Why does EclipseLink think my database schema doesn't exist? - jpa

I'm working on a web project using EJB 3.0, and whenever EclipseLink tries to interact with the database, it says that the schema I'm using doesn't exist (which it does).
I get a massive, unhelpful stack trace from GlassFish 2.1, which begins with:
EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.1.0.r3639-SNAPSHOT
file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/nick/.personalDomain/personalDomain/applications/j2ee-apps/ScienceEar/lib/ScienceJpa-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar-SciencePU login successful
Local Exception Stack:
Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.1.0.r3639-SNAPSHOT): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Schema 'BEAMLINE' does not exist
Error Code: -1
Call: SELECT exp_id, fac_family, public_viewable, group_name, created_ts, status, exp_num, date_received, exp_type, title, updated_ts, text_only_title, experiment_url, proposed_eec, start_of_prep FROM beamline.eec_exp_toc
Query: ReadAllQuery(name="Experiment.findAll" referenceClass=Experiment sql="SELECT exp_id, fac_family, public_viewable, group_name, created_ts, status, exp_num, date_received, exp_type, title, updated_ts, text_only_title, experiment_url, proposed_eec, start_of_prep FROM beamline.eec_exp_toc")
I could post more of the stack trace, but it's really boring. Any ideas for why EclipseLink can't see the schema?
More info: "beamline" is the only schema I use. The SQL in the stack trace is the stuff that was generated by a NamedQuery, the first interaction with this database (and the first JPA interaction at all) in my program.

Got it - I'm connecting directly to the database, when I should be using GlassFish's connection pool.


Table not found on postresql connection from spring boot 2

I am trying to perform a basic connection between to a local postgresql DB from a very basic SpringBootProject (for training purpose).
# configure postgresql
spring.jpa.database-platform = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL94Dialect
So far, I have managed to have it compile and run... but when I am trying to access my DB, I get a "Table "FILMS" not found" error (org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException). When I insert data from a data.sql, I get the inserted movies. But without this initializer, I cannot get data from my db...
Table "FILMS" not found; SQL statement:
select film0_.code as
code1_0_, film0_.date_prod as date_pro2_0_, film0_.did as did3_0_,
film0_.kind as kind4_0_, film0_.title as title5_0_ from films film0_
2018-07-26 12:24:18.151 ERROR 10376 --- [nio-9000-exec-1]
o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet] : Servlet.service() for
servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception
[Request processing failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could
not prepare statement; SQL [select film0_.code as code1_0_,
film0_.date_prod as date_pro2_0_, film0_.did as did3_0_, film0_.kind
as kind4_0_, film0_.title as title5_0_ from films film0_]; nested
exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not
prepare statement] with root cause
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "FILMS" non trouvée
Spring boot is in version 2.03 RELEASE; both postgresql connector AND server's ones are 9.4.
I am using spring boot parent starter, as well as data-jpa-starter (with no extra hibernate/jpa depencies defined).
The source code is here
My postresql server is up, the database "db" exists, and its table public."FILMS" is full of data...
Any idea on what I am doing (or undestanding) wrong?
In your application properties file try
It will try to check the table in your db

hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto value="update" issue with Hibernate 3.4 to 5.1 migration

I have an application presently running (without issue) on JBoss 6 that I am attempting to upgrade to run on WildFly 10.1. Much of this upgrade is going well. However, the upgrade from Hibernate 3.4 (on JBoss 6) to Hibernate 5.1 (on WildFly 10.1) is causing a few issues.
Specifically, in my persistence.xml, I include the following property.
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/>
Please NOTE: I am NOT making any schema or other DB changes as part of the upgrade. Furthermore, I am pointing at the same database instance that has been successfully running under the JBoss 6/Hibernate 3.4 instance. Therefore, I am confident that inclusion of this property should have no actual work/update to do upon first run with the WildFly 10.1/Hibernate 5.1 version.
However, inclusion of this property appears to 1) erroneously determine that it needs to make updates and 2) fail to do so successfully. It results in the following stack trace:
Failed to start service jboss.persistenceunit."app.ear#PU": org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.persistenceunit."PU": javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: PU] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory
Caused by: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: PU] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory
Caused by: org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.SchemaManagementException: Unable to execute schema management to JDBC target [create index company_id_index on APPROVER (COMPANY_ID)]
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "company_id_index" already exists
Again, the table and index in question already exist (as confirmed by the final error).
Is Hibernate now no longer case sensitive (COMPANY_ID_INDEX being different than company_id_index)?
If so, how can I configure it so that it is case insensitive as it used to be (Postgres defaults all of this to lower....)
Doh! Face palm! I recently discovered that similar errors were also occurring related to hbm2ddl index creation with Hibernate 3.4/JBoss 6 as I am now experiencing with Hibernate 5.1/Wildfly 10.1; however, they were NOT preventing successful start up of the persistence module. Essentially, they were being only subtly suppressed. I'm not sure if this is an expected change related to the Hibernate versions or not, as they do prevent it's start up in Hibernate 5.1/Wildfly 10.1?
The underlying issue here turned out to be that index names must be unique across the entire schema in Postgres. So multiple entities each having a FK to a COMPANY_ID column must each have a unique name for the index. Indices are relations in Postgres (driving the unique across schema requirement).
Thank you for the suggestions and apologies for the confusion.

How to load database configuration from preferences in eclipse e4 rcp?

I am trying to load and use my database configuration from preferences as suggested here using properties = {...} approach, but it is not working.
I get the following exception:
WARNING: EMFProxy invocation on method isOpen failed: Exception: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.0.v20130815-a4708b6): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: URL was not specified
The problem persists even if I hard code the values in properties using value=.... It somehow does not read the properties.
I fixed it! I wanted the PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER to be static so I left it in the persistence.xml and did not add it programmatically. The problem was fixed when I removed it from persistence.xml and set it also programmatically.

com.google.cloud.sql.jdbc.internal.ClientSideClob causes 500 error, apps are unusable

Woke up this morning with this error coming from google.cloud.sql.jdbc
We have been using the OData library Oligno v2 for months and for no apparent reason this morning it stopped working. Our apps and services are down.
{"error":{"code":null,"message":{"lang":"en","value":"\"OData - JPA
Runtime: JPA query syntax is not correct\""},"innererror":"class
org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ConversionException : \nException
Description: The object [], of class [class
com.google.cloud.sql.jdbc.internal.ClientSideClob], could not be
converted to [class java.lang.String].\nInternal Exception: Exception
[EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services -
2.4.2.v20130514-5956486): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException\nInternal
Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid parameter for pos value
1\nError Code: 0"}}
java google app engine
angular app on the front
Java EE backend with the oligno v2 library https://olingo.apache.org/doc/odata2/download.html
simply calling something like http://app.server/odata.svc/Tasks returns this error, it's like the oData library is not compatible anymore with GAE and Cloud SQL
There is an issue with the connection, here is the discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-appengine/Oc-wJvvCXgE
Please fill out this form if issue still persists:

Could not roll back JPA transaction; javax.persistence.PersistenceException: unexpected error when rollbacking" exceptions?

What events cause "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException - Could not roll back JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: unexpected error when rollbacking" exceptions?
I got the same error with spring and Jpa.
The problem was with disconnection to Mysql database in case of timeout. I didn't use application during the night and in the morning I got the same error. When you inactive, spring do nothing and it get timeout.
To prevent it you can add into application.properties next lines:
spring.datasource.connection-test-query="SELECT 1"
Now it works fine.
Also additional info from Virtustilus blog can be useful.
If the transaction is a XA-Transaction (distributed) then one of the participants might have rejected the rollback.