How to play iPhone tap sound? - iphone

I have a button in my iPhone app that I'd like to have play the default "keyboard tap" sound when it's tapped. I've been able to play my own custom sounds easily enough, but is there any way to play a default system sound like this in my app?

You must use the System Sound for this.The below might be usefule.Refer Multimedia Programming guide to know more.
CFBundleRef mainbundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
CFURLRef soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL
(mainbundle, CFSTR("tap"), CFSTR("aif"), NULL);
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundFileURLRef, &soundFileObject);
Also you can use the inbuilt system sounds by

The click sound you want is, I believe, in the sample app called SysSound.

I found this, which sounds like what you are looking for.

Nothing public. There's probably an answer if you're willing to dive into private APIs, but this is strongly discouraged (as you will likely break future compatibility, and may get rejected from the app store).

There's an example on the iPhone Dev Center web site for playing short-duration sounds (5 seconds or less), You can use that code to play any sound you want. Find a click sound doing a google search and use that. That's all you need.
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID (fileURL, soundID);


How to disable iOS System Sounds

I am working on an iPad app that connects with an accessory that plays sound. When the iPad is connected to the accessory, I would like to mute all system sounds but allow other sounds (iPod).
Part of the reason for this is that the accessory is such that it is intended to be used during a live performance. Clearly it would be annoying to have e-mail, alert, or any other system sound running through and amplified (crazy loud).
I have looked at using AVAudioSession (read Audio Sessions to learn more) and tried all of the AudioSessionCategories. None of these categories will mute the system sound, instead it will only allow you to mute application sounds (iPod) - not useful for my purposes.
I also found docs on "System Sound Services", but this only allows you to play system sounds. There is no api here to disable system sounds while your app is running.
A final note, we have made it easy to adjust the iPad level (volume) by including the MPVolumeView, but we expect the user to want to play iPod music. If while playing iPod music (or music from another app) and an e-mail comes through, you'd be amazed how LOUD / ANNOYING that e-mail suddenly becomes when going through our accessory. It's even possible it could damage equipment. :D
It is possible to change the system sounds, which turns out to be the ringer btw, using the AVSystemController. However, AVSystemController exists in the private Celestial framework. Since this framework is referenced by UIKit, it is still possible to use this class without directly referencing it.
Apple prohibits using private API's, so that alone makes this a bad idea. Given my circumstance, I think they may make an exception, BUT I will likely abandon this course since after taking it I realized that it didn't fix my problem. It does indeed mute the sounds, but as soon as I plug in to my accessory, the system sounds come out at max volume even though the ringer volume is set to 0. This leads me to believe the answer to solving my problem is in the MFI documentation.
Anyhow, here is how to change the ringer using private framework / api (which will get your app rejected without some kind of special permission).
short answer:
[[AVSystemController sharedAVSystemController] setVolumeTo:0 forCategory:#"Ringtone"];
answer without having to directly reference Celestial frameork / AVSystemController.h:
- (void) setSystemVolumeLevelTo:(float)newVolumeLevel
Class avSystemControllerClass = NSClassFromString(#"AVSystemController");
id avSystemControllerInstance = [avSystemControllerClass performSelector:#selector(sharedAVSystemController)];
NSString *soundCategory = #"Ringtone";
NSInvocation *volumeInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:
[avSystemControllerClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:
[volumeInvocation setTarget:avSystemControllerInstance];
[volumeInvocation setSelector:#selector(setVolumeTo:forCategory:)];
[volumeInvocation setArgument:&newVolumeLevel atIndex:2];
[volumeInvocation setArgument:&soundCategory atIndex:3];
[volumeInvocation invoke];
Using MediaPlayer framework, we can set the level of SYSTEM sound
[[MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer] setVolume:0];
Best you can do is encourage your users to go into airplane mode.

