how to logout after getting authenticated by single sign on provider? - logout

I am trying to provide authentication facility through third party single sign on provider like rpxnow. After login on every refresh of page I am not able to retrieve the cookies set by the provider so that I can delete them when user desires to log out?
Is there any other way to gracefully logout the user without trying to search for cookies etc., or releasing the token provided by them after authentication?

I had a workaround. I stored the token retrieved from single sign on site and onclick of logout deleted the token. Every call handler for each page was initiated by checking for validating for token variable in session.


Kick user session out from own controller action method serverside

In IdentityServer3 do we have any extension method like owincontext.Environment.logoutCurrentSession for the logged in user. We have our own custom login pages and logout page and we already have our own logout page where we used to logout the existing user through context.Authentication.Signout stuff.
In Identity Server you need to call LogoutEndPoint with user IdentityToken for logout user and end of session. Also you must cleanup to cookie with SignoutCleanup. I think, first you need to read documentation of Identity Server 3.
Logout EndPoint Usage

LinkedIn API Refresh Access Token (May 2017)

Could someone please clarify whether it's possible to refresh a LinkedIn access token programatically WITHOUT requiring any user interaction?
...Refreshing an access token can be done silently behind-the-scenes and should have no impact on user experience.
...If your application requires you to make API calls in an automated way - without user interaction, you need to bootstrap the first access token request by manually signing in, and then ensure that your application refreshes the token automatically prior to expiry to avoid the need for additional human authentication.
Their documentation points to 'Step 5 — Refresh your Access Tokens'
During the refresh workflow, provided the following conditions are met, the authorization dialog portion of the flow is automatically skipped and the user is redirected back to your callback URL, making acquiring a refreshed access token a seamless behind-the-scenes user experience:
The user is still logged into
The user's current access token has not expired
As clear as mud...but from the above it sounds like their "silent" refresh still requires the user to have an active session/logged in to LinkedIn.
Thank you!
Looks like you need to ask them to enable Credentials Flow so you can pass the client ID and client secret directly. I'm in the same boat, really frustrating.
"Commonly referred to as "OAuth two-legged", this flow allows your application to authorize with LinkedIn's API directly - outside the context of any specific user."

Is it possible to renew long lived access token in Facebook using an api call?

Facebook documentation states that
. At any point, you can generate a new long-lived token by sending the person back to the login flow used by your web app - note that the person will not actually need to login again, they have already authorized your app, so they will immediately redirect back to your app from the login flow with a refreshed token - how this appears to the person will vary based on the type of login flow that you are using, for example if you are using the JavaScript SDK, this will take place in the background, if you are using a server-side flow, the browser will quickly redirect to the Login Dialog and then automatically and immediately back to your app again.
What does it mean that the person does not actually need to login? Does not he have to pass his credentials again? If not how does FB is authenticating the user and getting the refreshed access token?
Yes but you need that the user visits your web app. Then you check for login status, if it is "connected" you will get a new short-lived token without even making the user login again. That's because the token has information about apps already authorized by user. If not the case or the user hasn't login in FB then you need to call the login function.
Once you have the token you can create a new long-lived token again.

When I should load a new access token?

