Running a program on a remote machine as part of continuous integration - nant

We use TeamCity, nant and psexec to run a command on a remote machine as part of the release packaging. Everything works fine when I run the nant from the console but when running from teamcity psexec hangs (freezes) 50% of the times.
I looked through many forums and there seems to be workarounds that increase complexity of the call and involve loosing the output and the errorcode of the command.
Does anyone know an easier way to run a command on a remote machine?
I don't mind setting up some application on the remote machine, like a telnet server, any advices on what to do?

I have solved this issue with a combination of RemCom and a custom MSBuild task called ExecParse.
RemCom, because it doesn't do odd things with STDOUT (thus hanging the build). We used, and ExecParse to capture the output of the remote task, and parse the Exit Code from the output, because the standard MSBuild Exec task does not capture output. Some NAnt equivalent that captures the output would work.
I've detailed this in a blog post: "Continuous Integration: Executing Remote Tasks with TeamCity, MSBuild, RemCom, and ExecParse"

PsExec does some funky things with the standard input/output, and invoking this from Java (which TeamCity is built on) raises all kinds of problems and stability issues. psexec -d did not work wither.
I solved it by using Powershell in Team City.
The script below stops an IIS 7 ApplicationPool on a remote server:
[string]$HostName = "myWebServer"
[string]$Cmd = "C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe stop apppool MyMainAppPool”
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList ($Cmd) -ComputerName $HostName
More about it on my blog:

How about putting a (nant) time-out on the psexec and repeat the call until no time-out happens?

I use PSExec with the -d option (don't wait for it to finish) and capture the return code. The return code when you used -d is the process ID of the process running on the remote system. then I use PSList to poll the remote system for the process ID until I don't find it on the remote system any longer.

What happens if you setup TeamCity build agent on remote machine and let it perform the operation locally, passing it the binaries with "Artifact Dependencies"?


Execute Process Task running PowerShell script fails with exit code -1073741790

I am trying to run a PowerShell script that a colleague wrote and deployed to run as an SSIS package. He is able to run the script successfully within Visual Studio and it runs fine from the SQL Agent scheduler.
When I run the script - indeed, any PowerShell script - from an Execute Process task in Visual Studio, I get the same exit error code:
The process exit code was "-1073741790" while the expected was "0".
As far as we can both tell, our development environments are almost identical.
Wondering if anyone has any insight or advice on how to debug and resolve.
This sounds like a security or trust issue. Please relax the powershell permissions on your system and then check again. You can do this by running this command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
That will determine if this is indeed an execution policy or something different and you can move on from there by changing the execution policy setting permanently, ad-hoc or by creating signed scripts.
Using the Set-ExecutionPolicy Cmdlet

how do i make a service run a script outside of session 0

The UPS software I am using has functionality to run a script on the management PC (PC1) when it goes into battery mode. I have come up with a powershell script (ShutdownVM.ps1) that works fine on its own to Invoke-Commands on the VM server; shutting down VM's gracefully and turning off the host machine (SERVER). The first problem arose when the UPS software could not directly run a .ps1 file.
Simple enough, I thought I would make a simple .bat (shutdown.bat) file to run the .ps1 file on PC1 to shut everything off on SERVER. Running my .bat file from the desktop pc worked perfectly, but as the UPS software would run it as a service, my poor .bat file would run from Session 0.
Here is the code i used in Shutdown.bat:
#echo on
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -command C:\Windows\ShutdownVM.ps1
The interactive services manager would pop up and my computer would hang and finally the UPS software would turn it off and I'd be back to square one, with SERVER and its VM's still running. So I thought I would download and use PSExec to execute my shutdown.bat file.
I made another .bat file and called it PSExec.bat and below is the code in it:
#echo on
psexec.exe -accepteula \\PC1 -h -u user -p pass -i 2 C:\Windows\shutdown.bat
Finally! It tries to run! Upon checking the interactive services manager, it showed the PSExec was throwing the error "the system cannot find the file specified"
"The System Cannot Find The File Specified"
I have no idea what file it is even looking for, I have double, triple checked the path names in my scripts and still have no idea as to what it is doing. If anyone could shed any light (or let me know of an easier way to achieve what I am trying to do) that would be great. Thanks!

Is it possible to log all powershell commands run on a machine?

We have some .net applications running on a server that run powershell scripts. Is there a setting where we can log every single powershell command run on that machine, without modifying our existing applications? I already tried start-transcript . That command only captures the commands run in the current session.
I believe Microsoft calls what you're after "Over the Shoulder Transcription". It's described here, and will be available in WMF5.

How to invoke an opened Exceed window to run a Perl script using a Schedule Task

To schedule a perl script which is executed on a specific time / day in a week
In a schedule Tasks, I have created a new Task by which the Task will call a batch file with below contents
cd "DRIVE\FOLDER\Hummingbird\Connectivity\14.00\Exceed\"
cd mDrive/bin
perl -publish -location XXX -email
Wen I run the scheduler, the prompt opens up the ABCD.xs exceed file window seperately file but the below commands are executed in the command pronpt itself
I want the commands
cd mDrive/bin
perl -publish -location XXX -email
to be executed in the exceed window
Any kind of solution wud be great
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you need to start getting into either SendKey stuff (Win32 packages) or else look into writing Exceed/Hummingbird scripts and just executing those.
Some other things to look into... does the remote server have a telnet or ssh server running? Or are there other methods of executing code on the remote server?
For example, my work's mainframe is accessed via a Hummingbird terminal emulator, but I can also telnet to the mainframe and execute commands as well as FTP batch job directly into the JES spool. So when I execute things on the mainframe by way of my PC (Perl scripts, etc.), I don't even fool with Hummingbird.
Good luck...

powershell remote installing apps

I am trying to install a msi from a network share remotely.
$app = [WMICLASS]"\\$pcname\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_Product"
I am getting an err 1619. From some sources say that WMI cannot install remotely with first coping it to the local computer and running it. Some sources use this command to exactly.
That way works great, but I want to install via share so when the developer updates this msi, it will update the installed instances automagiclly. If I install them locally, the update would not be detected (not sure of this).
So I have tried using methods along these lines:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $pcname{ msiexec /quiet /i "\\appsvr\apps\theapp.msi" }
Those commands seem to go off into the blackhole, those that command works when run locally.
Anyone have a method for doing this that works?
In your last scenario, you're credentials are likely getting lost. This is known as the "double-hop authentication" (or maybe it's "second-hop") problem. You're using creds from ServerA, to run something on ServerB, but it in the end has to connect to ServerC.
There's a fix if you have PowerShell v2 installed everywhere and are willing to accept the implications: