I'm happily running Ubuntu Linux in a VMWare box hosted on XP.
My Linux application opens up your basic server socket port, to which I connect netcat (nc) as a client to listen in on the traffic I'm putting on that socket for the "real" clients. All's well.
However, when I open up a Cygwin shell on the XP side and run nc from there it appears to be unable to connect to my application's server socket.
To verify connectivity, though, if I run nc as a server (nc -l -p 3694) in the Linux/VMWare environment, nc on Cygwin has no trouble connecting to it and transferring data back and forth (the IP address is not localhost, it's the one assigned by DHCP).
To summarize:
Linux App -- Linux nc : Works
Linux App -- Cygwin nc : Does not work
Linux nc (svr) -- Cygwin nc : Works
Which netcat code are you using? At least one variant has known issues...
Is it possible you have the guest network set to NAT and therefore things can't connect to something listening in the VM?
I am trying to use my raspberry pi as a server, I have a java app using tcp port 1777 and mysql on 3306, however neither one or the other is accessible from lan (both works fine from the pi itself). When I scan the ports open on the pi from my laptop I only see the ssh and vnc ports, but when running the netstat on the pi both ports appear to be in listening state. I am running the latest version of raspbian (image had a ssh and vnc disabled by default, I enabled it in pi configuration (raspi-config)). Any ideas?
In my opinion, check which interface these services are listening on because the services listening on localhost are not 'binded' to the external network so try to make them listening on 192.**** ip address.
Example : Edit MySQL configuration
By default, MySQL is not configured to accept remote connections. You can enable remote connections by modifying the configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
and set bind-address = 192.** or bind-address = then restart mysql servic:
sudo service mysql restart
I have started an ubuntu instance on AWS EC2
e.g. [ec2-user#ip-XXX-XX-XX-XX ~]$
Inside this instance, I am running a socket program for sending the data to my local system.
The program is running properly, but not able to connect to my local IP.
I am trying to ping my local system also from AWS ec2 user, but it is also not working.But I am able to ping google(
e.g. [ec2-user#ip-xxx-xx-xx-xx ~]$ ping xxx.xxx.xx.xx(my local IP)
I have set all security groups(inbound), like All Trafic,All TCP and so on.
Sorry for bad English.
Thank You
Your computer (PC) cannot be pinged from an AWS hosted machine
This is probably because the VM on your computer is using NAT outbound to talk to the LAN, which goes to an Internet router, which sends the packets to AWS
The reverse route (inbound to your PC) does not exist so starting a ping echo request from a AWS machine will not work
It is possible to get around this by opening a pass through on your router but generally this is not a great idea
However if you want to make a socket connection securely there is a way
First, start a ssh session with remote port forwarding. In the Linux ssh client this is using the -R option.
For example, if your local system is running a listening service on port 80 and your remote system has the address of then
ssh -R 8080:localhost:80 ec2-user#
Will establish a circuit such that connections to the "localhost" on the remote ec2 server on port 8080 are connected to the "localhost" on port 80 of your local machine
If you are not using a ssh cli program, most ssh clients have a facility of this sort.
Note that it is necessary to keep the ssh session open to be able to use the connections
I have PostgreSQL 9.4 running on a Linux VPS, and I need to be able to connect to it over SSH from both Linux and Windows clients. (I will later need to connect to multiple servers, and so that all clients use the same port numbers, I'm forwarding to port 5551 for the first server, then I will use 5552, 5553, etc.)
From a Linux client I just run ssh -fNg -L 5551:localhost:5432 user#remote1.com and connect to localhost:5551 with PGAdmin3 or any other client app. Works great.
On Windows, I'm using PuTTY and Pageant. I got the connection to user#remote1.com via terminal working, then I went to the SSH Tunnels and added L5432 localhost:5551. Terminal connection still works, but when I try to connect with PGAdmin3 to localhost:5551 I get an error:
could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274AD/10061) Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5551?
I resolved it. Like many things, this is obvious in hindsight. I had things backward in the SSH Tunnels setup in PuTTY. It needs to be L5551 remote1.com:5432
I'm running ubuntu 10.04 lts on my server.
I ran into a problem where my server.jar file couldn't create an SSL socket to prod.euw1.lol.riotgames.com.
I tried "telnet prod.euw1.lol.riotgames.com 2099", but it can't establish a connection.
However, "telnet prod.euw1.lol.riotgames.com 2099" runs fine on a different ubuntu 12.xx server that I ssh'd into, and it works fine on my personal computer.
And strangely, connections to other host servers with "telnet prod.na1.lol.riotgames.com 2099" or "telnet prod.eun1.lol.riotgames.com 2099" on my ubuntu 10.04 machine work just fine.
I don't know what steps to take next, I've already flushed my iptables rules to accept all incoming/outgoing traffic, and the IP address that the domain resolves to is the same across all of the computers I've tried.
I have an Ubuntu server running Tomcat, and I want to connect my Eclipse EE to it so I can work with JSP.
I have no problem connecting to a similar Tomcat service when it's installed on my machine (not a server), but whenever I try to connect to the remote server I don't seem to have the option of choosing a Tomcat service.
Is there some guide you can recommend (I didn't find one), or is there something I did wrong?
The "remote" Tomcat (or more generally the app server) must be configured to permit such connection.
Did you start the remote server with these parameters:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
Alternatively you can add the word jpda at the end of the startup.sh (or .bat) script just when calling the catalina.sh script.
Everything is documented on the Apache Tomcat Wiki.
After enabling those options, you have also another task to do: enabling the network connection to the configured port (8000 in the above options). It depends which firewall is installed on the server but usually it is iptables.
Example of iptables command to enable connection to port 8000:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -j ACCEPT
If your server have a GUI installed, one easiest way is to use the "ufw" – short for 'uncomplicated firewall' as explained in this site which is just a graphical way to configure the iptables.
One way to test the connectivity to the server (if the port is open) is to use telnet from your computer like this:
telnet your.distant.host 8000
and if the command opens, the port is accessible, if the telnet command times out, the port is closed.