How to use jaxb_commons plugins from maven - plugins

I'm trying to use a jaxb plugin to insert a interface into a choice element generating the classes from maven. The problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to do so from maven, the repository isn't clear from the documentation and the only example (bellow) doesn't work, it seems to ignore the plugin (maven reports no error about not finding it) or the plugin doesn't have all the adds-ons currently listed in the project documentation:
I have these in the root pom:
<name> Maven 1 Repository (legacy)</name>
Running that gives:
Error while setting CmdLine options '[-Xifins, -episode, /home/administrador/JavaApp/wnfe3/wnfe-ejb/target/generated-sources/xjc/META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode]'!
Embedded error: unrecognized parameter -Xifins

Unfortunately, it looks like the interface injection plugin is no longer well supported. In fact, I'm having trouble finding the JAR for download.
Thankfully, the JAXB2 Basics Plugins provides a similar mechanism for adding an interface to the generated JAXB stubs (see the Inheritance plugin).
The JAXB2 Basics plugin is available in the Maven repository.
Using the Inheritance plugin, your POM will look like:
The Inheritance plugin documentation has an example for what your JAXB Bindings would look like. For your convenience, I've reproduced the example below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<!-- ... -->
<xs:complexType name="WillBeMadeCloneableType">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

I'm really not sure this is the "right" way to solve this but, this is what I did. First, download the Interface Insertion Plugin xjc-if-ins.jar from (couldn't find a jar containing IfInsertPluginImpl.class in the maven repository).
Then, install the jar in the local repository:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons \
-DartifactId=xjc-if-ins \
-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
-Dpackaging=jar \
Finally, add the jar as a dependency of the maven-jaxb2-plugin in the plugin section:
As I said, this is maybe not the cleanest way to configure the jaxb2 plugin to use the Interface Insertion Plugin but, with this setup, the generate goal doesn't complain about the -Xifins extension.


Error while using Apache CXF Codegen Plugin in pom.xml.Error in execution tag while trying to update the maven. How to resolve this?

I am trying to generate stubs from the WSDL file using Apache CXF-Codegen plugin.
Error in execution tag while trying to update the maven.Tried enclosing the plugin in pluginManagement tag but no result whatsoever.
Remove wsdlLocation, it's enough to configure wsdl.
See also or sources

Updating play framework project to Java 11 and cannot find correct dependency versions

Updating an existing maven project from Java 8 to 11, and I'm struggling to find the right combination of dependency and plugin versions.
One of the modules uses the play framework, with its associated dependencies, here's what they are set to now:
java: 11.0.5
scala: 2.12.8
sbt: 0.13.17
sbt-compiler-maven-plugin: 1.0.0
sbtrun-maven-plugin: 1.0.1
play: 2.6.21
play2-maven-plugin: 1.0.0-rc5
play2-provider-play26: 1.0.0-rc5
akka: 2.5.27
Which is giving me the following build error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-play2-enhance) on project services: Execution default-play2-enhance of goal failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps scala.Predef$.byteArrayOps(byte[])'
[ERROR] -----------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] realm = extension>
[ERROR] strategy = org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.strategy.SelfFirstStrategy
[ERROR] Number of foreign imports: 1
[ERROR] import: Entry[import from realm ClassRealm[maven.api, parent: null]]
Note: I am hoping to keep akka to version 2.5.x, as 2.6.x requires a lot of code changes, but will go to a higher version if necessary
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Play source directory -->
<!-- <!– These empty tags keep IntelliJ quiet –> -->
<name />
<regex />
<source />
<value />
<fileSet />
<id>eclipse</id> <!-- for M2Eclipse only -->
Updated SBT and Scala version, added redacted pom
As per scala documentation
Your SBT version is not compatible with Java 11. I would recommend upgrading to sbt.version=1.2.3
Akka version you are using should be good if you don't want to upgrade to higher.
I can see you updated sbt version to 0.13.17 and you tried with higher, but you should forget that sbt 0.13 and stick with sbt 1.x since sbt 0.13 is using scala 2.10, and sbt 1.x scala 2.12.
I've also noticed that you don't have version tag for maven-compiler-plugin. If you are using maven 3, it should fail to build because of missing this tag, and since it's not, I guess you are using maven 2 which should be upgraded. Also you should add 3.8.0 version tag to maven-compiler-plugin.
Check this guide to see how to properly configure this plugin for java 11. You should also check other instructions to see if everything is properly configured.

