How can I redefine 'open' properly in Perl? - perl

Some time ago, I ask a question: How do I redefine built in Perl functions?
And the answers have served me well. I have a package that overrides Perl's 'open' function enabling me to log file access.
Now I've come to a case that breaks the functionality of the original code.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
sub myopen (*;#) {
my $p;
my $retval = CORE::open($p, $_[1]);
no strict;
*{"main::$_[0]"} = $p;
return $retval;
*CORE::GLOBAL::open = *myopen;
my #a = (1, 2, 3);
open(CHECK, ">dump") or print "UNABLE TO OPEN DUMPER FILE: $!\n";
print CHECK "test\n";
print CHECK Data::Dumper->Dump(\#a);
close CHECK
Now I get this message:
Can't locate object method "CHECK" via package "Data::Dumper"
How do I fix it?

Try using a name other than "CHECK".
"CHECK" is a special function which is called during compile time, and you really shouldn't use it.
$ open CHECK , '<', 'foo.txt';
Took 0.00224494934082031 seconds.
Runtime error: Undefined subroutine &Devel::REPL::Plugin::Packages::DefaultScratchpad::CHECK called at (eval 329) line 5.
$ open CHECKS , '<', 'foo.txt';
Took 0.00155806541442871 seconds.
More on 'CHECK'
Why that specific error?
perl -MO=Deparse -e 'print CHECK Data::Dumper 1';
print 'Data::Dumper'->CHECK(1);
Also, you're using global file handles, which are problematic.
use this notation:
open my $fh, '<' , $foo ;
print <$fh>;
close $fh;
These are extra beneficial is they self-close when they go out of scope.

> perl -MData::Dumper -e'local*_=*STDOUT;print _ Data::Dumper->Dump([2]);'
Can't locate object method "_" via package "Data::Dumper" at -e line 1.
> perl -MData::Dumper -e'local*_=*STDOUT;print _ ( Data::Dumper->Dump([2]) );'
$VAR1 = 2;
I used a different name from "STDOUT" because it seems to only gets the indirect object wrong when it's not a built-in handle.

This will work and without producing the error...
print {*CHECK} Data::Dumper->Dump(\#a);
This stops it being confused has an "Indirect Object Syntax"
However I do recommend steering clear of using CHECK and other special named code blocks in Perl and using lexical variables for filehandles is the preferred method. PBP


perl script not looking for text file

I have a Perl script that is supposed to look for the text file I write in the command argument but, for whatever reason, it doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the text file I write in the argument, even though it is in the same folder.
This is where the code starts going haywire
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
if($filename == "") {
print("[ERROR] Argument unavailable! use ./ filename.txt\n");
} elsif (open (FILE, "<", $filename)) {
print("[INFO] File $filename loaded successfully!\n\n");
close FILE;
} else{
die("An error occured while opening the file: $!\n\n");
Always use
use strict;
use warnings;
When writing Perl code. It will tell you when you do something wrong, and give you information that might otherwise be hard to find.
What do I get when I run your program with these pragmas on?
$ asdasd
Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at line 9.
Argument "asdasd" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at line 9.
[ERROR] Argument unavailable! use ./ filename.txt
Those warnings come from use warnings. Good thing we were using that! Here, I am told that using == for string comparisons is causing some issues.
What happens is that both the filename and the empty string "" is being cast to numbers. Perl uses context for operators, and == forces Perl to use a numeric, scalar context. It assumes the arguments are supposed to be numbers, to it tries to coerce them into numbers. It will attempt to find a number at the beginning of the string, and if it doesn't find one, cast the value to 0. So your comparison becomes:
if (0 == 0)
# equal to "foo.txt" == ""
Which is true. Hence the program never gets further than this.
The proper way to fix this particular problem is to use eq, the string equality comparison:
if ($file eq "")
Then it will check if the file name is the empty string. However, this is not the correct solution for you. Lets try it out, and use the test case that the user forgot the argument:
Use of uninitialized value $filename in string eq at line 9.
[ERROR] Argument unavailable! use ./ filename.txt
Why? Because in this case $ARGV[0] is not the empty string, it is undef, or uninitialized. It still sort of gets it right, since undef eq "" is true, but does give a warning that you are using the wrong method.
What you want to do here is just check if it exists. A new strategy:
if (#ARGV < 1) # check for number of arguments to program
You can also adopt a file test, and check if the file exists:
if ( ! -e $file)
However, the simpler way to handle those cases is to just use a proper open statement:
open my $fh, "<", $file or die "Cannot open '$file': $!";
Which will then tell you if the file did not exist. This is the idiomatic way to open files in Perl: Three argument open with explicit open mode to prevent code injection, lexical file handle, and handling exceptions and reporting the error.
If I were to write your program, I would write it as:
if (#ARGV < 1) {
die "Usage: $0 <filename>"; # $0 is your program's filename
my $file = shift; # default shift uses #ARGV, or #_ inside a sub, this is a common Perl idiom
open my $fh, "<", $file or die "Cannot open '$file': $!";
menu(); # your menu subroutine, I assume...
close $fh;

