Zend_Form - XML - zend-framework

I set up my Zend_Form with XML, now just one line I couldn't transfer to XML.
/* Do some stuff like $form = new Zend_Form etc */
How could I add removeDecorator to XML?
My try:
<!--- stuff --->
But it don't remove the <dl class="zend_form">.

You can’t. Zend_Form will translate your configuration keys to calls for set*() methods. Use the configuration files to set and add properties, and code PHP to remove things.


Custom tag with variables

I am trying to use custom tag with variables.
for eg)
<c:forEach var="test" items="itemstest">
In the above code i am able to access the test value inside the <c:forEach> tag.
I need to create a custom tag with similar functionality.
I have got info from the oracle docs http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/5/tutorial/doc/bnamu.html under title Declaring Tag Variables for Tag Handlers.
Can anyone pls help me to implement the same with example.
Hi i have solved it in the following way
class: test.java
public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException {
//any method or operation
getJspContext().setAttribute(variable, "Hello");
Create getter setter for variable
tld file:
jsp file:
<%# taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/tldfilename.tld" prefix="tag" %>
<tag:test inputValue="hello" variable="testValue"/>
For something so simple, you may be better off using tag files, which makes it easy to create a tag library using some small additions to the normal jsp syntax (and is part of the standard)
A "tag with variables" is done using an attribute declaration, JSP code is quite simple:
<%#tag pageEncoding="utf-8" %>
<%-- dont forget to add declaration for JSTL here -->
<%#attribute name="test" type="java.lang.String" required="true" %>
<c:forEach var="test" items="itemstest">
See the linked documentation on whre to put and name the files to make them accessible within you own jsp files.

How to implement i18n in GWT application?

I have a problem with internationalization. I'm trying to implement support two languages ​​in my GWT application. Unfortunately I never found a complete example how to do it with the help of UiBinder. That is what I did:
My module I18nexample.gwt.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module rename-to='i18nexample'>
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.user.User" />
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.clean.Clean' />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.I18N" />
<inherits name="com.google.gwt.i18n.CldrLocales" />
<entry-point class='com.myexample.i18nexample.client.ExampleI18N' />
<servlet path="/start" class="com.myexample.i18nexample.server.StartServiceImpl" />
<extend-property name="locale" values="en, fr" />
<set-property-fallback name="locale" value="en" />
My interface Message.java:
package com.myexample.i18nexample.client;
import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Constants;
public interface Message extends Constants {
String greeting();
The same package com.myexample.i18nexample.client has three properties file:
greeting = hello
greeting = hello
greeting = bonjour
My UiBinder file Greeting.ui.xml:
<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent">
ui:generateLocales="default" >
<ui:with type="com.myexample.i18nexample.client.Message" field="string" />
<ui:msg key="greeting" description="greeting">Default greeting</ui:msg>
When the application starts, I always get the output in the browser:
Default greeting
Why? What am I doing wrong?
I tried to run the application from different URL:
The result does not change. Although I expected in last case a message bonjour.
If for example I use a g:Buttton instead of the message ui:msg:
<g:Button text="{string.greeting}" />
Then I get as a result of the button with text "hello"
And if I enter the URL:
The text on the button changes to "bonjour". Here everything works as expected. But why internationalization is not working in my first case?
And whether there is a difference between the following:
<ui:msg description="greeting">Default greeting</ui:msg>
<ui:msg description="greeting">hello</ui:msg>
<ui:msg description="greeting"></ui:msg>
Should there be different results in these cases? How to write properly?
Please explain to me the principles of internationalization in GWT and why my example does not work.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
First, the files should be named Message_fr.properties (resp. Message_en.properties), not Message.properties_fr (resp. Message.properties_en).
Then ui:msg et al. in UiBinder will generate an interface (extending com.google.gwt.i18n.client.Messages)), not use one that you defined. For that, you have to use {string.greeting} (where string is the ui:field you gave to your ui:with). The UiBinder generator will do a GWT.create() on the type class of your ui:with, which is what you'd have done in Java code:
Message string = GWT.create(Message.class);
String localizedGreeting = string.greeting();
In the implicit Messages interface (generated by UiBinder), the various ui:generateXxx attributes on the ui:UiBinder will be transformed into annotations on the interface (properties of the #Generate annotation, or the value of the #GenerateKeys annotation).
Then, one method will be generated for each ui:msg, where the attributes generate equivalent annotations (#Key, #Description) and the content of the ui:msg element is the value of the #DefaultMessage annotation. When you have or widgets inside the content, they'll be turned into arguments to the method and placeholders in the #DefaultMessage text (the values will be filled by UiBinder).
I'd suggest you make something working without UiBinder first, and understand how it works; then try the ui:msg in UiBinder, using -gen in DevMode or the compiler so you can see exactly what code does UiBinder generate (yes, it really only generates code that you could have written yourself by hand).
Also, you should add a <set-property name="locale" value="en, fr" /> or you'll still have the default locale around, despite the set-property-fallback (it'd just never be used)).

Overriding a label in Zend Fom config XML

Hi I am using an xml file of the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<form action="" method="post">
<page_title type="text" name="page_title" >
<options label="Page Title" required="true" />
<page_content type="textarea" name="page_content">
<options label="Page Content" />
I have two forms which take exactly the same data, but I need to change the labels on the form. I would rather not just cut and paste the code contained within <page></page> and adjust the labels. Is there a way I can 'extend' page and set the labels that way?
you should be able to do it right from the controller (i know it works with normal Zend_form objects)
$form = new Your_Form_Here();
$form->Elementname->setLabel('new label');
That's all there is to it. You may have to make some adjustments because you're using a config file but it should'nt be to hard.

