How to export connection using Eclipse Remote System Explorer - eclipse

How can I export every connection in RSE from an Eclipse installation to another?
I can get it to export connection one by one but I cant't get it to export every connection at once.

you can't just copy your profile info from workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.rse.core/profiles/yourprofile/ to new setup. Can't copy passwords tho


Eclipse remote system explorer and sudo

I use Eclipse RSE to access files on a web server. To establish a sftp connection with Eclipse RSE I use my HippieBandJam user-ID. To edit files I need root access which I only can gain with the sudo command. In Eclipse RSE I have tried to start a new ssh terminal, use sudo su and then refreshed the sftp tree but this does not seem to work. Does anyone have any idea how to "upgrade" the sftp connection so I can edit the files?
If you want something really exotic, you could:
Compile a tiny program in C that does the only thing: execs the shell
Set a suid bit for the executable
Create a new user and set our freshly compiled binary as this user's login shell
Set up proper permissions for the binary, allowing only the new user to execute this file
Use new user's credentials to log onto the server
He-he :-)
Here is one idea:
create a mount point in your local system in /media/
use sshfs cmd to mount the remote server file system directory to .
In eclipse use the project, use add directory to your project
Steps: right click on your project -> New -> Folder -> Advanced (Select link to alternate location) linked folder.
There you have your remote systems files synced up...
Hope this helps!
My workaround for this was to set up the connection to use the root user from the start. First, you need to enable it on your ssh client:
Then you may have to configure the authorized_keys file:
to accept the key.
Hope that helps! It's not quite as secure, so be wary of this method.
Other Workaround:
Assign the group of the files write rights during the period you are editing them and add your account to the group.

Cannot open the connection for the driver:

I got the following problem
In Eclipse, in the Report Design Perspective , when I try to preview I get the following error:
Chart NewChart:
+ An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details:
Cannot open the connection for the driver: Cannot load JDBC Driver class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
I also checked in Eclipse in the folder and it was empty. Should it be?
I checked the externalLibs directory, and there I have mysql-connector.jar and I do not know what to check for next.
Do one thing MARA, go to the Data Source option. Select JDBC Connection over there do Next. You will find an Manage Drivers button in the left-bottom of the window. Select it, a new console window named Manage JDBC Drivers will evolve. There you will find two tabs Jar Files and Driver. Now select Jar Files and add a newly created .jar file (know how to create a .jar file it's quite easy, google it). Click Ok. You are done.
Now whenever you will go the data source and select Driver Class = you may see its turned to (v4.0) v4.0)) just write the connection string on the Base url. (Don't forget to open a port from the server side you are using).
Hope it works.
Your JDBC driver must be copied to that directory, see also
This worked for me
Download mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin.jar file from google
Paste the jar file to location: Eclipse⁩/⁨Contents⁩/⁨Eclipse⁩/⁨plugins⁩/⁩* folder
paste "mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar" jar file to
location: WEB-INF\platform\plugins\\drivers folder
Go to manage drivers, under jar files section use add option and select the mysql-connector-java-5.1.44-bin.jar file from any location from your local machine and then Test Connection
Connection Successful

Saving remote files using Eclipse RSE

When I connect to a remote server using Eclipse's RSE I can upload and edit a file via sftp and I can save it locally but I can't figure out how save it back to the remote server. I can't even tell if this functionality is available or not.
I do not know about sftp but with ssh, I'm positive the files loaded from the remote server are also saved remotely. I would imagine the same holds true for sftp. My understanding of RSE is that it lies on top of ECF (Eclipse Communcation Facility) and thereby provides different transport mechanism (ssh, sftp) to achieve the same end result. Among which editing remote files.

Deleting files on remote server

I have a PHP project in NetBeans with remote files (over sftp). When I create, modify anything these changes happening both locally and on my web server. However when I'm trying to delete a file or a folder it gets erased only locally. What could be the problem?
Permissions seems to be ok, all files belong to the user I'm using to access the server.
I'm using Netbeans 6.9.1, default configuration, all updates installed.
Netbeans does not have a synchronization function. It is limited to downloading and uploading files. What you can do is to use some external tool, for example WinSCP is capable of synchronizing local and remote directories.
I read what you wrote... but I think it could be a permissions problem.
I also use NetBeans and when I delete a file from the project window it first erase it locally and then syncs with my server.
I login through sftp (using vsftp) as root, which is a bad thing, but you could try this too to be sure if it's a permission issue.
You mistakenly turned off the settings. Please follow these steps:
Right click on the project name
Select properties
From the list of the left select 'Run configuration'
On the left almost down, look for the setting 'Upload files:'
Make sure you set that to 'On Save'
All the best man

Zend Studio and remote host - best practice

Got the following:
Zend Studio
Zend Framework Project
Remote host with FTP and SSH (root access)
Want to:
Save directly to remote host.
Currently i'm working on a localhost *AMP server, manually updating the remote through FTP.
Have tried various ways to acomplish the above - unsuccessfull obviously.
Can some one tell me what to do? Studio 5 (pre-eclipse) was so much better for pure 'FTP programming'.
Currently i'm using remote server support for synchronize my project directly with my i5 server.
It works using ftp or sfpt if you have enabled SSH on your server machine.
It works very well.
Before using remote server support you have to set up a connection
to the server: go to window menu > open perspective > other >
remote system explorer
set up a connection to your server
Return to php develop perspective
To add the "support to remote server" to an existing project, click on the project with rigth click > properties > Remote Server Support
Flag enable Remote connection properties
Set-up all properties and select upload files "on save"
In this way, ZS work locally on the file's project (index, build files ecc) and upload on the server only the .php and .js files.
It can works very well with svn suppor too, because it DOESEN'T upload (.svn) files to the server but keeps it local.
Whatever you do, don't use Expandrive. That's what I'm working with now, and it grinds ZSE to a crashing halt. Sometimes, Expandrive just stops working and ZSE thinks the file disappeared, so you have to close everything and anything not saved is lost.
EDIT: One solution that's worked for us is using the SMB protocol, using Windows' SMB compatibility to create a remote drive, and then interacting with your code base that way. Make sure to ignore building large static files or large files you won't be directly editing to further speed up Eclipse when building a project this way.
You can use 3rd party utilities:
Expandrive for OSX
Netdrive (commercial) or FTPDrive (free)
to mount FTP/SFTP to drive or folder so you can work as it is locally.