How to hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form? - windows-xp

I'd like to hide the taskbar entry to maximize effective space since the app has a systray icon, i dont need the taskbar entry. The app doesnt allow you to only have a systray instead of both.
How can I hide a taskbar entry but keep the window form?

In what language is your application written?
The API call you want is called SetWindowLong.
Example Delphi code would be:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE,
GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOW);

Following is for MSVC:
if (bShow)
ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_APPWINDOW);
ModifyStyleEx(WS_EX_APPWINDOW, 0);
ModifyStyleEx documentation is here.
How To Hide A Window in TaskBar.
How to dynamically show/hide the Taskbar application button.

Solution for C# would be:
ShowInTaskbar = false;
Solution for VB.NET would be:
ShowInTaskbar = False


In Delphi, how to restore a minimized modal form that is not the main form

In the project source, I detect a previous instance of my app, and open it then terminate the new instance.
Remember, I do this in the project source.
The application has a main form that can open a second modal form. If the second, modal, form is not open when the app is minimized (or the user switches to another application) it works fine.
The old main form is opened and the new instance is terminated. However, if the second modal form is minimized, its parent main form is also minimized. That's good UI behavior.
The problem exists when attempting to restore the modal form by a new instance. I can't seem to get the modal form to restore.
I can restore the main form, however the modal form still has focus, but is hidden.
This prevents any user action on the now visible main form. From the user's point of view, the app is hung.
The modal form's caption does not change, so it's easy to get its handle.
The app has a DataModule, which is created first. I do all the duplicate app testing in the project source after the DM is created, but before any other forms are, and well before Application.Run.
That assures that the handles I acquire come from the existing app.
I've tried:
PreviousHandle := FindWindow(nil, PAnsiChar('Form Editor'))
The best I've gotten out of variations of this is restoring the main form.
When the handle is for the modal form, it sometimes shows in the lower left as a minimized form.
I say sometimes because I've tried so many variations of the above that I don't remember exactly how this code sample behaved.
All I know is, whatever I've tried from the project source did not restore the modal form, so I tried sending a custom Windows Message to the modal form.
I know the message arrived and the message handler caught it. Example:
if not PostMessage(PreviousHandle,WM_RESTORE_FORM,PreviousHandle,0) then
ShowMessage('Can''t automatically show the Form program. '+
'Please click the taskbar icon.');
Here's what the message handler looks like. It is in the Modal Form. As you can see, I pass the form's handle as a Message param. I've verified that it arrives.
Here's the code in a TApplicationEvents OnMessage event:
procedure TfrmDisplayForm.ApplicationEvents1Message(var Msg: tagMSG;
var Handled: Boolean);
oldHwnd : THandle;
if Msg.message = WM_RESTORE_ACORD then
oldHwnd := Msg.lParam;
if ForceForegroundWindow(OldHwnd) then ShowMessage('true') else ShowMessage('False');
Handled := True;
Here's the function that is called. However, I've tried various ShowWindows(...) combinations with no luck. Actually, this function didn't do the trick either.
function TfrmDisplayForm.ForceForegroundWindow(hWnd: THandle): BOOL;
hCurWnd: THandle;
{credit Peter Below}
hCurWnd := GetForegroundWindow;
AttachThreadInput(GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurWnd, nil),
GetCurrentThreadId, True);
Result := SetForegroundWindow(hWnd);
AttachThreadInput(GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurWnd, nil),
GetCurrentThreadId, False);
I've been working on this for a couple of days, and don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Question: How can I restore the modal form? It must be possible because it restores perfectly when the taskbar icon is clicked.
Don't try to restore individual forms instead use TApplication.Restore
Calling TApplication.Restore will restore all of the application windows to the state before the whole application was minimized same as clicking on TaskBar icon of the application.
PS: I also hope you are not allowing users to minimize individual Modal forms. Or you may also run into a problem where application seems to be stuck.

Delphi 10.2 Tokyo transparant form not showing in Firemonkey multi device project

I'm updating my apps(Android, iOS) from Delphi 10 Seattle to Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
I have a few forms that use the transparency. I use this to create small
popup like screens which still show part of previous form in the background underneath the transparent form.
My problem is now that forms that have transparency property set to True don't show at all. It seems like the original form that calls the transparent form is on top of it.
On Windows the form is running normally and on iOS I can see some components,
and some are sized/positioned wrongly.
How can I solve this?
Code sample below:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FrmTransParentForm: TFrmTransParentForm;
FrmTransParentForm := TFrmTransParentForm.Create(nil);
procedure TFrmTransParentForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TFrmTransParentForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
Action := TCloseAction.caFree;
TFrmTransParentForm form is a plain form with only a button aligned in center
of the screen and with form property transparency set to true.
I have the same issue.
To display messages (showmessage style) I created a dedicated form with a label and an OK button.
This form is created automatically when the application is opened.
Sometimes, after the "show", it is not visible when it is active, ie all fields below are no longer accessible and if I press the RETURN button Phone, the fields become active again.
All suggest that it's just a display problem. In the OnShow, I tried to specify BringToFront and I set the FormStyle property to StayOnTop.
I have the impression that this is a memory problem because when it happens, if I close all the applications on the mobile or reboot, the messages appear well.
This phenomenon appears on several mobile brands.

