What does "error: redefinition" mean? and how do i fix it? - iphone

I got this error twice. it says "error: redefinition of '-[SampleTableViewController tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:]'"

You probably have the method '-[SampleTableViewController tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:]' twice in your project (file) and the compiler can't decide which one to pick.


Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type mysqli_result as array

I found the line where this problem is, but I don't know what to do with it since I'm not that advanced yet... It's the first line here, can you help me with this, please?
Where is your mysqli object. Post that code

Error in objective C

I am trying to run unit test whereby I am getting an warning:
'FileName' may not respond to '-failWithException:'
I wanted to know why this warning occurs and how to fix that?
Either the FileName interface does not declare the failWithException: method, or you have not imported the header file in which the interface is declared.
Whatever sort of object FileName is, the compiler can't find a method named '-failWithException' in that class. The solution is to go implement that method on that class, or to make sure the compiler can find the header file where it already is implemented.
By the way, it's a warning instead of an error because, unlike for instance Java, Objective-C allows you to manipulate classes at runtime. So while you PROBABLY have a problem there, you don't DEFINITELY have a problem, so the IDE gives you a yellow warning rather than a red error. But in your case, this is almost certainly something you need to fix.

iPhone Dev: error: cannot find protocol declaration for 'NSXMLParserDelegate'

I've got an Xcode project that I know works, but when I try to build it on a different machine, I get this error:
error: cannot find protocol declaration for 'NSXMLParserDelegate'
along with about 90 other random syntax errors. I wonder if it has something to do with the build configuration? Because I can't think what else would've changed.
Appreciate any input, thanks!

Problem using SmartTabs in Emacs

I'm trying to use smarttabs.el from https://gist.github.com/188961 in latest emacs-dev (bzr). When trying to compile or load it I get the error:
smarttabs.el:54:1:Error: Don't know how to make a localized variable an alias
which is completely new to me. How do I correct this?
Also see http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmartTabs for package explanation.
The error message is trying to say that defvaralias (used in the smart-tabs-advice macro) doesn't do what jacius thinks it does. But I'm not quite sure what he thinks it does, so I'm not sure how to fix it. Try reporting the error to him.

Objective-C error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'class'

I'm getting this from an iPhone app I'm working on. Not sure how to interpret the error... It's thrown at a few place in my code. I can't see any pattern of occurrence.
Is this a generic error? What's the meaning of it?
The error you posted indicates that you have a syntax error around your use of class. Manually inspect the first location the error is reported, and you might notice the cause.
To help you debug further, please include the surrounding code so we can better help you.
Most common causes:
Missed # in #class for forward class declaration in headers
Missed ; after the declaration of an enum, a structure, or a typedef
Copied C++ code, where class is used to declare a structure, but code is invalid in Objective-C
I've just solved this exact same problem and I have been tearing my hair out over it.
GCC wasn't highlighting the problem in the header file where the error actually occurred - I had a stray 'B' character at the bottom of a header file (from running command-B to compile). The error was then being thrown in the .m file and other .h files which included the problematic one, often at the #class statement.
If it's throwing an issue with your #class statement, the problem is almost definitely in one of the preceding header files, as you include them directly beforehand - try commenting these out one-by-one and recompiling to find out which. Once you find the culprit file, finding the actual error will be much easier.
Same as Ronan except this time I had a stray character in a source file just before I started importing headers (similarly it was an 's' for Command-S). This particularly threw me since the error message was associated with a library header file that I had never touched and the app was working fine for weeks before that. So if you are getting these errors associated with header files that appear to be fine and that you haven't touched look around for something like this.