How to get Castle Windsor to call parameterless constructor? - inversion-of-control

Currently I have a class that looks like this:
public class MyClass : IMyClass
public MyClass()
public MyClass(IMyRepository repository)
In my config file I have IMyClass registered, but not IMyRepository. My intention is for Windsor to use the constructor that doesn't take any parameters, but I am getting this message:
Can't create component 'MyClass' as it
has dependencies to be satisified.
MyClass is waiting for the following
- Namespace.IMyRepository which was not registered.
I found another post that says that the container will call the constructor with the most arguments that it can satisfy. So why is it trying to call the constructor with an argument that it doesn't know how to satisfy?

Maybe you're using an old version of Windsor... this works just fine for me:
public class WindsorTests {
public interface ISomeInterface {}
public class AService {
public int Id { get; private set; }
public AService() {
Id = 1;
public AService(ISomeInterface s) {
Id = 2;
public void Parameters() {
var container = new WindsorContainer();
var service = container.Resolve<AService>();
Assert.AreEqual(1, service.Id);


Why am I getting "OneTimeSetUp: No suitable constructor was found..."?

I am using NUnit3 and trying to make use of TestFixtureSource in the following class hierarchy:
public class AtataTestFixtureData
public static IEnumerable FixtureParams
yield return new TestFixtureData(new AtataConfigContainer
AtataJsonConfig = new BaseAtataConfig()
[TestFixtureSource(typeof(AtataConfigContainer), nameof(AtataTestFixtureData.FixtureParams))]
public class AtataTestsWithDbBase : OzCsTestsWithDbBase, IAtataAbpTests
public AtataTestsWithDbBase()
public AtataTestsWithDbBase(AtataConfigContainer aAtataConfigContainer)
AtataAbpTestsAdapter = AtataAbpTestsAdapter.Instance;
AtataConfigContainer = aAtataConfigContainer;
public class SomeSiteComAuTestsBase : AtataTestsWithDbBase
public SomeSiteComAuTestsBase(AtataConfigContainer aAtataConfigContainer) : base(aAtataConfigContainer)
public class IndexTests : SomeSiteComAuTestsBase
/// <summary>
/// Class constructor.
/// </summary>
public IndexTests(AtataConfigContainer aAtataConfigContainer) : base(aAtataConfigContainer)
public void Get()
IndexPageObject indexPage = Go.To<IndexPageObject>();
When I run IndexTests.Get() I get the exception OneTimeSetUp: No suitable constructor was found but according to public IndexTests(AtataConfigContainer aAtataConfigContainer) : base(aAtataConfigContainer) I have the needed constructor.
What am I missing here?
You are getting this error because your IndexTests class has a constructor that takes parameters, but your TestFixtureSource is on a base class. The TestFixtureSource needs to be on your IndexTests. The TestFixtureSource attribute is not inherited.

With LightInject, how can I pass arguments to child dependencies without registering a bunch of factories?

In the code below, I am trying to inject a ViewModel into a View, while the ViewModel requires a Model to wrap and another service that is in the container. The Model is not registered as it is not really a "service".
How do I:
a) not have to provide the IService instance as an argument (let the container resolve it),
b) not have to register a factory for my ViewModels (there will be many)
So what I'm really asking the container to do is treat my Model (that I pass as an argument) as if it were a registered "service" for the duration of this call to GetInstance.
If this is not possible with LightInject, are there any containers out there that have something like this?
public static class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
var service = new Service1();
// Have to register the factory
container.Register<IService, PersonModel, PersonViewModel>(
(f, s, p) => new PersonViewModel(s, p));
var person = new PersonModel(); // this is contextual -- not a service.
object view = CreateView(container, typeof(View), service, person);
// ultimate desired code:
//var view = container.GetInstance(typeof(View), new object[] { person });
private static object CreateView(ServiceContainer container, Type viewType, IService service, object model)
var ctor = viewType.GetConstructors()[0];
var parameters = new List<object>();
foreach (var param in ctor.GetParameters())
var attr = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ModelAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
if (model != null && attr != null)
parameters.Add(container.GetInstance(param.ParameterType, new object[] { service, model }));
return Activator.CreateInstance(viewType, parameters.ToArray());
public interface IService
public class Service1 : IService
public class PersonModel
public class PersonViewModel
public PersonModel PersonModel { get; set; }
public PersonViewModel(IService service, [Model] PersonModel person)
PersonModel = person;
public class View
public PersonViewModel PersonViewModel { get; set; }
public View(PersonViewModel vm)
PersonViewModel = vm;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class ModelAttribute : Attribute
I have solved the issues with a combination of techniques...
a) use a Scope and register the ViewModel and View with PerScopeLifetime.
b) use a "ModelTracker" registered with a factory to allow an instance not created by the container to be injected (since models will be created by client code or a DbContext).
This combination also allows me to not register a factory for every ViewModel type -- but instead use the built-in mass registration functions (like RegisterAssembly).
public static class Program
public static void Main()
var container = new LightInject.ServiceContainer();
container.RegisterInstance<IService>(new Service1());
container.Register<View>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<PersonViewModel>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<ModelTracker>(new PerScopeLifetime());
container.Register<PersonModel>((f) => (PersonModel)f.GetInstance<ModelTracker>().Instance);
using (var scope = container.BeginScope())
var tracker = scope.GetInstance<ModelTracker>();
tracker.Instance = new PersonModel() { Name = "person1" };
var view = scope.GetInstance<View>();
public class ModelTracker
public object Instance { get; set; }
public class PersonModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public class PersonViewModel
private readonly IService service;
private readonly PersonModel person;
public PersonViewModel(IService service, PersonModel person)
this.service = service;
this.person = person;
public class View
public PersonViewModel PersonViewModel { get; set; }
public View(PersonViewModel vm)
PersonViewModel = vm;
public interface IService { }
public class Service1 : IService { }

