Which users are currently connected to an Openfire Jabber server? - xmpp

I have got an Openfire Jabber server with in excess of 75,000 users listed. Of those, 150 or more can be online at any one time.
Is there anywhere that I can collect the JIDs (usernames) of the currently logged in users? I have full database access to the underlying data, but the server does not appear to write the current status back to the DB. Because of the number of users, rosters are not being used.
A very useful set of data being returned would be from a simple (password protected) webpage with one JID per line, optionally with the login time, and maybe also the last time that account performed an action [like send a message]. The latter two are not as essential, but would be useful if the data is available, as well as any other information that was available regarding the user session.

dont know if this will help but I ran into it looking for similar functionality. As defined in XEP-0045 http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#disco-roominfo :
An implementation MAY return a list of existing occupants if that information is publicly
available, or return no list at all if this information is kept private. Implementations
and deployments are advised to turn off such information sharing by default.
So you would need to ensure it works as advertised on Openfire (all xmpp servers ive come across have a bug or two in them), and I imagine you would need to code some logic to get the results.
Good luck.

Not a perfect answer, but the query you want is probably embedded in the session-summary.jsp page. I got to it on a locally hosted server at http://localhost:9090/session-summary.jsp. What I don't know is if that is then stored in the database where it is query-able, or if it is stored internally to the client. The latter is more likely.
The data that page displays is Name, Resource, Status, Presence, Priority, Client IP, and Close Connection.


Open REST API attached to a database- what stops a bad actor spamming my db?

I'm a client side developer with little experience of server side, and I'm struggling to understand how to make a database-backed website without requiring users to login.
The usecase is fairly straightforward. The user lands on a website, uploads an image, and performs some processing to that image. Clicking 'share' POSTs JSON to my endpoint, stores it in a DB, and returns a unique URL in a textbox (eg, https://example.com/art/12345) which allows the user to share their artwork with others, or just to come back and do more editing later on.
What stops somebody from doing, POST <data> https://example.com/art 100 million times and filling my pay-as-you-go database?
I've seen examples of this link based method of sharing between users on plenty of sites but I don't understand how to stop abuse, or whether it is safe to just open up an API which allows writes to a database. I do not want users to have to login.
I believe the simplest method is having a quota, either by username for logged in users or by IP, if you don't require logins or only want to allow free usage to a certain point. Perhaps you could have a smaller quota for non-logged in users than for logged in users and even larger for paying users.
Your server side code that handles the POSTS and storing data into the database would have to take care of that. I'd add it to a user_data table on mine, making an additional column that tracks total space used. makes a todo
Then, when the user adds new data, increase the total space used. When they delete old data (I have versioned web pages so that eventually, the user will be able to rollback to previous versions) then the space used decreases. Having another page to look at to see where they're using space makes deciding what to delete to stay under a quota of X MB's/GB's/TB's/etc easier or maybe just an /api/delete_old_pages or notes or comments or all of the above.

Which XEPs or eJabberd modules would be most suitable for conditionally and immediately changing the group of users a user is subscribed to?

Imagine that a database connected to an XMPP server stores users, it also stores an extra data column (let's call it dataId) for each user. The data column can take on three values: 1, 2, or 3.
In an XMPP client that logs in to the server, a list of users is displayed along with their XMPP presence status. The list displays users that all have the same value of of dataId. The client can change the dataId value that is displayed, meaning that if he switches the value, then the user is now somehow subscribed to the presence of the new list of users, but not to the old list of users.
I wonder if someone with experience with XMPP has a suggestion as to which XEPs or corresponding eJabberd (or Prosody) modules could be used or are best suited for this type of functionality.
I am slowly going through the XEPs, but there are a lot of them, and it's not clear as of yet which modules could be used, or if I would perhaps need to set up some custom code on my XMPP server to handle this.
You can take a look at XEP-0140. This behaves similar to rosters except that all users in a shared roster group will be able to see all other users in the group. You can create multiple shared roster groups and easily switch a user between them by adding or removing the user from the group. You can also have nested groups. You can look at the example on using shared roster groups for different cases here, using ejabberd.

XMPP whitelists?

We have an enterprise installation of QuickBlox (which implements XMPP), and would like to create mirrored accounts for all of our users on our QuickBlox server install. We also want to sync the networks our system's users have created using relationships (eg, "client and provider") that have been built on our system.
In a nutshell, we want to export whitelists that limit chat "opponents" to only those users with whom each of our users already have relationships. If User1 has an existing relationship in our system with User2 and User3 but not User4 through User40, we want to be able to use the QuickBlox API to enforce that within chat by creating a whitelist through the QuickBlox API.
EDIT: We can't use an "honor system" whitelist. That is, the enforcement must be server-side using a method the client cannot circumvent. There must be a hard, unavoidable block between users for privacy concerns.
Use case:
A QuickBlox (or XMPP) server has User1 through User40, inclusive.
User1's whitelist is comprised of [User2, User3] only.
If User1 attempts to contact User15, we want QuickBlox/XMPP to note that User15 is not on User1's whitelist and block that communication as if User1 had bidirectionally blocked that user.
Privacy lists, aka blacklists
I have found places in QB's docs that refer to the XMPP specification docs, and have found the concept of privacy lists, which seem to operate as blacklists:
These only provide two styles of blacklist privacy:
You can choose a type of blocked logic (Privacy List). There are 2
Block in one way. You are blocked, but you can write to
blocked user.
Block in two ways. You are blocked and you also can't
write to blocked user.
Server Whitelist (dialog-level, not user)
I've also found documentation on whitelists for servers, which appear to operate at a dialog/jid, not user, level:
An entity added to a whitelist MAY be a JID of any form as specified in RFC 6120... a whitelist may prevent inbound communications, outbound communications, or both...
Rosters -- "presence" detail only?
There are also rosters, which are close to whitelists, but they do not seem in my testing to restrict communication between any two users that might not be on each other's roster.
That is to say, I haven't set up a roster in my testing application, and users are able to create group and 1-on-1 chat dialogs in spite of not having explicitly accepted any roster requests. In the Android docs, I found the following on rosters: "[A roster] is the collection of users a person receives presence updates for." That's not blocking in any way outside of presence alerts, I don't believe.
Is there a suggested way to create a pessimistic whitelist for each user, which only contain those users with whom communication is allowed? Or are we forced to create and maintain "inverse blacklists", where we automate the creation of privacy lists for every new user blocking every other user and then use the API to remove those with which each user should be able to communicate?
If we do have to use "inverse blacklists", is there a way to have a default blacklist apply to every new user that initially blocks communication with every other user already in our QuickBlox system?
(Again, we can't use "honor system" lists. If the client must request a whitelist to be active before it can be used, can freely discover and then change active whitelists, or if the client can decline to use a list, that's not secure enough.)
XMPP Clients
XMPP clients will need a way to ask another clients if they support receiving pushes via a relay. Since pushes can be sent from anywhere, clients will also be able to send pushes directly to other clients through the relay as long as they have their friend’s whitelist token. They will also need to respond to XMPP server inquiries for whitelist tokens to allow pushes to be sent by the server if a message is sent by a client not supporting direct push.
XMPP Servers
XMPP servers can ask their connected clients if they support push relays and, if so, forward messages they receive to the push relay server when the client is offline. This will require the XMPP server to obtain a whitelist token from the user as well.
Help:see this link
If we are talking about XMPP protocol - there is an ability to block any communications from/to (see example 48)
So, by default, you can set it for each user for example.
Then, if we need to allow to communicate with someone specific,
then you can add this user to your privacy list with action=allow and order greater than 'full block'. Here is actually a good example of whitelist implementation via Privacy Lists, see example 8:
and (3) 'special', which allows communications only with three
specific entities.

Server managed roster in Tigase

Generally in messenger services, user adds or deletes contacts and let knows server about it. Server then takes necessary actions.
However, our requirement is "server decides contacts list, makes roster changes accordingly and clients receives updates about the same". How can we achieve this in Tigase?
There is a dedicated API in the Tigase just for that. It is called a DynamicRoster. Maybe the name is the most accurate. Dynamic because it is managed by the server and it can change any time user requests the roster.
Anyway, there are code examples in the Tigase main code repository. You can have multiple dynamic rosters active at the same time and they can retrieve contacts from different locations.
There is also a roster protocol extension which allows you to keep extra information for the contacts in the dynamic roster such as phone numbers, etc... More info about this o the Tigase.org website in the devel guide section.
Hope this helps.

XMPP: how to request server for presence status of a user's contacts?

We have a site and we developed a chat system for it using strophe.js library and ejabberd XMPP server. We use session attachment that was initiated with PHP (using an in-house library). What we do is get the RID and SID from the PHP script, then use strophe's session attachment. The said RID and SID is stored on a cookie and the RID value on the cookie is updated every update of the RID on strophe.js.
This works fine, after logging in we receive the presence status of each of our contacts. The problem with this is, when you go to another page on the site, and attach using the said RID (we use the incremented value produced by strophe) and SID, the server wouldn't send presence information of your contacts anymore as opposed to when you logged in. This caused our contacts area to appear all invisible even though they are online. They would only appear online if you (or your contact) log out on the chat, then log in again (since you will receive a presence update from the XMPP server).
I have written a workaround where the presence status of your contacts is saved on a cookie (all online contacts will have their JIDs saved on the cookie) when a presence is received from the server. This is checked every page load, if the cookie is set, it will be read, and all JIDs on the cookie will be marked as online. This is working fine but there might be some better ways to solve this, using XMPP's default behaviors.
XMPP servers send presence probes to all your contacts on your behalf when you send your own initial presence to the server. From then on, you will only receive presence status changes from your contacts.
If you lose the presence state of your contacts, you will need to send your own presence probes to re-establish that state. However, this is probably not something you want to do a lot, and passing around the presence state is probably preferred in most cases.
You could try passing the state via XMPP. For example, you could use Private XML Storage (XEP-0049), Pubsub (XEP-0060), or PEP (XEP-0163).
Another option instead of cookies for passing it client side is to use an HTML5 SharedWorker object to hold the state.
I shudder to think of the scale properties associated with storing all of the presence you just received from the server back to the server in private storage. Private storage almost always is backed to long-term storage rather than stored in memory, so you're going to grind your server's disk to dust.
If you want to store more state in the browser, and insulate yourself from browser version, and you're already using jQuery, then jStore is pretty sweet.