How do I update a progress bar OnSelectedIndexChanged? - .net-2.0

I am developing a Windows application using .NET (C#) and I have a DropDownList with some list items. On the event OnSelectedIndexChanged I need to display a progess bar, which should disappear after retrieving some data.
I'm trying this way:
for (int i = progressBar1.Minimum; i <= progressBar1.Maximum; i++)
panel1.Visible = false;
where my progress bar is placed in panel1, but I get the progress bar when I initially load my application. After that whenever the item is changed the progress bar is not visible.
I need the solution asap...
Thanks in advance!

Try panel1.Visible = true; at the start of your on selected index changed event of the combo box.

I don't see the code that would make the Panel visible again and you would also need to reset the ProgressBar before updating it again by changing the Value property to zero.

private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(...)
panel1.Visible = true;
for (int i = progressBar1.Minimum; i <= progressBar1.Maximum; i++)
panel1.Visible = false
This should make the panel1 visible, however, I'm not sure what you mean by:
"and should disappear after retrieving
some data"
and if the solution of filling the progress bar solves it.


How can I auto-hide/open panels in Unity with multiple buttons?

I have tried to find solutions but somehow I can't find the right solution for my problem. I have 5 buttons and each button opens or closes its panel. However, I want that if I click on Button 2 that the panel closes for Button 1 and so. There should be only one panel active for each button.
It is just having a tab menu you are clicking through, only the panel of the last pressed button is active. I have seen a tutorial with images and Eventsystems but does not fit my current project.
I would be grateful for any help.
You can create a list for panels and in the same order add buttons to the another list. Respective button and panel in same places. Then when you press a button get index it in script. Activate matching panel index and disable others. In my script, I don't want to disable panels because I need to those script to run everytime. In your case you can just disable them.
for (int i = 0; i < panels.Count; i++)
if (i == index)
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().interactable = true;
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().blocksRaycasts = true;
// Place to front for interaction
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().interactable = false;
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
panels[i].GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().blocksRaycasts = false;

Enterprise Architect: Hide only "top" labels of connectors programmatically

I want to hide the "top" part of all connector labels of a diagram. For this, I tried to set up a script, but it currently hides ALL labels (also the "bottom" labels which I want to preserve):
// Get a reference to the current diagram
var currentDiagram as EA.Diagram;
currentDiagram = Repository.GetCurrentDiagram();
if (currentDiagram != null)
for (var i = 0; i < currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.Count; i++)
var currentDiagramLink as EA.DiagramLink;
currentDiagramLink = currentDiagram.DiagramLinks.GetAt(i);
currentDiagramLink.Geometry = currentDiagramLink.Geometry
.replace(/HDN=0/g, "HDN=1")
.replace(/LLT=;/, "LLT=HDN=1;")
.replace(/LRT=;/, "LRT=HDN=1;");
if (!currentDiagramLink.Update())
When I hide only the top labels manually (context menu of a connector/Visibility/Set Label Visibility), the Geometry property of the DiagramLinks remains unchanged, so I guess the detailed label visibility information must be contained somewhere else in the model.
Does anyone know how to change my script?
Thanks in advance!
The dialog for editing the detailed label visibility looks as follows:
My goal is unchecking the "top label" checkboxes programmatically.
In the Geometry attribute you will find a partial string like
So in between LLT and the next semi-colon you need to locate the HDN=0 and replace that with HDN=1. A simple global change like above wont work. You need a wild card like in the regex LLT=([^;]+); to work correctly.

Press, hide button in ChartContainerContent in UI5 fiori

Hi all SAP UI5 and FIORI positive,
I have ChartContainer with button for graph and button for table. It is defined in xml file as:
<suite:ChartContainerContent id="idButtonChart"
icon = "sap-icon://bar-chart"
title = "Chart"
<suite:ChartContainerContent id="idButtonTable"
icon = "sap-icon://table-view"
title = "{i18n>table}">
Let's say I want to hide some of these buttons which are placed inside ChartContainer. I have tried (in controller.js part):
But this code, hided graph but not button. Please, do you have any idea how to hide button? Or to trigger click event on button idButtonTable?
Thanks for any advices.
Have you found any good solution for this issue? I've been checking the SDK and I can't find a way to get those buttons in an straight way.
Anyway, you could do it using the following code -
var chartContainerContent = this.getView().byId('your chart id');
var chartContainer = chartContainerContent.getParent();
var aToolbarButtons = chartContainer._oToolBar.getContent();
var segmentedButton;
for(var i=0; i<aToolbarButtons.length; i++){
var button = aToolbarButtons[i];
if(button.getMetadata()._sClassName === "sap.m.SegmentedButton"){
segmentedButton = button;
Once you get the buttons you can setVisible(false) to the one you want.
Of course this is not the best, but the chartContainer doesn't provide any public function to get the buttons of the chart.
I try to understand the issue. You define 2 charts in your example.
The buttons are usually used to switch the display to the corresponding chart.
How are you going to switch between the 2 charts if you hide the corresponding button?
A little late but I guess an .updateChartContainer() after the .setVisible should do the trick:
this.getView().byId("<NAME OF THE CONTENT CONTAINER>").updateChartContainer();

Auto scroll or End less Scroll in Iphone

I am developing iphone application.
need to display 5 records at a time
and when i reached page end then the next 5 records will need to load using automatic scrolling.
initial 5 records display done.
Scroll not working when i reach page end.
Can any one.
I found the solution. my code as follows,
myTable.addEventListener('scroll', function(e){
if (Ti.Platform.osname === 'iphone')
var offset = e.contentOffset.y;
var height = e.size.height;
var total = offset + height;
var theEnd = e.contentSize.height;
// this condition will check whether the scroll reach end or not?
if (theEnd == total)
//call the function once again.
I hope... some one will use it.
You Can use "ScrollView" with property "contentHeight :Ti.UI.Size (or "Auto")".
When you use "ScrollView" it set default height on your requirement.
You can also enable for
showHorizontalScrollIndicator : true,
for more information read this blog

alert handling in ui automation iphone app unable to cancel the option

var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
target.onAlert = function onAlert(alert) {
UIALogger.logDebug("There was an alert!");
return false;
even though no option is clicked systen not performing any action
Can anyone please help me ...
Instead of BamboOS suggestion which loops through various positions, you can try this inside your onAlert function:
alert.tapWithOptions({tapOffset:{x:0.5, y:0.6}});
This tap targets the middle of the UIAAlert (x:0.5) and 60% from top to bottom (y:0.6). This works when there is only one button. You have multiple buttons, then you have to changed the value of x. This works for me.
I just published a blog post regarding UI Automation and dealing with alerts:
Basically following alert handler worked for me:
UIATarget.onAlert = function onAlert(alert){
var name =;
UIALogger.logMessage("alert "+name+" encountered");
if(name == "errorAlert"){
var positionX = 500;
for(var positionY=300; positionY<600;positionY+=10){
return true;
return false;
I would either use the "cancelButton" or "defaultButton" methods when handling alerts.