My app uses Facebook Javascript SDK authorization on client side, and for authorized user app fetches access token from Facebook API, using facebook cookie with signed request and provided code, and store it into database.
Everything is working fine, but i'm wondering, when I should refresh stored access token? What if user have changes password, and have signed in/connected again.
As I understand, now she has new access token, and app should load it from Facebook. But how I can understand when I should check for a new token? Check on each request with facebook cookie doesn't work, because it's few request per second for each user (event if she didn't change a password). Or maybe i'm doing something wrong?
I mean:
I've authorized user on client side
I've cookie with signed request
Signed request is pretty enough to authorize user on server side (validate user credentials)
I can get access token by calling Facebook API, anytime when user user makes request to my app (because I need a code from signed request). So, i'm doing it when I don't have stored access token or existing access token has expired.
access token just stored in database, and can be used anytime, in different thread, maybe few minutes later (mean we don't have user request and cookie with signed request)
What if stored access token not expired, but invalidated on facebook side? I need to fetch new access token, but cookie has gone at this moment.
Currently I see only one way: store code from signed request into databse, and when we have found that we have invalid access token, try to load it. But i'm note sure that it's proper way, and not so much usable for most cases
You have client token and server token, the client one is short lived (a few hours) and the server one is long lived (60 days).
The token on the client side should not bother you too much since you can get a new one easily as it states in the "Handling Invalid and Expired Access Tokens" guide:
Desktop Web and Mobile Web apps which implement authentication with the Javascript SDK
Calling FB.getLoginStatus() or ensuring status: true is set when you
call FB.init() means that the next time a user lands on your
application and is signed into Facebook, the authResponse object you
are passed as a result of those calls will contain a fresh, valid
access token.
In this case, its simply the act of the user using your application
which implicitly generates a new access token.
The token on the server side, which you persist in the db, can not be as easily reproduced, the user has to be sent to the auth dialog again:
Desktop Web and Mobile Web apps which implement the server-side authentication flow
To obtain a fresh access token in this case you must pass the user
through the full server-side flow again: i.e. obtain a code and
exchange it for a new access token.
However, assuming the user has not de-authorized your application,
when you redirect the user into the OAuth Dialog, the user will not be
prompted to reauthorize your application, and will be immediately
redirected to your redirect_uri. This means that the re-authentication
process can appear transparent to the user.
You can of course send a client token to the server and persist that, but it's pretty pointless since it's short lived.
Another option is to use the new endpoint to extend a valid client token on the server side and then persisting that.
As for "how to know when do get a new token", on the server side when you are making api requests just check the response and see if an error returned and if so what it is (there's a list in the first url I added).
If the token has expired then just send the user to the auth dialog again (you can return some kind of code to the client side and do it from there) and then save the new token to the db.
There's no need to check cookies, those are used in the background but you should not have anything to do with them.
Don't use the cookies, they should not concern you at any time.
What you should do:
On the server side you should follow the instructions in the Server-Side auth guide, get the "code" and exchange it with a token.
That token will have 60 days.
Use that token, which you store in your db, as needed (other threads, what not) and when you are getting an error back from facebook saying that the token has expires just navigate the user back to the auth dialog page.
You can not use the "code" to get more than one token so that won't help you.
If the user session (and token) got invalidated (for various reasons) you will still get an error back from facebook when trying to make an api request, when that happens just send the user to the auth dialog again.

Facebook authentication and Ajax

I am building a Facebook application, and using the oAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication/authorization.
When a user first visits my app I am using the protocol and store the access token in order to make future requests to the Graph API. The problem occurs when the access token expires and the user is using ajax.
When the ajax request is sent I try to retrieve information from the Graph API using the access token, but since it expired I get a JSON saying the access token is invalid. Now, I can send a response back to the client saying the access token expired and on the client side I can redirect him to to go through the authentication process again. However, since the whole process is in Ajax, redirecting the user will hurt the usability of the application.
Is there any other way I can use the protocol to get a new access token without needing to redirect the user's browser to get a new access token? Maybe something on the server side?
You just need to ask for the offline_access permission, then your access_token will not expire.
As Rafael notes, you can ask the user for offline_access and then the token should never expire. However, in practice, the access token does expire when a user changes their password or uninstalls/reinstalls your app, so you'll need to build a way for the user to reauthenticate themselves so you can update their token. I suggest redirecting them to a login page that should (ideally) just send them right back where you tell them to go without them having to do anything, and using deep linking to put them right back in your app where they left off.
I'm encountering this issue as well. One solution I came up with is as follows:
Create an async method called isAccessTokenValid()
Invoke isAccessTokenValid() before any method that will require FB interaction
If access_token has expired. save the current uri to the session, along with any form data entries (if any), and start the re-authentication process again.
Once the user has re-authenticated, bring up the stored uri.
This is a bit dirty, but I haven't seen a cleaner solution yet.