How to do branch and merge operation in VSS? - version-control

Anybody describe me with the example and step by step operation about how to branch a code and then after branching how to merge back the changes in main code.
Thanks & Regards,

To branch right click drag the project you want to branch to it's new location. A dialog will pop up, select the 'Share and Branch' option, another dialog will pop up, check Recursive (assuming you have some sub folders) then click OK and wait.
Reference here:
Merging (which I've never had to do) reference is here:

There is no branching is VSS. All work is done on the main trunk. Use a better version control tool if you can.
What you could do, if you felt so inclined, is:
Get the latest version of the code of the project you want to branch
Create a new VSS project
Copy your code into the working folder of the new project (this is your new "branch")
Make your changes
Commit them into the new project
Take the code of your branch and copy it into the folder holding the latest version of the original project.
Hope no one else had the original project checked out
Commit the changes
I don't recommend this.


Version Control Branching

I'm using TFS version control and am very new to version control in general. The project I'm working on needs a new feature added. Would I branch the entire project or would I only branch those individual files or folders as I work on them? It seems easier to just copy the solution folder and work on an entire new copy but then if I have to go back and fix bugs in the original version I'll have to do them again in the new version. I'm a bit nervous because I've never used branching before and I don't want to screw my project up.
it's personal preference but check out the Rangers Guide to branching here
for your situation, i would branch the whole solution, it makes it easier to develop if you have the whole solution, when you are happy you can then merge in your 'feature' branch back to the original branch. If changes have occured on the original branch in the mean time you may have to manualy merge files during the merge operation.

iOS multiple projects and git branches

Im not an expert at git, but I have a iOS project that has code that I would like to reuse. I will be switching out images and a little data to make each application different. I know you can do this with the targets approach but I wanted to keep everything seperate and out of the original xcode project. So my question is, do I create a branch for each new project, and if so what is the correct terminology or command to grab bug updates from the original code base into my new branch from the main branch? The new branch will never commit back to the master branch also.
I strongly suggest you make different repository for each project, not different branch.
If you have one repository for several projects and for each project different branch, very soon you'll have a mess in your repo.
Also, if you fix a bug on part of code which you want to reuse, you'll need to merge the fix with all branches which use that code.
So, I think the better and much cleaner approach would be to create different repositories for each project, and code which you want to reuse you can add as a git submodule.
So, you'll have repository for your iPhone project then submodule for your shared library, Restkit, and so on...
You will want to review the git branching section of the online reference at GIT-SCM. At a high level you will want to look at merging the various branches. Xcode 5/5.0.1 helps you immensely by using the menu Source Control > Working Copy > Project Name > New, Switch, or Select Merge Into/From Options...

Eclipse switching branch from branch to trunk

I don't understand something that is happening on my Eclipse and I am wondering if this is my Eclipse problem or if this is actually a feature. I have a trunk and a branch. On the repository they are the same so no changes have been commited since I created the branch. After making the branch I switch on my workspace the project from trunk to branch. Then I started working and changing on the branch. Suddenly I wanted to see something on the trunk because I got lost in my changes. So I switch to the trunk. I was surprised when Eclipse did not remove my changes and it was as if no switch was made. The changes continued being there.
Is this normal?
Can someone explain?
This is perfectly normal, and the way the svn switch is suppose to work.
Here's a common scenario. You're working on trunk, and realize that your changes should be applied to a branch instead. You simply do switch and you are now on a new branch and your changes are now applied to the new branch. Many times, I'll be working on one stream (a branch or trunk), and realize that my changes are too experimental and big to go into the current development stream. I'll create a new branch and switch to it.
There is no reason with gigabyte fast disks, and gigabyte networks to be skimping on working directories. I tell developers to dedicate a working directory for each project and branch. Otherwise, if they keep switching back and forth between various development streams, they're going to forget and do development in the wrong place.
With almost any svn client you can:
check out a project
make some changes
switch back and forth to any truck/branch
preserve your changes along the way
In other words, nothing specific to eclipse here.
see: svn switch
I prefer to have separate eclipse projects per branch and also change the project name to something like myProject-24 so when the branch is checked out again down the road, the default project name has some branch identifier on it.
This also enables you to make changes on a per branch level and do single commits across the branches; even if they're in discreet eclipse projects.
The functionality you are looking for can be reached by doing the following
Right Click on the folder that should be replaced
Click on "Replace With ..." from the context menu
Click on "Branch ..."
Select the branch you want to take a look at from the dropdown box
ATTENTION: This is replacing your local changes. It is not possible to reverse this.

Using Subclipse - merge

I created a project, I added it to the repository to the trunk. I made a few changes. I'm looking for the correct way to add a new branch now. He wanted me to work a bit over the appearance of the application. Then, if everything comes out, I wanted to combine the projects into a single new version.
How to do it, ask for directions, links.
Thank you and best regards.
PS: Exactly, I mean that if you do everything as I think it is ok it shows me no call from 5 to 6 on the diagram:
On Subclipse subpage for graphs ( it states:
When the cache is built, it does not gather any merge information, and when you bring up a graph you will not see any merge information. However, for any given revision in the graph, you can select it and take the "Refresh revision" option. That will go out and get the merge information for that revision, store it in the cache, and re-draw the graph. Using the toolbar, you can refresh all of the revisions on the graph at once, although performance for that option is not always great either.
So you should manually refresh revision graph in order to see 'red merge arrows'. Click on "Reload arrows" and choose "Graph revisions".
Instructions on merging and branching in Subclipse.
First, you would do an svn cp of revision one on the trunk to the branch directory. Then, svn switch to the branch and work on the changes. Once they are approved, you would commit everything to the branch, svn switch back to the trunk, and then perform an svn merge of the branch back onto the trunk. Once SVN has completed the merge, you would test the codebase on the trunk to insure it is functioning correctly and all the capability has been properly merged and do an svn commit to complete the merging of the branch to the trunk.

Branching and merging in Subclipse

After following all the articles I could find and trying it myself in many different ways, I'm getting a bit desperate towards performing branching and merging in Subclipse.
All I get is tree conflicts (even for example projects), errors ("file already exists")...
I've used svn copy as well (which apparently is a better practice than setting a branch property) as the built-in branch support.
How to branch a directory to a second one, in the best way possible?
And how to merge changes from any of these directiories to the other one?
So I figured it out:
Creating the branch
Right-click the trunk folder, select Team > Branch/Tag. The Copy to URL: path must be an absolutely new, non-existing path; you can't either select an already existing path, or create a directory through the dialog and then choose that one.
Then click finish unless you need something else.
Switching to the branch
Update to HEAD, right-click the project folder, select Team > Switch to another Branch. Click the Select... button. If the folder you just created doesn't appear, right-click the browser and refresh. Done.
Merging from the trunk to the branch, or viceversa
First, make sure the Collabnet Merge Client is installed. You'll find it in the same directory that one uses to fetch Subclipse 1.X. Otherwise chances are you'll get tree conflicts.
Right-click either the branch or the trunk select Team > Merge. Choose Merge a range from revisions if the merge goes from the trunk to the branch. Otherwise select Reintegrate a branch.
Click Next. Select the merge source and you're done.
You should only branch and merge the whole project. Not individual directories inside the project. It makes things much simpler. For how to do it, refer to the SVN book. It's very well explained and details the usual techniques : feature branches, maintenance branches, etc.