how to solve the dependency missing in eclipse by mvn? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I make eclipse make use of packages downloaded by maven?
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I get a java servlet project from github, it use mvn to compile ,and use jetty as the servlet container.Since I never used mvn ,so I get much problems/.
question 1:
When I run mvn install , it says "BUILD SUCCESS",but after I import this project into eclipse, many packages imported cannot be resolved by eclipse. Why ?It seems that when I run "mvn install",mvn has downloaded all dependencies for me.
question 2:
How to deploy my project to jetty and then run all jUnit test cases ?
question 3:
when I run "mvn jetty:run",it says:
No plugin found for prefix 'jetty' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (/root/.m2/repository), central (] -> [Help 1]
Google says I should add jetty plugins to mvn configuration .But I am confused about the project.Why doesn't the project developers add this to pom.xml?Or, there exist other solutions?
below is the simple project directory.Project name is http-request.
[root#localhost http-request]# ls
lib pom.xml
[root#localhost http-request]# cd lib
[root#localhost lib]# ls
pom.xml src target
pom.xml under http-request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
pom.xml under http-request/lib:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>Library for making HTTP requests</description>
<system>GitHub Issues</system>
<name>MIT License</name>
<name>Kevin Sawicki</name>
<Require-Bundle />
<message>Generated site for ${} ${project.version}</message>
<!-- Used to test proxy -->
There are several issues raised. Let me divide my answer.
Running builds as root
I highly recommend that you stop running builds as root.
[root#localhost http-request]# ls
lib pom.xml
[root#localhost http-request]# cd lib
[root#localhost lib]# ls
pom.xml src target
This is a dangerous practice. Create a normal user account on your system and use this.
Dependencies missing in Eclipse
I have tested the project you are building and confirmed that it builds as follows:
git clone
cd http-request
mvn install
You state that it fails when run from within Eclipse? Could this be because you have not installed the Eclipse plugin for Maven? See the following question:
How can I make eclipse make use of packages downloaded by maven?
No plugin found for prefix 'jetty'
This error is being thrown because the build has not been configured to use jetty. You need to read the documentation on how to enable this in your build
Your question here:
Google says I should add jetty plugins to mvn configuration .But I am confused about the project.Why doesn't the project developers add this to pom.xml?Or, there exist other solutions?
Needs to be addresses to the developer of the project. The most likely explanation is that he is not using Jetty to test his code. For example in my projects I use a continuous integration server (Jenkins) which automatically builds, deploys and tests code every time a code commit is made.

How to generate an aggregated scaladoc for a maven site?

I have a multi-module Maven build and I would like to generate an aggregated Scaladoc in my root module, similar to what the aggregate goal for the maven-javadoc-plugin does. My first attempt was:
<project ...>
However, the aggregateDirectOnly property does not seem to have any effect. I always get the Scaladoc for the individual jar-type POMs only.
I also tried to set forceAggregate to true, but it had no effect, too.
How to do this?
This doesn't answer the question exactly as asked, but is a solution that may actually be preferred for mixed java/scala projects until ScalaDoc is capable of parsing JavaDoc comments. It produces a single aggregated JavaDoc that includes documentation from all of the project's Scala source files as well.
The solution is simple: configure Maven to use the GenJavaDoc Scala compiler plugin so that ScalaDocs can be converted to JavaDocs. Then, use the normal javadoc:aggregate goal to aggregate the project as normal.
Here is a sample Maven profile to do this. It configures the Scala compiler to generate the JavaDocs corresponding to the Scala sources, configures Maven to treat the genjavadoc directory created by the Scala compiler as a source directory, and then configures the javadoc plugin itself (this last may be optional if you have no special JavaDoc plugin configuration requirements).

Execute Maven plugin goal on parent module, but not on children

We have a multi-module maven project that uses a profile that defines a buildnumber-maven-plugin to increment a build number and then check it into source control.
If I define the plugin in the parent pom.xml it executes for all the child builds as well.
Here's my parent pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Parent Project</name>
<format>{0, number}</format>
<message>[Automated checkin] of ${basedir} Build version: ${major.version}.${minor.version}.${buildNumber}</message>
As documented in the Plugins section of the pom reference:
Beyond the standard coordinate of groupId:artifactId:version, there are elements which configure the plugin or this builds interaction with it.
inherited: true or false, whether or not this plugin configuration should apply to POMs which inherit from this one.
So just add <inherited>false</inherited> to the buildnumber-maven-plugin configuration to avoid inheritance in children POMs:
You can add <inherited>false</inherited> to the plugin configuration to avoid inheritance in children POMs:
Or, if your plugin has multiple executions, you can control which executions are inherited and which are not by adding the inherited tag to the execution body:
<echo message="Echoed only by this module."/>
<inherited>true</inherited> <!-- Defaults to true, so you could leave this line out -->
<echo message="Echoed in this module and each child module."/>
There is a built-in maven option:
mvn --help
-N,--non-recursive Do not recurse into sub-projects
If the plugin is custom one and you have access to plugin MOJO code, you can mark the plugin as aggregator; if the expected behavior is applicable for all projects where plugin is to be used.
As mentioned in Mojo API Specification ,
Flags this Mojo to run it in a multi module way, i.e. aggregate the
build with the set of projects listed as modules.
#Mojo(name = "createHF", inheritByDefault = false, aggregator = true)
public class CreateHFMojo extends AbstractMojo {
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
Detailed example on github.
Just an addition to the great answers here: note that per-execution inheritance is broken in Maven 2: