iPhone Objective-C Basic Example Question (about Properties) - iphone

Sorry I couldn't give a more descriptive title. My question (after looking at the code below) is what statusText is. Is it an IBOutlet or a UILabel? How does "#property (retain,nonatomic) UILabel *statusText" work? Does that statement mean that statusText is a property???
Thanks for answering. If there are any questions, please feel free to comment.
#interface Button_Fun2ViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel *statusText;
#property (retain,nonatomic) UILabel *statusText;
- (IBAction)buttonPressed: (id)sender;
#synthesize statusText;
- (IBAction)buttonPressed: (id)sender {
NSString *title = [sender titleForState:UIControlStateNormal];
NSString *newText = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"%# button was pressed.", title];
statusText.text = newText;

IBOutlet evaluates to nothing, it's just a hint to Interface Builder that it's a 'connection'.
And yes, statusText is a property then. There are three statements needed for a property (on a non-"modern runtime" system) – an ivar declaration, a #property statement, and a synthesize statement.

statusText is an instance variable of type UILabel*. The IBOutlet keyword simply makes that instance variable available to Interface Builder.
#property declares accessor and/or mutator methods for the given property. It's equivalent to declaring -statusLabel and -setStatusLabel: methods.
You can use #synthesize to automatically implement these -statusLabel and -setStatusLabel: methods. The nonatomic and retain keywords define the behaviour of these automatically-generated methods.
Alternatively, you can implement the -statusLabel and -setStatusLabel: methods yourself.

what is statusText ?
statusText is a UILabel in your code example
Is it an IBOutlet or a UILabel?
UILabel is a type (a pointer to UILabel component that you use in GUI)
IBOutlet marks variable for Interface Builder application, so that it knows to show it as Outlet. During compilation IBOutlet is compiled out, it is defined in NSNibDeclarations.h as:
#define IBOutlet
How does #property
(retain,nonatomic) UILabel
*statusText work?
You can create accessors (getters/setters) for a variable by hand, no need to use property. You can just have UILabel *statusText and implement your getter/setters by hand.
You can have accessors declared by compiler by defining variable as a #property and then either use #synthesize to create accessors in .m file or again you declare the accessors yourself (you can override default accessors that would be generated)
You can have readwrite or readonly property - meaning either both setter and getter gets generated or only getter.
You can use copy, retain or assign for setter (see more about memory management about the tree optons copy/retain/assign)
There are some other options like nonatomic/atomic which has to do with generating mutexes and lock variable before access and so on (see more about properties)
For example if you have variable
NSString * string;
defining it as readwrite property and then synthesising you get the compiler to generate for you:
#property (copy, readwrite) NSString * string
then using
#synthesize string;
generates something like:
- (NSString *) string
return string;
- (void)setString:(NSString *)str
NSString * copy = [str copy];
[string release];
string = copy;
Does that statement mean that
statusText is a property???
Yes you defined it as a property as explained above.
There are couple of concepts involved here.
Definition of variable, defining it as IBOutlet for Interface Builder, declare variables as properties so that compiler generates getters/setters for you, defining type of getters/setters such as access method, memory management and locking.
I hope this explains your questions and if you follow the link you will find the explanation by Apple which I believe is quite clear about how to use properties.
Sorry for the horrible formatting ...

If you put IBOutlet in there like that, it will allow you to link the item while you're in interface builder.
Once you have the IBOutlet setup, you can open that class's nib and then select the File's Owner, then go to the inspector and drag a link from the Connections tab to the object.
This let's you then make changes to the object in your class's code and it will change the linked object. So once you link "statusText" to a specific UILabel, you can then use statusText.text = #"new text" in your class's code to modify the item, for example.
Also, IBAction allows you to make links in the same way. You can drag a connection from a control's event to the file owner and then select any method within that class that has IBAction as a return value.