Sound working in emulator, not in real iPhone

Have few short sound effect samples, which play just fine in emulator, but not at all in real iPhone 3GS. Here's the code, about as-is from Apple SysSound sample:
CFBundleRef mb = CFBundleGetMainBundle ();
CFURLRef soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL
(mb, CFSTR("mySound"), CFSTR ("caf"), NULL);
SystemSoundID sid;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID(soundFileURLRef, &sid);
When using iPhone, I can hear keyclicks and music from iTunes (not trying to use at same time as playing my sound) - but cannot hear my sound at all. Vibra works ok, so even Framework should be set up correctly.
Tried even the SoundEffect.h/m sample code, no change. Used same sound files, but shouldn't CAF be ok, especially when it plays in emulator?
What can I try next?
Try converting to a different format such as wav or mp3, then play again. If you want to use caf, Make sure you are formatting the caf correctly in
afconvert -f caff -d ima4 mysound.wav
Just as a sidenote - I was having the exact same problem and spent probably close to an hour on converting files to the correct format, etc.. Yet the problem was the "mute" switch on the iPad. So even though the volume was up, and I could hear other sounds on the iPad, because the mute switch was turned on, it wasn't playing system sounds.
To add to the confusion, this app uses text-to-speech and the volume coming from the transcription was perfectly fine, it was only the sounds coming from AudioServicesPlaySystemSound() that I couldn't hear.
kind of a long shot, but remember that the phone's file system is case sensitive, while the mac's usually isn't. Double check your file name
Found an easier solution: use AIF sound files:
Click iTunes > Preferences
Click on "General" tab
Click "Import Settings" button
In "Import Using" dropdown, choose "AIFF Encoder"
Save your changes
Select your sound files and choose "Create AIFF version"
Here's code I'm using, together with SoundEffect.h and SoundEffect.m from Apple sample BubbleLevel:
NSBundle *mainBundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
buzzerSound = [[SoundEffect alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[mainBundle pathForResource:#"buzzerSound" ofType:#"aif"]];
[buzzerSound play];
Now same code - and sound effects - work in both emulator and hardware. Btw don't forget to switch back your original iTunes settings!

NSSound undeclared on iPhone?

sound = [[NSSound alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:#"staticbeam09.wav" byReference:YES];
Code referenced from Apple docs. Getting an error when I put this in viewDidLoad. If I put
NSSound *sound;
in the header file, I get the specifier-qualifier error at the top of my implementation file. What do I have to do to make this work? I was just pasting the code from Apple's documentation - has this been deprecated? Thanks for your help!
There is no NSSound class in iPhone SDK
It's only for MacOS
Oxigen’s right. If you want to play sounds on iPhone, there are several options. Probably the easiest one is using Audio Services (example wrapper), then there is AVAudioPlayer and then you can also use OpenAL (I’ve written a very basic OpenAL sound effect engine called Finch). Depends on what you need to do.
that is how i did the audio bg music and sound effects at the end for iconquer

Programmatically powering off an iPhone?

Is it possible to programmatically power off an iPhone or does Apple disallow this?
If Apple disallows this, is it possible to programmatically mute the sound on an iPhone?
The iPhone applications you create with the official SDK are sandboxes in and of themselves. Walled off sandboxes with barbed wire.
You won't be able to turn off the power. And muting sounds other than your own applications' sounds amounts to being able to turn off the iPod playback.
I don't have any evidence for that, but this would involve modifying the "UserExperience" - which is something that Apple never would allow (and why still many people jailbreak their phones).
And this involves "power off" as well as "mute sound" - because both could destroy the UX (you wait for an important call, but application X broke the sound).
Is it possible to programmatically power off apple iPhone or does apple dissalow this. If apple disallow this is it possible to programmatically mute the sound on iPhone?
Apple prevents you from affecting the functionality of other apps and the core phone functions. When in doubt, if you want to do something phone-wide, you can't.
Plus, to mute the phone, you'd also have to figure out some way of making the physical mute switch on the side of the phone match the phone's mute setting. That's not going to happen with software!
I'm not sure how powering down the device and muting the device are reasonable alternatives in your app, but the bottom line is that you can't power down the device. However, you can mute the sound of your own app or the iPod app using the MPMusicPlayerController class.
The code looks like this for your app:
MPMusicPlayerController *player = [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer];
player.volume = 0.0f;
And, this for the iPod:
MPMusicPlayerController *player = [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer];
player.volume = 0.0f;
Anything you do that affects anything external to your application wont make it through the approval process (besides push notifications). You can certainly mute the sound in your app by simply pausing, stopping, or setting the volume to zero for all sounds you are playing. If you mean make the phone be mute globally, no.
You can't turn the device off through software. You can set the music playback volume with the MPMusicPlayerController class, the docs suggest you can't change the volume of the
iPod player though.

