How can I replace all 'die's with 'confess' in a Perl application? - perl

I'm working in a large Perl application and would like to get stack traces every time 'die' is called. I'm aware of the Carp module, but I would prefer not to search/replace every instance of 'die' with 'confess'. In addition, I would like full stack traces for errors in Perl modules or the Perl interpreter itself, and obviously I can't change those to use Carp.
So, is there a way for me to modify the 'die' function at runtime so that it behaves like 'confess'? Or, is there a Perl interpreter setting that will throw full stack traces from 'die'?

Use Devel::SimpleTrace or Carp::Always and they'll do what you're asking for without any hard work on your part. They have global effect, which means they can easily be added for just one run on the commandline using e.g. -MDevel::SimpleTrace.

What about setting a __DIE__ signal handler? Something like
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { Carp::confess #_ };
at the top of your script? See perlvar %SIG for more information.

I usually only want to replace the dies in a bit of code, so I localize the __DIE__ handler:
use Carp;
local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
As a development tool this can work, but some modules play tricks with this to get their features to work. Those features may break in odd ways when you override the handler they were expecting. It's not a good practice, but it happens sometimes.

The Error module will convert all dies to Error::Simple objects, which contain a full stacktrace (the constructor parses the "at file... line.." text and creates a stack trace). You can use an arbitrary object (generally subclassed from Error::Simple) to handle errors with the $Error::ObjectifyCallback preference.
This is especially handy if you commonly throw around exceptions of other types to signal other events, as then you just add a handler for Error::Simple (or whatever other class you are using for errors) and have it dump its stacktrace or perform specialized logging depending on the type of error.


Where Does create_custom_level() Need to Be Declared (log4perl)?

I'm trying to create a custom message level 'alert' (between warn and error) in Perl, but consistently get the error message:
create_custom_level must be called before init or first get_logger() call at /usr/share/perl5/Log/Log4perl/ line 705.
My declaration of the custom level looks like this:
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
use Log::Log4perl::Level;
Log::Log4perl::Logger::create_custom_level("ALERT", "ERROR");
As far as I can tell from the documentation putting this at the top of any file which intends to use the custom level should be enough. So I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. Looking in the file where the error is thrown from shows that logger is being initialized before the custom level is being declared. Does anyone know how this could be happening?
P.S. I assure you creating a custom level is the right choice here, even if it's frowned upon.
EDIT: Question Answered! The top answer was more a guide to debugging, so I wanted to copy my solution from the comment section so that future readers would be more likely to see it.
I found that there were two steps to fixing my problem:
I needed to put create_custom_level in a BEGIN { ... } statement so that it would run at compile time, since it was apparently being beaten by a logger initialization that was being called at compile time.
I realized that putting the same create_custom_level line in both the main script (.pl) and its modules (.pm) is redundant and caused part of my problems. Depending on the order in which you've put your statements that execute at compile time (like 'use' and 'BEGIN'), calling create_custom_level in multiple files could lead to the sequence: 'create custom level', 'initialize logger', 'create custom level', across multiple files. I didn't figure out where the logger was being initialized early, but I was able to circumvent that by just creating my custom level as early as possible (for other inexperienced coders, using the perl debugger can be key in understanding the order in which lines and files are executed). Best to put create_custom_level in the original script or the first module it uses.
Hope this helps someone else!
The code you provided doesn't produce an error.
Perhaps you have some other code later in your script that is evaluated at compile time -- a module loaded in a use statement or some code in a BEGIN { ... } block -- that initializes a Logger.
If it's not obvious where this might be happening, you can use the Perl debugger to find out where the Logger call could be coming from. First, put this line in your file right after the use Log::Log4perl; and use Log::Log4perl::Level; statements:
BEGIN { $DB::single=1 }
This statement will get the debugger to stop at this line during the compile time phase, and allow you to stop at breakpoints during the rest of the compile phase. Then fire up a debugger
$ perl -d
set breakpoints on the critical Log::Log4perl functions
DB<1> b Log::Log4perl::init
DB<2> b Log::Log4perl::get_logger
begin executing the code
DB<3> c
and when the code stops, get a stack trace
371: my $category;
DB<4> T

Catching runtime errors in Perl and converting to exceptions

Perl currently implements $SIG{__DIE__} in such a way that it will catch any error that occurs, even inside eval blocks. This has a really useful property that you can halt the code at the exact point where the error occurs, collect a stack trace of the actual error, wrap this up in an object, and then call die manually with this object as the parameter.
This abuse of $SIG{__DIE__} is deprecated. Officially, you are supposed to replace $SIG{__DIE__} with *CORE::GLOBAL::die. However, these two are NOT remotely equivalent. *CORE::GLOBAL::die is NOT called when a runtime error occurs! All it does is replace explicit calls to die().
I am not interested in replacing die.
I am specifically interested in catching runtime errors.
I need to ensure that any runtime error, in any function, at any depth, in any module, causes Perl to pass control to me so that I can collect the stack trace and rethrow. This needs to work inside an eval block -- one or more enclosing eval blocks may want to catch the exception, but the runtime error could be in a function without an enclosing eval, inside any module, from anywhere.
$SIG{__DIE__} supports this perfectly—and has served me faithfully for a couple of years or more—but the Powers that Be™ warn that this fantastic facility may be snatched away at any time, and I don't want a nasty surprise one day down the line.
Ideally, for Perl itself, they could create a new signal $SIG{__RTMERR__} for this purpose (switching signal is easy enough, for me anyway, as it's only hooked in one place). Unfortunately, my persuasive powers wouldn't lead an alcoholic to crack open a bottle, so assuming this will not happen, how exactly is one supposed to achieve this aim of catching runtime errors cleanly?
(For example, another answer here recommends Carp::Always, which … also hooks DIE!)
Just do it. I've done it. Probably everyone who's aware of this hook has done it.
It's Perl; it's still compatible going back decades. I interpret "deprecated" here to mean "please don't use this if you don't need it, ew, gross". But you do need it, and seem to understand the implications, so imo go for it. I seriously doubt an irreplaceable language feature is going away any time soon.
And release your work on CPAN so the next dev doesn't need to reinvent this yet again. :)

Who's calling with Moose?