Passing arguments containing spaces from one script to another in Perl

I am trying to pass arguments from one Perl script to another. Some of the arguments contain spaces.
I am reading in a comma-delimited text file and splitting each line on the comma.
my ($jockey, $racecourse, $racenum, $hnamenum, $trainer, $TDRating, $PRO) = split(/,/, $line);
The data in the comma-delimited text file look as follows:
When I print out each variable, from the parent script, they look fine (as above).
print "$jockey\n";
print "$racecourse\n";
print "$racenum\n";
print "$hnamenum\n";
print "$trainer\n";
print "$TDRating\n";
print "$PRO\n";
When I pass the arguments to the child script (as follows), the arguments are passed incorrectly.
system("perl \"$bindir\\\" $jockey $racecourse $racenum $hnamenum $trainer $TDRating $PRO");
As you can see, $ARGV[0] becomes AARON, $ARGV[1] becomes LYNCH, $ARGV[2] becomes WARRNAMBOOL, and so on.
I have investigated adding quotes to the arguments using qq, quotemeta and Win32::ShellQuote, unfortunately, even if I pass qq{"$jockey"}, the quotes are still stripped before they reach the child script, so they must be protected in some way.
I not sure if either of the aforementioned solutions is the correct but I'm happy to be corrected.
I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Note: I am running this using Strawberry Perl on a Windows 10 PC.
Note2: I purposely left out use strict; & use warnings; in these examples.
Parent Script
use Cwd;
$dir = getcwd;
$bin = "bin"; $bindir = "$dir/$bin";
open (INFILE, "<$infile") or die "Could not open $infile $!\n";
while (<INFILE>)
$line = $_;
my ($jockey, $racecourse, $racenum, $hnamenum, $trainer, $TDRating, $PRO) = split(/,/, $line);
print "$jockey\n";
print "$racecourse\n";
print "$racenum\n";
print "$hnamenum\n";
print "$trainer\n";
print "$TDRating\n";
print "$PRO\n";
system("perl \"$bindir\\\" $jockey $racecourse $racenum $hnamenum $trainer $TDRating $PRO");
sleep (1);
close INFILE;
Child Script
$passedjockey = $ARGV[0];
$passedracecourse = $ARGV[1];
$passedracenum = $ARGV[2];
$passedhnamenum = $ARGV[3];
$passedtrainer = $ARGV[4];
$passedTDRating = $ARGV[5];
$passedPRO = $ARGV[6];
print "$passedjockey\n";
print "$passedracecourse\n";
print "$passedracenum\n";
print "$passedhnamenum\n";
print "$passedtrainer\n";
print "$passedTDRating\n";
print "$passedPRO\n\n";
That whole double-quoted string that is passed to system is first evaluated and thus all variables are interpolated -- so the intended multi-word arguments become merely words in a list. So in the end the string has a command to run with individual words as arguments.
Then, even if you figure out how to stick which quotes in there just right, so to keep those multi-word arguments "together," there's still a chance of a shell being invoked, in which case those arguments again get broken up into words before being passed to the program.
Instead of all this use the LIST form of system. The first argument is then the name of the program that will be directly executed without a shell (see docs for some details on that), and the remaining arguments are passed as they are to that program.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
my #args = ('first words', 'another', 'two more', 'final');
my $prog = '';
system($prog, #args) == 0
or die "Error w/ system($prog, #args): $!";
and the invoked
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
say for #ARGV;
The #ARGV contains arguments passed to the program at invocation. There's more that can be done to inspect the error, see docs and links in them.†
By what you show you indeed don't need a shell and the LIST form is generally easy to recommend as a basic way to use system, when the shell isn't needed. If you were to need shell's capabilities for something in that command then you'd have to figure out how to protect those spaces.
† And then there are modules for running external programs that are far better than system & Co. From ease-of-use to features and power:
IPC::System::Simple, Capture::Tiny, IPC::Run3, IPC::Run.