There are in fact two statusText "things" in your example. There is a statusText object of type UILabel, and there is a statusText function created by #synthesize. When you use statusText from inside a method you are reffering to the object, not the function. Use self.statusText to use the property/function.


clarifying on properties in objective C

Sorry for the simple question.
When I see a definition of a property inside the h file, but outside of the class #interface scope, what does it mean ?
#property (nonatomic, readonly) RMMapContents *mapContents;
Here is the code:
#class RootViewController;
#class RMMapContents;
#interface MapTestbedAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
UIWindow *window;
RootViewController *rootViewController;
// =============
NSMutableArray *photoTitles; // Titles of images
NSMutableArray *photoSmallImageData; // Image data (thumbnail)
NSMutableArray *photoURLsLargeImage; // URL to larger image
NSMutableData *receivedData;
NSURLConnection *theConnection;
NSURLRequest *request;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet RootViewController *rootViewController;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) RMMapContents *mapContents;
Inside a function I see this line:
- (void)foo:(xyz *)abc{
RMMapContents *mapContents = [self mapContents];
So, taking it from C++, the mapContents seem like it is not a global scope var (after all, that's why they call them properties, right?), but isn't defining the same name again inside the function weird a bit?
I hope someone can clarify a little here.
The scope of the #interface block extends upto the #end keyword and is not restricted to the braces {}.
So the #property declaration lies very much inside the scope of the #interface and like cli_hlt rightly answered, it acts like a substitute to setter and getter methods for the mapContents property.
so a property named mapContents, would have setters and getters which look like this :
- (void)setMapContents; //setter
- (RMMapContents *)mapContents; //getter
and would can be accessed from within the class using these methods:
[self setMapContents:newContents];
RMMapContents *contents = [self mapContents];
Well, a property is not just a variable. A property is a variable plus its setter and getter methods. A property is usually said to be backed by a variable, which usually(but not always) has the same name as the property itself.
So there are basically three scenarios:
The developer has redefined the backing variable, look for something like:#synthesize mapContents=mapContents_, at the beginning of the implementation -> no problem here.
The compiler defined the variable to be something you don't now but not equal to mapContents - > no problem.
The property backing variable is indeed called "mapContents", so then the local definition hides the global definition (look for a compiler warning here). But by calling [self mapContents] you will not access the global variable but call the getter, which in turn will access the class variable (because then the local mapContents is out of scope)
Hope this helps.
global var mapContents is readonly,in foo function , create a new pointer,then you can change the value of inner var.
Look for a method in your class with a name mapContents that will return a initialization to your RMMapContents class.
Basically this line RMMapContents *mapContents = [self mapContents]; says that initializing an instance of RMMapContents called mapContens using the method mapContents.

Difference between using properties and not for accessing ivars

Specific performance and behaviour difference using properties or accessing the ivars directly.
For Global variables, What is the difference between using this:
#interface myClass (){
UIImageView *myView;
[super loadView];
myView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGrectMake(0,0,100,100)];
And doing this:
#interface myClass (){
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIImageView *myView;
#synthesize myView = _myView;
[super loadView];
myView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGrectMake(0,0,100,100)];
What benefits can we have with every approach?
What are the reasons to recommend to always uses properties?
In the first case, your instance variable (or ivar) myView is private to the class and cannot be accessed by another class.
In the second case, you have provided a property that allows other classes to access your ivar via synthesized accessors. The alternative to declared properties is to write your own accessor methods. The #synthesize notation does that for you.
See Apple documentation on declared properties
ALWAYS create a #property for every data member and use self.name to access it throughout your class implementation.
NEVER access your own data members directly.
Here are some of the reasons to use Properties:
Properties enforce access restrictions (such as readonly)
Properties enforce memory management policy (retain, assign)
Properties are (rarely) used as part of a thread safety strategy (atomic)
Properties provide the opportunity to transparently implement custom setters and getters.
Having a single way to access instance variables increases code readability.
You can also check out: The Code Commandments: Best Practices for Objective-C Coding
Synthesize makes you getter and setter methods which are called automatically depending on whether you try read or write the value. For the myView property:
myView = newView1; // using direct ivar access
myobject.myView = newvew1; // eq [myobject setMyView:newvew1]; where setMyView: is generated for you automatically with respect to assign/retain, the same for reading:
newvew1 = myobject.myView; // newvew1 = [myobject myView:newvew1];
the generated getter/setter names are customizable with setter=/getter=, if you don't need setter use readonly.
There's no way you can forbid other classes to use synthesized getter and setter, the ivars are #protected by default and if you want to provide other classes an access to the ivars, you can declare them under #public:
#interface myClass (){
UIImageView *myView; // this is protected
UIImageView *myPublicView; // this is public
In your first example you access your ivar directly and changing its content. In your second example (the property) an ivar has been created automatically to back the property and all your calls to set and get the property are sent as messages (like: [self setMyView:[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGrectMake(0,0,100,100)]];). The accessor methods are also created automatically. This means that you are now following KVC/KVO protocols. For more on the benefits of this design see here

