Eclipse plugin - eclipse

I want to write an eclipse plugin to show the actual value of the message code. The values are to be loaded from the given resource bundle. Only classes of the resource bundle will be available. So I require to load the resource bundle class which is declared in the current file. These class files will be in the classes folder or in a jar file in the lib folder. Is there any way to load the classes dynamically from the eclipse plugin? Thanks in advance

An Example how to get a externalized string from a file
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "de.stackoverflow.package.messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final ResourceBundle RESOURCE_BUNDLE = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME);
Every plugin does have a bundle object where you can load the files of a plugin. The Bundle object should contain every information you want to use.

Have a look at the Bundle class. There is the following method:
public Class loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException;
To get the bundle from your plugin:
Hope this help


fx:include when resources are in a different JAR

I created a framework which opens FXML in other jar files. I use the following to open them:
(fxml) is a string passed in from a DB query...
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent node = loader.load(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fxml).openStream());
This works for all my FXML and I really don't want to change this.
I have one new window which will have a very similar implementation with another and I wanted to share the FXML between them with fx:include.
However this throws the error javafx.fxml.LoadException: Base location is undefined.
I found this link about linked files
Is there anyway around this - without changing my entire implementation? If not, likely will just duplicate the logic.
The problem is that if you provide an InputStream, the location (a URL) is undefined. Apparently your FXML is using the location somewhere (e.g. via location resolution) Try
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(fxml));
Parent node = loader.load();

Extracting data from owl file using java,gwt,eclipse

I have to display content from the owl file namely the class names.. onto my browser, I am using GWT,eclipse to do so, could some one tell me the following :-
1)how do I integrate the owl file with the eclipse project?
2)How do I run queries from my java project to extract class names from the owl file?
3)Where can I get the protege api to nclude into my project?!
You could just store your .owl file anywhere inside your project or on any other location on your harddrive. You just provide a path to it, when you load/store it (see code below).
Take a look at the OWLAPI, it allows you to load an existing ontology and retrieve all classes from it. Your code could look like this:
private static void loadAndPrintEntities() {
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
IRI documentIRI = IRI.create("file:///C:/folder/", "your_rontology.owl");
try {
OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(documentIRI);
//Prints all axioms, not just classes
ontology.axioms().forEach(a -> System.out.println(a));
} catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) {
Rather than trying to integrate the Protegé API into your project, I suggest you write a plugin for Protegé. There are some great examples that should get you started. Import this project into Eclipse, modify the content, build your plugin and drop it into Protegé. That's it, you're ready to go!

Using resource files (CultureInfo) in C# class file

I need a help with using resource files in C# class files.
My code:
class errorMessages
private static ResourceManager LocRM = new ResourceManager("Project1.languageFile", typeof(errorMessages).Assembly);
public static void XMLParseError(String msg)
MessageBox.Show(LocRM.GetString("XMLParseError") + "\n" + msg, LocRM.GetString("error"),
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
+ created 2 .resx files named languageFile.en.resx and in main Project1 folder
Now I want to use String from languageFile, in my class errorMessages, specified to localization which was set before. How can I do it?
I tried to add my Strings to WinForm .resx file, but that's clearing my data with any edit of WinForm.
I found answer for my question by myself, so I will write that solution, I hope it will help somebody.
Default resources file is located in [projectName]/Properties. I you want to add manually localizable resource files, you need to do that this way:
right click on Project in Solution Explorer -> Add new item -> resource file
Then set the name of file to Resources.[language].resx - in my case that are two files, and Resources.en.resx. After file is created, move it to Properties directory.
Now you can add your resources and use it this way:
MessageBox.Show(Project1.Properties.Resources.XMLParseError, Project1.Properties.Resources.information,
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
Now chosen String will be in language setted in CultureInfo, or, if there is no that resource, default Resource file will be used.
source: MSDN - How to: Create a Localized Version of a Resource File

Eclipse OSGI config: relative paths and/or #config.dir-like substitutions?