I am trying to write a logger role (with Log::Dispatchouli, but that shouldn't matter) that tells me from which package, sub, line etc. I have been issuing log messages. Naturally, I tried with caller, but stack is full of Moose classes and the number of frames changes in different situations. Is there a way to get similar info using MOP or Moose? Or perhaps there is a module to filter caller stack? Thanks a lot!
package logger
sub log {...}
log "bla"
#intended output
some_package l.12 bla
You can use Carp's longmess function to produce a stack trace. It's poorly documented, but its been there for a long time and pretty safe to use. cluck and confess are just warn longmess and die longmess respectively.
The advantage of using longmess() is Carp has several global variables to control what it considers to be "internal". This effectively stops them from appearing in stack traces. The two you care about are #CARP_NOT and %Carp::Internal. Which you should use depends on how you're logging.
#CARP_NOT affects only stack traces originating from the package that set #CARP_NOT. So you could write your logger something like this:
package MyLogger;
use Carp;
our #CARP_NOT = qw(MyLogger Moose More::Moose::Stuff);
sub trace {
# For example...
warn Carp::longmess("Trace message");
MyLogger::trace() should report a trace message but ignore itself, Moose and whatever else you put into #CARP_NOT.
%Carp::Internal is sort of a global version of this. If you can't centralize where the Carp functions are called into a logging package, you can add packages to %Carp::Internal. Unfortunately this is global and has all the problems of setting a global variable. If you're going to mess with it, be sure to add packages to it like $Carp::Internal{"Some::Module"}++. Do not overwrite it like %Carp::Internal = ("Some::Module" => 1).

How to report error from a Moose constructor?

I have a class that reads configuration. Now the problem is that I don't know how to report errors from this class.
Using die isn't sufficient, since the configuration is parametric, and errors are common.
The situation is complicated by the fact, that I'm invoking the read function in Moose BUILD method. Because this usage significantly improves readability when the class is used, I would like to keep it this way.
What is wrong with die? It throws an exception that you can capture and process as needed. In fact Moose itself throws exception on validation errors.
You might want to look at Carp for its croak() function. From its documentation:
The Carp routines are useful in your own modules because they act like
die() or warn(), but with a message which is more likely to be useful
to a user of your module. In the case of cluck, confess, and longmess
that context is a summary of every call in the call-stack. For a
shorter message you can use carp or croak which report the error as
being from where your module was called.
Used along with Try::Tiny you get a more powerful, flexible, and descriptive solution than matching good old die with eval. You don't have to worry about the edge cases that cause $# to provide bad information, for example. And your exceptions can be more accurately descriptive, as well as more detailed. With Carp, you can even make your croaks behave like confess, providing a detailed stack trace, which makes it easier to see exactly where a problem is originating.

Do you use an exception class in your Perl programs? Why or why not?

I've got a bunch of questions about how people use exceptions in Perl. I've included some background notes on exceptions, skip this if you want, but please take a moment to read the questions and respond to them.
Background on Perl Exceptions
Perl has a very basic built-in exception system that provides a spring-board for more sophisticated usage.
For example die "I ate a bug.\n"; throws an exception with a string assigned to $#.
You can also throw an object, instead of a string: die BadBug->new('I ate a bug.');
You can even install a signal handler to catch the SIGDIE psuedo-signal. Here's a handler that rethrows exceptions as objects if they aren't already.
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
my $e = shift;
$e = ExceptionObject->new( $e ) unless blessed $e;
die $e;
This pattern is used in a number of CPAN modules. but perlvar says:
Due to an implementation glitch, the
$SIG{DIE} hook is called even
inside an eval(). Do not use this to
rewrite a pending exception in $# , or
as a bizarre substitute for overriding
CORE::GLOBAL::die() . This strange
action at a distance may be fixed in a
future release so that $SIG{DIE}
is only called if your program is
about to exit, as was the original
intent. Any other use is deprecated.
So now I wonder if objectifying exceptions in sigdie is evil.
The Questions
Do you use exception objects? If so, which one and why? If not, why not?
If you don't use exception objects, what would entice you to use them?
If you do use exception objects, what do you hate about them, and what could be better?
Is objectifying exceptions in the DIE handler a bad idea?
Where should I objectify my exceptions? In my eval{} wrapper? In a sigdie handler?
Are there any papers, articles or other resources on exceptions in general and in Perl that you find useful or enlightening.
Cross-posted at Perlmonks.
I don't use exception objects very often; mostly because a string is usually enough and involves less work. This is because there is usually nothing the program can do about the exception. If it could have avoided the exception, it wouldn't have caused it in the first place.
If you can do something about the exceptions, use objects. If you are just going to kill the program (or some subset, say, a web request), save yourself the effort of coming up with an elaborate hierarchy of objects that do nothing more than contain a message.
As for number 4; $SIG{__DIE__} should never be used. It doesn't compose; if one module expects sigdie to work in one way, and another module is loaded that makes it work some other way, those modules can't be used in the same program anymore. So don't do that.
If you want to use objects, just do the very-boring die Object->new( ... ). It may not be exciting as some super-awesome magic somewhere, but it always works and the code does exactly what it says.