Red Hat Enterprise 5 display mode detection issue - redhat

I have installed Red Hat on my HP 550 laptop and the display resolution does not fit my Laptop's display. My display works great with windows 7 and it is 1280 x 800 , once i enter in RedHat i see the screen like a box and does not fit the whole monitor of my laptop, I log in with root password and try to change X display settings but there is just one setting -- 1024x700 -- and I can not change it.
What can be the problem that causes this?
Kind regards,
-- A.Xheladini

You should really try a Linux forum for this question, but here's a page that can help you


How made Unity to open its windows on correct display

I have really annoying problem, I have laptop and one extra monitor, my laptop screen is my main display and I want to keep it as it is. I'm opening Unity on my second screen and when I open some of unity window like 'Profiler', 'Animator', 'Preferences..' etc or any other window then it displays on my laptop screen and not where unity is actually opened and I have to move it each time manually to my second screen ; O I didn't observe such behaviour for any other apps. Does anyone have idea how I can fix that ?! I would be very veryy grateful for help!
I'm using Windows 10.
Here you have professional visualisation ;D

Orange doesn't work well on 4k screen

I'm running Orange 3.3 on a 4k display (laptop) with Windows 10.
Orange is not scaling and shows as a very tiny application interface.
I have (and know that I can) scale my entire desktop - but, is there a scaling option (other than scaling my whole desktop)?
If not, this is something Orange devs should look into.

When can the Native resolution not be actual resolution?

I was writing some programs that were sensitive to screen size, and for the life of me I cannot figure out how this is possible. The display settings in the nvidia and windows control panel are set to 1920x1200 (native), while GeForce experience and both report 1280x800. It is like the actual resolution differs from that which is set. How is this possible?
OK after a lot of digging, apparently the resolution is changed behind the scenes if you have selected "Larger" under Right Click Desktop --> Personalize --> Display. I set this to "Smaller (default)" and everything is reporting correctly now. I'm not sure, but somehow Windows 7 must change the resolution by a factor of 1.5 behind the scenes if you choose the 150% option.

BlackBerry 10 Dev Apha Simulator Size Issue

I want to do some magic with BB. So I decided to go with BlackBerry Cascades. For that I downloaded Native SDK (772 MB) and Simulator (242 MB) and Photsjop plug in. I installed Native SDk and simulator and I opened the Simualtor in Vm.
Till here there is no issues., but when Simulator opens Size of Simulator is too large like there are scrollers to see the complete Simulator. How to fix the size of simulator with according to the vmware size.
I changed the Value in Controllers.exe, but it doesn’t get differences. So please let me know, how to solve this issue.
Hi You can resize you Vmware simulator according to your monitor screen size.following is the steps for that.
1. Go to where the simulator Vmware is installed (in my case: C:\Users\\Documents\Virtual Machines\BlackBerry10Simulator-BB10_0_06)
Go to the "controllers" folder
Run "controller.exe"
Select Connection > Connect
Type the simulator's IP address and press Connect (verify it says "Connected to" on the bottom of the screen)
Go to Device > Change Zoom Level; enter 40% or percentage then Apply.
Sometimes controller doesn't work as you expect.
I use following way to change simulator's zoom. Connect to the simulator using telnet with login/password devuser/devuser. Then put the command ves-zoom <zoom_value>
Where zoom_value is the percentage value of desired zoom.
Look at Simulator Configuring to clarify.

Is there a way to adjust the icon size in the Eclipse workspace?

I am running an Eclipse IDE via Parallels on a Retina MacBook Pro.
Parallels automatically configures the font sizes in Windows to deal with the Retina display resolution. So all that looks good.
The problem is that the icons in the workspace are still the same size and as such render so tiny it is almost impossible to see them.
I would like to be able to tell Eclipse to resize the icons (probably by x2 or x4). I don't care if they look blocky, only that I can see them.
Is such a thing possible?
To pre-empt the obvious answers:
I need to use the IDE in windows (due to JNI libraries).
Also restarting straight into Bootcamp won't solve the issue either unless I lower the resolution. Which defeats the purpose of the extra screen real estate.
Referring to the User Interface Guidelines of Eclipse 3.x this is not possible at the moment. The icons (Toolbar for example) have a maximal size of 16px.
The majority of Eclipse style icons are designed within an area of 16 x 16 pixels. That is the final cut size of the image.
The icons can be found here: