Is newest version of MS Enterprise Library compatible with older versions like 3.1 - enterprise-library

This current project I've been assigned uses the Version 3.1 levels of:
As I try to get to know more about the capabilities of the Ent Lib, I am running into lots of articles and doc about various versions (3.1, 4.0, and 5.0 I think).
In general do the newer versions work with application code written for an earlier release of the Ent Lib? I haven't surveyed all of the source code in this app I've inherited but I think only the "basics" of the Data Access Application Block are being used. Here is a typical piece of code:
public override List<Erx.Action> GetAll(bool bIsActive)
Database db = null;
DbCommand cmd = null;
List<Erx.Action> lst = null;
IDataReader iRdr = null;
db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase();
cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand("Mst_GetAllCorrectiveAction");
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#CorrectiveActionID", DbType.Int32, -1);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#IsActive", DbType.Boolean, bIsActive);
iRdr = db.ExecuteReader(cmd);
lst = new List<Erx.Action>();
while (iRdr.Read())
Action objAction = new Action();
objAction.CorrectiveAction = iRdr["CorrectiveAction"].ToString();
objAction.CorrectiveActionID = int.Parse(iRdr["CorrectiveActionID"].ToString());
objAction.IsActive = (bool)iRdr["IsActive"];
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
db = null;
if (cmd != null)
cmd.Dispose(); cmd = null;
return lst;
Frankly, this does not seem to offer much beyond regular ADO.Net but maybe the newer versions make things simpler (I've heard some very good stuff about Unity).

I just installed Ent Lib 4.1 and dug closely into the doc and found this in the "Introduction to the Data Access Application Block":
Changed Features, Version 3.1 and Later
In general, applications built using earlier releases of the Data Access Application Block will function with this release without the need for any code changes. It may be necessary to update the references to refer to the new assemblies and to update the configuration files to reference the correct version of the assemblies. However, some changes were made to the Data Access Application Block in version 3.1 (May 2007), which may affect applications written for earlier versions if you upgrade to the current version of Enterprise Library. The following sections describe these changes.
The .NET Framework 2.0 TransactionScope Class
To take advantage of the .NET Framework 2.0 TransactionScope class, there have been changes to some of the Database class methods in version of Enterprise Library from version 3.1 onwards. These methods, such as ExecuteNonQuery, have been modified to recognize when a TransactionScope instance is active by replacing the GetConnection method with the GetOpenConnection method. If you have written a class that inherits from the Database class, you will need to rewrite your code to take these changes into account. If you continue to use the GetConnection method, you will receive a compiler warning. In addition, if your application uses the ExecuteXmlReader method, you may need to rewrite your code to test to see whether a TransactionScope instance is active before closing a connection.
For more information, see Using the TransactionScope Class. For an example of how to use the ExecuteXMLReader method, see Retrieving Multiple Rows As XML.
strong text
SQL Server Compact Edition
Enterprise Library 3.1 – May 2007 and later supports SQL Server Compact Edition (CE). SQL Server CE provides the essential features of a relational database and is intended for desktop and mobile applications that need a local data store but do not require the full functionality of SQL Server. For more information, see the section "Using SQL Server CE" in Creating a Database Object.
I am still trying to get a sense of how truly useful this DAAB is. It seems like a tremendous amount of reading of doc is required to end up writing just a little less code than otherwise required with ADO.NET un-aided by the DAAB. I guess if one wanted to provide for an easier switch to say, Oracle [from MS SQL Server), this is a useful way to configure things.

If you have unit tests,port to new and run and see,if you have Resharper it can analyse your solution in VStudio and point out the errors.It will take you time.


Kaitai Struct Parameter Type

I am trying to pass a parameter to ksy file. The parameter is of type another ksy file. The reason is that i need to access all the fields from the ksy file passed as parameter.
Is that possible?
If yes, would you please provide me with syntax code snippet so I can mimic it.
If no, what would be another solution?
Thank You.
Affiliate disclaimer: I'm a Kaitai Struct maintainer (see my GitHub profile).
First, I recommend always using the development version of the Kaitai Struct Web IDE (, not the stable one. The stable IDE deployed at has KS compiler of version 0.8, which is indeed the latest stable version, but already 2 years old at the moment. But the project is under active development, new bug fixes and improvements are coming every week, so the stable Web IDE is pretty much outdated. And thanks to the recent infrastructure enhancement, the devel Web IDE now gets rebuilt every time the compiler is updated, so you can use even the most recent features.
However, you won't be able to simulate the particular situation you describe in the Web IDE, because it can't currently handle top-level parameteric types (there is no hook where you can pass your own values as arguments). But it should work in a local environment. You can compile the commontype.ksy and pty.ksy specs in the Web IDE to the target language you want to use (the manual shows how to do it). The code putting it together could look like this (Java):
Commontype ct = new Commontype(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(new byte[] { 80, 75 }));
Pty r = new Pty(
new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(new byte[] { 80 }), // IO stream
ct // commonword
Note that the actual parameter order of the Pty constructor may be different, e.g. in Python come the custom params (commonword) first and then the IO object. Check the generated code in your particular language.

