Adding new views to a window / changing view - iphone

I asked a question on here last week and I have tried to follow examples but not having much joy,
So I am trying to create a app that will have a main window. In this window I want to be able to display 3 or 4 different views (not at the same time) which the user can select the view via a button press. I did not want to use a navigation bar if possible.
am I right in thinking that I will need
View1 .h &.m
View1controller .h &.m
and the same for the second etc
Now if the button to select view 2 is on view 1,
how do I change the view and where do I put this code?
Do I need a root-controller or am i getting confused with other ways of doing the same thing.
Thank you in advance for your help.

If you want to change between the views like in the iPod application, you can accomplish this with a UITabBarController. You would create all the view controllers, and add then to a root tabbarcontroller. The tabbarcontroller then serves to automatically switch between views for you when the button is selected.

If you have a view with a button on, and want to change the active view u can use this method from UIViewController of the active view:
- (void)presentModalViewController:(UIViewController *)modalViewController animated:(BOOL)animated;


ViewController for Second View - iOS 7

I'm a beginner to iOS development, so forgive me if this is really basic. It's probably answered somewhere, but I've looked for a long time, and I'm struggling.
I have a second View on my story board that I've successfully linked to the first view using a Navigation controller and stuff, and I'm able to navigate to it. I can also add actions/outlets from elements on my first view by Control-dragging to the .h file.
I have a label on my second view, and I want to be able to do the same: add actions and outlets from elements. But when I try Control-dragging, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?
Hmm, well first of all welcome to Stack Overflow! And thanks for asking the question.
Let me know if I have this right - you have two view controllers to the right (linked with segues) of a navigation controller and currently you can navigate to the second from the first using a button at the top right? Then when on the second view controller there's a nav button at the top left with a little arrow by it? And this should take you back to the first. Is that right?
Now on the second view controller you want to create a button that performs an action, but when you right-click-drag (ctrl-drag) onto a .h or .m file nothing happens?
If that's the case I've seen a few reasons for that. You might try:
You need to make a button, a label can only recieve actions, not create them. Read this article on IBOutlet vs IBAction
Restart Xcode (I know, it's lame, but humor me)
Make sure you're dragging (if on the .h file) between "#interface" and "#end"
Make sure you're dragging (if on the .m file) between "#implementation" and "#end"
Do you have a custom view controller class for your second view? If so, select the second view controller in your storyboard and go to the identity inspector. Set the custom class to your custom view controller's class name. Now you will be able to control-drag IBOutlets and IBActions.

Trying to change views after button is pressed

I'm trying to execute code when a button is pressed for an application but I can't find how to change the views after the code is executed. Is there a way to switch views how I want to or is there another way? Thank you in advanced, I'm very new to xcode.
edit: I'm trying to go from one view to another, not the view controller and yes I have one storyboard that I planned on using for the whole project if possible.
To execute code when a button is pressed, you have to set up a method that the button is hooked into. Because you said you're using storyboards, I'll assume your button is on the storyboard. Go to the assistant editor, hold ctrl, and click-and-drag from the button to the view controller's .m file (#implementation section). This will create an IBAction method, and any code in this method will execute whenever you press the button.
The method will look like this:
- (IBAction)aButtonPress:(id)sender {
According to your comments, you say you only want to change the on-screen view, and not transition from one view to the next.
Views are added and removed with the following methods:
[aSuperview addSubview:aSubview];
[aSubview removeFromSuperview];
I can't really tell you much else with a lot more detail from you... and even though I asked twice in the comments and you said you only want to change the view, not the view controller... I think you probably need to transition to a new view controller. Impossible to know for sure as you've given almost no detail...
But if you want to transition between view controllers (which also transitions views), then ...
Create two view controllers on the storyboard. Hook them together with a segue, and give that segue a name. Now, to perform that segue in code:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"YOUR_SEGUE_NAME" sender:self];

Objective - C How to manage multiple views with View Controller iphone

I am new in developing iOS apps. I am trying to develop a multiple views app. My doubt is how to manage a multiple views app with View Controller, I mean, I do not want to use Navigation Controller nor Tab Controller.
My idea is to show a first View to choose the language, and after this, I want to show some different profiles in a table view. When you choose the profile, you get into a menu where you have some different functionalities (Once in this menu, I might use Navigation Controller).
My problem is that I don't know how to manage these two first views. I don't know if I have to declare them in the appDelegate, or if I can do it nesting one to other, I mean, I do the first view, and when I pressed the button, I declare the new view. Once in the new view, when I pressed a row in the table view, I make the another view.
I know it is a little bit confusing, so I hope you could understand it quite well.
I want to clarify that I am not using storyboards. My main doubt is what to do with all de view controllers, Do I have to declare all of them in the appDelegate? or Can I declare each view in every controller?
If you are using storyboards, you can use Segue's to navigate between the views, so you would show your first view, then you could tie a button to the next view (by control dragging in storyboard). If you want to transition programmatically you can use the performSegueWithIdentifier method. You could use the same approach to get from your tableViewController to your next viewController by using the performSegueWithIdentifier method from within the tableViewController's didSelectRowAtIndexPath delegate method (i.e. when a user taps a cell).
That should get you started. Good luck!
You really should be using storyboards. It's the way to do things these days. If you refuse, then the best approach is to create a container view controller that manages your "children" view controllers. You can find information on doing this, as well as the methods needed to present/remove child view controllers here:
Custom Container View Controllers
You can use navigation controller with "hidden" property.
self.navController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
If you want to have two different views and transition between them, you will want to use UIViewControllers presented modally. Here is Apple's Guide to this.

Where to write in viewcontroller using UITabBar

I have 4 different viewcontroller and these are connect with 4 tabs in UITabBar. I have to write respected code in each viewcontroller but I noticed the code which is written in each viewcontroller is not loading. Where to write code in each viewcontroller when it is loaded after selecting tabs in uitabbar?
You need to create a view controller file for each view (simply right click on the left where the files are and do New File -> UiViewController).
After that, in the Storyboard, select the view, and in the properties, change from the default view controller to the custom one you have created (this is the third icon on the right panel, under "Custom Class"). The UITabBar should handle switching the views, and your code will make the views run uniquely :)

PullRefreshTableView editing

I have a PullRefreshTableView from leah( Problem with this, as soon as I implement this. The view is changed to a tableview by doing this:
#interface news : PullRefreshTableViewController {
So I can't add any toolbars or navigationcontrollers to the top. Does someone know how I can add a toolbar to the top of the screen in combination with the PullRefreshTableView.
You know when you have this standard UINavigation template when you create a new project with xcode? Gives you 3 ( right ? ) nib files, 1 with the window, 1 with the mainview / navigation controller and the other one contains the tableview.
Open the one with the tableview. Select the tab that looks like this:
It will allow you to change the class it creates when the nib file is loaded. Change it to the PullRefreshTableView and when you launch the application a PullRefreshTableView will be created instead of a normal table view.
You can hook this up as an Interface Builder outlet exactly the same way you would hook up a normal table view. Its a subclass so it should even be able to be connected to the normal tableviewcontroller that is included in the template.
If you have done this, you should still be able to add the toolbars like you did with a normal table view. Also, if you want to have a toolbar on your iphone screen it shouldn't be a subview of the Tableview, but a container view should contain both the toolbar and the tableview.