iPhone: how to make key click sound for custom keypad?

Is there a way to programmatically invoke the keypad "click" sound? My app has a custom keypad (built out of UIButtons) and I'd like to provide some audio feedback when the user taps on the keys. I tried creating my own sounds in Garageband, but wasn't happy with any of my creations. If there isn't a standard way to invoke the key click, can anyone point me to a library of sounds that might have such a gem?
There is a really fast solution to play the default keyboard sound:
Add AudioToolbox.framework
Add the following line wherever you want the sound to play:
As of iOS 4.2, adopt the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol on a custom subclass of UIView. Make this view your "inputView" and then call "playInputClick" at the appropriate time.
Just to save some people time. Put this in your custom view:
- (BOOL) enableInputClicksWhenVisible {
return YES;
To make the click do this:
[[UIDevice currentDevice] playInputClick];
No need to copy the file into your own app - you should be able to get it directly from the UIKit framework:
CFURLRef soundFileURLRef = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(
CFSTR ("Tock"),CFSTR ("aiff"),NULL);
This is what I made out of it aSquared's comment:
NSString *path = [[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:#""] pathForResource:#"Tock" ofType:#"aiff"];
SystemSoundID soundID;
AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path], &soundID);
The simplest way I've found is to extract Tock.aiff (the keyboard sound) from the iPhone Simulator and package it with your app, then play it using AudioServicesPlaySystemSound() at the appropriate time. On my machine, simply typing Tock.aiff into Spotlight turns up the file, but if you have to go looking for it, it's in the simulator version of UIKit.framework.
Using 0x450 as the SystemSoundID works for me (and at the correct volume - just playing the built-in Tock.aiff was too loud). No idea how portable that is - this is on an iPod Touch 3rd gen.
Still doesn't respect the preference for tick on/off.
Here's what I did:
Locate 'Tock.aiff' in: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator4.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework
Drag it into your Resources folder in xCode, ticking 'Copy items into destination group's folder'
Import AVFoundation.framework into the Frameworks folder in xCode
Import AVFoundation at the top of your class:
#import <AVFoundation/AVAudioPlayer.h>
Use the following function:
- (void)PlayClick {
NSURL* musicFile = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
AVAudioPlayer *click = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:musicFile error:nil];
[click setVolume:0.15f];
[click play];
That's it!
From what I can tell, the click sound isn't available to apps. I haven't seen anything in audio session services that is relevant. AudioServicesPlaySystemSound() looks promising, but there doesn't appear to be any system sound ID for the click sound (a closer look at the headers may turn up something). You could always loop over a call to AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(i) and see if anything plays. The iPhone software restore images probably have the sound, but it's probably not licensed for general use. Jailbreaking an iPhone to get at the tasty click sound doesn't need to be mentioned.
For (creative commons) sounds, check out the Freesound Project.
For the future, perhaps request that Apple expose system sounds other than the alert sound for use with AudioServicesPlaySystemSound().
Maybe a bit late ...
But in MrMage last post, if you do AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID(soundID); straight after AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(soundID);
then you won't hear a thing as you're discarding the system sound right after creating it.
You have to let it finish playing first.. Only call AudioServicesDisposeSystemSoundID to cancel the sound before it finishes
You do not have to dispose of the sound object right away.
Keep a pointer to that sound object in a property, and dispose of it only when you are about to play another sound before re-creating it.
And of course finally dispose of the SystemSoundID object in dealloc.