iphone wifi/3G connection drop problems - iphone

I know that iPhone shuts down its WiFi connection after 30 mins. Is there any way to keep it alive? How about 3G connection? Does it shuts down its 3G connection after 30 mins? Is there any way to keep the 3G connection alive?

Occasionally, even when you're polling something fairly regularly just too keep the connection alive, the iPhone or iPod will feel it's too hot to use the WiFi connection right now. It's probably right, and there's nothing you can do to keep the OS from disconnecting and turning off WiFi, except to pop up a "try again" dialog if you really need a connection for the current operation.

As this posting rates quite high when searching for the WIFI/WLAN iPhone problem - here's the link to the answer: iPhone SDK Internet connection detection


WiFi drops in iPod after a while running my application

I have wifi issues in with my application and the iPod I use for development. Other users have reported the same problems with my app.
The app keeps an open connection using sockets, and I show the connection status on top. Also the application reconnects when is disconnected.
The wifi signal of my iPod drops every 1 minute, and eventually, it drops until: I plug a power-source to the iPod or I exit the application.
It's really and issue that is driving me crazy :-P
The iPod iOS version is 5.0.1
Do you know what can I do to fix this problem? Did anybody else have the same connection problems?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: Added log: http://pastebin.com/hYVs5Vat
Edit2: Seems that I have two different problems,
1- the wifi dropping and coming every minute.
2- the application disconnecting completely the wifi. [SOLVED]
The 1st one looks to be an iPod vs router problem, not applications fault.
You can try setting the
Application uses WiFi
boolean to YES in the plist. If you don't then it turns off the WiFi after some time to save battery.

GameKit keeping connection going while device screen off or in background

I am working on an appliction that requires bluetooth connectivity, which i use GameKit for data transfer, however im seeing that when i go in background mode, or I just turn off the screen in app, the bluetooth connection is dropped... Ive seen other apps that keep the connection alive in such situations, anyone have any idea if I am missing something that wont cause the connection to drop on such cases? Have been looking around but havent found anything useful...
This is not intentionally supported by Apple.
If you are writing this for an application that doesn't have to be distributed through the App Store, you can set the application up to play a silent audio file in the background. This will allow GameKit to continue to work even when your application has been put into the background or if the screen has locked.
If this application has to be distributed through the App Store, Apple require the audio to be a real feature, with audible music playing.
If you have two devices connected using GKSession and then one of them is interrupted by call or goes into background, when it wakes up connection should be still alive (you should be able to send/receive packets between devices).
You may try setting
in your plist.

Delay in receiving APN on iPhone

Sometimes I am experiecing a delay while receiving APN , while at other times its working absolutely fine.
I am also connecting to the feedback server at ssl://feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com , but its not showing any data.
What are the possible reasons for the delay?
Delay can happen if you've got a bad connection on 3G or Edge (iPhones use those, not wifi, for push unless they're totally unavailable). If the connection is dropped but the device doesn't know it, it'll wait until it does a heartbeat and realizes the connection is closed.
Also, if you're using an iPod Touch, the connection to the push servers will only be maintained while the backlight is on or you're plugged in via USB; otherwise the wifi connection will be dropped when the backlight goes off to save power, and it'll poll for new notifications every half an hour.

iPod touches cannot find each other through GameKit

I have two physical iPod touch devices. If I try running a program that uses a GKPeerPickerController to find another iPod touch running the same program, they just stay at the peer picker screen without any progress. Both have bluetooth enabled. I have tried my own program, along with Apple's GKTank sample app. Neither of the iPods seem to be able to detect bluetooth devices, such as computers in discoverable mode... could this have anything to do with it?
I was able to fix this problem by restoring the software on the older iPod. I wonder if jailbreak may have caused this issue?
A couple assumptions are throwing you off:
The GameKit Bluetooth stuff runs its own protocol, which doesn't involve traditional Bluetooth pairing or discoverability.
The simulator doesn't support connecting to devices via GameKit, so you need to test this with two real devices (or two computers, as the simulator will run the GK protocol over your current TCP connection [ethernet, wifi, etc]).
The Bluetooth bring-up of TCP/IP and Bonjour is really slow, so your first connection will often take upwards of 30 seconds to do any discovery. Even then, it seems flaky to me.
Jailbreaking your iPhone puts everything in play. You should expect stuff to not work, and be grateful if/when it does.
Gamekit only work on second generation iPod Touches (and iPhone 3G and 3GS). You didn't say whether what version your touches are.
I have been getting this error throughout the development of my game. It also leads to other problems when trying to reconnect to another game as the peer picker takes ages to connect so users get impatient. Apple needs to work on getting this more reliable.
I have restored my ipods now so will be interested to see the outcome.

Losing network connectivity on iPhone

I am developing a network application on iPhone that requires internet connection all the time. However, once I login to the server and keep the iPhone idle for a while, the iPhone goes to sleep mode and disconnects my network connection (it logs me out).
If I run the same application on iPhone, while the iPhone is connected to the PC through USB cable, it never loses its network connection.
In the info.plist file I have added these two flags, but does not seem to have any effect.
UIRequiresPersistentWifi -> true
SBUsesNetwork - integer ->3
Am I missing anything? Could you please let me know how can I make sure that the network connection is persistent throughout the life of the application?
In your application delegate ("appDelegate"), disable the idle timer in the +initialize method:
myApp.idleTimerDisabled = YES;
Note that this will keep your iPhone from sleeping while your app is open. This can present issues with battery life.
Another option might be to set up a background thread that opens a small CFStream on a timed basis.
What do you mean by "logs me out" here? At the network level, there is no "logged in" (*). There are only packets. You send them or you don't. So does your server process have some expectation of packets or messages arriving periodically? If it does, then you must send them, and that means that you can't go idle (idleTimerDisabled = YES). If you control the server, it is better to make it less demanding about how often you talk to it. This all happens well above the network layer, however.
UIRequiresPersistentWifi means that the Wifi radio is kept on while you're app is running, even if you don't talk on it. This is important for receiving data. Otherwise you drop off the network and others can't talk to you after about 30 minutes. It should be set in Info.plist, but this is certainly in your app bundle. If it weren't, your app wouldn't launch, so that isn't the problem.
(*) The cell network does have the concept of logged in, but that's not what's causing your problem.