General Programming Question about properties, assign, retain, and declarations

I was going through the AVCam project from WWDC and I'm curious about the following code. I thought you were supposed to declare an object, then #property (nonatomic,retain), then synthesize.
The Demo code does it a little differently, I'll post some code (just a sample), anyone know what this does and when you should use it? Can anyone explain its significance and when to use it?
#interface AVCamCaptureManager : NSObject {
// Capture Session
AVCaptureSession *_session;
AVCaptureVideoOrientation _orientation;
// Identifiers for connect/disconnect notifications
id _deviceConnectedObserver;
id _deviceDisconnectedObserver;
#property (nonatomic,readonly,retain) AVCaptureSession *session;
#property (nonatomic,assign) AVCaptureVideoOrientation orientation;
#property (nonatomic,readonly,retain) AVCaptureAudioChannel *audioChannel;
#property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *sessionPreset;
in the implementation file:
#interface AVCamCaptureManager ()
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureSession *session;
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureDeviceInput *videoInput;
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureDeviceInput *audioInput;
#implementation AVCamCaptureManager
#synthesize session = _session;
#synthesize orientation = _orientation;
#dynamic audioChannel;
#dynamic sessionPreset;
#dynamic focusMode;
- (id) init
#property (nonatomic,readonly,retain) AVCaptureSession *session;
This is a property that is readonly externally. Internally, it will have a setter that retains the new value.
#property (nonatomic,assign) AVCaptureVideoOrientation orientation;
This is a property that does a simple assignment to store the new value (since you can't -copy or -retain primitives).
#property (nonatomic,readonly,retain) AVCaptureAudioChannel *audioChannel;
This is a property that is readonly externally. Internally, it will have a setter that retains the new value.
#property (nonatomic,assign) NSString *sessionPreset;
This is a property that does a simple assignment to store the new string value. This is normally not a good idea, unless you're only allowing pre-defined constants for the presets. When dealing with NSString properties, you generally want them to be copy unless you have a good reason against it.
In the implementation file:
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureSession *session;
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureDeviceInput *videoInput;
#property (nonatomic,retain) AVCaptureDeviceInput *audioInput;
These are used in conjunction with the properties declared in the header, except now it's readwrite. By declaring the version in the header as readonly, anyone using the class will not have access to the setSession: method. We re-declare this property internally so that we can have access to the setter (and the setter retains the new value). Also, if the property is not present in the header, the user won't know it exists, but we'll still be able to use it internally.
#synthesize session = _session;
#synthesize orientation = _orientation;
This means you want the compiler to generate the appropriate setters and getters for the session and orientation properties, and that you want those properties to store their values in the _session and _orientation instance variables, respectively.
#dynamic audioChannel;
#dynamic sessionPreset;
#dynamic focusMode;
This means that the implementations for the setters and getters will be provided at runtime. You usually don't use #dynamic properties yourself, other than the ones provided by the Core Data framework.
In this code, the session property is defined as readonly outside of the class and readwrite inside the class. By overriding the session property in an unnamed category before synthesizing it, a set accessor will also be synthesized, but the header file says it is readonly so other classes don't know about the set accessor. The category also defines two new properties which are not visible to other classes at all.
The retain and assign keywords tell the compiler how the accessor methods should work. Retain means that the set accessor should retain the value of the property, and the assign keyword tells it to set the property without retaining it. There is also copy, which copies the value and is often used to make sure a mutable value isn't set. The default is assign, but the compiler will issue a warning if nothing is specified for an object property.
Can you explain what you're confused about here? My only guess is you are confused about audioChannel and sessionPreset, as they have no ivars and are declared #dynamic (there's also focusMode, but I don't even see a #property declaration for that in the code you pasted).
In any case, I expect that if you read the rest of the code you'll find that there are getters for -audioChannel and -sessionPreset that have been written, as well as a setter for -setSessionPreset:. Assuming that's the case, then the #dynamic declarations are completely unnecessary. #dynamic is only necessary to tell the compiler that the methods will exist at run-time; if they exist at compile-time then you don't need any directive whatsoever.