In my RCP app, I would like to point a property ( to a file, and would prefer using paths relative to my installation and config dir.
Is there a definitive spec on what kind of variables are supported in config.ini?
#config.dir seems to be supported, there are references in the builtin, and it's always mentioned as typical example (e.g this SO answer )
However, looking at docs like Eclipse help/Runtime Options, it mentions a few "symbolic locations" like #user.home; however that seems fairly limited and doesn't include #config.dir.
Have even dug into org.eclipse.osgi sources as well, and found no references to this (I did find LocationManager and its hard coded variable substitutions for #user.dir & co).
Can I refer to arbitrary system properties there in some way?
Is this #config.dir a special case, only handled by P2? UPDATE: this seems to be the case.. looking at Eclipse SDK, About .. Configuration dialog shows #config.dir unresolved, probably taken literally by the Equinox..
Thanks for any hints.
I'm late to the party, but hopefully this will help others in the future.
Starting with Eclipse 3.8/4.2 (June 2012), you can substitute Java properties and environment variables into your config.ini file (Eclipse Bug 241192). The Equinox launcher does not support substitution in the eclipse.ini launcher file. The syntax uses dollar signs ($VARIABLE$) to indicate variable substitution:
I imagine you could use something like this for your purposes:$osgi.install.area$/path/to/profile.txt
You can use a platform URL (Platform URI scheme) to achieve this, i.e. = platform:/config/java_profile.txt
in config.ini, would point to the file java_profile.txt in the current configuration directory.
You might also use existing system properties in config.ini: = ${osgi.configuration.area}/java_profile.txt
From org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.LocationManager, here are the special tokens:
// Data mode constants for user, configuration and data locations.
private static final String NONE = "#none"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NO_DEFAULT = "#noDefault"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String USER_HOME = "#user.home"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String USER_DIR = "#user.dir"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Why not use two system property variables?
One is named -Dmy.relativepath=filename, which is processed by your code of relative path of eclipse installation folder(workspace or anywhere), another is called -Dmy.path=absolutepath.
The system property is passed to the jvm, you need some tricky(translate the variable in runtime) in the native launcher(like eclipse.exe) if you wants to use variable in its value.
Look how is resolved in org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.Framework:
// check for the java profile property for a url
String propJavaProfile = FrameworkProperties.getProperty(Constants.OSGI_JAVA_PROFILE);
if (propJavaProfile != null)
try {
// we assume a URL
url = new URL(propJavaProfile);
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
// try using a relative path in the system bundle
url = findInSystemBundle(propJavaProfile);
That means must point either to a fully qualified URL, or to a relative path in system bundle (org.eclipse.osgi). This makes impossible usage of installation directory relative path without patching Eclipse.

getting OSGI Bundle from Eclipse IConfigurationElement

I am looking for extensions that implement a specific extension point, and am using the following acceptable method to do this:
IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
if (extensionRegistry == null) {
IConfigurationElement[] config = extensionRegistry.getConfigurationElementsFor("");
I then would like to get the version of the defining bundle. I would use the following API, but the API for PluginVersionIdentifier is deprecated:
for (IConfigurationElement e : config) {
BlueprintTemplate template = new BlueprintTemplate();
IExtension declaringExtension = e.getDeclaringExtension();
PluginVersionIdentifier versionIdentifier = declaringExtension.getDeclaringPluginDescriptor().getVersionIdentifier();
I could not find an alternative in the new API - i.e. from a IConfigurationElement, how do I get the version id descriptor of the bundle. Obviously, from the Bundle I can get the version using the Bundle.getHeaders(), getting the Bundle-Version value - but how do I get the Bundle in the first place??? Platform.getBundle(bundleId) is not enough since I might have multiple versions of same bundle installed, and I need to know who I am. At the moment I have a chicken & egg situation, and the only solution I have is the above deprecated API.
All this information is based on Eclipse 3.6:
Your IContributor will be an instance of RegistryContributor if you are in the osgi environment which of course you are or you wouldn't be having this issue.
RegistryContributor gives you two methods: getID() and getActualID(). getID() may return the host bundle if this was loaded from a fragment. getActualID() always loads the id of the fragment/bundle the contributor represents. You can use this id in your BundleContext.getBundle(long id) method. Here is a snippet:
Bundle bundle;
if (contributor instanceof RegistryContributor) {
long id = Long.parseLong(((RegistryContributor) contributor).getActualId());
Bundle thisBundle = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(getClass());
bundle = thisBundle.getBundleContext().getBundle(id);
} else {
bundle = Platform.getBundle(contributor.getName());
I use a fall through method that will degrade gracefully to a non-version aware solution if IContributor gets a new default implementation in the future. The bundle id is unique to an instance of OSGi so it will load the correct version of the bundle.
I suggest browsing a bit the Javadoc deprecation descriptions, the replacement is documented. I found the following code, but did not test it.
String contributor = e.getDeclaringExtension().getContributor().getName();
Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(contributor);
Version versionInfo = bundle.getVersion();
Out of curiosity: why do you need to get the version of the extending plug-in? As far as I know, the goal of the extension point mechanism is to detach specific information about the extender, and only the information described in the extension (plugin.xml) or the referenced code is needed.