Lazy and Deferred TreeViewer questions - eclipse

I have actually two questions but they are kind of related so here they go as one...
How to ensure garbage collection of tree nodes that are not currently displayed using TreeViewer(SWT.VIRTUAL) and ILazeTreeContentProvider?
If a node has 5000 children, once they are displayed by the viewer they are never let go,
hence Out of Memory Error if your tree has great number of nodes and leafs and not big enough heap size.
Is there some kind of a best practice how to avoid memory leakages, caused by never closed view holding a treeviewer with great amounts of data (hundreds of thousands objects or even millions)?
Perhaps maybe there is some callback interface which allow greater flexibility with viewer/content provider elements?
Is it possible to combine deffered (DeferredTreeContentManager) AND lazy (ILazyTreeContentProvider) loading for a single TreeViewer(SWT.VIRTUAL)?
As much as I understand by looking at examples and APIs, it is only possible to use either one at a given time but not both in conjunction, e.g. ,
fetch ONLY the visible children for a given node AND fetch them in a separate thread using Job API. What bothers me is that Deferred approach
loads ALL children. Although in a different thread, you It still load all elements
even though only a minimal subset are displayed at once.
I can provide code examples to my questions if required...
I am currently struggling with those myself so If I manage to come up with something in the meantime I will gladly share it here.

I find the Eclipse framework sometimes schizophrenic. I suspect that the DeferredTreeContentManager as it relates to the ILazyTreeContentProvider is one of these cases.
In another example, at EclipseCon this past year they recommended that you use adapter factories (IAdapterFactory) to adapt your models to the binding context needed at the time. For example, if you want your model to show up in a tree, do it this way.
treeViewer = new TreeViewer(parent, SWT.BORDER);
IAdapterFactory adapterFactory = new AdapterFactory();
Platform.getAdapterManager().registerAdapters(adapterFactory, SomePojo.class);
treeViewer.setLabelProvider(new WorkbenchLabelProvider());
treeViewer.setContentProvider(new BaseWorkbenchContentProvider());
Register your adapter and the BaseWorkbenchContentProvider will find the adaption in the factory. Wonderful. Sounds like a plan.
"Oh by-the-way, when you have large datasets, please do it this way", they say:
TableViewertableViewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.VIRTUAL);
// skipping the noise
tableViewer.setContentProvider(new LazyContentProvider());
tableViewer.setLabelProvider(new TableLabelProvider());
It turns out that first and second examples are not only incompatible, but they're mutually exclusive. These two approaches where probably implemented by different teams that didn't have a common plan or maybe the API is in the middle of a transition to a common framework. Nevertheless you're on your own.


Embedding version control of the weaviate

In Weaviate, the vector engine, I wonder how this can handle version issue of embedding model.
For instance, considering the (trained) word2vec model, embedded vectors from different models must be seperated.
One option might think is that make distinct multiple classes representing model version.
Custom script may useful. If new model available, create new class and import accorded data. After that, change (GET) entrypoints (used for searching nearest vectors) to the new class.
Or maybe weaviate have other fancy way to handle this issue, but I couldn't find.
As at version 1.17.3, you have to manage this yourself because weaviate only supports one embedding per object.
There is a feature request to allow multiple embeddings per object here. But it sounds like your request is closer to this one. In any case, have a look at them and upvote the one that addresses your need so the engineering team can prioritize accordingly. Also, feel free to raise a new feature request if neither of these addresses your needs.

Does the Javascript Firestore client cache document references?

