UIButton: Need a circle hit area - iphone

Ok I have 6 custom UIButtons. Their normal state image are all circles images.
They are all spaced out equally but all the circles touch each other.
The problem with the custom UIbutton (which has a circle image on it), is that the hit area of that button is square, and the corners of this square overlaps the hitarea of the other custom button's hitarea.
How do i make the hit area of a UIbutton whos normal state has a circle image, be only clickable on that circle only, rather than the normal square hit area?!
I hope that someone can find a way for me to solve this problem that i currently am having!
Thanks in advance

If the square area of a "circle" is clicked on, you should then check if the distance between the center of the circle and the coordinates of the click are less than the radius of the circle. If not, then the "hit" can be ignored.

Thanks for the input demi, I just basically put hidden buttons on top of the images. They weren't really circles, they were more complex shapes; hence the reason I didn't bother about the maths, so I just placed hidden buttons on top of the images themselves and make those hit areas and cover appropriately until I get the desired hit area coverage I need.
Although not very neat, it works well! :D
Thanks once again for the swift reply demi.

OBShapedButton is an awesome project that will give you a button that will only respond to taps that are in the images area. I've messed with a few projects that say they do the same thing, and this one is the best I've seen so far.


Custom Shaped Buttons Unity UI

Hi I am trying to create custom buttons on unity (trapeziums). I successfully created the visible area on Photoshop and imported it as Sprite 2D UI as per the following image:
The issue arises, when I'm trying to select one of the buttons in game, their border overlap each other, since the transparent area is still being considered as part of the clickable button area. How can I remove this?
Practically when I import I want the squared boxes to not be counted with the image. I need the edges of the orange area to be cut flush with that and not the entire area(i.e. including the transparent boxes).
You may achieve this by using Alpha Hit Test Minimum Threshold. Take a look at this nice video tutorial.
There is one extra step that is not shown in the video but mentioned in the comments: you have to change "Mesh Type" to "Full Rect" and not "Tight" as it is.
Hope that helps.
The clickable area is based on the Rect Transform component of the GameObject. Adjust the width and height to the clickable area you want. You may have to crop your image in photoshop accordingly. If you select 'Gizmos' in the editor you can toggle viewing the click region.

Getting a round blur halo around a square button in order to place over an image

I updated this with an image of what I am trying to achieve, its a blur on a image which adds a touch of shading and even white on white is visible. I am basically working on putting buttons of various kinds on top of images and welcome's any and all assistance on best practices. I know facebook does this in some way as an app example.
To summarize what I am trying to achieve. I have an image that takes up the full screen and I would like to place a button on top of that image that does something like blur around it with padding so that it looks clean on top of the image. My button is a heart png, red outline with clear inside, and is represented as a square because of the irregular shape. I would like the heart to be on top of a circle that does something like blur the image so it can always be seen.
I found a number of similar solutions to this problem using UIBlurEffect but nothing that specifically addresses the "square image" and how I would control making the blur circle larger/smaller in terms of the padding around the square. I tinkered with creating a UIView that was transparent, placing a circle with a blur into there and then adding the button with their centers aligned but this seems like an incorrect approach and wasn't quite working. I suspect that for people with expertise this is something where I just need to have the correct usage of the UIBlurEffect.

How to add effects to UILabel

I've been searching for that many time ago and I can't find a solution. I have a animated label that crosses the screen of the iPhone (like the title of a song does in the Music app.Well, I'd like to add the "fade in/out" effect like the music app has. The easy solution is open Photoshop and create this simple image and then add it up to the label. Well, under the label I have an image with black backgroud. The image can be zoomed in and then the image with the fade in/out effect can be seen, and it doesn't look well. Is there any possibility to do this programatically? Thanks
PD: if there's another possibility rather than doing this programatically, I'll apreciate the answer as well.
Edit: Here's the image capture of the problem
I'll approach it in a non-programming way.
The image reference you gave us for the Music app you seem to be emulating has a different gradient than the one you drew in the second image.
If you notice in the image, the gradient has not fully completed its transition from clear to black before the words are cut off. I would say in photoshop run the gradient from clear to 80% alpha black and then draw a 100% alpha black rectangle to finish it off as per image. The white is just showing you what it looks like without the black background.
Now as for the zooming. Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like you want a viewing window for the image so that once you have zoomed into it, it will fade to either side, but still be viewable/movable in the center. This means that the image has to be zoom-able, but once you have zoomed the "fade in/out" should not be zoom-able.
Just make sure you aren't scaling the fader by keeping it separate from the scrollView of your background image.

Hiding a part of an image in iPhone-Game

I am working on a small game, in which the user can drag rows and columns of images to solve a puzzle.
The puzzle does not use the whole screen, the "puzzle area" is in a rectangle area from 0,160 to 320,480.
Now, if the user drags a column of the images up, the top image in that column would be displayed "out of" that puzzle area. How could I only have that portion of the image shown, that remains within the puzzle area. Like not showing the whole 50x50 Pixel of the image, but only the lower 40x50 Pixel etc.?
You just need to set the frames on your views properly. If your puzzle views frame ends at the (0,160) point on top, any subviews you've added to it; such as the puzzle pieces will be hidden when they move out of the frame.
Hopefully I'm not oversimplifying the problem, but one of the easier ways I can think of working this scenario is by maintaining a proper view structure while moving the puzzle pieces.
i.e. as long as the view on the top half of the screen is higher up on the view hierarchy than the puzzle pieces (you could ensure this by properly maintaining the subviews), the puzzle pieces will be hidden under the top view if they move beneath it.
Is this what you need?
I am just tryin to give u some ideas.. Hope u can implement with that...
First use touchesBegan and touchesMoved methods to detect how much pixels the image has been dragged. Simultaneously u can also move the frame of the image to a new coordinate , hiding a portion of the image....tat is out of puzzle area.....
Hope this helps....
Let the above one be the actual frame. Now u have received the amt of pixels thru which the user has moved the image from touches method. Let it be some y1. To hide a part of the imageview reframe the imageview like this ,
negative y1 since u want to move out of the screen..
Hope this helps.

UI Button with Image Smaller than Touchable Area

I've not much response so am adding some more info.
My buttons are not rectangular, nor organised in a grid so I need a way of creating what looks like a button (and shows that it has been pressed visually, as per a standard UIButton) but where the touchable area is different to the image area.
I am using a transparent PNG and that element works fine. I've added the buttons in Interface Builder and am wondering if that is the problem.
However, if I change imageEdgeInsets, it distorts the image display, which is obviously not what I want.
Bizarrely, if I increase the dimemsions of the button, it doesn't change the image, but if I decrease them it does.
I have tried different combinations of mode (scale to fill etc), but to no avail.
I am aware that there is an image and background image property, but in IB there is only one.
Essentially, I don't understand how the geometry works and the Apple documentation doesn't seem to help.
Surely, I can't be the only person to try to do this. Any help would be warmly welcomed.
Many thanks,
Try setting the buttons setting to Aspect Fit. This will fill the button with your image so a smaller image than the button size would leave the space around the image.
Also set the button type to custom.
In the end, I stumbled across Ole Begemann's Non-rectangular buttons class. It just does what I need - to be able to create buttons where the touchable area follows the visible element of a non rectangular image.
#Helium3 - thanks - that allowed me to use a larger touch area, bit not a smaller one.