iPhone gui message from perl/shell-script possible? - iphone

I want to write a perlscript on my iPhone that is able to give me a heads up at certain points so I'm wondering how I would go about doing that.
Is there a way to get a message through the gui from a script running in the background? I've been looking without much luck. I had a thought about inserting a fake sms into the sqlite db as a last resort but it seems somewhat unlikely that it would work.
It would be nice to be able to make a push notification style popup appear but that might too much to ask.
Any ideas?

For reasons of security and stability, Apple does not allow scripting languages on the iPhone. You can run them on a jailbroken phone but I'm given to understand it's a hassle.
From the Apple Push Notification Programming Guide:
Note: On a desktop system, a
background process is often the means
whereby users are informed of
downloadable data for an application
that currently isn’t running. But on a
device such as the iPhone, background
applications are, for performance and
security reasons, prohibited. Only one
application may be executing at a
The iPhone is a secure and reliable phone first and a computer second. Computing is sacrificed to ensure a reliable phone.

I found a solution I liked so I decided to share it. I found an app for jailbroken iPhones called GriP - Growl for iPhone. Which changes the way push notifications and other messages are handled. It also makes it possible to send messages from the command line via something along the lines of:
/usr/bin/GriP -t "Title" -d "Description"
It has worked great so far.
Thank you for your help TechZen and molecules.

Do you want information from your phone itself or from an outside source? If you want information from an outside source, you could set up a Perl script on a computer to e-mail yourself notifications (see Sending Email with Perl Best Practice).


Fetch from background

I am writing an iPhone app, and I have a remote server that will deliver content. I would like to have my app poll the server once per day to see if there is new content, even if it's not running or in the background. I would also like to do this without setting up an APNS. Any advice?
You can't do that, either when your 'not' running or if you are running in the background. The best you could do is to download once per day when your app is first run / pushed to the foreground.
You could use remote notifications to "prompt" the user to bring the app to the foreground so that it could download something?
With the current apple IOS guidelines, that is about the best you can do.
I read that you are trying to avoid using APNS, but I am wondering if you are trying to avoid it for the right reasons, especially when it is designed to efficiently solve the scenario you are describing. I've seen many developers seek alternative solutions to APNS simply because the technology appeared to be complex to use after looking at Apple's documentation. The online documentation does go into a lot of details, right down to the binary protocol level.
But just to be sure you know, there are open-source libraries whose only purpose is to shield you from all these technical details. Some libraries are more complex than others, but some are remarkably user-friendly. If you have not done so already, you might like to take a look at JavaPNS and other similar projects.

How to hook text messages in iphone

I'm trying to develope an iphone application which helps for filtering spam text messages.
But I don't know how to hook text messages.
Please help me.
You just can't. iOS API as of today does not give you access to text messages. Not to read them, not to send them, not to filter them. Sorry to break you bad news.
If your phone is jailbroken, you could do it by accessing the SQLITE database where text messages are stored. But you definitely won't be able to distribute your application through AppStore.
In order to do what you are trying to do, you are going to need to hook into the API. It is possible to jailbreak an iPhone without it being identified as 'jail-broken', though it's a bit tricky and a single screw up can deem your HID jailbroken for life.
If you're attempting to make a program usable for any user, this is not the method you want to use.
The only way this would be possible, is through a virus.

Phone development: interact with the call?

Today, the focus of a cell phone's capabilities is drifting away from plain making a phone call.
And somehow, this shows in the API's too. Therefor I'm wondering: if I want to write an app that e.g. pitches up, records, scrambles... an incoming call - you know, the voice on the other side -, what aspect of the API should I use?
I looked into Android, into Windows Phone, iPhone... (briefly), but had no luck. Is this just unintended usage?
This is also not possible with Windows Phone 7. There were, however, API methods for interacting with incoming and outgoing calls and texts in Windows Mobile.
The reason this is not possible in Windows Phone 7 comes down to a deliberate decision around data security and the aim that apps on the phone shouldn't be able to do something without the user specifically knowing about it. This prevents, amongst other things, malicious apps having information about or access to potentially sensitive data.
This is not possible in Android, except maybe via firmware modifications.
There’s no way to do that with the iPhone SDK. It may be possible through jailbreaking, but I’m not familiar enough with it to speak on it.
Given the limited accessibility of in-call audio but ready access to microphone/speaker and data on current smartphones, would probably be easiest to do this as part of a VOIP calling application.

