Don't have the right syntax when comparing strings in iPhone - iphone

I am trying to compare the following values:
gType = [[UILabel alloc]init];
if (gType = [NSString string:#"BUSINESS"]) {
I get a warning that 'NSString' may not respond to '+string:'
I am unsure what is wrong. gType is a value that I populate from a db query. Other text values from the same query show up fine in a UITableView, so I am pretty confident I have created it properly.

Your code is calling the "String" class method on the NSString class. This doesn't accept any arguments, which is your problem here.
The correct way to write your code would be something like:
if ([gType.text isEqualToString:#"BUSINESS"])

For starters, = is the assignment operator in C and does not compare anything. Secondly, even if you were using a comparison operator there, you'd be comparing pointer addresses, not the textual contents of the objects.
Read this

You're looking for:
if ([someString isEqual:#"Something else"]) { ... }

As NSD said, you have a few fundamental problems with your code there.
If you want to compare strings in Cocoa Touch, you can use the -isEqualToString: method on NSString.


iOS Obj-C: Variable object that can be assigned as a double or a string?

I'm pretty new to iOS development, and I want to figure out if there's a good way to handle this issue. Basically, I'm making a technical calculator that returns some product specifications based on user input parameters. The product in question has specs for some, but not all user parameters, so I . In a constants file, I have a bunch of ATTEN_SPEC_X variables which are const double or const NSString *. Now, it's perfectly okay to be missing a spec, so my plan was to leverage NSArray's ability to hold different types and use introspection later to handle strings vs doubles before I report the returned specs.
Here's an incomplete example of one method I'm implementing. It's just a big conditional tree that should return a two-element array of the final values of spec and nominal.
- (NSArray *)attenuatorSwitching:(double *)attenuator{
double spec, nominal;
else if (*attenuator==0){
spec=ATTEN_SPEC_3; //this atten spec is a string!
return {array of spec, nominal} //not actual obj-c code
So instead of making spec and nominal doubles, can I make them some other general type? The really important thing here is that I don't want to use any special handling within this method; another coder should be able to go back to the constants file, change ATTEN_NOM_3 to a double, and not have to retool this method at all.
The problem you'll run into is that NSArrays can't directly handle doubles. However, you can get around this if you start using NSNumber instances instead - you can return an NSArray * containing an NSString * and an NSNumber * with no problems. If you need even more general typing, the Objective-C type id can be used for any object instance (though still not with primitives; you can't make a double an id).
Later, when you get an array, you can use the NSObject method -isKindOfClass: to determine the type of object you're pulling out of the array, and deal with the string or number depending on the resultant type. If you need to convert your NSNumber back to a double, just use the NSNumber instance method -doubleValue to unbox your double. (+[NSNumber numberWithDouble:] goes the other way, giving you an NSNumber out of a double.)
If you're using a recent enough version of Xcode, you can even make these things literals, rather than having to litter calls to +numberWithDouble: all over the place:
return #[ #3, #"number of things" ]

String comparison failing to function properly in Objective-C

I'm all quite new to Objective-C and pointers and whatnot, so go easy on me.
Basically, i have a place in my code where i extract NSDictionaries from an NSArray based on their date key.
I check for equality by doing this:
if ([[dictItem valueForKey:#"Date"] isEqualToString: date])
Strangely though, it only becomes true for one of the many objects, namely the one with the same pointer value.
How can i explicitly and beyond any doubt compare the VALUE of two strings and NOT the pointer address?
Edit: Perhaps i should mention that for all the comparisons on which it fails, the date has been inserted into the dictionary from a textFields text-property, if that matters.
Your code should work. Are you sure [dictItem valueForKey:#"Date"] is not nil?
Have you tried comparing without the dictionary, that is, storing one of the strings in some variable directly, just to check if that works?
Also, you might want to consider using actual NSDate objects. You can convert String to NSDate and vice versa with NSDateFormatter.

Reflection in Objective-C (iPhone)

I want to populate [MyClass class] from a JSON string.
I use json-framework to get the NSDictionary, and it's dead easy to instantiate and setValue: forKey:... on my data object.
But for more complex data objects with classes as members of MyClass,
MyOtherClass *classNoTwo
I tried with
Class test = object_getClass(myClass.classNoTwo);
id foo = [[test alloc] init];
But foo is nil/null. The only way I found to get around it is to in my init method of MyClass is to alloc memory for it, and later replace it.
I would also like to know how to get rid of the myClass.classNoTo reference, as I am not supposed to know all the properties in my general parser.
Please don't just tell me to read the documentation, because I've done that, and I can't figure it out.
Thanks in advance
Try calling class_getProperty() to access a property of a particular name and then property_getAttributes() on the property returned by the first function. This will return a string that encodes the property's attributes, including the type. The format of the string is explained in Property Type Strings in the documentation.
Finally, when you have derived the type of the property, use NSClassFromString() to instantiate an object.
Also see the docs for the two functions mentioned for more details.
I have written a very simple dependency injection container called Factory. I do not get your question entirely, but the problems we solve look similar. Take a look at my sources, they are very simple and should get you started. You might be interested especially in the ClassAnalyzer class. It’s just a hack, but you should be able to get what you want from there.

checking if an textfield is a specific value

how can i check if a textfield contains a specific value i tried using the
if(x.text = #"hello")
however this would work since it would always show me the alertiview i had below this code. I think i am missing something from my comparision however i am unsure.
for compare in general you must use == operator, not an assignment operator =
To compare strings you must use -isEqualToString: method as == operator will check if pointers to objects are equal, not the string values they contain.
So the correct code will be
if ([x.text isEqualToString:#"hello"])
You can use:
if ([x.text compare:#"hello"] == NSOrderedSame) {
// NSString are equal!
Hope it helps.
First of all, the code you've posted is an assignment (=), not a comparison (==). Then, what you need is ‘[x.text isEqual:#"hello"]‘. Otherwise you would be comparing pointers and they won't be equal.

Sorting an array with instances of a custom class

I have an array filled with instances of a custom class which contains two String properties, firstname and lastname. Both have a getter method which is equal to the name of the property itself. There is also a method for retrieving the Full name of a person called "getFullName". Consider the example below.
CustomClass *person = [[CustomClass alloc] ...];
person.firstname // Returns "Thomas"
person.lastname // Returns "Meier"
[person getFullName] // Returns "Thomas Meier"
Now I would like to sort this Array by Fullname in a descending Order. I have been looking at some array sorting methods but was not quite able to figure out how to go about this. I guess that I have to create some kind of comparison function which compares two elements, yet how do I tell the SDK which values to pass to this method and where should I place it (in the custom class or in the class where the sorting happens?). Maybe there is another/better way of going about this? Admittedly I have close to none experience with sorting arrays.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Ps. The code should run on iOS 3.2
There are a couple ways to do this. One is to put a comparison method on the custom class. Call it -compare: or something like that. That method should take another object of the same custom type as its input. It should return NSOrderedAscending, NSOrderedDescending, or NSOrderedSame, depending on the result of the comparison. (Inside this compare function is where you look at your own fullName versus the passed-in object's fullName.)
Then you can use NSMutableArray's -sortUsingSelector: method, like this:
[myArray sortUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
This works on all versions of iOS. There are block comparison methods available in 4.0+.