Why is my Perl source code being displayed in the browser? - perl

What does it mean when I access my Perl script via URL, but when I do, the source code is printed on the screen?
Does this mean that Perl isn't properly set up? I'm using Apache on Fedora.

This means your webserver isn't set up to execute the script at that url. What server are you using?

It could also mean you are putting the Perl script in the wrong folder. The cgi-bin folder is still widely used as the folder where CGI scripts should be stored and run from. Other folders may just open the file and read it as text, similar to an HTML document, instead of running the document as code. But it can also mean the server is just not setup properly to run Perl scripts or other types of server-side scripts.

This means that you probably aren't doing what your server is expecting. Usually servers expect either that every file in a CGI directory is an executable, or that files with a certain extension are executable and it can serve any other file as its content.
Figure out which file extension your server expects your CGI program to use.

Ovid's CGI Course may help you (if you use CGI of course)


Lua CGI fails on call to socket

I have written a simple Lua script that reads from and writes to an XML database. I want to use it as CGI, eventually returning data to display in a web page, but when, for testing purposes, I go straight to the script in a browser, it blows up on require("socket.http") with a 500 Internal Server Error and it apparently can't find the Lua socket library when run in a browser.
I haven't used CGI in years and I'm very new at Lua, so thanks for any assistance.
it apparently can't find the Lua socket library when run in a browser.
I assume your script is using socket.http. If so, you need to make luasocket (both its binary libraries and Lua files) available to your script. My suggestion is to make it work when you run it locally, before you try to make it run as a CGI script. You'll need to either get a pre-compiled luasocket for your platform or compile and install it yourself. You'll then need to use LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH in your script to reference the locations of Lua (PATH) and binary (CPATH) files.

Perl. Fetching file from remote server, only core modules

I need help: is there a way to fetch a file from the remote server using only core modules of perl 5.8.8? File::Fetch became core module only from 5.9.
This comes up all the time. Take a look at the classic yes, even you can use CPAN. If you have the ability to create and run a Perl script, then you also have the ability to put a module in your local directory and use it. The requirement to use only core modules is entirely artificial.
In your case, LWP::Simple's getstore() function will do what you want. While it is technically not core, LWP::Simple is included by default with many Perl distributions. You may well already have it.
Update: so, you want to do this on 1000 servers? No need to manually install the module on each server. Use CPAN programmatically to download and install the module(s) you need (some tweaking will be needed to get CPAN to install it locally rather than in the root module library). Also Leon Timmermans's suggestion of fatpacking the module is another option.
If you really don't want to do it this way, then basically the answer is no: there is no simple way to fetch a remote file via HTTP using neither the appropriate modules, nor a system command (I didn't consider writing your own HTTP client to be a simple method, but that's fine if it works for you).
The only other potential solution I see would be a different approach to your problem, such as:
Using a script in a single location to get the file, then distribute
it to all 1000 servers via FTP.
Or, putting the file on an FTP server, then using a simple Perl
script on each server to fetch it via FTP.
As Dan already said, yes, even you can use CPAN. One approach his link doesn't mention is writing it as a normal CPAN-using distribution, and then fatpack it. Fatpacker combines a script with all its (pure-perl) dependencies, creating a single easy to distribute file.
You could use:
my $wgetoutput = `wget "$myFileToGet"`;
Stuff in backticks (`) will be given to the default shell, so you can call whatever you want (and are allowed) there.
Caveat: $myFileToGet could have stuff like "&& rm -rf *" in it, so dont forget to sanitize!

Perl file extension

We have few files which don't have the standard perl extension like cgi etc.
Couple of them end with *.cfm and have perl code in them.
Now i am not sure why the developer decided to use a coldfusion extension and decide to use perl in it, but we are at a point now where we cannot alter the filename and we need to make some configuration changes such that perl is able to render *.cfm files too.
Is there a way we can modify the perl configuration to accept *.cfm files and render them as perl scripts?
I'll go out on a limb and guess that your actually asking about running ".cfm" files as CGI scripts, through Apache. In that case, you would use a "handler" to tell Apache to treat all *.cfm files as Perl scripts. If I've guessed what's going on, then add this to your Apache 2.2 configuration:
AddHandler cgi-script .cfm
Also, make sure the Perl scripts have the right "shebang" line on the first line, usually:
If you want some *.cfm files to be still be treated as Cold Fusion, then you'll need a different solution.

Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll' for module XML::LibXML

I have downloaded strawberry PERL and writing one application with CGI Perl Apache on Winxp sp3).
One of the libraries (written by someone else) which I using uses XML::LibXML. When i load the page it gives Internal Server Error. From Apache error log i can see this error:
Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll' for module XML::LibXML: load_file:The specified module could not be found at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/DynaLoader.pm line 190.
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll exists with all permissions.
Also this library works properly on Linux. My application also works fine if I remove all code that needs LibXML.
Can anyone tell me when can be possible issue here.
If you peek into the source for DynaLoader you'll find
Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of DynaLoader.pm.
Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
it executed.
You should have also gotten (but may not have noticed) the following dialog, which provides a more accurate error message:
The problem isn't that perl can't find LibXML.dll; it's that LibXML.dll can't find the real libxml. (The former is just a wrapper that provides Perl bindings for the latter.) To fix that you need to ensure that Strawberry Perl's c\bin folder is in your PATH. In your case, that would be C:\strawberry\c\bin.
You might have to check the environment variable settings in the windows,
make sure that the installation path of the module is present in the PATH variable.
The reason it works in linux is that make files usually set the environment variables for you in linux in windows it may not have set properly.
For eg;
go to Control Panel\System and Security\System click change settings then advanced tab in user variable section see if there is a variable called perl5lib.
if not create an new perl5lib variable and add the path of your library ( usuall C:\Perl\site\lib but may be different in your case)
I had the same issue after installing Strawberry perl. It was working fine when I run the script from server, but not remotely from a automation tool. The issue was because of the Environment variables not updated when we run it remotely. So I did server reboot, which resolved the issue.
I encountered the same problem recently, in my case it was not related to PATH variable (it was already correct). The thing is I was executing my script from Git Bash console and as it turned out git-bash perl was being used instead of Strawberry (see git-bash perl should not be first in path). Switching to standard Windows CMD terminal helped.

Run Perl code into GUI

I have been working in a Perl script to read log files, but none of the people at work
want to use it as it requires run it from CLI, Im looking to integrate my Perl code which mainly
reads a txt file and produces and output (Already more than 2,000 lines) into a GUI which can be used with Windows or MAC PCs,
my perl script:
#./perl -i myfile
# HELLO this is the output!
Instead I want users to run the App and give them the chance to upload file and a Run button.
Then you can either write a web based frontend or use a GUI library such as Tk, Wx or Gtk.
Run as a CGI script which should ouput as HTML. For more you use template system like Template tool kit
In my experience, Tk is the most cross-platform GUI framework for Perl. It is very primitive (both in looks and API), but it works as expected almost everywhere with minimal fuss. Even with Gtk, I found there were some combinations of platforms and Perl deployments that just wouldn't work.
If you want to go the CGI route, try POEx::HTTP::Server. This will run a small web server within Perl without needing all the configuration of a full web server like Apache.