Is it necessory to define property for an IBOutlet field?

I have seen many iPhone examples to use IBOutlet as a field linked to a UI control in Interface Builder, and the field is also defined as property in the interface class. For example, the following codes are similar ones from Apple example codes:
// in .h file
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel* _firstName;
IBOutlet UILabel* _lastName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel* firstName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel* lastName;
// in .m file
#implementation MyViewController {
#synthetic firstName = _firstName;
#synthetic lastName = _lastName;
I tried to link labels in Interface Builder to my controller class IBOutlets and I can see _firstName and _lastName. Since the linkage is directly from Interface Builder to my interface class members (even private ones if I place #private directive). Do I need to define properties for those fields?
Actually, I tried to remove these properties and it seems my codes work fine. By defining properties, my class expose them as public. I don't have any usage or reason for them as properties within or out side my codes. My question is that if this practice, defining fields as properties, necessary? Do I miss any thing such as memory management which might be called from Objective-C concept or framework?
As Jeremie Wekdin mentioned that, my question is somehow duplicated. The similar question and answers do reveal that in case of nib/xib file being used, there is memory issue to be considered.
In short, Cocoa will look for setOutletName first, and use the property method to set UI control object; otherwise, Cocoa will direct set to the class member variable and retain it. That means the filed object should be released in dealloc method.
That's fine. However, in case of my question, my field variable has different name from its corresponding property name, like _firstName and firstName. In this case, I think that Cocoa is not smart enough to figure out the property method and object retrieved from nib/xib is directly set to the class member.
To verify it, I overwrite the setter:
// in .m file
#implementation MyViewController {
#synthetic firstName = _firstName;
- (void) setFirstName:(UILabel*) value {
NSLog("_firstname: %#", _firstName);
[_firstname autorelease];
_firstName = [value retain];
Then I load my view, the log message does not show in the XCode's output console. However, if I keep the variable name and property name the same. I do see the setter is called:
// in .h
#interface MyViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UILabel* firstName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UILabel* firstName;
// in .m file
#implementation MyViewController {
#synthetic firstName;
- (void) setFirstName:(UILabel*) value {
NSLog("firstName: %#", firstName);
[firstName autorelease];
firstName = [value retain];
In the output console, when the view shows, I see:
firstName: (null)
As the duplicated QA suggested, I read the Appl's Resource Programming Guide. Find the document in the section The Nib Object Life Cycle, The Object Loading Process, and #3 Outlet connection. You should see that Mac OS X and iPhone OS have different ways to connect outlet to objects. "In iPhone OS, the nib-loading code uses the setValue:forKey: method to reconnect each outlet"
So I tried the following codes:
#implementation MyViewController {
#synthetic firstName = _firstName;
- (void) setValue:(id) value forKey:(NSString*) key {
NSLog("forKey: %#; value: %#", key, value);
if ([key isEqualToString:#"_firstName"])
// It should then call the accessor or property
// self._firstName = value;
// to set value, like the follow codes in the setter:
[_firstName autorelease];
_firstName = [value retain];
I recompiled my code again and I did see all the property setter calls, including the key _firstName. Continued from Apple's doc:
"That method (setValue:forKey:) similarly looks for an appropriate accessor method and falls back on other means when that fails."
This explains why in my case(property name is different from outlet variable name) the property is called by Cocoa.
In conclusion, there is a memory issue when IBOutlet and nib/xib are used (as a way to load views) for a field control. It would be nice to let Cocoa to find out a defined accessor or property to set a field variable, which handles retaining objects. If you define a property for an IBOutlet field variable, both should have the same. As a result, the codes will work in both Mac OS X and iPhone OS.