Just in case I'm trying to solve the XY problem here, here's some context (domain is a role-playing game companion app). I have a document (campaign), which has a collection (characters), and I'm working with / angularfire.
The core problem here is that if I query the collection of characters on a campaign, I get back Observable<Character[]>. I can use that in an *ngFor let character of characters | async just fine, but this ends up being a little messy downstream - I really want to do something like have the attributes block as a standalone component (<character-attributes [character]="character">) and so on.
This ends up meaning down in the actual display components, I have a mixture of items that change via ngOnChanges (stuff that comes from the character) and items that are observable (things injected by global services like the User playing a particular Character).
I have a couple options for making this cleaner (the zeroth being: just ignore it).
One: I could flatten all the possible dependencies into scalars instead of observables (probably by treating things like the attributes as a real only-view component and injecting more data as a direct input - <character-attributes [character]="" [player]="" [gm]=""> etc. Displayable changes kind of take care of themselves.
Two: I could find some magical way to convert an Observable<Character[]> into an Observable<Observable<Character>[]> which is kind of what I want, and then pass the Character observable down into the various character display blocks (there's a few different display options, depending on whether you're a player (so you want much more details of your character, and small info on everything else) or a GM (so you want intermediate details on everything that can expand into details anywhere).
Three: Instead of passing a whole Character into my component, I could pass and have child components construct an observable for it in ngOnInit. (or maybe switchMap in ngOnChanges, it's unclear if the angular runtime will reuse actual components for different items by changing out the arguments, but that's a different stack overflow question). In this case, I'd be doing multiple reads of the same document - once in a query to get all characters, and once in each view component that is given the characterId and needs to fetch an observable of the character in question.
So the question is: if I do firestore.collection('/foo/1/bars').valueChanges() and later do firestore.doc('/foo/1/bars/1').valueChanges() in three different locations in the code, does that call four firestore reads (for billing purposes), one read, or two (one for the query and one for the doc)?
I dug into the firebase javascript sdk, and it looks like it's possible that the eventmanager handles multiple queries for the same item by just maintaining an array of listeners, but I quite frankly am not confident in my code archaeology here yet.
There's probably an option four here somewhere too. I might be over-engineering this, but this particular toy project is primarily so I can wrestle with best-practices in firestore, so I want to figure out what the right approach is.
I looked at the code linked from the SDK and it might be the library is smart enough to optimize multiple observers of the same document to just read the document once. However this is an implementation detail that is dangerous to rely on, as it could change without notice because it's not part of the public API.
On one hand, if you have the danger above in mind and are still willing to investigate, then you may create some test program to discover how things work as of today, either by checking the reads usage from the Console UI or by temporarily modifying the SDK source adding some logging to help you understand what's happening under the hood.
On the other hand, I believe part of the question arises from a application state management perspective. In fact, both listening to the collection or listening to each individual document will notify the same changes to the app, IMO what differs here is how data will flow across the components and how these changes will be managed. In that aspect I would chose whatever approach feels better codewise.
Hope this helps somewhat.

EF - multiple includes to eager load hierarchical data. Bad practice?

I am needing to eager load a hierarchy structure so that I can recursively iterate through it. The eager loading is necessary to prevent multiple db queries while traversing the tree. It seems the consensus is that you can't eager load infinite levels of the tree, so I did something like
var item= db.ItemHierarchies
.Where(x => x.condition == condition)
to load 5 levels of children. This seems to get the job done. I'm wondering what the drawback is to doing this? If there is none then theoretically could I add 50 levels of includes here without slowing things down?
I recommend taking a look at the SQL that is generated as you add eager loading to your query.
var item= db.ItemHierarchies
var sql = ((System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery) item).ToTraceString()
You'll see that the SQL quickly gets very big and complicated and can potentially have serious performance implications. You'd do well to limit your eager loading to data that you are certain you will need and to consider using explicit loading for some of the related entities - especially if you're working with connected entities in which case you can explicitly load collection properties when they're needed.
Also note that you may not need multiple separate Includes. For example, the following needs to be separate Includes because they're addressing separate properties (Widgets and Spanners) of the root.
var item= db.ItemHierarchies
But the following isn't necessary:
var item= db.ItemHierarchies
.Include("Widgets") //This isn't necessary.
.Include("Widgets.Flanges") //This loads both Widges and Flanges.
Well honestly.. It's an extremely bad practice.
Let's assume you had 50 objects in your root.. and 50 per level.
You may end up retrieving 312500000 "capsules" of information.
Now, one might ask: "So what is wrong with that?!",
I mean if that is what is required than why not do that..
Rule #1: we develop software that should be used by human beings.
And the fact is that no human capable of taking a glimpse at 312500000 items of information at once and learn or conclude something beneficial out of it. (except.. that it does not help him or her to watch it)
Rule #2: UI should be based on what is needed and not what is possible.
And since we already established that showing 312500000 capsules of data is not needed there is no reason to bring all that at once.
And now you might come forward and say - But I don't care about the UI, really! All I need is to iterate in that data in order to process some information!
In that case you would probably want to save your results somewhere for future reference, but that means that its a batch job.. so why not apply batch job rules upon it.. like process it item by item which will also may give you the benefit of splitting it between even more machines if needed.
So you see.. no matter which path you choose there should be no reason to do it.
(= definition of what is a bad practice.)
After reading interesting concerns in the comments, I would like to update this answer with more analysis:
Deciding what is a bad practice must always be in reference to what is to be achieved or what is the role of each part in the system. In the current situation (after reading the comments) it has been brought or implied that the data storage is actually a persistent medium for objects opposed to a different concept where the data is the 'heart' of the application.
We can define two data types:
1) Data-Center which is being used in data-centric applications such as banks, CRM, ERP, websites or other service based solutions.
2) Data-Persistence medium which is being used as data to be saved for when the application is not active, in example: any simple app save file or any game save file and etc.
The main difference is that a data persistence medium is to be accessed only by a single instance of the app at a single point in time.. meaning the data is not designed to be shared by many instances. if the data is to be shared - we are dealing with a data-center application.
If your app just need a data-persistence medium - loading all the information cannot be considered as a bad practice - but you still need to make sure you are not exploding the memory. and in that frame of work, SQL Server might not be what you need or the best tool to use.
In the other case of Data-Centric application - my original answer remains as it will be a bad practice to bring all the information per instance of the application.

