to my images I display in the cells.
Is there a guide / tutorial i can read?
What can be done with Interface Builder?
I found several guides for rounded rectangles, but what is the best way? Some recommend to do it with a button? Ohters with an ImageView and graphics?
Thanks for your links / hints!
Take a look at:
It is a list of UI tools for iPhone.

How to achieve the same effect like the unlock slider in the welcome screen of iPhone OS?

I need to do something similar, where an animation highlights the text of a button to show that it must be slided to do something. Just like that unlock thing on the iPhone. How is that done? Is there a tutorial how to achieve this effect?
The searchlight-effect is also included in the three20-project, if you are planning to build such a control on your own.
There's a project here: http://altosdesign.com/iphonesdk/SlideToCancel.zip which has the effect you're after.

iPhone: add badge to icons internal to my app

I am trying to add badges to the icons in my app. e.g. in the facebook app, in the home page the number of pending requests is shown on the requests icon.
Can someone provide any links/ideas on how to do this?
I know this article is a little bit old, but it helps me recently to make a little class to create custom badges. I thought it would be fair to make this class public for everyone. So here it is CustomBadge.
best regard
- Sascha
Lots of ways to do this. You can overlay a UILabel over the icon (which may be a UIView or UIImageView). YOu can put another view on top of the icon, and draw the text right into that view. Or make your icon view be a subclass of UIView, and when you get called to draw, you draw the icon and the number.
Plus, you may want to play with blend modes, shadow, masking, etc., in order to create something that is visually attractive.
I'd probably start with reading more about Quartz, if you haven't already. The rest is just how you wire it all up.
And some other links:
alt text http://th30z.netsons.org/wp-content/uploads/qtdrawbadges.png
The Three20 project (its code is part of the Facebook app) has those badges.