Injecting a Factory that accepts a Parameter with AutoFac

I've read over several examples that were more complex then I needed and I'm having trouble distilling this down to a simple, concise pattern.
Let's say I have an interface names ICustomService and multiple implementations of ICustomService. I also have a class Consumer that needs to determine at run time which ICustomService to use based upon a parameter.
So I create a classes as follows:
public class Consumer
private CustomServiceFactory customServiceFactory;
public Consumer(CustomServiceFactory _customServiceFactory)
customServiceFactory = _customServiceFactory;
public void Execute(string parameter)
ICustomService Service = customServiceFactory.GetService(parameter);
public class CustomServiceFactory
private IComponentContext context;
public CustomServiceFactory(IComponentContext _context)
context = _context;
public ICustomService GetService(string p)
return context.Resolve<ICustomService>(p); // not correct
public class ServiceA : ICustomService
public void DoSomething()
public class ServiceB : ICustomService
public void DoSomething()
Is there an advantage to having my factory implement an interface? How do I fix my factory and register these classes with Autofac so that Consumer.Execute("A") calls DoSomething on WorkerA and Consumer.Execute("B") calls DoSomething on WorkerB?
Thank you
You would register your implementations of ICustomService with keys. For example:
and then your factory method would be:
public ICustomService GetService(string p)
return context.ResolveKeyed<ICustomService>(p);
But, you can take this a step further and decouple CustomServiceFactory from IComponentContext:
public class CustomServiceFactory
private Func<string, ICustomService> _create;
public CustomServiceFactory(Func<string, ICustomService> create)
_create = create;
public ICustomService GetService(string p)
return _create(p);
which you would register like so:
builder.Register(c => {
var ctx = c.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return new CustomServiceFactory(key => ctx.ResolveKeyed<ICustomService>(key));
And at that point, assuming CustomServiceFactory doesn't have any other behavior that was omitted for the question, then you as might as well just use and register Func<string, ICustomService> directly.

Testing mocked objects rhino mocks

I am new to RhinoMocks, and I am trying to write a test as shown
I have classes like these
public class A
public void methodA(){}
public class B
public void methodB(A a)
And i am trying to test it like this
A a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<A>();
public void ShouldTest()
B b = new B();
But it is giving the error as shown:
System.InvalidOperationException : No expectations were setup to be verified, ensure that the method call in the action is a virtual (C#) / overridable (VB.Net) method call.
How do I test methodB then?? Can someone help??
Rhino mock creates proxy class when you call MockRepository.Generate *** method. This means that it extends your type. If you don't declare any abstraction you cannot make any derivation which is essential in any mocking framework.
You can do two things
Create an interface (better design)
Make the member virtual (this will allow RhinoMocks to derive from your type and create a proxy for the virtual member
Sample code
public interface IA { void methodA();}
public class A:IA{public void methodA() { }}
public class B
public void methodB(IA a)
public class Bar
public void BarTest()
var repo = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IA>();
B b = new B();
repo.AssertWasCalled(a => a.methodA());
You have concrete classes with no virtual methods and no interfaces. You can't mock anything.
Here's one way to do it:
public interface IA
void methodA();
public class A : IA
public void methodA(){}
public class B
public void methodB(IA a)
Then use
IA a = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IA>();

MEF Custom attributes and Lazy

I think I am losing my mind. :)
I've been struggling with this for two days now. The code looks right. But for some reason when I try to access the [ImportMany] field, it is null, or at least not returning any values.
It get the 3 parts in the catalog, but they don't get applied to the Lazy[] import I am defining.
Here's my code:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
namespace MefTest
// Extension interface and metadata
public interface IUIExtension
void DoSomething();
public interface IUIExtensionDetails
string Name { get; }
string Uri { get; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple=false)]
public class UIExtensionAttribute : ExportAttribute
public UIExtensionAttribute() : base(typeof(IUIExtensionDetails)) { }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Uri { get; set; }
// Extensions
[UIExtension(Name="Test 01", Uri="")]
public class Test1Extension : IUIExtension
public void DoSomething() { }
[UIExtension(Name = "Test 02", Uri = "")]
public class Test2Extension : IUIExtension
public void DoSomething() { }
[UIExtension(Name = "Test 03", Uri = "")]
public class Test3Extension : IUIExtension
public void DoSomething() { }
// Main program
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
public Lazy<IUIExtension, IUIExtensionDetails>[] Senders { get; set; }
public void Run()
public void Compose()
var catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
// This is always 3
(from g in container.Catalog.Parts select g).Count());
// This is always 0
Your error is here:
public UIExtensionAttribute() : base(typeof(IUIExtensionDetails))
You should pass the contract type there, not the metadata type:
public UIExtensionAttribute() : base(typeof(IUIExtension))
(Also, in order to make sure that your custom export class has the right properties as expected by the import with metadata, I would make it implement the IUIExtensionDetails interface. But that is not mandatory.)
Your metadata attribute is defining the exports as typeof(IUIExtensionDetails) which is your metadata contract, not your actual extension. Change the custom attribute constructor to:
public UIExtensionAttribute() : base(typeof(IUIExtension)) { }