using file handle returned by select

I am pulling out my hair on using the file handle returned by select.
The documentation about select reads:
Returns the currently selected filehandle.
I have a piece of code, that prints some data and usually is executed without any re-direction. But there is one use case, where select is used to re-direct the print output to a file.
In this piece of code, I need to use the current selected file handle. I tried the following code fragment:
my $fh = select;
print $fh "test\n";
I wrote a short test program to demonstrate my problem:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub test
my $fh=select;
print $fh "#_\n";
my $oldfh;
# this works :-)
open my $test1, "> test1.txt";
$oldfh = select $test1;
close select $oldfh if defined $oldfh;
#this doesn't work. :-(
# Can't use string ("main::TEST2") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use
open TEST2,">test2.txt";
$oldfh = select TEST2;
close select $oldfh if defined $oldfh;
#this doesn't work, too. :-(
# gives Can't use string ("main::STDOUT") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at
It seems, that select is not returning a reference to the file handle but a string containing the name of the file handle.
What do I have to do to always get a usable file handle from select's return value?
P.S. I need to pass this file handle as OutputFile to XML::Simple's XMLout().
Just use
print XMLout(...);
It seems, that select is not returning a reference to the file handle but a string containing the name of the file handle.
It can indeed return a plain ordinary string.
>perl -MDevel::Peek -E"Dump(select())"
SV = PV(0x6cbe38) at 0x260e850
PV = 0x261ce48 "main::STDOUT"\0
CUR = 12
LEN = 24
But that's perfectly acceptable as a file handle to Perl. There are four things that Perl accepts as file handles:
A reference to an IO object.
>perl -e"my $fh = *STDOUT{IO}; CORE::say($fh 'foo');"
A glob that contains a reference to an IO object.
>perl -e"my $fh = *STDOUT; CORE::say($fh 'foo');"
A reference to a glob that contains a reference to an IO object.
>perl -e"my $fh = \*STDOUT; CORE::say($fh 'foo');"
A "symbolic reference" to a glob that contains a reference to an IO object.
>perl -e"my $fh = 'STDOUT'; CORE::say($fh 'foo');"
This type doesn't work under strict refs, though.
>perl -Mstrict -e"my $fh = 'STDOUT'; CORE::say($fh 'foo');"
Can't use string ("STDOUT") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at -e line 1.
What do I have to do to always get a usable file handle from select's return value?
As demonstrated above, it already returns a perfectly usable file handle. If XMLout doesn't support it, then it's a bug in XMLout. You could work around it as follows:
my $fh = select();
if (!ref($fh) && ref(\$fh) ne 'GLOB') {
no strict qw( refs );
$fh = \*$fh;
This can also be used to make the handle usable in a strict environment
As bad as XML::Simple is at reading XML, it's a million times worse at generating it. See Why is XML::Simple Discouraged?.
Consider XML::LibXML or XML::Twig if you're modifying XML.
Consider XML::Writer if you're generating XML.
The point of select is you don't need to specify the handle at all, since it's the default one.
sub test {
print "#_\n";
That's also the reason why select isn't recommended: it introduces global state which is hard to track and debug.
First of all, you shouldn't use XML::Simple , because it will need lots of work to make sure that your output will generate consistent XML. At least make sure you're using the appropriate ForceArray parameters.
Instead of doing filehandle shenanigans, why don't you use the simpler
print XMLout($data, %options);
... instead of trying to pass a default filehandle around?