How to add a colorized HTML code snippet in Sandcastle documentation?

I am using the Sandcastle Help File Builder and would like to include colorized HTML code snippets in the "Conceptual Content". Is this possible and if so, how?
I have tried <code>, <codeExample>, and <sampleCode language="HTML" />.
The best result so far is to HTML-encode the sample HTML and place it in a .snippets file like so.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item id="htmlSnippet">
<sampleCode language="HTML">
<span>My Html</span>
Then reference it in the .aml file.
I would prefer to have it colorized, but I can't figure out a way to add the formatting.
According to the MAML Guide, the proper way of doing this is to use a <code> tag with a CDATA section:
<code language="xml" title="Example Configuration">
<span>My Html</span>]]>
The contents of the CDATA section will be treated as a literal string, and indentation will be preserved.
I know this is old, but Sandcastle supports html as xml. I figured I should comment in case anyone else comes across this post as I did.
This should work:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<item id="htmlSnippet">
<sampleCode language="xml"><!CDATA[[
<span>My Html</span>
If you're using Sandcastle Help File Builder, you may create your own syntax parser as described here and here, although xml is available by default... using the XAML filter's generator, which is defined here if you want to look at the config:
<generator type="Microsoft.Ddue.Tools.XamlUsageSyntaxGenerator"
<filter files="{#SandcastlePath}Presentation\Shared\configuration\xamlSyntax.config" />
According to the SHFB documentation for the Code Block Component, you should be able to just use the <code>.
I got it to work without a problem; here's what I did:
<!-- #region myhtml -->
<div>Div for <strong>Good</strong> <em>measure</em>.</div>
<!-- #endregion -->
<code language="html" source="../Examples/test.html" region="myhtml" />
Please note that in the preview, your sample will appear as unhighlighted XML, but when you build the documentation, everything should like just fine.

Custom forms in Magento

Can anyone provide a dummy guide \ code snippets on how to create a front end form in Magento that posts data to a controller action.
Im trying to write a variant of the contact us from. (I know its easy to modify the contact us form, as outlined here). I'm trying to also create a feedback form with additional fields.
Given this basic form:
<form action="<?php echo $this->getFormAction(); ?>" id="feedbackForm" method="post">
<div class="input-box">
<label for="name"><?php echo Mage::helper('contacts')->__('Name') ?> <span class="required">*</span></label><br />
<input name="name" id="name" title="<?php echo Mage::helper('contacts')->__('Name') ?>" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->helper('contacts')->getUserName()) ?>" class="required-entry input-text" type="text" />
<div class="button-set">
<p class="required"><?php echo Mage::helper('contacts')->__('* Required Fields') ?></p>
<button class="form-button" type="submit"><span><?php echo Mage::helper('contacts')->__('Submit') ?></span></button>
What are the basic step I need to take to get inputted name to a controller action for processing?
If any one is interested, I solved this by building my own module which was heavily based on the Magento_Contacts module.
Here are some links that helped me figure things out.
To make $this->getFormAction() return the URL to your custom controller, you have two options:
call setFormAction() somewhere else on the block.
use a custom block type that implements getFormAction().
(1) is what happens in Mage_Contacts_IndexController::indexAction(), but (2) is the cleaner approach and I'm going to explain it in detail:
Create a custom module
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This configuration registers the stack_form block alias for own blocks and the feedback front name for own controllers.
Create custom block
class Stack_Form_Block_Form extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
public function getFormAction()
return $this->getUrl('stack_form/index/post`);
Here we implemented getFormAction() to generate the URL for our custom controller (the result will be BASE_URL/feedback/index/post).
Create custom controller
class Stack_Form_IndexController extends Mage_Contacts_IndexController
public function postAction()
// your custom post action
If the form should behave exactly like the contact form, just with a different email template and additional form fields, there are two solutions that I have outlined at https://magento.stackexchange.com/q/79602/243 where only one of them actually requires a custom controller action to send the form:
If you look at the contacts
used in the form action, you will find that
the transactional template is taken directly from the configuration
all POST data is passed to the template (as template variable data), so that you can add any additional fields to the form
template and use them in the email template. But validation is hard
coded for "name", "comment", "email" and "hideit".
So, if you need a completely different email template or
additional/changed input validation, your best bet is to create a
custom controller with a modified copy of the postAction of
But there is another solution that is a bit limited but without any
custom code involved:
create a hidden input that determines the type of the form. It could be just <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="1" />.
in the contact transactional email template, use the if directive to show different content based on the form type:
{{if data.custom}}
... custom contact form email ...
... standard contact form email ...
How to use this custom block
You can add the form anywhere in the CMS using this code (CMS directive):
{{block type="stack_form/form" template="path/to/your/form.phtml"}}
If you do this, you need to add "stack_form/form" to the block whitelist under System > Permissions > Blocks!
Or in the layout using this code (layout XML):
<block type="stack_form/form" name="any_unique_name" template="path/to/your/form.phtml" />
Solution without custom module
If you use the solution without custom controller and a single email template mentioned above, you can set the form action using layout XML as well.
To achieve this, we use the feature to call helpers as parameters for block actions. Unfortunately, the core helper does not have a public method to get a URL but the helper from Mage_XmlConnect has, so you can use that one:
<block type="core/template" name="any_unique_name" template="path/to/your/form.phtml">
<action method="setFormAction">
<param helper="xmlconnect/getUrl">
In the CMS directive you cannot use helpers, so there you would need to put the actual URL:
{{block type="stack_form/form" template="path/to/your/form.phtml" form_action="/feedback/index/post"}}
Since you probably have different CMS pages/blocks in different store views, this should not be a big problem.