Recreate a graph that change in time

I have an entity in my domain that represent a city electrical network. Actually my model is an entity with a List that contains breakers, transformers, lines.
The network change every time a breaker is opened/closed, user can change connections etc...
In all examples of CQRS the EventStore is queried with Version and aggregateId.
Do you think I have to implement events only for the "network" aggregate or also for every "Connectable" item?
In this case when I have to replay all events to get the "actual" status (based on a date) I can have near 10000-20000 events to process.
An Event modify one property or I need an Event that modify an object (containing all properties of the object)?
Theres always an exception to the rule but I think you need to have an event for every command handled in your domain. You can get around the problem of processing so many events by making use of Snapshots.
I assume you mean currently your "connectable items" are part of the "network" aggregate and you are asking if they should be their own aggregate? That really depends on the nature of your system and problem and is more of a DDD issue than simple a CQRS one. However if the nature of your changes is typically to operate on the items independently of one another then then should probably be aggregate roots themselves. Regardless in order to answer that question we would need to know much more about the system you are modeling.
As for the challenge of replaying thousands of events, you certainly do not have to replay all your events for each command. Sure snapshotting is an option, but even better is caching the aggregate root objects in memory after they are first loaded to ensure that you do not have to source from events with each command (unless the system crashes, in which case you can rely on snapshots for quicker recovery though you may not need them with caching since you only pay the penalty of loading once).
Now if you are distributing this system across multiple hosts or threads there are some other issues to consider but I think that discussion is best left for another question or the forums.
Finally you asked (I think) can an event modify more than one property of the state of an object? Yes if that is what makes sense based on what that event represents. The idea of an event is simply that it represents a state change in the aggregate, however these events should also represent concepts that make sense to the business.
I hope that helps.

Is there a better way to use sorting and filtering with ILazyTreeContentProvider

Apparently if using ILazyTree(TreePath)ContentProvider sorting and filtering is not supported by TreeViewers. So setting ViewerFilters or Sorters/Comparators to your TreeView won't do any good. Perhaps this is related to not knowing all elements, including those not visible at the moment.
In support to this statement here is javadoc excerpt from org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer class:
If the content provider is an
ILazyTreeContentProvider or an
ILazyTreePathContentProvider, the underlying Tree must be
created using the {#link SWT#VIRTUAL} style bit, the tree viewer will not
support sorting or filtering, and hash lookup must be enabled by calling
{#link #setUseHashlookup(boolean)}.
The only solution I see at the moment is to get the children for each node already ordered. If you need dynamic sorting, i.e., being able to switch sorting order in desc or asc order during run time, then you need to come up with your own solution for this, monitoring a boolean flag of sorts when filling and updating children for example.
Are you aware possibly of better solutions, perhaps more jface API involving?
Indeed, sorting is not possible for a VIRTUAL-TreeViewer whether you use a IStructuredContentProvider or a lazy one, as noted in this thread:
You will have to do the sorting yourself (in your model).
The underlying assumption is that the elements might not even be in memory.
Things may change in e4 (from this message in June 2009):
IMHO the JFace Virtual Table and Tree implementation is not as good as the none virtual one - well I stay away from it and use it in none of my projects.
[...] its senseless to have virtual tables because from an UI-Design point of view it is senseless to show an user 10.000s of elements and even more important because the model
stays resident in your memory showing big tables with JFace might eat up
all your heapspace
(We hope to come up with a redesigned set of Viewers in E4 who fix such problems).
See this project and bug 260451.
(more genral bugs: 167436 and 262160)
Right now:
we are creating a strong reference in the viewer after the table requested it.
IMHO its much better to give the user:
- paging
- intelligent filtering possibilities
instead of showing million of results and then e.g. in case of CDO (Connected Data Objects) the filtering happens on the server using their new query-API.