perl error: Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string

I get the following error:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 34.
when attempting to run the following code :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#Author: mimo
#Date 3/2015
#Purpose: monitor directory for new files...
######### start of subroutine ########
sub AscertainStatus {
my $DIR= "test2";
####### open handler #############
opendir (HAN1, "$DIR") || die "Problem: $!";
########## assign theoutput of HAN1 to array1 ##########
my #array1= readdir(HAN1);
######## adding some logic #########
if ("$#array1" > 1) { #### if files exists (more than 1) in the directory #######
for (my $i=0; $i<2; $i++) {shift #array1;} ####### for i in position 0 (which is the . position) loop twice and add one (the position ..) get rid of them #######
} else { print "No New Files\n";}
sub MailNewFiles {
$mail= "sendmail";
open ($mail, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" ) ||die "errors with sendmail $!"; # open handler and pipe it to sendmail
print $mail <<"EOF"; #print till the end of fiEOF
From: "user";
To: "root";
Subject: "New Files Found";
foreach (#_) {print $mail "new file found:\n $_\n";}
I am new to perl and I don't know what's going wrong. Can anyone help me ?
A few suggestions:
Perl isn't C. Your main program loop shouldn't be a declared subroutine which you then execute. Eliminate the AscertainStatus subroutine.
Always, always use strict; and use warnings;.
Indent correctly. It makes it much easier for people to read your code and help analyze what you did wrong.
Use a more modern Perl coding style. Perl is an old language, and over the years new coding style and techniques have been developed to help you eliminate basic errors and help others read your code.
Don't use system commands when there are Perl modules that can do this for you in a more standard way, and probably do better error checking. Perl comes with the Net::SMTP that handles mail communication for you. Use that.
The error Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string is exactly what it says. You are attempting to use a value of a variable that hasn't been set. In this case, the variable is the #_ variable in your foreach statement. Your foreach isn't a true foreach, but part of your print statement since your EOF is after your for statement. This looks like an error.
Also, what is the value of #_? This variable contains a list of values that have been passed to your subroutine. If none are passed, it will be undefined. Even if #_ is undefined, foreach (undef) will simply skip the loop. However, since foreach (#_) { is a string to print, your Perl program will crash without #_ being defined.
If you remove the -w from #!/usr/bin/perl, your program will actually "work" (Note the quotes), and you'll see that your foreach will literally print.
I do not recommend you not to use warnings which is what -w does. In fact, I recommend you use warnings; rather than -w. However, in this case, it might help you see your error.
You have EOF after the line with foreach. It contains $_ which is interpolated here but $_ is not initialized yet because it is not in foreach loop. It is not code but just text. Move EOF before foreach.
But probably you would like
sub MailNewFiles {
$mail= "sendmail";
open ($mail, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t" ) ||die "errors with sendmail $!"; # open handler and pipe it to sendmail
local $"="\n"; # " make syntax highlight happy
print $mail <<"EOF"; #print till the end of fiEOF
From: "user";
To: "root";
Subject: "New Files Found";
New files found:
See perlvar for more informations about $".
The message
Use of uninitialized value $xxx in ...
is very straightforward. When you encounter it, it means that you are using a variable ($xxx) in any way, but that the variable has not ever been initialized.
Sometimes, adding an initialization command at the start of you code is enough :
my $str = '';
my $num = 0;
Sometimes, your algorithm is wrong, or you just mistyped your variable, like in :
my $foo = 'foo';
my $bar = $ffo . 'bar'; # << There is a warning on this line
# << because you made a mistake on $foo ($ffo) file handle in global hash lost between subroutines?

I'd like to store file handle to a global hash and read() it in a subroutine without revealing CGI object, but I find that it doesn't work(resulting zero sized output file).
Here is the simplified perl code:
use CGI;
use vars qw(%in);
$fname = &process_uploaded_file if($in{'upfile'});
$fsize = -s $fname;
print "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
print "in{'upfile'}=",$in{'upfile'},"\r\n";
print "in{'desc'}=",$in{'desc'},"\r\n";
print "fname=",$fname,"\r\n";
print "fsize=",$fsize,"\r\n";
sub init_hash{
my $q = new CGI;
$in{'desc'} = $q->param('desc');
$in{'upfile'} = $q->param('upfile');
$in{'upfh'} = $q->upload('upfile') if($in{'upfile'});
sub process_uploaded_file{
my $fname = time.'.bin';
open(OUT,'>',$fname) || die('open file failed');
while(my $read = read($in{'upfh'}, my $buff, 4096)){
print OUT $buff;
eval { close($in{'upfh'}); };
return $fname;
EDIT: I should provide perl and version.
Perl version: This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 2 (v5.12.2) built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
(with 8 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
There is so much wrong with your code.
First your problem: you are trying to optimize where optimization isn't due. And the temp files of the CGI object are deleted before you actually access them. Your code should work when you extend the lifetime of the CGI object, e.g. by adding it to the %in hash.
Always use strict; use warnings;. There are no excuses.
Global variables are declared with our. The vars pragma is a historical artifact. But please don't use global variables, as they are unneccessary here.
Don't call functions like &foo unless you can tell me what exactly this does. Until you have this knowledge: foo().
Use the header method of the CGI object to write headers: $q->header('text/plain').
The \n may not be what you think it is. Do a binmode STDOUT to remove the :crlf PerlIO-layer if it is currently applied. Although equivalent to \r\n, It may be clearer to write \015\012 to demonstrate that you care about the actual bytes.
You can interpolate variables into strings, you know. You can also specify a string that is to be appended after each print by setting $\:
local $\ = "\015\012";
print "in{'upfile'}=$in{'upfile'}";
print "in{'desc'}=$in{'desc'}";
print "fname=$fname";
print "fsize=$fsize";
Don't use bareword filehandles. Instead of open OUT, "<", $fname you should open my $outfh, "<", $fname.
Why did you put one close in an eval? I don't see how this should die.