Compatibility of tslib_eidtools for typo3 7

I am trying to make a pi base extension compatible with typo3 7.6.4. But I am unable to make the compatible version of the following code
$this->feUserObj = tslib_eidtools::initFeUser();
// Connect to database:
It throws the error : Class tslib_eidtools not found. How can i convert the tslib_eidtools class, so that it gets compatible with typo3 7?
In Core File of TYPO3 7.6 LTS the database connection establishing code is located in core/Classes/Database/DatabaseConnection.php. You don't have to create the object of this class.
You could get the DB Object and Connection Parameters from the TYPO3 Globals Constant $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']. Refer Click Here
You could able to write the custom mysql queries using this global object.
Example :
$results = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows (
$groupBy= '',
$orderBy= '',
$limit= '',
$uidIndexField= '' );
TYPO3 "database wrapper" class (new in 3.6.0) This class contains
abstraction functions for executing INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT
queries ("Query execution"; These are REQUIRED for all future
connectivity to the database, thus ensuring DBAL compliance!)
functions for building SQL queries (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT)
("Query building"); These are transitional functions for building SQL
queries in a more automated way. Use these to build queries instead
of doing it manually in your code!
mysqli wrapper functions; These are transitional functions. By a
simple search/replace you should be able to substitute all mysql*()
calls with $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql*() and your application
will work out of the box. YOU CANNOT (legally) use any mysqli
functions not found as wrapper functions in this class! See the
Project Coding Guidelines (doc_core_cgl) for more instructions
on best-practise
Also this connect() method you wont need to use in most of the cases from TYPO3 6.2

Powerbuilder DataStore fail only when deployed as EXE (but succeeds as DataWindow)

I have an app which works great in the development environment but misbehaves when deployed as an EXE. When I click deploy and make an EXE, all of my queries which are run through DataStore objects succeed (SQLCode 0) but return zero rows. Out of frustration I changed to visible datawindows and it magically worked again under an EXE. So I made the datawindows invisible and it continued to work. This is just bizarre. I have another powerbuilder app which is much larger, uses lots of DataStore objects (on the same database) and those work great.
DataStore ds_wacn
ds_wacn = create datastore
ds_wacn.DataObject = 'd_plateaccessions'
ds_wacn.Retrieve(sLoad, iPlate)
IF SQLCA.SQLCode < 0 then ...
// Succeeds in development, fetches zero rows under EXE
dw_wacn.Retrieve(sLoad, iPlate)
IF SQLCA.SQLCode < 0 then ...
// Succeeds in development and in EXE
I was very careful to make sure that the app that works and the one that fails are using the same settings to connect to the database (but still could be a problem there). This is Powerbuilder 11.5.1
Very likely your DataWindow object isn't being compiled into the EXE.
When you compile an EXE, PowerBuilder starts at the Application object and intelligently tries to determine which objects should be included. Since d_plateaccessions is only referenced in a string in a script, it isn't included.
There are two ways around this.
You can create a PBD for the PBL containing the DataWindow. PBD creation blindly includes all objects in the PBL. This method is quite popular, and many people just mark all their PBLs for PBD creation and deploy the PBDs.
You can alternatively create a PBR for the EXE, telling the compiler to force certain DataWindows and graphic files into the EXE. If you really want a single EXE, but don't want the effort of building an appropriate PBR, you can use PBL Peeper to generate PBRs and scripts to force all DataWindows and objects (and find all relevant graphics) into a compiled EXE, using the PBR Builder Plus report.
Good luck,
I have a problem with your first 4 rows.
DataStore ds_wacn
ds_wacn.DataObject = 'd_plateaccessions'
dw_wacn.Retrieve(sLoad, iPlate)
Do you really retrieve on dw_wacn instead of ds_wacn?
And there isn't "create" for your local datastore.
I don't use frenquently local datastore but in this case the code is like this in our program
dataStore ds_myDs
ds_myDds = create datastore
ds_myDds.DataObject = 'myDataObject'
ds_myDds.Retrieve( /*arguments or not*/)
some code
destroy ds_myDs

