Server Push vs Server pull in IIS - chat

I was thinking of building a chat application in ASP .NET. I was thinking of either using push or pull. I have found that pull is more scalable than push. But does any body know if the web chat messenger like gtalk, yahoo etc use pull or push ?.

Gmail and such are using comet. This is a push architecture.
There is a nice article on ajaxian describing how comet works, this technique is used to push data from the server to the client.
But I am really looking forward the WebSocket, I think it's gonna make a lot of things more easy.


How to get feed of Telegram channel

I need to show telegram channel posts in a website. but I don't know how to export telegram channel into xml. I need to have both texts and images and also other files and media like mp4 - pdf or other things.
Is there any way to do that?
In three steps:
First you need create a bot with #botfather. Then add bot to channel. (There is no need to make bot admin.)
Second use a programming language and write a program that receives message from channel and send it to server.
Third you must provide a way in site back-end to receive posts that your program sends.
For second step i suggest you to use python. there are some modules that can deal with bots.i think in your case telepot can be simplest module that do everything you need.
For third step you must add more details about your site back-end. anyway i suggest you to write a Restful API for back-end and send posts to site with python requests module.
You need to use telegram API to access the content of a channel.
Telegram API is fairly complicated. There are clients in different languages that makes it easier to interact with the API.
I personally worked with Telethon and it's relatively simple to get it work. If you follow the directions on the home page, there is also an interactive client you can play around to get yourself familiar with how it works.
If you are familiar with other languages there are clients for those languages as well. If you prefer any specific language please comment.

Connecting mobile app with back-end algorithm

I'm working on a school project. We have an AWS server set up with MongoDB. We created some user DB for account verification purposes and communicate with it using REST API. What we need is for the mobile app to send some data to the server side. Run it with an algorithm, then return back the result in JSON format. I've never done anything similar to this, so I have no idea how to go about it. If anyone could provide some lead or guidance/links that would be amazing. Thank you.
First of all you dont need a algorithm for it. It is just a process you have to follow and its kinda lot more easy than you thinking.
If you are doing it in android you can connect to rest webservice via Google's Volley
Or You can use Retrofit 2.0. I have been using it for a long time and i prefer it.

How to Send data to iPhone/Android from C# Web Service

I am trying to develop a cross platform app that uses a C# WCF web service. I have searched the web extensively but can't find anyone who has asked this question or posted a "how to" for this type of work flow.
For purposes of the question, let's focus on iPhone <--> Web Service interactions.
My app needs to do the following workflow:
iPhone#1 sends data to web service.
Web service pulls data from iPhone#2.
Web service does some calculations based on data from iPhone#1 and iPhone#2.
Web service sends results to iPhone#1 and iPhone#2.
iPhone#1 and iPhone#2 display results to users.
Steps 1, 3, and 5 are easy but how can I perform #2 and #4 above (requesting data from phone and sending data to phone)?
I don't necessarily need code samples, just a push in the right direction. Any help is much appreciated.
I was able to figure this out a while back and figured I would mention the solution in case anyone else runs across this.
In the most general sense, situations like this require the use of push notifications since they can be used to display a push notification on the device, or to send data packages to the phone for use in the app.
I ended up using Google's Cloud Messaging Service. It was very easy to implement and works like a champ.
Here is a link to the site with all of the proper documentation and guides:

is it possible to send push notification using shared hosting service?

i want to know that can i use shared hosting service for push notification or i need some another? which one is best for push notification please tell me.
It depends on the capabilities allowed by the shared hosting service.
You will need a site that allows you to run code (perl, python, ruby, php, etc) and database access will probably be needed for most applications. I have notifications working on a shared hosting site that I have shell access to and can run scripts along with SQLite and MySQL. I pay $25/mo for my service.

VB app to web service

I know very little about web service but I assumed it would be the solution I was looking for. Basically I made an application in VB that I want to be ubiquitous for a lack of a better word. I need it to receive requests from multiple users and respond all at once. I was told "technically if you write a webservice you can provide as many results back to users as are connected."
Maybe there is another solution for me that will give me the results I want.
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do.
Lets say I make an application in VB that does math.
I now make a website. My website allows for a person to input 1 + 1
they click submit and my website then connects to my VB application running on my server
listening for a request. It accepts the request from my website, and then it solves the math problem and returns the answer back to the website "1 + 1 = 2"
That is only an example of the type of thing I need. My problem is that I can't have multiple people visiting my website all connecting to that same application running on my server so somehow I need the application to be where it can be accessed by multiple users. I was told a web service would be the answer but if there is another solution I'd like to know.
If the only solution is a web service, then how can I manage to either convert the VB app to a web service? Can I have to convert the app to or some other language? Is there an easier option?
Without knowing more about what you're actually doing, I might suggest that building an ASP.NET project around your existing VB code might be a good approach. It's going to be awkward to build any kind of "web service" around an existing (presumably GUI) application, so rebuilding your code inside ASP.NET would be the way to go.
How about doing it the push notification way.
You can inform users of your application via a push notification