#property #synthesize

What do #synthesize and #property do in Xcode? Please provide an explanation in really simple terms?
You asked for simple terms:
#property declares a property in your
class header
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myString;
#synthesize creates your setter and
getter for your property (accessor
Without synthesize you have to write
your own setter and getter
implemention, like getMyString or
setMyString (capitalize the first
character of your property)
Sam: Just an advice: http://www.cocoadevcentral.com/d/learn_objectivec/ is a pretty solid resource to learn about basics like properties.
Good Luck!
Properties and synthesized accessors are new features in Objective-C 2.0.
When you declare a #property you declare somewhat an instance var. Then you #synthesize accessor methods (i.e. getter and setter) for that property.
There are also #dynamic accessors if you're interested.
You should really do your homework on this. Apple has nifty pdf for that.
Think of all objective-c magic as just a "smarter macro", like a "smarter #define statement"
#property if you notice is always in the h file,
#synthesize is always in the m file.
So in the background
#property (whatever) NSString *myString;
becomes a declaration of 2 methods and a private variable;
void set_myString:(NSString *) str;
(NSString*) get_myString;
declarations in the header file
to make them do something their implementation is added into m file when you type in
#synthesize myString;
which becomes something like
void set_myString:(NSString *)str
myString = str;
(NSString *) get_myString
return (myString);
But it's smarter than this
depending on if you say "retain" "strong" or "weak"
it will either just return the pointer to the myString or it will copy the myString into a new object
So all of this is done automatically by a compiler just by reading your declarations.
Which is quite useful and saves a lot of time
By default all our variables are Private so we can't acess out of the class.
if we want to use our instance variable in out of the class.
When you declare a #property you declare somewhat an instance var. Then you #synthesize accessor methods (i.e. getter and setter) for that property.
There are also #dynamic accessors if you're interested.
it simply sets the property's setter variable name in it's own class.
For example lets say I have this: #property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray* viewControllers;
Well if i want to access the setter _viewController i wouldn't set a synthesize variable.
but if i want to access the viewController variable by the name viewController instead of _viewController, I would do #synthesize viewController;.
If I wanted to use it as a completely different name I could do this #synthesize viewControllers = viewControlololer; but that's only setter. As you will notice [self viewControllers] only works and not [self viewControlololer];
So I don't understant why everyone writes sets the "setter and getter" of a property. It doesn't change the getter variable at all... unless that means [self viewController] is aware of viewControlololer (obviously).
Actually properties are synthesized, either implicitly or explicitly. Properties are implicitly synthesized. So there's no need to use synthesized unless you wanna change the name of the variable to something different than _property_name.
There are other use cases, for example if you don't want an instance variable to back your property.
Properties are explicitly synthesized by using the #synthesized directive.
(Answer extracted from the Big Nerd Ranch guide)