iPhone Image slideshow [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I want to create a slideshow on iphone. I don't know if there is already a sample code or a lib that already do that.
Thanks for your help

Joe Hewitt who created the Facebook iPhone app open sourced the code he wrote to create the Facebook application. Most notable is his image viewer that he created. I am certain if you checkout his work you can find what you are looking for. His project lives on github.
Reference to his work from his website:

Check out the WWDC 2010 Session entitled "Designing Apps with Scroll Views."
The source code is here:
And this is a handy image-slicing tool:

If you just want to show different pictures one by one, you can simply use, for example, NSTimer, that will change content of your image view. It doesn't need any lib.


Any good website from Open Soucre ios codes which have latest opensource source iOS codes? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to know any good website from open source ios codes which have latest opensource source iOS codes? So that we can be update and learn new things.
I know github, but in github we search what we want, I want to know such type of site or blog which introduce me new things which i dont know.
I am new thats why I need such type of websites links.
Any help from experts will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look here: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/, you're gonna have a good time.
Here is good link for all Open Source code for iOS
in https://github.com/search you can search for Objective-C and you can find many projects
Hope it helps you..

Where can i find objective c xcode sample codes for iphone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
i am a new programer and i would like to find some sample projects to learn from. Do you know any website that might help me?
Sample programs such us:
Uitable views
Uiscroll view
Plist storing data
Do to project
Note taking projects
The documentation links to useful sample projects at the top of most references.
You can also login into ios dev center (developer.apple.com/iphone/) and there is section "Sample Code" with all examples.
You can search by something specific for you or view by Topic/Framework.
I can recommend this book, it helped me allot and there is everything you need to know about programming for the iPhone: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Teach-Yourself-Application-Development-Yourself/dp/067233576X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1354751889&sr=8-2
However if you goal is to program games I would use some of these packages: http://www.cartoonsmart.com/flash_mobile_index.php5
Another option is youtube there are tons of videos teaching you everything you need to know. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB-o3gtbHpg&list=PL8B9E3607FA1EEFCE
Best advice is definitely the first one. It helped me the most :)

example source code for an iPhone application that shows Edit/Delete/Add rows for a UITableView [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Any suggestions for some sample source code for an iPhone application that shows Edit/Delete/Add rows for a UITableView?
The code would highlight the typical way to have a UITableView and then use editing mode and various methods (callbacks) to implement Edit/Delete/Add.
(have looked at the Apple examples and see things like Table View Suite, however it doesn't show what I'm after here.
The apple sample code has good examples for these, but here is a pretty detailed tutorial I found a while back that should get you headed in the right direction.
iPhone SDK Tutorial – {Part 5}: Add, Delete & Reorder UITableView Rows

How can i get WWDC10 sample code? (104. Designing Apps with Scroll Views) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
i saw WWDC10 session "104, Designing Apps with Scroll Views".
and i want get sample code using demo. but i can't find it.
i found "ScrollViewSuite" but it's not same demo.
it's not provided?
Login to http://developer.apple.com with your Apple developer ID.
Click on videos.
Choose any one of the option HD/Standerd to view in iTunes.
In iTunes you can find the link at Bottom right to the Sample code
You can find all WWDC 2010 sample code there
EDIT: Sample code is under

Recommend iPhone library for image gallery? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would love to use a UIImagePickerController to browse and view images from my app's bundle. However this functionality doesn't seem to exist. Is there a library that replicates the functionality of the photo browser, but can use a list of images from the app bundle?
When GitHub is back online, check the Three20 repository of joehewitt with some awesome iPhone UI stuff. I believe it is the TTThumbsViewController you may want to take a look at.