Calling a stored procedure in Postgresql through F# and Npgsql

I am trying to call a stored procedure in postgresql from F# using the Npgsql type provider.
Currently, I am connected to the database as follows:
open System
open System.Data
open System.Data.Entity
open System.Data.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq
open Npgsql
open NpgsqlTypes
type internal dbSchema = SqlEntityConnection<ConnectionString="**my connection string**", Provider="Npgsql">
let internal db = dbSchema.GetDataContext()
However, I only see the tables on the db type, not any of the stored procedures. Is there a way to use the stored procedures in a statically typed manner through the type provider, instead of just calling the raw query string?
I know this question was asked along time ago, but I thought I would add a reference to the SqlProvider. This has recently had support for PostgreSQL added to it and it includes support for SPROCS.
let connStr = "User ID=postgres;Password=password;Host=POSTGRESQL;Port=9090;Database=hr;"
let resolutionFolder = #"D:\Downloads\Npgsql-2.1.3-net40\"
type HR = SqlDataProvider<ConnectionString=connStr,DatabaseVendor=Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.POSTGRESQL, ResolutionPath = resolutionFolder>
let ctx = HR.GetDataContext()
ctx.Procedures.ADD_JOB_HISTORY(100, DateTime(1993, 1, 13), DateTime(1998, 7, 24), "IT_PROG", 60)
//Support for sprocs that return ref cursors
let employees =
for e in ctx.Functions.GET_EMPLOYEES().ReturnValue do
yield e
Where the resolution folder points to the location of the NPGSQL .NET assemblies.
From the look at you are seeing, it looks like this is not supported somewhere between npgsql, f#, and npgsqltypes. The chance of you getting a good answer here is very low because it would require someone with a strong understanding of this language, the architecture of it, and where exactly each piece of the puzzle relies. It might also require debugging to see what is going wrong.
The previous suggestions were:
Since PostgreSQL doesn't really have stored procedures per se, F# might not recognize them, and
npgsqltypes might be missing some important aspects on the mapping.
I would expect that npgsql would not be where I would start looking at this because, in theory, the type provider should be able to do the lookups itself.
So I would recommend getting on relevant email lists and asking about this assuming it to be a problem with your type provider. Anyone who knows enough to troubleshoot will probably be on those email lists.

Utilizing RijndaelManaged, Enterprise Library and Autofac together

I'm newly experimenting with the cryptography application block while using Autofac as the container.
As a result, I'm using the nuget package EntLibContrib 5.0 - Autofac Configurator.
With the DPAPI Symmetric Crypto Provider, I was able to encrypt/decrypt data just fine.
However, with RijndaelManaged, I receive an ActivationException:
Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException: Activation error occured while trying to get instance of type ISymmetricCryptoProvider, key "RijndaelManaged" ---> Autofac.Core.Registration.ComponentNotRegisteredException: The requested service 'RijndaelManaged (Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.ISymmetricCryptoProvider)' has not been registered. To avoid this exception, either register a component to provide the service, check for service registration using IsRegistered(), or use the ResolveOptional() method to resolve an optional dependency.
Per instructions here:
I am trying to inject CryptographyManager into MyService.
My bootstrapping code looks like this:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
_container = builder.Build();
var autofacLocator = new AutofacServiceLocator(_container);
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current = autofacLocator;
App.config has this info defined for symmetricCryptoProviders:
name: RijndaelManaged
type: Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmProvider, Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Security.Cryptography, Version=5.0.505.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
protectedKeyProtectionScope: LocalMachine
Anyone have experience in this combination of technologies?
After some testing, I believe I may go with a Unity container instead, since I have no preference in IOC containers other than whatever I use should integrate nicely with ASP.NET MVC3 and http-hosted WCF services.
My bootstrapping code then becomes more simple:
var container = new UnityContainer()
container.RegisterType<IMyService, MyService>();
I actually wrote the Autofac EntLib configurator (with some help from some of the P&P folks). It's been tested with the exception handling block and logging block, but I haven't tried it with the cryptography stuff.
EntLib has an interesting thing where it sometimes requires registered services to be named, and I'm guessing from the exception where it says...
type ISymmetricCryptoProvider, key "RijndaelManaged"
...I'm thinking EntLib wants you to register a named service, like:
builder.Register(c =>
// create the HashAlgorithmProvider using
// RijndaelManaged algorithm
I'm sort of guessing at the exact registration since, again, I've not got experience with it or tested it, but the idea is that EntLib is trying to register a named service whereas the actual service isn't getting registered with the name.
The RegisterEnterpriseLibrary extension basically goes through and tries to use the same algorithm that Unity uses to do the named/unnamed registrations. I'm guessing you've encountered an edge case where something's not getting handled right. EntLib is pretty well tied to Unity, even if they did try to abstract it away.
If you're not tied to Autofac, Unity is going to be your lowest-friction path forward. I like the ease of use and more lightweight nature of Autofac, and my apps are tied to it, so I needed everything to work that way; if you don't have such an affinity, might be easier to just use Unity.
Sorry that's not a super answer. EntLib wire-up in IoC is a really complex beast.