Should we required to check iPhone is jailbraked

Some of our application is already in AppStore...
But suddenly one thing comes into my mind, that I want to clear before submitting my next application.
The thing is : As a programmer's point of view, should we require to handle if iPhone Device is jailbreaked ? If yes, then how we can tackle with this ?
Thanks in advance....
On a general note, jail-breaking the device is an issue between the user, Apple and potentially the carrier. You are not a side in this relationship, and the user has no contractual obligations to you with regards to their device.
You could choose to attempt detecting jail-broken devices in an attempt to prevent piracy of your app. However:
If the device is jail-broken, there's nothing you can do to reliably verify it's not jail-broken, since none of the OS APIs (including networking) is guaranteed to function as you expect. Your code could be running in a non-jail-broken simulation on top of jail-broken device.
Of course, you could check by attempting to do one of the things you currently know Apple actively prevents apps from doing. However, there's no guarantee that Apple is not going to allow that particular action in future. And, there's the chance that your app might get rejected because you are attempting to do something prohibited by Apple.
There is no official criteria from Apple on what constitutes a jail-broken device and what does not. And even if there was, you are not guaranteed to be notified in a timely manner (or at all) by Apple if they decide to change any such criteria. But even assuming you do get notified somehow, you can't update your app quick enough to avoid falsely detected jail-broken devices, thus potentially denying access to your app to legitimate users.
If you would like to cut off a large group of users, then sure, go ahead and require it.
Unless your application specifically requires it, there should be no reason to force users to have a jailbroken iPhone or a non-jailbroken iPhone.
If you program is legitimate (no private API calls etc), then you should not concern yourself with JB. You don't need to handle anything differently if the users phone has been JB'd. If it has, and your software doesn't run (say memory issues because they are using backgrounder to run 2 other things) then that's their problem not yours. Make your code well behaved, not leak memory, dump cache's etc with memory warnings, and you should be fine.
As you asked for the "programmer's point of view", I'd say: make sure your app runs on as many devices as possible.
Meaning: as long as you app is safe to run on an iPhone whether it's JB or not, I wouldn't care.
One thing I have found, at least early on (not seen it for a while) is that most reports I got of strange behaviour with my app (vConqr) turned out to be from people with jailbroken phones.
That's not to say I think that's good reason to block them. But if you do any sort of custom crash reporting, or other diagnostics it could be useful to log the fact to save time on troubleshooting.
Do a search on the Internet. You'll find several articles that shows some ways you can detect a pirated app. I make no claim on their effectiveness, but I do use some of these in my own apps. These techniques do not try to detect if a phone is jailbroken; they focus on detecting if your app has been tampered with.

Scheduling iPhone application execution

I'm writing an iPhone app for a client, and they have requested a feature whereby the app "wakes up" at certain times during the day to display a message to the user.
I'm well aware that I can't have the application run in the background and simply move to the foreground at the appropriate time (short of requiring jailbreaking, which isn't really an option for a commercial app). What I'd ideally like would be to simply have the system schedule the application to be run at a particular time of day.
As far as I can tell, the only way to achieve this seems to be to implement push notifications and have a server send the app a message at the appropriate time of day. But this is really ugly and undesirable for several reasons:
It requires a constant internet connection on the user's phone (something that I can't really assume)
It places a large burden on the server in having to keep track of these times (which may be different for each user)
Its just a generally crappy workaround - that's not what push messages are designed for, a dedicated scheduler seems like a much better option.
Does anyone know of a better alternative?
Currently, this is the only option. File a bug with Apple requesting 'local notifications' (a term I've heard their engineers use in relation to this problem.) Ideally, they would work just as push notifications work now, but not require any net connection. Sorry!
Now you can use local notification instead of push notification. Available in iOS 4.0.