Multiple delphi forms

I have two delphi forms; frmHome and frmStats. There is a button on the main form (frmHome) and when you click on it it takes you to frmStats.
On btn click in frmHome:
This works fine but on frmStats there is also a button that I would like to take the user back to the main form when clicked on. The problem is I get error messages.
If I make reference to the form like this I get the error message "cannot make visable window modal"
uses frmHome_u;
However if I make reference like this, then i get the message "circular unit reference"
uses {a bunch of uses} , frmHome_u;
On btn click in frmStats:
How do I do this?
Modal forms have owners. These owning forms are disabled when the modal form is shown. A form is always shown above its owner.
You are trying to make form1 be the owner of form2 and then in turn have form2 own form1. That circular ownership is not allowed. It would imply that both windows would be disabled, and each window on top of the other.
What you need to do is to close the modal form. Replace
ModalResult := mrOK;
If you want both forms to be visible and enabled at the same time, then you must not show them modally.
If I understand what you are trying to do then this should work just fine.
frmStats.Enabled := True;
Enabled := False;
And you have the reciprocal code in the other form.
Because the other form is disabled, it can not be brought into focus until you enable it.
If the users closes FrmStats and FrmHome is the mainform then you must enable it in the onclose event.

How to programmatically press toolstripbutton down?

I want to push toolstripbutton down in my code and I can't seem to be able to do that. I know on Delphi RAD Studio or XE, you can do the following and cause the button to be pressed.
ToolStripButton1.Down := true;
The only ToolStripButton property I see that comes close to "down" is checked true or false. If I do set it to true, it only highlights the toolstripbutton not press it down.
Here is how the button looks when I put my mouse on it and click:
You can clearly see that the Zoom In button is down.
Here is how the button looks when I try to do the samething through my code by setting CheckOnClick true and Checked true.
In this image, the only thing you can see is the blue box around it. I suppose if I had used just the text on the button, you will see that the whole button filled with blue color to show that it was pressed.
I also have toolstrip button in my other program which acts the same way but I had to use imagelist control to switch between pressed or down or checked verses not pressed or down or checked.
So, is there a way to press the ToolStripButton programmatically in Delphi Prism or C#?
Set the ToolStripButton.CheckOnClick property to True. (It's found in the Behavior section of the Items Collection Editor.)
This makes clicking it just like toggling the Down property in a Delphi TSpeedButton (making it flat or depressed), and if ToolStripButton1.Checked is the equivalent of if SpeedButton1.Down in Delphi.
To set up the test, I did the following:
Created a new Winforms application
Dropped a ToolStrip onto the new MainForm
Added four ToolStripButton items and gave them images to make them easier to see.
Set the CheckOnClick property to True for each of them
Set the Checked property of toolStripButton1 to True;
Added the code below to toolStripButton1.Click
method MainForm.toolStripButton1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
toolStripButton2.Checked := not toolStripButton2.Checked;
toolStripButton4.Checked := toolStripButton2.Checked;
Running the app (initial startup, toolStripButton1 checked and the others unchecked):
The first button is clearly down, and the rest are up.
After clicking toolStripButton1 once:
The first button is now up (unchecked) and the second and fourth are down (checked). (I should pay more attention to the consistency in sizing if I do successive images in future posts.)
If have placed this code in the preceding control in the 'Leave' event.
Private Sub PurposeComboBox_Leave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PurposeComboBox.Leave
End Sub
I do not know if you could place code in Form Load or not.
Hope this helps.

Access VBA: Form command button to do something/call function

I have created a basic form in access that has a couple of buttons and text fields.
I want the button to do something along the lines of when I click it, it should bring up a browse file dialog and when I select a file, change the text field to the path of the file.
My question is how can I program this? Specifically, do I create a module that goes like?
sub command1_onClick()
..bla bla...
end sub
Or are forms programmed differently? How can I tie a function to a button?
You can add actions to the button. In the properties window of the button is an Event-Tab. Click on On Click and select Event Procedure. You are then taken to the VBA Editor (ALT+F11) into following procedure:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
In that procedure, you can use an API call to open the standard file dialog:
API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box
The TestIt function in above link shows you hove to open the dialog and get the path. You can set your textbox to that path like this:
Me!Text1 = strPath
strPath has to be populated with the path you get from the file dialog.
You will want to look at the file dialog property.
Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog
MSDN File Dialog
The above shows an example that is performed on a button click
The example adds the selected file to a listbox, for your situation you would want to use a simple textbox instead of the listbox.
You may want to set AllowMultiSelect to false to ignore the looping part if you only want one item. (this would simplify the code in the example for you.
.AllowMultiSelect = false
I may be a lil rusty but then you would want to do something like this(someone edit or correct me if I am way off)
Assuming you used varFile
(Dim varFile As Variant)
Me.TextBox1.Text = varFile
EDIT: After encountering error
It seems the error can come froma few things. Check to make sure the reference is there.
Also you may need to add the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library reference.
See the "More information" section of this Link (Hopefully 2002 is close enough to 2003)
. It may have a few more helpful tips if that doesn't solve the problem.